2021F Auction Catalog - 108 item(s) printable view
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Item0 Item Category Donors Item Name Picture Description Qty Left Est0 Est Val Min0 Min Price Date Held at church? Child friendly?
S0005 S5 Services
  • Meg Wilson
Help at New Years' Eve Party New Year's Eve Party most excellent help 1 0 000100.0 100 .00125E7 125 N N
G0067 G67 Goods
  • The OCUUC Board
Auction lunch ticket A Thanksgiving lunch 30 26 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 11/13/21 2:00 PM Y N
G0066 G66 Goods
  • David Carlson
  • Bob and Issa Graves
“Contemplation” by Issa Graves
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Terra cotta clay sculpture Height 15 inches The work depicts a seated figure with left leg crossed over right leg. Sculptor was our beloved Issa Graves. 1 0 000300.0 300 .0004E7 40 N N
G0065 G65 Goods
  • David Carlson
  • Bob and Issa Graves
“Listening Man-Live Model” By Issa Graves
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“Listening Man-Live Model” Terra cotta clay sculpture Height 11 inches The work depicts a recalling man. Sculptor was our beloved Issa Graves. 1 0 000300.0 300 .0005E7 50 N N
G0064 G64 Goods
  • David Carlson
  • Bob and Issa Graves
“Fallen” by Issa Graves
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Terra cotta clay sculpture. Height 11 inches Length 25 inches The work depicts a reclining figure with arm raised to head. Sculptor was our own beloved Issa Graves. 1 0 000375.0 375 .0006E7 60 N N
S0004 S4 Services
  • The OCUUC Board
Reserved seat
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Your very own reserved seat in the location of your choice in Daniels Hall. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20 N N
S0003 S3 Services
  • The OCUUC Board
Reserved parking spot
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Your very own reserved Sunday morning parking spot. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20 N N
G0063 G63 Goods
  • Sue Quam
  • Mary Smithberger
  • Laurie Kluge
Trader Joe’s Goodie Bag
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Some of our Fall favorites from Trader Joe’s to make your holidays more yummy, fun & easier. Gift certificate & bag included. 1 0 000060.0 60 .00035E7 35 N N
E0038 E38 Events
  • Franci Coleman
Pop Pie Shop $35 Gift Certificate
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Have yourself some savory 5in meat pies or a delicious 9 in fruit pie available frozen or fresh. Veggie pies are frozen only. All pies made on site.” Pop Pie is located in Costa Mesa.Fantastic variety including old favorites and new creations. Enjoy! 3 0 000035.0 35 .00025E7 25 N N
G0061 G61 Goods
  • Pat Larkin
Drawing Nighttime Water Scene
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Stuart Ratcliff is a self-taught artist from Sacramento. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10 N N
G0060 G60 Goods
  • Pat Larkin
In an Irish Garden
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Framed print by Walter Pfeiffer. 10”x12” (gold frame/soft green matting). Classic goddess in a garden. 1 1 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10 N N
G0059 G59 Goods
  • Pat Larkin
Unusual and Humorous Wall Plaque
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A ceramic goat, 8” wide. Inscription reads: One beautiful
Person & one Old Goat live here
1 1 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5 N N
G0058 G58 Goods
  • Pat Larkin
Peacock Feather Wreath
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Lovely decorator item, about 15” diameter. 1 0 000025.0 25 .00005E7 5 N N
E0037 E37 Events
  • Tammy Justice & Claudia Finato
Brazilian BBQ Churrasco
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You wanted it and it’s back! The highly sought after authentic Brazilian BBQ by super spectacular Chef Claudia is on! Brazilian BBQ; it’s different kinds of meats, sausages, chicken, bread, rice, farofa and vinagrete ( tomato, onions, parsley and seasoning). We will have wine and beer and other beverages for your quaffing delight. 8 0 000100.0 100 .0003E7 30 4/9/22 5:00 PM N N
E0036 E36 Events
  • Tammy Justice & Claudia Finato
Evening of Billiards
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Our clubhouse has 3 pool tables so come play with us! We will play tournament style so you can show off your skillz or lack thereof but have no fear, a prize for the winner and plenty of wine, beer and snacks for the vanquished to drown their sorrows in the comfort of cozy sofas. (Tables are upstairs, no elevator.) 12 2 000030.0 30 .00015E7 15 1/15/22 7:00 PM N N
G0057 G57 Goods
  • Tammy Justice & Claudia Finato
Cookbook Set
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A volume of 10 books covering all things cooking from famed Le Cordon Bleu school. 1 1 000100.0 100 .0002E7 20 N N
E0035 E35 Events
  • Sue Quam
  • Marilyn Giss
Sunday Brunch and Chat at Eat Chow
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Hungry and interested in catching up with Marilyn Giss and Sue Quam before or after an OCUUC sermon? If so, we are happy to take four people to Sunday Brunch at the restaurant Eat Chow in Costa Mesa on a mutually agreed Sunday. Eat Chow is a sleek cafe with an eclectic New American menu. Looking forward to dining with you all in the near future! 4 0 000035.0 35 .0002E7 20 N N
G0056 G56 Goods
  • Laurie Kluge
Snowman Cookie Jar
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14” tall, pottery
Maybe a holiday surprise inside!
1 1 000035.0 35 .00015E7 15 N N
G0055 G55 Goods
  • Raychel Lydon
Crochet Coaster Set
