2014 Auction Catalog - 142 item(s) printable view
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Item0 Item Category Donors Item Name Picture Description Qty Left Est0 Est Val Min0 Min Price Date
T0095 T95 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Sara Parikh
Mystery Item Description to be provided, during Voice Auction. Stay tuned! 1 0 000150.0 150 .0002E7 20
T0094 T94 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Susan Siplon
Johnny's Gone Fishing Bag of goodies! Beautiful bag handmade in Ghana filled with a collection of our favorite local products - including a scarf that will help benefit the Mindo, Ecuador clinic, Chapel Hill Toffee, Chicken Bridge Granola, a sketchbook/notebook made by Anna Crawford, and a few other treats... 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
T0093 T93 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Jim & Joanna Worrell
Pressure-powered automatic hot/cold beverage dispenser Never-used Peacock 1.9Ltr thermos "Air Pot" 1 0 000055.0 55 .00005E7 5
T0092 T92 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Jim & Joanna Worrell
Cuisinart Citrus Juicer Fresh orange or grapefruit juice! Brand new electric juicer, with pulp control. 1 0 000029.99 29.99 .00005E7 5
  • Joann Haggerty
Tasty Thai Treats Join Joann Haggerty and Dorothy Hammett for a culinary tour of Thailand - sometimes spicy, always appetizing. We will take you from appetizer to dessert for a complete dinner experience and entertain with videos of the beautiful country. Sure to be an excellent evening. 16 0 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25 4/5/14 6:00 PM
F0007 F7 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Louise Williams
Lonesome Stone Artisan Baking Products Collection At the depth of the recession, in a depressed small town in Wisconsin, my brother and his wife started a remarkable new business: the Lonesome Stone Milling company. Using the fresh grains of neighboring farms, Gilbert and Judy now produce a variety of products that are accessed by Madison, Wisconsin-area bakeries and co-ops. Most are included in this sampler: Turkey Red Heritage Whole Wheat Flour; Organic Sifted Bread Flour; Organic Fresh Rolled Oats; Wheat and Rye Hot Cereal; Pancake Mix (buckwheat and plain); and Chocolate Cake Mix. For more about Lonesome Stone, see a recent episode of "Wisconsin Foodie" (Wisconsin Public Television): http://video.wpt.org/video/2365157470/. 1 0 000040.0 40 .00005E7 5
V-L0008 V-L8 Vacation & Lodging
  • S. A. M. Brooks
Get Away From It All SAM Brooks will tow her cute, cute, cute 14-foot camper to Jordan Lake, set it up, and return for it when your week at North Carolina's answer to Walden Pond is complete. The camper sleeps four. Conveniences include refrigerator, microwave, cookware, kitchen sink, bedding. You just pick the week and reserve the drive-thru spot. SAM will do the rest. If you have an appropriate vehicle and want to tow the trailer yourself to somewhere other than Jordan Lake, that can be arranged. 1 0 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
T0091 T91 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Paige Smith
Vera Bradley matching handbag and wallet - part 2
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Another matching handbag and wallet in the beautiful, discontinued Java Blue pattern. Excellent condition. 1 0 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
T0090 T90 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Teri Brooks
Pink handled travel coffee mug. "You will always be my friend, you know too much". 1 0 000006.0 6 .00003E7 3
T0089 T89 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Teri Brooks
Skin smoother and neem oil soap 10,000 Villages clay skin smoother and soap in Neem Orange 1 0 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
T0088 T88 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Teri Brooks
“And now," cried Max, "let the wild rumpus start!” New blank lined pages book - featuring a wild thing. 5in x 8in 1 0 000006.0 6 .00004E7 4
S0027 S27 Services
  • Community Church
Prestige Sunday Parking Space at CCCHUU Maybe YOU will enjoy the luxury of having a reserved parking space at the corner nearest the church, every Sunday morning for a whole year! No need for those long treks from the far end of the parking lot and back in all kinds of weather. 2 0 000050.0 50 .0005E7 50
S0026 S26 Services
  • Patrick Kelley
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs for Wellness and Health Would you like to enhance your wellness in general, work on stress reduction, or address specific conditions such as headaches, body aches and pains, insomnia, indigestion, or anxiety? Licensed acupuncturist and herbalist Pat Kelley, LAc, Dipl. OM, offers your choice of acupuncture treatment or herbal consultation. One hour session in his Chapel Hill office at Carolina Partners Wellness Center. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
T0087 T87 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Julie Worth & Mark Smith
Magic Tree House children's book set Your kids will love to read about the adventures of Jack and Annie, as they travel through time in the popular Magic Tree House series by Mary Pope Osborne. Set includes 27 paperbacks and 1 hard cover book. 1 0 000030.0 30 .0001E7 10
S0025 S25 Services
  • Bonnie & Mike Gilliom
Learn Google Docs & Google Drive Learn to set up and create Google's free cloud software - documents, spreadsheets & presentations. Collaborate with family, club or committee members. Access your docs from any computer, table or phone with via the internet. No more office packages to buy or update. Print your work or download it so you can save it or email it as an office file. Call Mike Gilliom to arrange your lesson. 1 0 000060.0 60 .0003E7 30
V-L0007 V-L7 Vacation & Lodging
  • Salle McDaniel
Comfy Urban Nest for Two in Midtown Minneapolis
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Bright and sunny condo, nicely furnished with beautiful linens and a fully appointed kitchen. One bedroom with queen bed, full bath. Great access for exploring via recreational trail system one block away, or light rail line five blocks away. Available for 4-7 days of your choice, subject to availability, either May-June or Sept-October. For more info and photos, go to www.vrbo.com/261440. 1 1 000700.0 700 .0035E7 350
F0006 F6 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Kathy Putnam
Delicious homemade pies 2 Delicious Cherry or Apple pies with flakey crust ready to serve to your family, friends, or special guests. Please allow sufficient notice to make an excellent result. 1 1 000030.0 30 .0001E7 10
T0086 T86 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Kathy Putnam
Inspirational print Poster 22" z 28" with quote beginning "I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge" and ending "I believe that love is stronger than death" by Robert Fulgum, UU minister. Black, red, and white poster is covered with glass and backed on poster board with brackets ready to hang in your bedroom, study, or favorite room. 1 0 000045.0 45 .0001E7 10
T0085 T85 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ruth & John Leopold
Tea Anyone?
