2023F Auction Catalog - 83 item(s) printable view
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Item0 Item Category Donors Item Name Picture Description Qty Left Est0 Est Val Min0 Min Price Date Held at church? Child friendly?
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  • Craig Preston
  • Kumiko Kunisaki
  • Biquan Luo
  • Clay Smith
Traditional Chinese Hot Pot Dinner, Celebration of Chinese New Year
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Join Craig, Kumiko, Biquan “Bee” Smith and Clay Smith at Bee & Clay's home in Costa Mesa. Wear RED.

Enjoy Hot Pot which is a simmering soup broth at the dinner table. Ingredients are added like: thinly sliced meat, leaf vegetables, mushrooms, vermicelli, potatoes, bean products, egg dumplings, tofu or seafood. Plan for 5:00-7:30pm. Wine and a selection of beer and non-alcoholic beverages will be served.

5 0 000075.0 75 .00035E7 35 2/17/24 5:30 PM N N
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  • Craig Preston
  • Kumiko Kunisaki
Pickleball Class over Lunch
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Craig and Kumiko will meet you at Great Mex Restaurant (1/2 mile from OCUUC 1524 Mesa Drive E., #17. Lunch cost is on your own, but during lunch, the basic or advanced techniques of the game will be described. Then you will get to try out the game. We will move to Costa Mesa's newest Pickleball courts at: Tanager Park (1/2 mile from Great Mex)
1780 Hummingbird Drive
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Paddles and balls will be provided. Dress in athletic clothes and shoes if you plan to play. Event will end by 2:30. Will reschedule if it rains.
3 0 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20 11/19/23 1:00 PM N N
T0035 T35 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Simone Bentley
Renaissance Genius: Galileo Galilei & His Legacy to Modernest Science
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Book, Hard Cover “Renaissance Genius: Galileo Galilei & His Legacy to Modernest Science”.
Lots of colored Photos. Biography. (10 x 8 inches).
1 1 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20 N N
T0034 T34 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Simone Bentley
Treasures of the Jewish Museum
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Book, Hard Cover, “Treasures of the Jewish Museum”.
Jewish Art and Objects through the ages (NYC). Lots of colored photos (12 x 10 inches).
1 1 000100.0 100 .0004E7 40 N N
T0033 T33 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Simone Bentley
The Impressionists
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Book, Hard Cover, “The Impressionists”. Lots of colored photos (12 x 10 inches). 1 1 000060.0 60 .0003E7 30 N N
T0032 T32 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Simone Bentley
Great French Paintings From the Barnes Foundation
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Book, hardcover, Great French Paintings.
From the Barnes Foundation, PA. Impressionists, Post impressionists and early Mder Art with lots of colored Plates. 12 x 10 Inches.
1 1 000100.0 100 .0004E7 40 N N
T0031 T31 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Simone Bentley
Jewelry/Keepsake Box
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Solid Oak Chest, (12 x 10 inches) also bought in antique shop, for jewelry or keepsakes. 1 1 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20 N N
T0030 T30 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Simone Bentley
Keepsake/Jewelry Box
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Hand Carved Solid Oak Chest (10 x 6 inches). At least 50 years old, bought in an antique shop for jewelry or keepsakes. 1 0 000060.0 60 .0004E7 40 N N
U0009 U9 UUFNN Donations/Activities
  • Nancy Loughrey
Reserved Parking
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Choose your parking space - minimize your steps to the sanctuary on every Sunday. The time saved can be used for meditation and mindful reflection, which will lead to increased spiritual awareness, less stress, a longer life, and countless other blessings. Priceless! 1 0 002023.0 2,023 .00025E7 25 N N
U0008 U8 UUFNN Donations/Activities
  • Laurie Mutalipassi
Flower Cards
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Learn to create beautiful flower cards on card stock with the vase and flowers made out of provided. Cards and fabrics provided. Event held in my home in Westmister. 4 0 000050.0 50 .0001E7 10 2/4/24 2:00 PM N N
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  • JoLynn & Joel Ibanez
  • Eric Noel
Don’t waffle, play the Card!
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Eric and I were talking. He loves Cards Against Humanity. I have Cards Against Humanity. I love Legit Belgian Waffles. He makes Legit Belgian Waffles. That’s how Auction Events are born! Come play CAH, eat honest-to-goodness Belgian Waffles (made from a yeast dough, not a batter) drink coffees and teas (maybe spiked). LAUGH! Held at Casa Ibanez. Bonus points for dressing in Star Wars garb. “May the Fourth be with you.” 7 -4 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20 5/4/24 12:00 PM N N
T0029 T29 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Wendy Karn
Cozy Season Starter Kit
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Cozy season is coming and you'll be ready for it! Kit includes the following:

Soft and fluffy snowflake blanket

2 Large cups for your favorite warm beverages

Meltawaway hot cocoa sticks with mini marshmallows

A lovely basket to store your snuggly items

1 1 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 N N
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  • Gretel E Whisnant
St. Patrick’s Day BINGO!
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A St Patrick’s day bingo party at my home in Costa Mesa. Many stairs.
Munchies, wine, iced tea , coffee and soft drinks. Bring 10 pennies!
8 0 000050.0 50 .00015E7 15 3/16/24 3:00 PM N N
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  • Tatiana and David Houser
Cooking With Ukrainians!
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Come learn how to make the most popular and delicious Ukrainian meals and then partake in enjoying them at a scrumptious lunch in the courtyard! With the help of our wonderful shelter refugees you will learn how to cook like a Ukrainian! 6 0 000200.0 200 .0003E7 30 12/2/23 11:00 AM Y N
U0007 U7 UUFNN Donations/Activities
  • Michelle Stamper
Neuroaffective Touch Session
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More and more people are realizing how much tension, stress and trauma we hold in our bodies. By highlighting the primary role of the body and emphasizing its equal importance to the mind, NeuroAffective Touch addresses emotional, relational, and developmental deficits that cannot be reached by verbal means alone. Michele Stamper is a trained psychotherapist and Neuroaffective Touch therapist and is offering at 75 minute session. Website: michellstampertherapy.com. If you want to know more about Michele, contact Rev. Sian who is a personal friend. and who highly recommends her. Michelestampertherapy.com 1 -1 000250.0 250 .0003E7 30 N N
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  • Alan and Gabrielle Block
Artwalk and Coffee
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Visit the Santa Ana Arts District for a First Saturday Artwalk. We will walk around, enjoy the live music, and visit some of the galleries. Then we will have some refreshments. 8 0 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15 4/6/24 6:00 PM N N
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  • Nina Smith + Jeanine Scalero
Garden Tour and Happy Hour in CDM
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On Sunday, January 21st, join Nina and Jeanine at 2:30pm at Sherman Gardens in Corona Del Mar for a docent-led tour. Sherman Gardens is full of unique plants, interesting exhibits and wildlife. Explore the Succulent Garden, Fern Grotto and Tropical Conservatory amongst many others. This tour lasts about one hour. After the tour, we will head to one of the restaurants in CDM (Bungalow, SideDoor or TBD) for happy hour drinks and light appetizers. 10 0 000035.0 35 .0002E7 20 1/21/24 2:30 PM N N
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  • Craig & Linda Spery
Claire's Brunch & Long Beach Museum of Art Tour
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Join me for brunch at Claire's overlooking the ocean at the Long Beach Museum of Art and a docent exhibition tour afterwards. Free parking is available in the museum parking lot. 4 0 000050.0 50 .0005E7 50 4/19/24 12:00 PM N N
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  • Craig & Linda Spery
Greek Dinner & Travelogue
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Join us at our condo in Long Beach overlooking the ocean for Greek cuisine and a virtual trip to Greek points of interest we visited on our recent cruise. We'll start on the deck with drinks and hors d'oeuvres and move inside for dinner and a big screen travel journey. We will provide parking in our building. Carpooling encouraged. 8 0 000100.0 100 .001E7 100 11/25/23 4:30 PM N N
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Hello Kitty Cafe
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Let's discover the Hello Kitty Cafe at the Spectrum Mall together. We will order tea from the counter and enjoy desserts at their outdoor seating area.
3 0 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15 12/3/23 2:00 PM N Y
T0028 T28 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Meg Wilson
Sweet Love Trio
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Sweet Love Trio: All items separately packaged. Great Holiday Gift
* Golden Line Marble Pattern Mug
* Three Scented Soaps
* Heart Necklace
1 0 000050.0 50 .0001E7 10 N N
T0027 T27 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Craig Preston
Pickleball Paddles, Balls, & Bag (NEW)
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2 Selkirk Latitude Graphite lightweight paddles
3 Jugg Indoor/Outdoor pickleballs
1 Sport bag sack-pack for ease in carrying all the equipment to the court.
1 1 000115.0 115 .0006E7 60 N N
T0026 T26 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Karen Anderson
Lightly Used Persian Crispy Rice Cooker
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MASTER THE ART of perfect Persian rice (Tahdig), This is the Pars Persian Rice Cooker Model DRC230 with 7 cup capacity. Pars Rice Cookers are home essentials for anyone who savors that prized golden crust at the bottom of the rice steamer pot. Pars brand is considered the best. Works perfectly
Customizable Timer, Keep Warm Non-Stick Pot, and with auto-off and keep-warm functions.
1 1 000055.0 55 .00015E7 15 N N
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  • Donald & Sandie Martin
Sunday midday meal
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Don and Sandie will treat you to Brunch/lunch after church at Crivello in Huntington Beach (Adams and Brookhurst). We will find a mutually agreeable date for a Sunday that works for us all. 2 0 000030.0 30 .00015E7 15 N N
T0025 T25 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Donald & Sandie Martin
Beaded notebook
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Sandie beaded this sparkly blank page notebook.
Add some sparkle to someone's life with this as a holiday gift.
1 0 000015.0 15 .00007E7 7 N N
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  • Donald & Sandie Martin
  • Debra Quam
  • Audrey Prosser
Holiday Brunch and Carol Singing
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We'll have decked the halls and would love for you to join us for this Holiday celebration.
What do you know Christmas Carols? There will be a quiz with prizes.
We'll eat, drink, sing, quiz, and be merry.
After church at Casa Martin in Costa Mesa.
10 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 12/17/23 12:00 PM N N
U0006 U6 UUFNN Donations/Activities
  • Karen Anderson
Medical UUber
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I will provide transportation to or from Hospital or other medical or similar appointment within 15 miles of your home and also within 15 miles of my home. This is especially helpful when you are having something done after which you must be picked up by someone else, and not allowed to drive yourself home.