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Set of 6 coasters in various patterns. Patterns include florals and geometrical shapes. 6 4 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5 N N
G0054 G54 Goods
  • Raychel Lydon
Crochet Mermaid
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18” crochet mermaid doll 1 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10 N N
E0034 E34 Events
  • Bob Gurski
  • Craig & Linda Spery
Tiki Karaoke
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Charming Tiki Bar in our tropical backyard serves as setting for dinner, drinks, music, dancing, and karaoke! 20 0 000050.0 50 .0005E7 50 6/11/22 4:00 PM N N
E0033 E33 Events
  • Bob Gurski
  • Charlene Gurski
Evening with Il Volo
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We will enjoy Il Volo, a pop opera trio, in concert on our large screen TV with great sound. Wine and appetizers. 6 0 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20 1/14/22 6:00 PM N N
G0053 G53 Goods
  • Simone Bentley
3 China Containers with Lids
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3 x 6” blue and white decorative canisters can be used as vases, to contain toiletries, etc. 1 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5 N N
G0052 G52 Goods
  • Simone Bentley
Black China Teapot
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Teapot - 2 cups - perfect condition 1 1 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5 N N
E0032 E32 Events
  • Kathy and Dane Nygaard
Week Long Stay in La Quinta!
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Enjoy up to a week in La Quinta, CA at the PGA West complex. Kathy and Dane are making their condo available for your stay. This is a Condo with two master bedrooms and 2-1/2 bathrooms. Nearby golf, hiking, community pool and more. Primarily for adults but older kids acceptable. No pets, no smoking, etc. Make all arrangements with Kathy and Dane 1 0 001000.0 1,000 .005E7 500 N N
G0051 G51 Goods
  • Katherine Martin/D. Dunn Rankin
Pizza Press Dinners
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3 Pizza and 1 Cheesy Garlic Bread Gift Certificates from Pizza Press in BREA, CA. 1 0 000035.0 35 .0002E7 20 N N
G0049 G49 Goods
  • Simone Bentley
Hand Painted Summer Platter
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An original Salad/watermelon dish
by Nancy Thomas Design 1994
for Santa Barbara Ceramic Design
11.5” x 11.5: Summer and Watermelon motif.
1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10 N N
G0048 G48 Goods
  • Meg Wilson
Ralph Lauren Bag
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RLL monogram - Pink Ralph Lauren bag with removable/adjustable patent leather shoulder strap
8 x 5” - inside zip pocket (for adult or youth)
1 1 000055.0 55 .00015E7 15 N N
G0047 G47 Goods
  • Meg Wilson
Beaded, fringed shawl
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Shawl, Vintage looking. Purple, blue, beaded - peacock feathers and red flowers
delicate and chic.
1 0 000045.0 45 .00015E7 15 N N
G0046 G46 Goods
  • Meg Wilson
Rolling Cooler
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Rolling Cooler/Home Essential - never used
Telescope Handle, light weight 23” high x 12” wide, strong wheels
1 0 000040.0 40 .0001E7 10 N N
G0045 G45 Goods
  • Meg Wilson
Lladro Bathing Beauties Figurine
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Lladro - Bathing Beauties Figurine : Lot 010.06457
porcelain historical collection retired, mint in original box
6.25 x 3.25 x 7”
1 1 000200.0 200 .0003E7 30 N N
E0031 E31 Events
  • JoLynn & Joel Ibanez
Pulitzer Prize Play Reading and Dinner
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Plays are meant to be read out loud. Pulitzer Prize winners effect change in the readers and listeners. Join us in a "table read" of a play. Winners will vote between "Picnic", "A Streetcar Named Desire", "The Shadow Box", "A Chorus Line", "Lost in Yonkers", "Doubt" or "August, Osage County". We will enjoy Italian food - pasta, salad and some cheesy bread and a yummy dessert. A bit of wine will make the reading more fun! These plays are "unrated" and contain hard language and subject matter but if you have kids, they can play with Chance. No need to bid for their place. 8 0 000035.0 35 .00015E7 15 1/23/22 4:00 PM N N
G0044 G44 Goods
  • JoLynn & Joel Ibanez
  • Daniel Killen
It’s The Great Auction, Charlie Brown! Original pencil on paper
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This is an original, custom work of art created for our very own auction! It is a framed 8x10 done with colored pencils on colored paper.
Daniel Killen is an artist for Chuck Jones where he creates original art from various sources, including Charles Schultz. He also creates art for Disney. His originals, limited editions and prints sell at Chuck Jones Galleries, Disneyland, Disneyworld and Disney Cruise Lines. His originals sell for $1200.00 to $4000.00. He was an animator on eight films from Warner Bros. and Dreamworks.
1 0 001200.0 1,200 .0005E7 50 N N
G0043 G43 Goods
  • JoLynn & Joel Ibanez
  • Daniel Killen
Ninja Foodie Air Fryer
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This is nearly new. Daniel decided he prefers his “fried food” greasy! Didn’t need it as a toaster and prefers to use his oven to bake. Joel and JoLynn LOVE their identical Foodie and use it almost every day! If you like food crispy and crunchy, this is for you! 1 0 000090.0 90 .0002E7 20 N N
G0041 G41 Goods
  • Nancy Lynn Beck
Floaty Pens
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I have a collection of FLOATY PENS. 80 to 100. I have purchased them from all over the world. FLOATY PENS are pens that have a little floating image in the barrel. I love them, but it is time to let them go! 1 0 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20 N N