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Charming tea set, Chinese pottery complete with bamboo tray. 1 0 000030.0 30 .0001E7 10
T0084 T84 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ruth & John Leopold
Untangle Those Necklaces
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Organize your jewelry with this wooden, velvet-lined, jewelry box. It has numerous compartments for storing earrings, bracelets, etc. 1 0 000060.0 60 .00015E7 15
T0083 T83 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ruth & John Leopold
Genuine Goose Decoy
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This handsome fellow would look splendid on your fireplace hearth or floating on a pond. From L.L. Bean. 1 0 000080.0 80 .0002E7 20
S0024 S24 Services
  • Jami Alexander
Parents' Date Night Professional nanny will provide 4 hours of childcare in your home (within 10 miles of Chapel Hill) on any mutually agreeable evening, even a Saturday. I'm a grandmother of 2 children in RE program, and special bUUddy of Jenny Warnasch's daughter - other references available by request. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
  • Susan Siplon
Siplons' Pool Party Splash it up! Good music, good food, good times! Come to the Siplons' for an evening of appetizers, desserts, drinks, tiki torches and singing around the pool. Great fun for all ages! Family-friendly deal: kids free with your winning bid for two tickets. 30 2 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15 9/7/14 4:00 PM
V-L0006 V-L6 Vacation & Lodging
  • Salle McDaniel
Week in Old Town Crested Butte, Colorado
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A cheery family house in the heart of this historic mining town. No need for rental car, just take shuttle from the airport. Easy walk to restaurants and shops, and just 10 minutes by free bus to the base of the mountain resort. With 2 bedrooms and a loft, sleeps six. Full kitchen, bathroom, washer/dryer. Pick any week in either June 2014 or January 2015, based on availability when you contact owner.
For photos and more info, go to www.vrbo.com/43917.
1 0 001200.0 1,200 .006E7 600
  • Selden Holt
Zombie Dinner Party Inspired by the animated conversation at one of last year's parties, a zombie themed multi-course dinner will be served at the Holt-Ling residence in Chapel Hill. No actual human flesh will be served. Zombie attire optional. 10 -1 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10 6/7/14 6:00 PM
S0022 S22 Services
  • Selden Holt
A night of babysitting CPR-certified babysitter Maura Holt-Ling (age 15) will care for your children for one mutually agreed-upon evening. 3 3 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
S0021 S21 Services
  • Joan Garnett & Eric Henry
I will spend 2 hours weeding your garden Garden Work
Skilled gardener Joan Garnett will weed or prune in your garden for two hours at a mutually agreeable time, between April 16 and June 16th. She uses traditional methods which do not include power tools. Under NO circumstances will she approach poison ivy.
Donor: Joan Garnett
1 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
  • Warshaw/Smith
Mad Hatter Game Night
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Jump down the “rabbit hole” for a fanciful evening of playing games – word, card, dice and domino. While tea may or may not be served, there will be a variety of drinks and plenty of food prepared by Chef Steph. Wear a smile and, if you so fancy, your maddest hat or animal nose. Stephanie Smith and Cecilia and Steve Warshaw will guide you on your way to fun and laughter for a toll of $20. The rabbit hole closes, at least for a few hours, behind the 28th adventurer!
(If any questions, call Warshaws at 383-3499.)
28 18 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 6/21/14 6:00 PM
T0082 T82 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Poetry by Lara Tucker Cottrell "Indicia" was published by Lara's family in 2012. It has a foreword by Kathryn Stripling Byer, Poet Laureate of North Carolina, and is personally inscribed by Lara's mother, Ellie Tucker. 2 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
T0081 T81 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Isla Negra 1973 Con Sus Amigos
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This colorful and fanciful print by Alberto Jerez has a beautiful bright blue frame. 1 0 000035.0 35 .00015E7 15
T0080 T80 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Artist rendition of a Mary Cassatt painting
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Original pastel drawing on paper, by Lanny Tucker, of the Cassatt painting entitled "Woman Arranging Her Veil." The drawing is 24" x 36" framed and signed "Mary Cassatt by LCT 2000." 1 0 000075.0 75 .00025E7 25
F0005 F5 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Joan & Bill Meade
Katherine Hepburn's brownies Yes, this is her recipe! These delicious, sinful chocolate brownies are the perfect treat for any occasion. Only 1/4 cup flour in a batch! Your choice of nuts or not. 16 to 24 brownies, depending on the size you desire. Available any time with 3 days notice. 1 0 000024.0 24 .00006E7 6
V-L0005 V-L5 Vacation & Lodging
  • Kari and Art Andrade
Ocean Front Condo in North Myrtle Beach, SC
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Stay at Bay Watch Resort for one week September through May in our ocean front condo. Sleeps up to six: a King bed in the bedroom and a full Murphy and sleeper sofa in the living room. Enjoy 17 indoor and outdoor lazy rivers, pools and hot tubs plus many other on site amenities. Bring your own linens and clean the unit upon departure or there will be additional costs. See the unit here: http://www.northmyrtlebeachtravel.com/vacation-rentals/UNIT/BAYWATCH-2/BAY-WATCH-2-1718 1 0 000650.0 650 .002E7 200
S0020 S20 Services
  • David Klibanow & Donna Washington-Klibanow
Stories for All Ages! Once again, let award-winning story teller Donna Washington take you away to the land of your imagination. You can go anywhere without leaving the safety and comfort of your chair. Donna will deliver a show to the audience of your choice: your child's school, a family reunion, a grown-ups' party, you name it. One forty-five minute story-telling set to be arranged with Dave Klibanow. 1 0 000300.0 300 .0015E7 150
T0079 T79 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Wim Coleman & Pat Perrin
Morning Glories
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A computer drawing by Pat Perrin, matted and framed,11 3/4 x 12 3/4 in. overall. Only one copy was printed. Pat has won awards from MacWorld magazine for computer art. 1 1 000025.0 25 .00005E7 5
T0078 T78 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Dan & Ellen Hill