Note that I am handicapped and can only be the driver and am not available to help you get into the car or help with suitcases, etc.
Also, I can leave my home after 8 am and need to be home by about 6 pm.
Date for each drive TBA by mutual agreement. I am fairly flexible as to day and time, but can only do this at times I don't have something scheduled already.
I'm offering a total of 4 drives with one person per trip.

4 4 000040.0 40 .00015E7 15 N N
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  • Robert & Sharon Loeschen
Spaghetti dinner and Poker Party
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We had a poker party scheduled for last September that had to be rescheduled because of my shoulder surgery It has been rescheduled to Saturday, February 17,2024. If you did not bid on it last auction but would like to come for $35, please bid now. 1 1 000035.0 35 .00035E7 35 2/17/24 6:00 PM N N
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  • April Stilson and Cory Brown
Cuban Lunch and Social Event
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Join April and Cory to enjoy a Cuban cuisine lunch and cultural experience. Many congregants have enjoyed prior gatherings, and this one will not disappoint! We will meet on January 28, 2024, after Church at 1:00 pm at a local restaurant in Santa Ana. There will be time to socialize. Enjoy empanadas, tamales, fried yucca, roast pork or BBQ chicken, Cuban rice, oxtail, seafood, various beef dishes, a vegetarian special, and of course plantains. Hosts will buy the appetizers; participants will buy their own meals. 6 0 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5 1/28/24 1:00 PM N N
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  • Donna McCartney
St. Patrick's Day Party
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Get your green on and join us for a celebration of all things Irish. Let's make old St. Paddy roll over in his grave! Join me at my condo in Huntington Beach for delicious shamrock sandwiches, scones, Irish soda bread and much more including shots! Green beer, anyone? 15 0 000025.0 25 .0002E7 20 3/15/24 6:00 PM N N
U0005 U5 UUFNN Donations/Activities
  • Xeno Müller
Guitar Lesson with Xeno Müller II
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On hour guitar lesson with classical guitar teacher and artist Xeno Müller II. He is on faculty at the Yamaha Music Academy. He was awarded by the American Guitar Society. The lesson will be in person (preferred) or on Zoom at a mutually agreed upon place/date/time. It’s best to have your own guitar, but Xeno will let you borrow one for the lesson if necessary. You can watch Xeno play on YouTube! 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50 N N
U0004 U4 UUFNN Donations/Activities
  • Melanie & Prasanna Malaviya
Chair Yoga
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Melanie is a certified Yoga instructor and will lead you through a gentle stretch, safely moving using chairs as supports. Two weeks of class on Wednesdays 12/6 & 12/13 at 11 in the Victoria room at OCUUC. 20 7 000030.0 30 .00015E7 15 12/6/23 11:00 AM Y N
T0024 T24 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Laurie Mutalipassi
Cathedral Window Quilted Ladies Jacket
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Size small tan jacket with many colors of cathedral windows quilted in it. 1 1 000150.0 150 .0005E7 50 N N
U0003 U3 UUFNN Donations/Activities
  • Laurie Mutalipassi
Learn to make a rag quilt
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I can teach you how to make either an adult size rag quilt throw or a baby rag quilt. My place or yours to suit our mutual schedules. Must have sewing machine. 1 1 000100.0 100 .0003E7 30 N N