G0040 G40 Goods
  • Nancy Lynn Beck
Provence Baking Dish
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I carried this home from France on my lap about 10 years ago. Give it a new home! 1 0 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20 N N
E0029 E29 Events
  • Jacques & Elizabeth Kilchoer
Swiss Fine Dining - Raclette, wine and all the trimmings + Lindor Chocolate
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You put a grill on the table, melt cheese, and scrape it onto your plate. A fun convivial dinner. You eat the melted cheese with potatoes, onions, pickles. Meat and vegetables are also grilled and served. Wine, tea, coffee. Swiss chocolate for dessert. A typical Swiss meal! Swiss traditional music will be played during dinner. Guests are invited to join in a joyous chorus of yodelling. Also Lindor chocolates - those delicious chocolate balls!
Offered at the Kilchoer home in Irvine.
8 -1 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15 4/2/22 4:00 PM N N
E0028 E28 Events
  • Jacques & Elizabeth Kilchoer
Tonk Party! Simple and fun card game with wine and appetizers
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Tonk is a very simple card game, easy to learn, similar to rummy. You have 5 cards to start, you draw a card each hand and must put down all your cards to win (in groups of 3), except that if you have 49 or 50 points in your hand right after the deal you win. That’s it! This includes gambling, so you put down an ante each hand (we will use poker chips). At the end of the evening, the top players each get a prize. Includes drinks (alcoholic and other) and hors d’oeuvres. Event for adults. From 18:00 to 22:00 (6 PM to 10 PM).
At the Kilchoer home in Irvine.
6 0 000013.67 13.67 .0000999E7 9.99 1/29/22 6:00 PM N N
E0027 E27 Events
  • Jacques & Elizabeth Kilchoer
Homemade Vegan dinner ( offered by the Kilchoer Boys)
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Joel and Eric will cook and serve a homemade Vegan dinner at the Kilchoer home in Irvine.
Come and enjoy a delicious Vegan meal. There will be a variety of dishes and even a vegan dessert. March 19th from 5:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.
4 0 000035.0 35 .0002E7 20 3/19/22 5:00 PM N N
G0039 G39 Goods
  • Tatiana and David Houser
Russian Pelmeni (meat dumplings)
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Popular Russian food item - boiled wheat and beef/pork dumplings enjoyed with a heap of sour cream and dill on the side. This is from an old family recipe.Arrange date and delivery with Tatiana. 1 0 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15 N N
G0038 G38 Goods
  • Tatiana and David Houser
Russian Blini (thin pancakes)
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Thin wheat and honey authentic Russian favorite snack. You will get a generous stack to share. Arrange the date and delivery with Tatiana. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00008E7 8 N N
G0037 G37 Goods
  • Tatiana and David Houser
Russian Borscht
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The most popular Russian Dish - A hearty soup beef/pork and beets with cabbage, onions, garlic, potatoes and other secret ingredients going back centuries to Ivan the Terrible himself! You will arrange the date and delivery. 1 0 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15 N N
E0026 E26 Events
  • Tatiana Hauser
Russian Dinner
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Authentic Russian Three Course Dinner from favorite Siberian Recipes. (Tatiana is a native of Siberia!) 6 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 3/26/22 6:00 PM N N
E0024 E24 Events
  • JoLynn & Joel Ibanez
  • Philip Chipman
Rock and Roll as it’s Played
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We have a Rock Band! Joel on keyboard and vocals, Phil on guitar, Chance on Bass and vocals, JoLynn on percussion and back up vocals and our friend Harlan on drums. We will perform a history of rock and highlight how certain bands have had an impact on the evolution and revolution of Rock and Roll. Little Richard, Elvis, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Pink Floyd, Queen, Elton John, AC/DC, Journey and Van Halen to name some of the artists we will homage. We will offer appetizers, chili and dessert along with wine and other beverages. Come ready to rock! 8 -2 000100.0 100 .0003E7 30 3/5/22 5:00 PM N N
G0036 G36 Goods
  • Barbara Schilling
Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments Set 4
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1994 Eager for Christmas
Forever Friends Bear
1993 Birdwatcher
1 1 000030.0 30 .0001E7 10 N N
G0035 G35 Goods
  • Barbara Schilling
Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments Set 3
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1996 Santa
1997 Away to the Window
1999 The Toymaker's Gift
1 1 000040.0 40 .0001E7 10 N N
G0034 G34 Goods
  • Barbara Schilling
Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments Set 2
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1950 Santa Fe F3 Diesel Locomotive LIONEL Train
1935 Steelcraft by Murray
1937 Steelcraft Airflow by Murray
1 0 000045.0 45 .0001E7 10 N N
G0032 G32 Goods
  • Barbara Schilling
Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments Set 1
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Two Kwanzaa Angels 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10 N N
G0031 G31 Goods
  • Barbara Schilling
Pampered Chef Ice Scoop
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Pampered Chef Ice Scoop Brand New!