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By well-known Orange County potter Ellen Hill, this lovely blue glazed bowl with tan accents is food friendly, and oven and dishwasher safe. 1 0 000038.0 38 .00025E7 25
T0077 T77 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Terry & Jill Baker
Lenox Table Lamp
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White Lenox china table lamp on a wood base, 28 inches tall. Lamp is in good condition, but you might opt for a new shade. A special piece for traditional décor. 1 1 000125.0 125 .0004E7 40
F0004 F4 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Kim & Steve McNeary
A Life of Pie
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Well, OK, a year of pie. Live the sweet life as Kim McNeary bakes you 9" strawberry-rhubarb, blueberry, peach and apple pie in season, as well as any 8 other varieties of your choosing for twelve months and delivers them to you regularly at church (or at home for a special occasion). Entertain without effort! 1 0 000240.0 240 .0012E7 120
S0019 S19 Services
  • Linda Shipman
Party Helpers Rebecca Young-Marquardt and Linda Shipman will ensure your party is a success. Allow two friendly and competent women to help with set-up, serving and clean-up. You provide the location, food and guests, and we will do the work, so that you are able to enjoy your own event. We will arrive at your doorstep clad in aprons or black and white attire ~ your choice. 4 hours of work - Date to be determined with buyer. 1 -1 000160.0 160 .00075E7 75
S0018 S18 Services
  • Jenny Warnasch
Acupuncture Treatment Enjoy a relaxing acupuncture session in Jenny Warnasch's home office--just north of downtown Chapel Hill, off Umstead Road. (Appointment can be scheduled evenings or weekends, at your convenience.) 1 0 000060.0 60 .0003E7 30
T0076 T76 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Teri Brooks
Cute barrettes
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Handmade clay barrettes. 1 0 000004.0 4 .00002E7 2
T0075 T75 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Teri Brooks
Built NY Chomp Lunch Bag
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Optical illusion lunch bag. Stylish, keeps food cold, waterproof and lightweight. 1 0 000017.0 17 .00009E7 9
T0074 T74 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Teri Brooks
Vera Bradley Paisley Meets Plaid Kisslock Wallet
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New Vera Bradley Kisslock wallet. Matching purse also available. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
T0073 T73 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Teri Brooks
Vera Bradley Paisley Meets Plaid Purse
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New Vera Bradley small purse. For the tween in your life. 1 0 000025.0 25 .00012E7 12
S0017 S17 Services
  • Gary Giles
Design Consultation Consult with architect Gary Giles, to enhance your physical environment at work or at home, indoors or out. Contact Elsbeth van Tongren for a reference. And feel free to call Gary before the auction for more details. Gary has over 40 years of experience with all phases of construction and renovation. 3 1 000050.0 50 .00035E7 35
S0016 S16 Services
  • Susan McDaniel & Pat Smith
Lower Your Flush! Professional plumber Susan McDaniel will replace one toilet with a high-efficiency toilet (1.28 gallons per flush or less). These toilets are not only highly efficient but also have superior performance. This service includes delivery, installation labor, and removal of the old toilet, but not the cost of the new toilet itself, materials or remedial work, if needed. 5 1 000250.0 250 .001E7 100
T0072 T72 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Mary & Jay Collins
Black and Dazzling
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Hand knit shawl in black with a delightful sprinkling of sequins, 60" x 12", large decorative button to secure, a wonderful accent for any attire for a night on the town. 1 0 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25
T0071 T71 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Mary & Jay Collins
Pretty in pink as always
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Hand knit shawl in lovely shade of pink and lighter pink with a glitter strand, decorative large pink button to secure, a luxurious 60" long, shaped to drape beautifully on your shoulders, 15" at the widest point, tapered at the ends. 1 0 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25
T0070 T70 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Mary & Jay Collins
Purple passion
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Hand knit shawl in glorious shades of purple, including a strand with glitter, so soft and elegant, 60" long with tapered ends, 20" wide in the center, you know that it will make you look great. 1 0 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25
T0069 T69 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Mary & Jay Collins
Orchid and white cotton creation
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Hand knit shawl in a cozy orchid and white cotton yarn, large button to secure, 70" long, 14" at the widest, tapered ends, perfect to keep the chill away any evening. 1 0 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25
S0015 S15 Services
  • Martha Jordan
"Let's Make a Quilt" I am available to teach, assist, and facilitate the making or progress toward completion of a quilt or other fiber arts project. Date and time will be mutually agreed upon. 3 1 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
T0065 T65 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Jay Miller
Samick SGA-20 guitar amp
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This is a small guitar amp - I haven't used it - technically used but I haven't plugged it in - very good shape 1 0 000070.0 70 .0002E7 20
S0014 S14 Services
  • Julie Worth & Mark Smith
Save your precious photos or slides to SD card, DVD, or other digital media We can create a digital copy of your treasured photos or slides, each bid can include up to 40 photos of up to 5" x 7". We digitize them and put them onto a digital SD card or other digital media you provide (such as a USB card). We can also post them to a private Dropbox space if you prefer to have "online" copies. 4 0 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
S0013 S13 Services
  • Julie Worth & Mark Smith
Your precious videotape home movies moved to DVD or other media We can digitize your videotape and put it onto DVD (we provide) or digital media such as USB key or SD card that you provide.

Each auction item selected is worth one video tape of up to 60 minutes of video transferred. If you have film movies and a projector we can move those too!