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  • Melanie & Prasanna Malaviya
Celebrate Holi (The Festival of Colors)
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Holi is an old festival celebrated in India. It signals the coming of Spring and tradition is to throw color on each other and enjoy a ton of yummy food! 10 0 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30 3/23/24 4:00 PM N N
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  • JoLynn & Joel Ibanez
The Beatles Sing Along
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We’ll play the instruments, you sing along! Maybe you want to sing lead, maybe you want to harmonize, maybe hum or perhaps just nod and sway and enjoy the others singing. We will have chicken chili and cornbread, tons of snacks and something sweet (other than you.)
Coffees, teas, wines, margaritas and infused water will quench your thirst.
9 -1 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20 4/20/24 5:00 PM N Y
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  • JoLynn & Joel Ibanez
Ornament Decorating and a Holiday Movie
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We will decorate ornaments with jewels and ribbons and bells! We will sip hot chocolate bomb cocoa, eat snacks and cookies and watch one of our library of holiday favorites such as “White Christmas”, “It’s a Wonderful Life”, “The Polar Express” or, that seminal favorite, “Die Hard”. It’s your vote! 6 6 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20 12/10/23 6:00 PM N Y
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  • Alan and Gabrielle Block
  • JoLynn & Joel Ibanez
Do It Yourself Shakespeare
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Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him well. The bard's plays have lived for 400 years and still speak to people. They have been modified for other settings: Ran, West Side Story. Here is your opportunity to perform a Shakespeare scene before a judgment-free audience. Channel your inner Shakespearean actor. Polish up your favorite soliloquy or scene or familiarize yourself with a new one. Style points for costume or props. Bread, English cheeses, and accompaniments will be served.
NOTE: This event is being re-scheduled from the previous auction. People who bought this event before do not need to bid on it again.
8 3 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15 3/16/24 4:00 PM Y N
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  • Jacques & Elizabeth Kilchoer
Arden: Helena Modjeska Historic House and Gardens tour
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Actress Helena Modjeska and friends came to Anaheim in the 19th century to form a Polish agricultural colony. That idea fizzled out but she remained in this country, had a storied acting career, and built a beautiful house in Modjeska Canyon, an area she named Arden, inspired by the forest setting of Shakespeare's "As You Like It".

Come on a tour of the house, followed by a short walk in Modjeska Canyon and a picnic lunch.

10 -1 000015.89 15.89 .0001E7 10 4/6/24 9:00 AM N Y
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  • Jacques & Elizabeth Kilchoer
Gingerbread Person Cookie Decorating Party - Children Encouraged to attend
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Come and design your own gingerbread cookie! Homemade dough and all the ingredients you need for your gingerbread art: animal, person, or other cookie design. Homemade icing? Check. Candy buttons? Check. Sprinkles? Check. We have it all.

There will be a contest with prizes for the best decorated creations. Children welcome and encouraged to attend.

Warning - your kids might be eating a bunch of cookies during the party.