The clear acrylic scoop has holes in it to let the water drain through as you scoop ice. Comes in its original box.

1 0 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5 N N
G0030 G30 Goods
  • Maureen McConaghy
Little critters
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About 60 small critters--mainly ceramic and mostly animals. Fascinating for a child who is old enough to be careful with them, since most of them are breakable. (A child-size wooden display case is also available, if interested.) 1 1 000100.0 100 .0002E7 20 N N
G0029 G29 Goods
  • Maureen McConaghy
Three animal-head grabbers
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These actually work, and kids love them. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5 N N
G0028 G28 Goods
  • Maureen McConaghy
Ceramic Wind Chimes
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These chimes make very pleasant sounds. 1 0 000030.0 30 .0001E7 10 N N
G0027 G27 Goods
  • Maureen McConaghy
Cow Egg
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Large ceramic cow egg. It hasn't hatched yet, but who knows???? 1 1 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5 N N
G0026 G26 Goods
  • Audrey Prosser
  • Debra Quam
Barefoot Dreams and Beauty Counter Gift Basket
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You deserve this! Wrap yourself in a Barefoot Dreams robe and slipper socks, then pamper yourself with products from Beautycounter, a cleaner, safer way to a more beautiful you. At Beautycounter, the belief is that products should be high performing but safe for your skin, free from harmful chemicals. So go ahead and indulge yourself in an invigorating Sugarbuff Body Polish, a soothing Lotus Cleansing Balm, or an All Bright C Serum. Your skin will thank you.
Products: All Bright C Serum, Sugarbuff Body Polish, The Clean Deo (Deodorant), Refresh Foaming Cleanser, Instant Eye Makeup Remover, and Lotus Glow Cleansing Balm.
1 0 000450.0 450 .001E7 100 N N
E0025 E25 Events
  • Debra Quam
  • Audrey Prosser
Gaze at the Night Sky Above
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Explore the night sky for two hours with astronomer and astrophotographer Mirko Maher from Dark Sy Exploring. Guide Mirko will set up two high-powered telescopes to view the wonders of the night sky. Snap beautiful photos of the moon right from your phone! This event will be held at our house in Huntington Beach. Please arrive at 5:30 pm and the night sky gazing will begin at 6:30 pm. Chili and/or some other warm soup will be served along with assorted beverages including wine to keep you toasty! This event is weather dependent and will be rescheduled in the event of cloud cover. 8 -1 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50 2/26/22 5:30 PM N N
E0023 E23 Events
  • Debra Quam
  • Audrey Prosser
Crystal Cove Tidepools Tour and Delicious Dessert Afterwards
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The 45 minute tour of the Crystal Cove State Park Tidepools will be led by Dr. Kathleen Treseder, Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at UCI. Dr. Treseder's knowledge of our local tide pools will provide you with a new way of looking at our oceans for today and the future. We will be touring pristine areas and you will probably see animals you've never even heard of before. We may even see an octopus! Please wear shoes that you can walk through water in and will stay securely on your feet. The walk from the Crystal Cove parking lot to the Tidepools begins at 1:30 pm. We will meet at the church at 12:30 PM and Debra and Audrey will drive you to the event or you may drive yourself if you prefer. After the tour, Debra and Audrey will treat you to dessert and drinks at a local restaurant. 4 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50 2/12/22 12:30 PM N N
E0021 E21 Events
  • Judy Tomlinson
Readers Theater & Peasant Lunch
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Join Rev. Judy and Rob Gordon for the reading of a Sherlock Holmes mystery in readers theater syle. Midway through we'll pause for a simple, yet hearty meal. Middle-school youth and above welcome. Held at our home. Must be able to walk up a flight of stairs. Must be fully vaccinated. 6 0 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15 2/12/22 5:00 PM N N
E0039 E39 Events
  • Nancy and Tom Loughrey
Looking Back, Looking Forward
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Join us for an elegant Prime Rib Dinner indoors at our home on New Year's Eve. We will even have champagne and poppers as we celebrate New Year's Eve - New York City time! Reflect on the last year and share your hopes for the new year, enjoy the company, and get home before the roads get crazy. 10 -2 000050.0 50 .0005E7 50 12/31/21 6:00 PM N N
E0020 E20 Events
  • Robert & Sharon Loeschen
Spaghetti Dinner and Poker Party
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Come to our annual Spring poker party for players of all levels. Prior to the games, we will have a spaghetti dinner. Its always a fun time for all. 12 0 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 5/20/22 6:00 PM N N
G0025 G25 Goods
  • Elaine C. Diorio
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Check out the latest flicks. $25 Regal Gift card 1 0 000025.0 25 .00014E7 14 N N
G0024 G24 Goods
  • Elaine C. Diorio
Let's Go Shopping @ SAKS
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$50 gift card can be used at Saks Fifth Ave or Saks off Fifth 1 0 000050.0 50 .00017E7 17 N N
E0019 E19 Events
  • Robert & Sharon Loeschen
Gourmet Surf and Turf Dinner and CSULB Winterfest Concert
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We assume this years Concert will be similar to those in the past. The CSULB Winter Festival Concert features more than 200 singers ringing in the holidays with favorite carols,songs,and classical works by the combined voices of CSULB Choirs, along with the Southern California Brass Consortium and Pacific Handbells, It is set in the historic sanctuary of First Congregational Church of Long Beach
Following the concert, we will have a Tuscan dinner (hint: they have fine beef and seafood)
I assume all guests will be required to wear masks.
6 0 000060.0 60 .001E7 100 12/4/21 3:00 PM N N
E0018 E18 Events
  • Peggy Hepler
  • Sarah Hunter
Travel The World With Wine
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Experience a selection of unusual wines from far off places. Each wine will be paired the a food reflecting the place of origin and style of the wine. We will be tasting each wine blind and rating each wine.