4 0 000025.0 25 .00005E7 5
T0063 T63 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Fortified Flannel Doll House and Accessories Indescribable and adorable. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
T0062 T62 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Pottery Serving Set
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Muted shades and graceful shapes characterize these pieces by NC potter. Plate is 10" diameter. Matching bowl with two handles is 8" diameter and 4" high. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
T0061 T61 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Pink and Blue House
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Watercolor print by artist Mouche, from marketplace in St. Maarten. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
T0060 T60 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Yellow and Blue House
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Watercolor print by artist Mouche, from marketplace in St. Maarten. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
T0059 T59 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Amazing Bird Shirt from Singapore
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A colorful souvenir from the Singapore Bird Park, never worn, men's size XL. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
T0058 T58 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Coming Up Roses
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Soft cotton knit cardigan, black with dark red rose design, Isaac Mizrahi label. Gift from friend who thinks I'm tiny! Ladies size XXS, never worn. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00015E7 15
T0057 T57 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Men's cashmere scarf
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Luxurious, soft scarf in a manly plaid, from Joseph A. Banks 1 0 000075.0 75 .00025E7 25
T0056 T56 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Mancala Game from Ghana
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This is an authentic version of the popular West African game, bought in Ghana about 4 years ago. Interesting carved, hinged wooden box has 12 compartments and 36 dried beans. 1 0 000040.0 40 .00015E7 15
T0055 T55 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Mahjong in a Box
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A new and unopened set of mahjong tiles etc nests inside this antique-looking wooden box with oriental ornamentation. 1 0 000045.0 45 .00025E7 25
T0054 T54 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Sleek Penguin
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Hand-carved and polished wooden sculpture, 7" high. 1 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
T0053 T53 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
The Red Queen This new novel by Phillipa Gregory is brand new, never been read. 1 0 000016.0 16 .0001E7 10
T0052 T52 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Rumi Brand new book, never opened. 1 0 000018.0 18 .0001E7 10
T0051 T51 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Angels and Fairies Charmingly illustrated book. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00007E7 7
T0050 T50 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Heinrich Kley Art book 1 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
T0049 T49 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Contemporary American Painting Art book, in well used condition. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
T0048 T48 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Frida Kahlo Art book 1 0 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15
T0047 T47 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Edvard Munch Art book 1 0 000030.0 30 .00015E7 15
T0046 T46 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Dali Very heavy and handsome art book, in excellent condition. 1 0 000075.0 75 .00025E7 25
T0045 T45 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Pen and Ink Design
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Original drawing by Lanny Tucker, of a Buddha-like figure and ornamentation. It is in an inexpensive frame, and one corner of the glass is broken, so needs reframing. 1 0 000125.0 125 .0006E7 60
  • Susan Hafer
The Chalice
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Original oil painting of The Chalice by local artist John Ciarrocchi (this is a reference photo; the original oil painting is in progress). 1 1 000100.0 100 .00075E7 75
T0043 T43 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Fishpond and Ferns
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Original watercolor painting, signed and framed, by Lanny Tucker. 1 0 000125.0 125 .0006E7 60
T0042 T42 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Spring Waves Salter Path
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Original watercolor, signed, by Lanny Tucker. In handsome gilded frame, this painting depicts beach scene on NC coast. 1 1 000175.0 175 .001E7 100
T0041 T41 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Sunning on Flat Rock
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Original watercolor, signed and framed, by Lanny Tucker. The scene is near Grandfather Mountain in western North Carolina. 1 1 000175.0 175 .00075E7 75
T0040 T40 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ellie Tucker
Winter Sunset Indian Beach
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Original watercolor, framed and signed, by Lanny Tucker. Within the frame, the art has slipped down and needs to be repositioned. 1 0 000175.0 175 .00075E7 75
T0039 T39 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Gary Giles
Cedar Bone II
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This natural sculpture is from the remains of the heart wood core of an old cedar trunk that was laid to rest on the woodland floor of the Big Rock Memorial Grounds. The age of this particular cedar is unknown but was probably cut down and deposited in that area when the first structure, the Jones Building (the first Sanctuary of the Community Church of Chapel Hill), was erected in the late 1950's. This artifact serves as a visual reminder of other beautiful bones and ashes scattered in the Memorial Rock Grounds. Proceeds from this item will benefit the Memorial Rock Fund. 1 1 000250.0 250 .002E7 200
T0038 T38 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Gary Giles
Cedar Bone I
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This natural sculpture is from the remains of the heart wood core of an old cedar trunk that was laid to rest on the woodland floor of the Big Rock Memorial Grounds. The age of this particular cedar is unknown but was probably cut down and deposited in that area when the first structure, the Jones Building (the first Sanctuary of the Community Church of Chapel Hill), was erected in the late 1950's. This artifact serves as a visual reminder of other beautiful bones and ashes scattered in the Memorial Rock Grounds. Proceeds from this item will benefit the Memorial Rock Fund. 1 1 000250.0 250 .002E7 200
T0037 T37 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Tom Alexander
Wild Flowers
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Original painting by local artist, Tom Alexander. Lovely 11 x 14 inch acrylic on canvas. 1 0 000075.0 75 .0005E7 50
T0036 T36 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Russian candlestick This tiny candlestick is decorated with handpainted strawberries, in traditional Russian style. 1 0 000010.0 10 .00003E7 3
T0035 T35 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Trio of snow globes from Eastern Europe Snow globes depict Peles Castle, in Sinaia, Romania, the Fisherman's Bastion, Budapest, Hungary, and the Clock Tower in Prague, Czech Republic. 1 0 000030.0 30 .00005E7 5
T0034 T34 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Pressed wildflowers window ornament Wildflowers pressed betwen glass, with a silver-colored frame and loop for hanging, complementary to Victorian decor. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00003E7 3