19 12 000013.17 13.17 .0001E7 10 12/16/23 1:00 PM N Y
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  • Jacques & Elizabeth Kilchoer
Tonk Party! Simple and fun card game with wine and appetizers
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Tonk is a very simple card game, easy to learn, similar to rummy. You have 5 cards to start, you draw a card each hand and must put down all your cards to win (in groups of 3), except that if you have 49 or 50 points in your hand right after the deal you win. That’s it! This includes gambling, so you put down an ante each hand (we will use poker chips). At the end of the evening, the top players each get a prize. Includes drinks (alcoholic and other) and hors d’oeuvres. Event for adults. From 18:00 to 22:00 (6 PM to 10 PM).
At the Kilchoer home in Irvine.
6 0 000014.52 14.52 .0000999E7 9.99 3/9/24 6:00 PM N N
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  • Jacques & Elizabeth Kilchoer
Swiss Fine Dining - Raclette, wine and all the trimmings + Lindor Chocolate
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You put a grill on the table, melt cheese, and scrape it onto your plate. A fun convivial dinner. You eat the melted cheese with potatoes, onions, pickles. Meat and vegetables are also grilled and served. Wine, tea, coffee. Swiss chocolate for dessert. A typical Swiss meal! Swiss traditional music will be played during dinner. Guests are invited to join in a joyous chorus of yodelling. Also Lindor chocolates - those delicious chocolate balls!
Offered at the Kilchoer home in Irvine.
8 0 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15 2/3/24 6:00 PM N N
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  • Peggy Hepler
  • Meg Wilson
South African "Suid Afrikaner" Authentic Dinner
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Join us for an evening of classic Suid Afrikaner cuisine and libations. South African wines will be served.

Traditional Boerewors and Bobotie will be featured for our appetizer course, followed by Roast Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce. Milk Tart "Melk Tert" and a peach treat will follow for dessert. We will finish with a glass of Tawny Port.

Meg will impart her cultural and historic perspectives as a native Suid Afrikaner.

Come with an appetite and a curiosity about the Cape of Good Hope which launched a multicultural country, South Africa.