All will be revealed at the end.

Waken your taste buds to new varietals and wine regions, with complementary foods.Indoor event at Sarah Hunter's home.

10 0 000045.0 45 .00035E7 35 3/12/22 5:00 PM N N
G0023 G23 Goods
  • Jan Rovan
Dragon Clan Puzzle
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1000 pieces, never opened. 1 0 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10 N N
G0022 G22 Goods
  • Jan Rovan
Ravensburger Dragon Puzzle
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2000 pieces, never been opened. Castle and Dragons. 1 0 000020.0 20 .00012E7 12 N N
G0021 G21 Goods
  • Jan Rovan
Double Breasted Designer Jacket
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Never worn! Size 6p, Burgundy. Nice weight for winter. 1 1 000199.0 199 .0004E7 40 N N
G0020 G20 Goods
  • Jan Rovan
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Green and pale tan. Full length. One size fits all. Cozy and fun to wear! 1 0 000035.0 35 .0002E7 20 N N
G0019 G19 Goods
  • Jan Rovan
Stuffed Magic Dragon
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Approx 30” tall, lightweight. Gold wings! 1 0 000030.0 30 .0001E7 10 N N
G0018 G18 Goods
  • Jan Rovan
Tahari Purple Jacket
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3/4 length sleeves, size 4p, designer metallic buttons 1 1 000130.0 130 .00035E7 35 N N
E0017 E17 Events
  • Linda Spery
Lunch at Claire's & Alex Gardner Exhibit at LBMA
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Join me at the Long Beach Museum of Art for a docent led tour of artist Alex Gardner's first solo museum exhibition, "We All Exist Right Now," on the west coast. Afterwards we'll enjoy lunch on the patio at Claire's .


3 0 000035.0 35 .0005E7 50 1/21/22 11:00 AM N N
G0017 G17 Goods
  • Sandra Martin
Cranberry Cheesecake Bars
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These bars are made with natural sweeteners (derived from plants, zero-calorie, low-glycemic).
Layers of shortbread crust, creamy vanilla cheesecake, tangy cranberry sauce, and pecan crumble.
I can make and deliver these to you. You can freeze to serve at your holiday meal, or just eat them.
1 0 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15 N N
E0016 E16 Events
  • Maria Goode
  • Alan and Gabrielle Block
Trader Joe's Wine and Cheese Tasting
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Join us for some wine and good company! Leave after a fun evening with a TJ's shopping list with all your favorites!

Event to be held on the OCUUC campus in the comfy Victoria Room.

Older kids can tag along for $5. Let us know when you settle up on auction night and we'll add some kid friendly snacks to our list.

15 8 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 12/11/21 6:30 PM Y N
G0016 G16 Goods
  • Maria Goode
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Who says the auction is only for grown ups? No need to get these timeless blocks from a store when they last forever in the back of a closet! This collection include a bus, characters, and more! 1 0 000070.0 70 .0002E7 20 N Y
G0015 G15 Goods
  • Katherine Martin/D. Dunn Rankin
Selection of Craft Beer in a Lunch Box
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You'll take home a selection of 9 interesting beers in a handy Pilsner Urquell lunch box. 2 0 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20 N N
E0015 E15 Events
  • Katherine Martin and Judith Stamper
Breakfast for Dinner
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Join Judith, Katherine, and Derek as they serve up delicious breakfast items at dinner time! This event will be in Irvine at Katherine & Derek's home. FYI - this is a home with cats.