T0033 T33 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Hand thrown vase The vase has a mottled beige body with blue glazed neck and a small opening, suitable for a twig or stem of grass. 1 0 000008.0 8 .00003E7 3
T0032 T32 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Lithograph "Serpent Slayer" by Dianne Hughes This 7 x12 'ink print on rice paper depicts a sturdy and radiant woman holding the head of a snake. The shadowy form of a goddess can be seen over her shoulder. It is an unframed, signed Artist Proof 1 0 000001.0 1 .00005E7 5
T0031 T31 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Ruth & James Gibson
26" flat screen TV and DVD player
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The 26" Dynex LCD flat screen TV with built-in DVD player has been lightly used for a few months. In addition to watching tv or DVD's on it, you may also use it as a large computer monitor. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
  • Bill Poteat
Spring Fête Garden Party
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Gail and Bill’s garden in the Cameron-McCauley historic district will be the site of a joyous spring gathering for celebratory fun and refreshments, co-hosted by Katie and Matt Heineman. Whether you will have just spent the day doing your own yardwork, or been cooped up somewhere, you’ll enjoy this occasion to relax and chat and stroll about the garden, with string music wafting in the background, lingering for good munchies and wine or tea. In case of rain, we’ll postpone to the next day, Sunday, May 18. 50 20 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 5/17/14 4:00 PM
T0030 T30 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Linda Passman
Original Oil Painting
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If you have seen Linda's work exhibited in the Sanctuary, on the OCAG studio tour, or elsewhere, you will recognize her distinctive style. Her colorful, expressive paintings are visual explorations of places she has explored and the physical and spiritual movement she feels interacting with those places. Her love of architecture, of nature as a driving force and of the figure serve as inspiration for the subject matter of her paintings. This 16" x 20" oil on canvas is an abstraction of an interior space revealing overlapping planes of light in warm tones. 1 1 000675.0 675 .00275E7 275
S0011 S11 Services
  • Tublu Chatterjee
Mini Med School Would you like to know more about a medical issue affecting you or someone you love? I am a physician trained in internal medicine, with 25 years of experience. I can spend an hour with you and explain the underlying biologic processes of a given medical condition (called "pathophysiology"). A session such as this is limited by legal constraints to medical education - it is not a medical consultation or a second opinion, and no medical advice will be given. 1 0 000075.0 75 .0003E7 30
  • Tublu Chatterjee
Cooking Indian Food Please come to my house near the campus in Chapel Hill, where we will prepare a home-cooked typical Indian meal together (those who prefer may just watch). We will then enjoy eating together in typical Indian style. This will be an experience much different from what you encounter in restaurants! 6 0 000035.0 35 .00025E7 25 6/28/14 6:00 PM
  • Paige Smith
Rise up singing and playing together This exciting and popular evening is for all who enjoy singing or playing in community! Please join Paige and Jason Smith, Scott and Jane Provan, and Terry Baker at the Smith's Chapel Hill home for a dinner that includes Allen and Son BBQ, macaroni & cheese, and desserts. After dinner we'll gather around for a community sing and play-along. Bring your appetites, your voices, your instruments, and your favorite songs. We encourage all to bring music to share and take the lead on playing or singing as you feel comfortable. We will have many copies of the song book Rise Up Singing. 16 1 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15 11/1/14 6:30 PM
S0010 S10 Services
  • Terry & Jill Baker
Basket of Your Choice Take a look at pictures of baskets that Jill Baker has made in the past. Then think about a basket that you need or would like to give as a gift. Jill will work with you to come up with a basket that you would like her to make, using your colors and ideas. 1 0 000080.0 80 .0004E7 40
S0009 S9 Services
  • Terry & Jill Baker
TLC for your piano Piano tuning by Terry Baker (tuner to the stars, Mehrbach, Socolar, Moss) AND for the adventurous among you, a ride in the PianoCare SMART car. 1 -1 000100.0 100 .0009E7 90
T0029 T29 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Elsbeth van Tongeren
Socks (size 71/2-81/2) Wanted to show other people how "green" you are? Just hold up your feet! Your environmental friends will applaud you!
Machine wash (cold). Noro wool yarn.
1 0 000025.0 25 .0002E7 20
T0028 T28 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Elsbeth van Tongeren
Shawl This is style! It will go with you to any fashionable event, and keep the drafts out as well. Not your "old-lady wrap" but a statement of taste. 1 1 000045.0 45 .00035E7 35
T0027 T27 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Elsbeth van Tongeren
Cowl Why be drab in winter time? This cowl goes with all wintry colors and will get you noticed!
Classic Elite "Liberty" wool. Handwash
1 0 000030.0 30 .00025E7 25
T0026 T26 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Paige Smith
Vera Bradley matching handbag and wallet - part 1
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We are offering a handbag and wallet in the beautiful, discontinued Java Blue pattern. Excellent condition. 1 0 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
T0025 T25 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Paige Smith
Skull and mohaws never looked so warm and stylish! This unique hat, made by Nirvanna Designs Inc., was handmade with love and respect from the natural resources of the Himalaya. This rural craft, which is brand new, helped to support men and women of Nepal. Nirvanna Designs incorporate centuries old techniques that give their handmade accessories a feeling of authenticity, originality and soul. The design team lives part-time to full time in Asia and is influenced by both the mountains of the Himalayas and the beautiful beaches of Indonesia and Thailand. They believe that by helping the local population, using natural resources, and giving the local people work (especially women) they are creating a circle of Karma. Their garments and accessories have been featured and shown in New York Magazine, The New York Post, Modern Bride, Lucky Magazine, Bazaar, and more. All our products are made with love and respect to the environment and to the people of Asia. 1 0 000045.0 45 .00015E7 15
T0023 T23 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Paige Smith
Popcorn fast and easy
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This new Orville Redenbacher hot air popper makes up to 18 cups minutes, pops without oil and is easy to clear. And for those that like their popcorn with butter, there is a butter melter that also doubles as a handy measuring cup. New never out of the box. Also take home two matching popcorn salt shakers. 1 0 000030.0 30 .0001E7 10
T0022 T22 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Paige Smith
Babycakes for budding chefs
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With the Babycakes cupcake maker, you’ll enjoy the delights of the corner bakery in your own kitchen. Bake 8 cupcakes in about 5 minutes. The non-stick coating and and easy-to-fill cooking reservoirs make baking cupcakes, pies, tartlets and appetizers fun and easy. The cupcake maker features 1400 watts of cooking power, power and ready lights, convenient cord wrap and latching handle. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
T0021 T21 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Paige Smith
Don't wine -- Houdini is here!