7 0 000100.0 100 .0004E7 40 3/2/24 6:00 PM N N
U0002 U2 UUFNN Donations/Activities
  • Rev. Sian Wiltshire
Sermon Topic!
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Have a deep, meaningful question you want answered? Or maybe one not so deep? Want to stump the minister? You get to choose the topic and I'll preach on it. Note that while you can choose the topic, you don't necessarily choose what I'll say! I'll treat you to lunch to discuss the topic. 1 -1 000250.0 250 .0005E7 50 N N
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  • Rev. Sian Wiltshire
Isle of Lewis and Harris, a virtual tour and tale
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Come experience the Isle of Lewis and Harris in the Outer Hebrides! Rev. Sian will do her best to regale you with pictures and lore about this amazingly beautiful land and people. She will also be bringing some yummy Scottish goodies, many of them from the Hebrides, including the famous Harris gin and Scottish "tablet (kind of candy)." No Haggis, however! Come experience why Rev. Sian loves this place so much. Children under 18 are free. 15 -3 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 1/13/24 7:00 PM Y Y
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  • Debra Quam
  • Audrey Prosser
Prime Rib Dinner and Valentine Fun
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Love is the spirit of OCUUC, so let’s celebrate Valentines Day together! Please join us for a prime rib dinner, wine, and dessert. Stuffed portabella mushrooms will be offered as a vegetarian alternative. We will play some Valentine themed games and candy and prizes will be included! Hosted at the home of Audrey Prosser and Debra Quam. 10 1 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 2/10/24 6:00 PM N N
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  • Donald & Sandie Martin
Holiday Centerpiece Event
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Let's get together at Sandie's house to create Holiday Centerpieces with Fresh Greens that will last throughout the holidays.
You will create and decorate a centerpiece with a variety of greens and decorations provided for you. The photo is an example, you can make it your own.
We'll also have coffee, tea, and snacks.
6 0 000050.0 50 .00015E7 15 12/9/23 2:00 PM N N
T0023 T23 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Peggy Hepler
Herb Duo
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Set of homegrown herbs, 2 ounce jars of Fennel Seeds and Rosemary. 3 2 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5 N N
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  • Robert & Sharon Loeschen
Winter concert by Long Beach Choral followed by dinner at the Loeschen's
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The Long Beach Chorale that Bob sings in has its winter concert on Saturday, December 9th at 4:00 pm. After the concert we will have a Lasangna meal at our house with other goodies. 4 -1 000040.0 40 .00035E7 35 12/9/23 3:00 PM N N
T0020 T20 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Elaine C. Diorio
  • Mary Smithberger
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Enjoy some wine or hot cider as you settle in front of the fire munching on brownies, pumpkin bread, cookies, or luscious chocolates. How about a game of Dominoes or cards with your liquid refreshments? Fall decorations also included in this Fall Basket to welcome in the season. 1 1 000035.0 35 .00011E7 11 N N
T0019 T19 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Peggy Hepler
Red and White Vinegar Set
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Tarragon White Wine Vinegar & Italian Herb Red Wine Vinegar Set 3 0 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20 N N
T0018 T18 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Peggy Hepler
Fig Balsamic Vinegar
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Balsamic Vinegar of Modena flavored with Genoa Fig pulp from my tree. 6 1 000015.0 15 .00007E7 7 N N
U0001 U1 UUFNN Donations/Activities
  • Auction Committee
Reserved Seat
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Sit in your favourite chair at church. Perhaps you would like a chair with a perfect view of the choir. Or the chair with the best acoustics from the pulpit. Or maybe the chair closest to the exit for a quick getaway when the service ends? Or, like the prize student, you want to be in front row center so you can keep an eye on our minisiter. Regardless, have your seat reserved for you EVERY SUNDAY!!! 1 -1 001961.0 1,961 .00025E7 25 N N
T0017 T17 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Tom Loughrey
A Personalized Holiday Greeting Card
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I will provide you with custom printed Holiday Greetings Card. I will take a picture of you, the family, your pet(s) or anything you would like on the card along with your personalized message to send out for holiday greetings. 20 cards with envelopes.You can select the card design with me. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0002E7 20 N N
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  • Nancy and Tom Loughrey
A Storm in the Barn
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Meet at the Loughrey's and walk to the Waltmar Theater for a student production of "A Storm in the Barn" followed by dinner at Rutebegorz nearby.

It is 1937, the height of the infamous Dust Bowl, and a young boy named Jack Clark, who lives a life of daily bullying, familial poverty struggles, and challenges of youth, finds solace and hope when he encounters a fantastical and mystical presence in a barn that changes his and his family’s life forever. Based on the graphic novel The Storm in the Barn by Matt Phelan.

6 0 000050.0 50 .0004E7 40 4/27/24 1:30 PM N N
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  • Robert & Sharon Loeschen
  • Nancy and Tom Loughrey
CSULB Winterfest Concert followed by Italian dinner at Vino e Cucina Restaurant
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Set in the beautifully decorated, historic sanctuary of First Congregational Church of Long Beach, this heart-warming, holiday themed concert has delighted audiences for over five decades. Featuring 150 singers, a string orchestra, the majesty of the great Möller organ, the Pacific Bells, and CSULB’s vocal jazz ensembles, this concert kicks off the season like none other.

We will meet at the Loeschen's to carppool to the church in downtown Long Beach. Concert will be followed by dinner at Vino e Cucina.