PJ attire is recommended, but not required - being fully vaccinated is, however.

6 0 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10 2/5/22 6:00 PM N N
G0014 G14 Goods
  • Elaine C. Diorio
Where's the VODKA? .....N E W COLLECTOR Hammered COPPER Ketel One Mugs
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NEW four(4) Ketel One hammered embossed copper mugs.Ready for vodka????new $20.00 each, $80.00 for all four (4)...all in unopened boxes...sold as a set 4 3 000080.0 80 .00026E7 26 N N
S0002 S2 Services
  • Judith Stamper
Personal Assistance
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I will help you do what needs to be done: washing dishes after your party, packing for a move, running errands... I will give you 4 hours of work to make your life run smoother. 2 -1 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25 N N
G0013 G13 Goods
  • Judith Stamper
Choose your Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie
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There are so many different recipes for chocolate chip cookies, and they all taste wonderful! I will make 3 delicious varieties, 1 dozen of each, so you can have your own taste-test. Time to be arranged between us. 3 0 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15 N N
E0014 E14 Events
  • Judith Stamper
Spring at the Environmental Nature Center
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The ENC features 15 native California ecosystems, a Nature Museum packed with neat things to touch and investigate, and a butterfly habitat. Let's see what's blooming and flying in the spring.
After exploring, we will have a yummy picnic lunch. One child free with each paying adult.
5 1 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 4/23/22 11:00 AM N Y
G0012 G12 Goods
  • Judith Stamper
Autumn Wallhanging
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A machine-pieced and quilted wallhanging to celebrate Autumn. Can also be used as a table topper. Size: 22.5 X 22.5 inches 1 1 000035.0 35 .0003E7 30 N N
E0013 E13 Events
  • Donald & Sandie Martin
  • JoLynn & Joel Ibanez
Death by Chocolate Mystery Dinner
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Come back in time to Paris, in 1900.
An elite but diverse group (those with the winning bids) are dining at Chez Martin.
While gathering for dinner, Billy Bonks, America’s foremost chocolatier, is found dead in his room. All of the guests are under suspicion.
You will enjoy a three course meal as the game unfolds with clues. Can you discover who the killer is?
You will receive an invitation in the mail with your assigned character.
Search way back in your closets to find the period(ish) clothes to set the tone for this Mystery Dinner Party.
This is open to those who are fully vaccinated.
6 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 4/23/22 5:00 PM N N
E0012 E12 Events
  • Nancy and Tom Loughrey
  • Linda & Jim Clough
Chuck Jones and Lunch
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A guided tour of the Chuck Jones exhibit at the Hilbert Museum in Orange. They are opening early just for us! Linda Clough, his daughter, will be our docent and the Museum Director will show other exhibits. Afterwards, we can walk or drive to the Loughrey house for lunch. What's Up Doc? Carrots anyone? Weather permitting, it will be our backyard. Otherwise, it will be inside. 8 -1 000040.0 40 .00015E7 15 5/4/24 11:00 AM N N
E0011 E11 Events
  • Mark Renshaw
A Weekend in Big Bear
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Stay two nights of your choice in my home in the Big Bear Valley. House has 2 bedrooms and an open loft, each with queen sized bed, 2 3/4 baths. Fully stocked kitchen, outdoor BBQ (LPG); extensive DVD & VHS collection; fantastic fireplace (firewood provided). Enjoy the clean air, hike, bike ride, Zip Line, go for a lake cruise, dine in Big Bear, or just enjoy a quiet weekend away. Home sleeps up to six, children and adults. 1 -1 000400.0 400 .002E7 200 N N
E0010 E10 Events
  • April Stilson and Cory Brown
Group Dinner with OCUUC Friends
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Dinner at a Persian Restaurant in Orange County. Hosts will provide the appetizers. Participants purchase their own meals and beverages. Enjoy food such as: borani; dolmeh, fesenjon; kabob; albalou polo; and for dessert, bamieh and zoolbia. Stimulating conversations, a pleasant evening, and an opportunity to meet new friends! 8 -1 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 1/22/22 6:00 PM N N
G0011 G11 Goods
  • April Stilson and Cory Brown
Blue Whale's Journey - A Little Peek Inside
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Just published book for children and signed by new author, Kelly Ann Miller. Sweet story of a blue whale and her baby, that seeks to reassure children of their parent's love and connection. Contains fun facts, learning activities, and ways to support our ocean and marine life health. Suitable for pre-schoolers and beginning readers. 1 0 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 N N
S0001 S1 Services
  • Rev. Sian Wiltshire
Sermon Topic!
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Have a deep, meaningful question you want answered? Or maybe one not so deep? Want to stump the minister? You get to choose the topic and I'll preach on it! I'll treat you to lunch to discuss the topic. 1 0 000250.0 250 .0005E7 50 N N
G0010 G10 Goods
  • Sarah Hunter
The Best Mac and Cheese
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This baked macaroni and cheese recipe is served at Sam's BBQ restaurant in Marietta, Georgia. It's rich, creamy and decadent. Serves 6-10 people. And it comes in a dish for you to keep. I will coordinate with you on when to pick it up. 1 -1 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10 N N
G0009 G9 Goods
  • Sarah Hunter
Chocolate Bourbon Balls
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A positively festive little treat that will ensure there is plenty of merriment and cheer to go around. Chocolate, pecans, and bourbon rolled into little balls and then dredged in sugar.