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Treat your wine well with these new Houdini wine tools: (1) Chill your bottles faster and longer with the insulated neoprene cooler; (2) Open your bottles with the foil cutter with extra spiral; and (3) preserve the remains with the vacuum pump with two stoppers. Wine on! 1 0 000060.0 60 .0002E7 20
T0020 T20 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Paige Smith
Soup, Beautiful Soup
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Spruce up your soup with this lovely soup tureen with lid and ladle. And that's not all! Scoop your soup into these four matching bowls, also with lids. These porcelain bowls can also be used for baking individual bowls of french onion soup. The nice brown and neutral color palate works well with most decor. 1 0 000040.0 40 .00015E7 15
T0019 T19 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Marni Goldshlag & Trey Kennedy
beautiful, hand-dyed silk scarf
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Gorgeous, purple and gray, hand dyed silk scarf. 1 0 000065.0 65 .0004E7 40
T0018 T18 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Marni Goldshlag & Trey Kennedy
Beautiful, hand-dyed and printed silk scarf
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Silk scarf, dyed turquoise and some purple, with purple printing. 1 0 000065.0 65 .0004E7 40
T0017 T17 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Frankie Price-Stern
Six flower vase dining place card holders
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Delicate glass and simple design will add fun and elegance to your table. Elegance and beauty to enhance your special meals. I have enjoyed them and now I pass them on to you to enjoy. Show your friends you care and avoid the awkwardness of "who sits where?"
1 0 000048.0 48 .00015E7 15
T0016 T16 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Julie & Bill Waltrip
Southwestern Print
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Title of picture: Blue Motif by W. B. Franklin - Navajo Artist
Professionally framed and matted.
1 0 000150.0 150 .0004E7 40
F0003 F3 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Sindy Barker
Three hors d'oeuvres for the freezer Three hors d'oeuvres for either a few guests or a quiet night at home with a fine glass of wine. All will come frozen and you will just need to bake (instructions included) Cheese olive balls, mini feta and artichoke tarts, crabmeat spread for stuffing in mushrooms (not included)or on crackers. Each recipe makes approximately 40 olive balls and tarts and a cup+ of crabmeat spread which usually fills a dozen large mushrooms (or many crackers. You may take each variety individually or all at once. One week notice required for delivery. 1 0 000030.0 30 .00015E7 15
T0014 T14 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Wim Coleman & Pat Perrin
Red Monocle series
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Set of two novels for pre-teens by Wim Coleman and Pat Perrin, autographed. Adventures in the King Arthur legends. See www.chironbooks.com. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
T0013 T13 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Wim Coleman & Pat Perrin
Juggler in the Wind
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A young adult adventure with a completely new take on the Greek Olympian gods. Fantasy novel for teens and up by Wim Coleman and Pat Perrin, autographed. See www.chironbooks.com. 1 0 000008.0 8 .00005E7 5
T0012 T12 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Wim Coleman & Pat Perrin
Anna’s World
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Award-winning historical novel by Wim Coleman and Pat Perrin, for ages 12-up and loved by many adults, autographed. 1840s America; a young girl among the Shakers and in Boston. See www.chironbooks.com. 1 0 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
T0011 T11 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Wim Coleman & Pat Perrin
Mayan Interface
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Metaphysical thriller by Wim Coleman and Pat Perrin, autographed. Mysticism, technology, archaeology, authentic Mayan history, consciousness change, and transformation. See www.madeirapress.com/Mayan_Interface 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
T0010 T10 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Wim Coleman & Pat Perrin
The Jamais Vu Papers; or Misadventures in the Words of Science, Myth, and Magic
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Innovative novel by Wim Coleman and Pat Perrin, published by Harmony Books/Crown, 1991. Autographed first edition. For the list of real-world thinkers who participated in a metafictional universe, see http://www.playsonideas.com/book_Jamais_Vu_Papers.html 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
T0009 T9 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Wim Coleman & Pat Perrin
Terminal Games
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Thriller by Wim Coleman and Pat Perrin, written about virtual relationships before there was an Internet. Published by Bantam, 1994, as by Cole Perriman. Autographed hardcover, first edition. See http://www.madeirapress.com/TerminalGames.html 1 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
T0008 T8 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Tyler Johnson
Tales from the Red Book of Tunes
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Folklorist Jiri Hansom Felding is caught in a web of jigs and reels as she tries to untangle the secrets of the melodies set down in the ancient Red Book of Tunes. The complicated politics of a modern contra dance, the hopes of the elephant seller’s daughter, and the dangerous myth of the Bramble Hive are all stones in a river of music and dance connecting the players across time and distance.

This autographed book by Community Church member and author Tyler Johnson is sure to entertain you, and make you think about the value of community.

1 0 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15
  • Julie & Bill Waltrip
Chili Night!
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Offering a meat and vegetarian chili, occompanied by rice, cornbread and salad. Then a yummy dessert! Of course it will all be washed down with your choice of beer or wine! 6 1 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10 3/15/14 6:00 PM
  • Julie & Bill Waltrip
Please Join Me For Tea!
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Join me for tea just like they would have served at Downton Abbey. You will have a choice of tea, finger sandwiches and some other savoury goodies. Some deliciously sweet treats and of course it would not be complete without a scone with jam and cornish cream. 9 3 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10 4/12/14 3:00 PM
S0008 S8 Services
  • Frankie Price-Stern
Where Do You Come From? There are so many wonderful stories out there for those who take the time to trace their family trees. I will meet with you for a private half-day session using my worldwide subscription to Ancestry.com. For a later additional donation of $30, I'll follow up with a two-hour consultation if you want a boost to starting up on your own Ancestry subscription.
NOTE TO ANYONE WHO IS INTERESTED: I have recently helped someone find a long-missing family member. If you need this type of help, I offer it as my gift. Call me at 919-945-0886.