4 0 000100.0 100 .0007E7 70 12/2/23 3:15 PM N N
T0016 T16 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Tom Loughrey
Tom's Homemade Grand Marnier Orange Marmalade
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This year's crop will ripen in January and I will deliver you a full pint jar of sweet and tangy marmalade made from my own Navel Oranges and enhanced with a bit of lime from my own trees and a splash of Grand Marnier. Enjoy on toast or as PB&J or spread some on a pork roast. 4 0 000006.0 6 .00004E7 4 N N
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  • Nancy and Tom Loughrey
A Day at the Opera - Carmen
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Brunch at the Loughrey's with our traditional opera breakfast with baked French toast, then on to our local cinema to see Carmen through Live at the Met. Acclaimed English director Carrie Cracknell brings a vital new production of one of opera’s most enduringly powerful works, reinvigorating the classic story with a staging that moves the action to the modern day and finds at the heart of the drama issues that could not be more relevant today: gendered violence, abusive labor structures, and the desire to break through societal boundaries. 6 0 000035.0 35 .0003E7 30 1/27/24 8:30 AM N N
T0015 T15 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Donald & Sandie Martin
Dried Flower Arrangement
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Autumnal dried Flower Arrangement. 1 0 000030.0 30 .0001E7 10 N N
T0014 T14 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Maria Goode
Pre Wrapped Gift
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Do you need an extra gift under the tree/ menorah/ Festivus pole in case a neighbor stops by during the month of December? Do you feel too busy to shop for the OCUUC white elephant gift exchange? I've got you covered! 2 1 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10 N N
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  • Maria Goode
White Elephant Gift Exchange
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Find that set of tea towels from 2021, those juice glasses from Ikea, that camping light you never took out of the box, and wrap them up for one of your dear friends at OCUUC! Otherwise run to Target and pick up that new mystery novel or a box of fancy hand cream so you can join in the fun. Bring one gift and take one home. Kids welcome. Snacks and libations in the Victoria Room. 36 23 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10 12/10/23 12:15 PM Y Y
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  • Maria Goode
  • Alan and Gabrielle Block
Paint n Sip
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Enjoy some wine, finger foods, or cocoa while we paint a scene together. We'll stay warm and make some memorable art with paint on canvas! Join us in the Victoria Room. 8 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 1/20/24 6:30 PM Y N
T0013 T13 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Elaine C. Diorio
Blowing in the Breeze (spinner)
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Bright and cheery Double 12 pedal leaves rainbow flower (spinner) 19"x12" diameter wheels-29" pole-7"stake. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00006E7 6 N N
T0012 T12 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Elaine C. Diorio
New Hummingbird Feeder (1) + (3) Sherman Gardens passes
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Stroll the lush gorgeous Sherman Library gardens in charming Corona del Mar. View the koi pond, stroll into the enchanted gift shop, walk among the many varied and unique plants. Enjoy lunch at their top rated restaurant in the garden (lunch not included) 1 0 000035.0 35 .00011E7 11 N N
T0011 T11 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Elaine C. Diorio
Carl Karcher "signed" biography + GCard
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Carl Karcher started out pushing a $350 hot dog cart; turning it into the largest privately-owned, non-franchised restaurant chain in the United States. Read his interesting rise to fame. In the mid 1980s
I worked with Carl, negotiating restaurant locations. He was a dedicated, hard working, religious man, and a frugal employer.
Enjoy a "Famous Star" with special sauce. (Carl was responsible for inventing and perfecting the sauce that became so popular)
1 1 000035.0 35 .00019E7 19 N N
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  • Judith Stamper
Santa Ana Brunch and Murals
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Santa Ana has a collection of public murals that express the Mexican history and cultural pride of the city. We will visit several of these murals and learn about the artists. We will also have brunch at Alta Baja, “a market and café celebrating the flavors and makers above and below the US-Mexico border.” You pay for your own lunch, we will escort you around. Short distance walking required. Carpools leaving from OCUUC. 8 0 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 5/11/24 10:30 AM N Y
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  • Judith Stamper
Cookie Baking Day
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Wendy and Judith will provide the fixin’s, Judith will provide the kitchen, you bring your favorite cookie recipe. We will bake, chat and have a great time filling up our cookie jars before Christmas. 4 0 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10 12/9/23 10:00 AM N Y
T0010 T10 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Jennifer Thomas
Orange County Honey
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Bottle of honey 6 0 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15 N N
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  • Jennifer Thomas
Live Bee Keeping and honey harvesting
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Bee Keeping 101 and if you dare you may assist in harvesting honey from a back-yard hive. Take home fresh honey on the day of the class.
Date and time to be determined with winners and subject to weather conditions.
2 -2 000125.0 125 .0005E7 50 N N
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  • Wendy Karn
Coffee with the Intern Minister!
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Come out for coffee and a treat with Wendy Karn at Nook Coffeehouse at the Anti-Mall in Costa Mesa. We'll work out the date and time! 1 -2 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15 N N
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  • Matthew K Patterson
Fourth Planet
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Fullerton College Theatre presents “Fourth Planet”.