48 count
2 orders to bid on.

2 0 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10 N N
G0008 G8 Goods
  • Sarah Hunter
Southern Pecans
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Two pounds of Georgia pecans for your holiday goodies. Choose between rich, buttery pecans or spicy ones. You can even have a pound of each.

Two orders offered

2 0 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10 N N
E0009 E9 Events
  • Sarah Hunter
  • Donald & Sandie Martin
Ornament Exchange Party!
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It's time to start decorating the tree. We are hosting the annual Ornament Exchange party known for its brunch, beverages, and exciting swapping of ornaments.
Bring an ornament to exchange. Enjoy a wonderful Sunday brunch and let the ornament challenge begin.
The festivities will be held at The Hunters of Huntington Beach home.

We ask everyone to be fully vaccinated.

10 1 000050.0 50 .00035E7 35 12/5/21 12:00 PM N N
E0008 E8 Events
  • Donald & Sandie Martin
  • Sarah Hunter
Valentine Brunch
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This romantic extravaganza, created by three chefs and their dishwasher, will surprise and delight the winners. Depend on being amazed at the decorations, door prizes, and, especially the food. Don’t miss out, you’ll be hearing from those that do attend with envy in your heart.

After church, at Cafe Martin in Costa Mesa.

This is open to those who are fully vaccinated.

8 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 2/13/22 12:00 PM N N
G0007 G7 Goods
  • Nina Smith + Jeanine Scalero
The Awesome "Edge" Brownie Pan
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This brownie pan adds two chewy edges to every brownie. Makes the best brownies! New, unopened box. Sold on Amazon for $36. 1 0 000036.0 36 .0002E7 20 N N
G0006 G6 Goods
  • Nina Smith + Jeanine Scalero
Eastside Mini-Mart Box of Goodies
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Jeanine and Nina's famous box of goodies from their market. Packed full of lovely treats and a bottle of wine. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 N N
E0007 E7 Events
  • Nina Smith + Jeanine Scalero
De-stress In December
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Nina will take up to 3 people to the Gen Foot Massage Spa on 17th Street in Eastside Costa Mesa. We'll start the morning with coffee or tea at a local spot. 1 hour foot massage. This spa offers the finest foot reflexology massage in the area. You will emerge refreshed and rejuvenated.

Date: a Saturday in Dec that works for all.

3 0 000050.0 50 .00035E7 35 N N
E0006 E6 Events
  • Nina Smith + Jeanine Scalero
Balboa Angling Club
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Family/Children's activity: Join Sam (age 12) and Kate (age 7) for an afternoon of fishing off the dock at the Balboa Angling Club (https://balboaanglingclub.org/) in Newport Harbor. Fishing rods, gear, and bait supplied. The Angling Club practices ‘catch and release' when fishing off the dock. Date to be determined by participants, but it needs to be on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon.

up to 4 children
Date: TBD
afternoon/high tide

4 0 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10 N Y
E0005 E5 Events
  • Nina Smith + Jeanine Scalero
Sunday Italian Dinner
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Gather at Jeanine and Nina's home for a Sunday Italian dinner. Jeanine has been cooking her Nana's recipes for years, and her traditional Sunday dinner will not disappoint. As Jeanine is cooking up the fun, Nina will be serving Chianti to kick off the evening (of if preferred, a non-alcoholic aperitivo drink) and Limoncello with dessert! Vegetarian options will be available, just let Jeanine know ahead of time. We ask everyone to be fully vaccinated. Please join us this winter in our cozy cucina! 6 -1 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25 1/30/22 5:00 PM N N
G0062 G62 Goods
  • Linda & Jim Clough
Circle the Zambonis
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Lithograph, numbered #300 of 500, hand signed by Charles M. Schulz. ca 10" x 18", matted size18" x 24", generous contribution by Charles M. Schulz Creative Associates. 1 0 000700.0 700 .005E7 500 N N
E0004 E4 Events
  • Adam P. Goldman
Adam and Sari's Surprise Film Festival
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Two of you will enter Adam's modest studio apartment. He and his best friend Sari will then great you with UU love and pizza. After you are fed, he will then play his two favorite movies. Which movies are they? That part is the surprise. Hint: They are both from the 80's, and do not involve superheroes in any way.

Both films are rated R.