5 2 000250.0 250 .0003E7 30
F0002 F2 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Frankie Price-Stern
Frankie's Famous French Apple Tarts with Calvados When she was giving a concert at our church, Janis Ian said this was the most amazing dessert she had ever tasted! Now YOU can order yours (about 10 portions). No competition here; just sign up at $25 for each order. 7 days notice is required when the pastry chef is in town. Frankie is traveling a lot this year -- so BEST TO PLAN AHEAD. 10 5 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25
  • Marilyn Alexander
Mayan Dinner
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A wonderfully flavorful and unique dinner based on the cookbook, "The Painted Fish and Other Mayan Feasts". The menu will include many local Mayan dishes such as crab filled potato cakes, chicken in orange sauce and coconut rice with black beans. The author, Sonja Lillvik, who divides her time between the Yucatan and Carrboro, will be our special guest at the dinner, sharing her personal stories and experiences founding the Cuzan Guest House, an eco and fly fishing lodge in Felipe Carrillo, Puerto Quintana Roo. www.thepaintedfish.com. 6 -2 000030.0 30 .00025E7 25 3/22/14 6:30 PM
  • Cathy Cole & Steve Garfinkel
Bluegrass Battleship Starlight Cruise and Buffet The Bluegrass Battleship (our own Terry Baker, Danny Gotham, Catherine Grodensky, and Jane and Scott Provan, along with Marc Alperin) will be docking at Cathy Cole and Steve Garfinkel’s house for an evening of good food for all appetites (vegan, vegetarian, omnivore) followed by “front porch music” under the stars. In case of rain, we’ll “let the good times roll” in the Jones Building. 40 2 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 5/10/14 6:00 PM
  • Ivy Brezina and Linda Thompson
Autumn Soiree with Luminescence Join us on an autumn evening while you sample various wines, hors d’oeuvres, desserts and teas and are serenaded by the trio, Luminescence. Linda Thompson, Marya Ilgen-Lieth and Ivy Brezina will entertain you with their close harmonies. This musical event will be hosted at the home of Ivy Brezina and Laurence Kirsch. 18 2 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20 10/18/14 7:30 PM
S0007 S7 Services
  • Liz Scott
The North Carolina Museum of Art – Have it YOUR WAY! Experienced NCMA docent Liz Scott will conduct an hour-long tour developed especially for you (and up to 10 friends if you wish) on a mutually-agreeable date and time. Some ideas you might consider: A Crash Course on the History of Art from 5000 BCE to the Present; An Introduction to the Art Museum for Children; The Rodin Collection; The Works of Well-Known Artists, e.g. Monet, Rubens, O’Keefe, etc. Or you can request a tour totally based on your own personal interests. This offering will provide you with a fun, interesting, and even life-changing experience. It will impact the way you think about and look at art. It might even inspire you to create artwork of your own! 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
S0006 S6 Services
  • Gail McKinley
Garden Guru
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Gail's favorite idea guru at Southern States Garden Center, Linda Bell, will give you a free hour of her consulting time, in your garden. Want some ideas for a fresh look, or some professional advice on how to make the most of your garden space? Linda is friendly and knowledgeable, and will be happy to tour your garden (within 20 miles of Chapel Hill/Carrboro) and suggest some options you might not otherwise have considered. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
S0005 S5 Services
  • Marion Hirsch
Airport Shuttle Service Marion Hirsch will drive you to and from the RDU airport in her shiny silver van that holds up to 6 people, plus all your luggage. She doesn't mind early mornings or late nights or flight delays. She's flexible and on-time. She understands your need for a calm start to your trip and a no-hassle return. Service with a smile! 1 -1 000060.0 60 .00045E7 45
F0001 F1 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Marilyn Alexander
Four weekly orders of home made soup Choose from two delicious selections of home made soup from my soup business each week. Always one vegetarian selection. Serves four. Includes four muffins with each order. You will receive an email each week with choices. Available for pick up every Wednesday in Carrboro, between 3:00 pm & 6:00 pm. Available February 19 - March 26.
For recommendations, check with Melva Okun :-)
1 0 000060.0 60 .0005E7 50
T0007 T7 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Stephen Kegg
Customized, Hand-quilted Handbag
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You may choose the colors or even the fabric, and Cheryl will create a quilted handbag just for you. It will be charming and useful, either a medium-sized tote, like the example provided, or a smaller style with a flap and decorative closing if you prefer. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00035E7 35
S0004 S4 Services
  • Jim & Marta Magaw
60-minute therapeutic massage Enjoy a 60-minute therapeutic hot-stone massage by Marta Magaw, a licensed therapist with 15 years experience. Marta specializes in neck, shoulder and back pain and is also certified in prenatal massage. She will tailor the massage to your needs and preferences. NOTE: Appointment times are available between 9:30am and 3:00pm, Monday to Friday. Must be used by August 1, 2014. See www.chapelhillmassage.com. 2 0 000080.0 80 .0006E7 60
S0003 S3 Services
  • Gary Kowalski
Commissioned Portrait of Somebody Special In Your Life
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Award winning Vermont artist (and our Interim Minister) Gary Kowalski will create an original portrait of you, a favorite pet, or other family member. The portrait may be done from life or photographs. This pastel artwork will be a heirloom you and your family can cherish. Winner will contact the artist directly to arrange suitable dates - the work will have to be completed by June, 2014. 1 0 000300.0 300 .001E7 100
V-L0004 V-L4 Vacation & Lodging
  • David Lee
Deep-Sea Sailing and Fishing and Diving in the Caribbean
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One full week on the 43-foot catamaran "Expectations" for up to four persons, sailing with Captain David Lee among the islands off the coast of Belize/Guatemala/Honduras. Featured possibilities include deep-sea fishing and diving, underwater photography, and small-boat explorations along the way. Winner will contact the Captain directly to arrange dates and itinerary. Transportation to and from the selected port, and the cost of provisions, are not included in the bid price. For lots more information and photos, visit www.EXPECTATIONS43.com. 1 1 005000.0 5,000 .024E7 2,400
T0006 T6 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Carol & Gwil Owen
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Original, signed oil painting on canvas of a beach at sunset, viewed from the water. 18” x 24” 1 1 000150.0 150 .0002E7 20
S0012 S12 Services
  • Becky Waibel
Custom Quilt The Community Church qUUilters will make a custom quilt to your specifications of color and size. 1 0 000100.0 100 .00075E7 75
T0004 T4 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Jill Baker
Mardi Gras Fun Basket
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Woven in the colors of Mardi Gras and a festive pattern, this basket is 11" X 11" X 5" tall. It is both useful and decorative...the perfect place to throw down your mail when you come into your house. 1 0 000080.0 80 .0004E7 40
V-L0003 V-L3 Vacation & Lodging
  • Sue Anderson
Fabulous Spring Vacation in Puerto Vallarta!