Fourth Planet follows Dr. Violet Garcia as she attempts to be chosen for the first human mission to Mars. One major hurtle is that she is forced to confront the possibility of losing her most important relationships on Earth. Fourth Planet is a play about the future of humanity and what scientific advancement and sacrifice look like through a very personal lens.

10 8 000016.0 16 .00015E7 15 11/17/23 7:30 PM N N
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  • April Stilson and Cory Brown
The Great Divorce - A Play At Vanguard University, Costa Mesa
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A play at Vanguard University, Costa Mesa, written by C.S. Lewis. This school has an excellent theater department, accredited by the National Association of Schools of Theater. This mesmerizing fantasy is suitable for teens and older. Ed Arnold, of public television has called Vanguard's Theater Department a "hidden entertainment treasure." The play, through Lewis' signature wit is about heaven, hell, and the choice between them, as the characters take a fantastical bus trip from hell to the outskirts of paradise (a metaphor for salvation?). Lewis says that the gates of hell are locked from the inside so those there choose it - self-choice? Perfect for UU's! There are a total of four tickets, located in the center of the theater, that can be purchased separately or together. 4 1 000080.0 80 .0006E7 60 2/24/24 7:30 PM N N
T0009 T9 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Sarah Hunter
Chocolate Bourbon Balls
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A positively festive little treat that will ensure there is plenty of merriment and cheers to go around. Chocolate, pecans, and bourbon rolled into little balls and then dredged in sugar. Two orders. Order will be mailed to you. 2 0 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 N N
T0008 T8 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Sarah Hunter
Southern Pecans
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Two pounds of Georgia pecans for your holiday goodies. Choose between rich, buttery pecans or spicy ones. You can even have a pound of each.
Two orders offered. Will be mailed to you.
2 0 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 N N
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  • Maureen McConaghy
PRE-prandial Hike and Coffee (the Satuday BEFORE Thanksgiving)
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This year the annual hike will come on the Saturday morning BEFORE Thanksgiving (because Maureen will be at her daughter's in Tucson for Thanksgiving). Hiking may help you thin down a bit to prepare for all that t(of)urkey and pie!

An easy 60 minute hike at Irvine Regional Park, followed by snacks outdoors at a nearby coffee shop. Adults pay for the hike and get free snacks; children hike free and parents provide their snacks.

10 -1 000015.0 15 .00008E7 8 11/18/23 9:30 AM N Y
T0007 T7 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Maureen McConaghy
Here a Poem, There a Poem: Haikus, Humor, and Heart
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Poems written by Maureen over the span of numerous decades, many serious and some exceedingly silly; topics include animals, nature, and love. 5 5 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5 N N
T0006 T6 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Maureen McConaghy
A Small Amousement
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A very silly nonsense book about mice, (and kin), written and illustrated by Maureen. 5 4 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5 N N
T0005 T5 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Maureen McConaghy
Haikus and Hymns on a Hike by Maureen
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A collection of haikus, hymns, and other poems Maureen created while hiking the trails in the chaparral wilderness parks of Orange County. 5 5 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5 N N
T0004 T4 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Maureen McConaghy
Finding Joy and Peace: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Tools for Our Lives
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This book was Maureen's Covid-19 project. It is now available for sale on Amazon. The book covers and goes beyond what she taught in her CBT class at church in previous years. 3 1 000012.0 12 .00005E7 5 N N
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  • Maureen McConaghy
Orange Community Master Chorale Fall Concert "A Touch of Americana"
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This will be a fun concert, as usual! Includes folk songs, spirituals, gospel songs, and other favorites by American composers. This concert is a preview of the concerts the Chorale will be giving on our Fall tour to the East coast.

Sunday, October 15th at 4 p.m.
at Trinity Lutheran Church
4101 E. Nohl Ranch Road
Anaheim, CA

4 4 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10 N N
T0003 T3 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Maureen McConaghy
One 500 piece nature puzzle, set C
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Fun! 1 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10 N N
T0002 T2 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Maureen McConaghy
Two 1000 piece farm animal puzzles, set B
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Fun and challenging puzzles. 1 0 000040.0 40 .00012E7 12 N N
T0001 T1 Tickets or Entertainment
  • Maureen McConaghy
Two 1000 piece nature puzzles, set A
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Challenging and rewarding! 1 0 000040.0 40 .00012E7 12 N N