2 0 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5 11/13/21 5:00 PM N N
G0005 G5 Goods
  • Barbara Schilling
Hydromate 32 oz. clear Water bottle with turquoise lid
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Brand new!
Turquoise 32 oz clear Water Bottle with Time Markers
Travel To-Go Water Bottle Perfect for Kids
Reusable Leak Proof BPA Free Water Bottle
Travel Bottle Fits in Car Cup Holders
No Chemical Taste or Odors
1 1 000022.0 22 .00005E7 5 N N
E0040 E40 Events
  • David Carlson
Charades and other stuff
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An early evening of Charades – with wine and cheese and prizes and stuff - church courtyard
Question: How would you get your team members to guess the song title: STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN?
Hosted by Dave Carlson
Minimum bid $20 per person
Limited to 18 adults
Wine, beverages, and cheese will be served


There will be 3 teams of 6- selected randomly from attendees: Teams A, B and C
The format will be as follows:
1. About 100 songs, book titles and movie titles will be placed in a basket
2. 3 members from Team A will take 3 titles. They will decide among themselves which team member will take which of the titles.
3. When the 3 titles are selected the titles will be written on 2 chart packs so they can be seen by the other teams but not Team A.
4. Some will also give clues that may be used. [For example, Holden is the main character in this book: CATCHER IN THE RYE]
5. 150 seconds (2 ½ minutes) will be allowed for each title attempt – points will be calculated by the number of seconds used subtracted from 150.
6. An official timekeeper will keep track of the scores, and they will be posted on a master score sheet after each round.
7. This will be repeated by Teams B and C.
8. After a brief break, the other three players in each Team will select titles. The teams will compete in reverse order (C, then B, then A)

18 7 000025.0 25 .0002E7 20 2/19/22 4:30 PM Y N
G0004 G4 Goods
  • Maureen McConaghy
Math and science books
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Eleven engaging books for math and science lovers. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0001E7 10 N N
G0003 G3 Goods
  • Maureen McConaghy
Books about animals
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Seven fascinating books (many no longer in print) about wild and not so wild animals. 1 0 000035.0 35 .0001E7 10 N N
E0003 E3 Events
  • Maureen McConaghy
Postprandial Hike and Coffee (the morning after Thanksgiving)
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Walk off that turkey and pie! An easy 60 minute hike at Irvine Regional Park, followed by snacks outdoors at a nearby coffee shop. Adults pay for the hike and get free snacks; children hike free and parents provide their snacks. 10 -1 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5 11/26/21 9:30 AM N N
G0002 G2 Goods
  • Maureen McConaghy
Finding Joy and Peace: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Tools for Our Lives
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This book was Maureen's Covid-19 project. It is now available for sale on Amazon. The book covers and goes beyond what she taught in her CBT class at church in previous years. 10 6 000011.0 11 .00008E7 8 N N
E0002 E2 Events
  • Nancy and Tom Loughrey
Brunch & The Metropolitan Opera presentation of "Rigoletto"
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Enjoy our traditional opera brunch of baked french toast, sausage and fresh fruit then we will carpool to a local theater for the Met Opera presentation of Giuseppe Verdi's timeless tragedy, "Rigoletto". No happy endings here; Verdi's opera had one performance and was shut down by unhappy Italian nobility of the time. It was not performed again for nearly fifty years. We will meet at our house in Orange at 8:30AM for brunch and arrive at the theater in time for a 10:00AM showing.
6 -2 000040.0 40 .00035E7 35 1/29/22 8:30 AM N N
G0001 G1 Goods
  • Tom Loughrey
Tom's Homemade Strawberry Jam
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Enjoy this homemade strawberry jam on a PB&J, a warm croissant or even a bagel with a schmeer of cream cheese. The jam was canned in June from local grown ripe strawberries. Just strawberries, sugar and natural fruit pectin. Enjoy! Winners take home two half-pint jars. 2 0 000008.0 8 .00008E7 8 N N
E0001 E1 Events
  • Linda Spery
  • Craig & Linda Spery
Saturday Morning Brunch @ Alta Baja Market
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We can't wait to go back to Alta Baja Market for Saturday brunch and want to have four OCUUC friends as our guests! Owner Delilah Snell and husband, LA Times journalist Gustavo Arellano, celebrate the foods and crafts of California, Mexico and the American Southwest in this casual neighborhood eatery. Enjoy a fun Saturday morning with us for patio dining featuring creative cuisine and your choice of Micheladas, Mimosas, Margaritas and more. This hidden gem has great holiday gifts so plan on browsing before you leave. See website for parking and directions. 201 E. 4th St., Santa Ana 92701 www.altabajamarket.com 4 0 000025.0 25 .0005E7 50 12/4/21 10:00 AM N N
C0001 C1 Church Event
  • The OCUUC Board
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Thanksgiving celebration at OCUUC. The exact format is currently tentative subject to COVID developments. 150 150 000025.0 25 .0E7 0 11/25/21 12:02 PM Y Y