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This one-bedroom beachfront condo on Los Muertos Beach in Puerto Vallarta, on the west coast of Mexico, sleeps up to 4. The resort has a beach club with a restaurant, lounges, chairs, towels, palapas and umbrellas. Enjoy relaxing on the beach, walking to lots of really good restaurants and local craft shops, and access to incredible day-trip eco-adventures such as jungle ziplines and cavern snorkeling. Available for one week any time between March 27 and April 24 (which is when all the public schools in our four-county area have their spring break), to be arranged directly with the Andersons. 1 0 000700.0 700 .0035E7 350
S0002 S2 Services
  • Kate Shipman
Personal Parody Top bidder would provide Kate with info about the topic/reason for the parody and a preferred music genre, and then Kate would write the lyrics and perform the song at a mutually agreed upon time and venue. The winner would also receive an accompanied recording of Kate singing the parody. (Accompaniment graciously provided by C3HU2's own Glenn Mehrbach.) 1 0 000050.0 50 .00005E7 5
  • Elizabeth Doggett
Learn how to make Southern biscuits and sawmill gravy! Are you new to the South or maybe just never mastered the art of buttermilk biscuits? You should try my Ashe County great-grandmother's method. They're the best you'll ever taste! At your home or my house on Durham, I will cover all the groceries and supplies for breakfast for 4-6 and share all the secrets to perfect biscuits.

First, you'll each practice making biscuits from a recipe you'll learn by heart. While the biscuits bake, I'll cook up some free-range eggs, pasture raised bacon or sausage, and spiced apples while you visit with your friends or family. If you're interested, I'll also teach you how to make sawmill gravy.

1 0 000075.0 75 .0003E7 30
T0003 T3 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Joyce Allen
The Threads of Earth, Joyce Allen. Wolf's Pond Press 2014 2nd book of the Threads Trilogy, by church member Joyce Allen. Cover painting by Anna Crawford, also a church member. Autographed copy.
Jane plans to spend the summer learning her destined role as One of the Four. She doesn't guess that a new menace will appear in the form of a vengeful Titan goddess, a god who crosses boundaries and can’t be trusted, and a threat from the past that could put all Earth at risk—and possibly more than Earth. Her sisters of the Four work with her; so does her hacker friend Jinx and the resourceful god who is her grandmother’s new boyfriend, but their help can go only so far. Because of a bond she did not ask for and does not want, this is a fight Jane must finally fight alone.
1 0 000012.0 12 .00011E7 11
T0002 T2 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Joyce Allen
Hannah's House, a novel by Joyce Allen. Wolf's Pond Press, 2008
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Autographed copy of a novel by Joyce Allen.
When she buys her featureless new subdivision house, Iris Layton is determined to break with the past, any past. Another past comes into her life, however, when she discovers local legends about Hannah Davis, the witch-ghost said to haunt the land on which she now lives. Iris doesn’t buy the stories, but she does find Hannah haunting her in another way as she faces a threat that has nothing to do with ghosts. In her own time Hannah is haunted by past, present and future after a dying girl is left at her door and she knows her own life is at risk.
1 0 000015.0 15 .00013E7 13
T0001 T1 Treasures - DON'T USE AFTER 2016! NEW CATEGORIES!
  • Joyce Allen
Those Who Hold the Threads, by Joyce Allen. Wolf's Pond Press 2012
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An autographed copy of a young adult fantasy novel for middle school/junior high to age 99, by Joyce Allen, Community Church member. Cover painting by Anna Crawford, also a Community Church member. Some unforgotten myths collide with the computer age. As she turns fourteen, Jane Smith learns what has been kept from her since she was born: she is destined for something different, more ancient, and much stranger than the ordinary twenty-first century life she has expected. And when she meets the boy who calls himself Adam Night, she guesses there may also be mortal danger. 1 0 000012.0 12 .00011E7 11
V-L0002 V-L2 Vacation & Lodging
  • David & Nancy Lederer
Beaufort, NC Condo
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One week in two-bedroom, two-bath condo on first floor of historic building on Front Street. Front porch overlooks the harbor. Walk to shops and restaurants. Sleeps 6. No time restriction, but call in advance to reserve. Please add cleaning fee of $90. 1 0 000800.0 800 .005E7 500
V-L0001 V-L1 Vacation & Lodging
  • Allen & Susan Spalt
Wrightsville Getaway
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Enjoy a long weekend at the Spalts' house at Wrightsville Beach. Just over the dunes from the beach and ocean. Peace and quiet within easy reach of restaurants and shops. Three bedrooms (sleeps 8), 2 baths, full kitchen, A/C, W/D. Deck with porch swing overlooking the water. Relax, recharge, and play. Spiritual renewal optional. Porpoises offshore: plentiful but not guaranteed. Long weekend, spring or fall.
Photos at http://www.bryantre.com/rental/imgview.html?ID=343&UN=Spalt+371&IT=R.
1 -1 000900.0 900 .005E7 500
S0001 S1 Services
  • Gail McKinley
Mend-it-ation Mending - who has the time, right? My mom taught me some decent mending skills, and I will have some free time once the auction is over! Give me an armload of your items needing seams repaired, buttons replaced, holes patched (but not broken zippers) - and I'll give them back to you ready-to-wear. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25