Newest items are shown first, or click on column titles to sort differently.
Item0 | Item | Category | Donors | Item Name | Picture | Description | Qty | Left | Est0 | Est Val | Min0 | Min Price | Date | Held at church? | Child friendly? |
E0044 | E44 | Events |
| Music and Good(e) Company | Come out for some live music at Knowlwood casual restaurant in Old Town Irvine. The first round of drinks is on me. | 6 | 6 | 000010.0 | 10 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
S0010 | S10 | Services |
| Ferrari Ride | Ride in Dave's Ferrari | 2 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .0005E7 | 50 | N | N | ||
E0043 | E43 | Events |
| An hour of my time | Talk with Tom and ask him anything. | 1 | 0 | 000100.0 | 100 | .001E7 | 100 | N | N | ||
S0009 | S9 | Services |
| Yard work, cleaning, organizing, etc | 4 hours of labor - yard work, cleaning, organizing, maintenance, or demo :) Whatever your house or property needs. I'll come with boots, gloves, and basic tools. | 1 | 0 | 000060.0 | 60 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
G0020 | G20 | Goods |
| 1999 Brunello- fine Italian wine |
A fine Italian wine from Tuscany, made of sangiovese grapes, vintage year 1999! It has been properly stored. Fans of Brunello di Montalcino will be happy to support OCUUC by purchasing this bottle of rare wine. Or it would make a nice gift for the Italian wine lover in your life. On it is listed for up to $160/bottle. The average of $45-160 is $102.50 so I will list its value at $100. You’d pay way more if you ordered it in a restaurant, and you cannot find it everyday... | 1 | 0 | 000100.0 | 100 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
E0042 | E42 | Events |
| Beach Walk and visit of a Mysterious Tower |
A fun walk on the beach at Victoria Beach in Laguna Beach - and see "La Tour", a little known Laguna Beach landmark! This mysterious structure, built in 1926, used to be the beach access for a house on the cliff. Followed by a lunch at Ruby's (lunch is included with the auction item.) For children or adults. Walk will include descending stairs and scrambling over rocks at the beach. | 8 | -3 | 000010.0 | 10 | .0001E7 | 10 | 6/18/16 9:30 AM | N | N | |
G0019 | G19 | Goods |
| Elegant Rosewood Desk Set | Beautiful wood pen, magnifying glass, letter opener and box will liven up your desk. | 1 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
E0041 | E41 | Events |
| Bird Watching and Picnic - San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary |
Sea and Sage Audubon Society offers a guided nature / bird walk through the upper back bay. (The tour is open to the public, our group would not be the only people there.) All flat land, no strenuous hiking. You will need to bring: sunscreen, and your own binoculars if you have any (some are provided if you don't have your own). This will be followed by a picnic at the picnic tables located on-site. We will provide the food for the picnic. You must be there PROMPTLY at 8:45. We will send directions. Adults and children are invited. Only adults pay. | 10 | 0 | 000010.0 | 10 | .00005E7 | 5 | 6/4/16 8:45 AM | N | N | |
E0040 | E40 | Events |
| Costa Mesa History | Tour of The Diego Sepulveda Adobe Museum, then your own sack lunch - I provide drinks and desserts - followed by a tour of the Costa Mesa Historical Society Museum with the complete history of this city. Tour will conclude at about 2:00pm. | 10 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0001E7 | 10 | 9/17/16 10:30 AM | N | N | |
E0039 | E39 | Events |
| Orange County Fair Tickets | The fair starts July 15th and ends August 14th. It's open Wednesday through Sunday, closed Monday and Tuesday. These tickets are good for any day that it is open. | 8 | 0 | 000012.0 | 12 | .00008E7 | 8 | N | N | ||
E0038 | E38 | Events |
| The Fountain of Youth | Issa is living proof that a simple, FREE system of skincare can give you lasting youthful, glowing skin! No special products, strenuous exercises, nothing taxing, easy-peesy good for your body & soul! Let Issa walk you through her simple beauty regime and your skin will thank you for it...always! As she feeds your mind, she will feed you with dessert yummies, coffee and juices. | 8 | 1 | 000050.0 | 50 | .0001E7 | 10 | 6/1/16 7:00 PM | N | N | |
E0037 | E37 | Events |
| Tonk Party! Simple and fun card game with wine and appetizers | Tonk is a very simple card game, easy to learn, similar to rummy. You have 5 cards to start, you draw a card each hand and must put down all your cards to win (in groups of 3), except that if you have 49 or 50 points in your hand right after the deal you win. That’s it! This includes gambling, so you put down an ante each hand (we will use poker chips). At the end of the evening, the top players each get a prize. Includes drinks (alcoholic and other) and hors d’oeuvres. Event for adults. From 18:00 to 22:00 (6 PM to 10 PM). | 8 | 1 | 000010.0 | 10 | .0001E7 | 10 | 7/2/16 6:00 PM | N | N | |
E0036 | E36 | Events |
| Acting Class and Pizza Dinner | JoLynn has been an actor since elementary school but was officially trained at USC, Stella Adler and TVI among others. She is a member of SAG and was on the board of directors of Anaheim Community Theater. She has been teaching acting and musical theater for 8 years. She loves to teach and wants to share it with you! Culturally, acting and storytelling have been around as long as people, and while much of it comes naturally, there is "craft" and it can be used on stage, when giving presentations, doing public speaking, and apparently, when running for office! We will talk theater, do exercises and then scene work for each other. We will eat the actors staple - pizza. | 6 | 0 | 000250.0 | 250 | .0001E7 | 10 | 6/11/16 4:00 PM | N | N | |
E0035 | E35 | Events |
| 3D Movie and Almost Real Asian Dinner | Our dinner will look so real you can almost taste it! In fact, you can! We will screen a 3-D movie of your choice (The Martian, Gravity, Avatar, The Great Gatsby, Jurassic Park, Top Gun, Tron Legacy, The Wizard of Oz, Cars, Planes and The Polar Express are some of the choices) Accompanied by Orange Chicken, Fried Brown Rice, Citrus Garlic Green Beans, and many appetizers and movie snacks. We will have wine, cocktails, sodas, coffee and tea followed by a sweet delight. A world of film adventures and food you can actually reach out and touch! (Even without the power 3D goggles!) | 5 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .0001E7 | 10 | 10/1/16 5:00 PM | N | N | |
E0034 | E34 | Events |
| Karaoke and Kickin' Chicken Chili | You can sing almost any song you can think of! Between our CDG library of roughly 1000 songs, our system uses Bluetooth signals so any karaoke track from youtube may be streamed as well. We also have a piano, if you prefer to accompany yourself! We will make chili and cornbread - let us know if you need a vegetarian or mild version. Tequila, wine, beer, etc. will limber up your vocal chords and loosen your performance inhibitions! The group songs always end up being the most fun. We will end it on a sweet note with a mystery dessert. | 8 | -2 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0001E7 | 10 | 9/17/16 4:00 PM | N | N | |
E0033 | E33 | Events |
| Book Bazaar | Bid on a chance to select children's books from the collection of our now-grown-up kids! This item will include light refreshments, brief readings, and a chance to pick out books. Get books for your own kids, other kids in your life, or to add to a teacher's classroom library. One place lets all members of a family attend, if desired. | 6 | 3 | 000010.0 | 10 | .0001E7 | 10 | 6/5/16 12:00 PM | N | N | |
E0032 | E32 | Events |
| Picnic and Games | Enjoy a picnic and play board games at Estancia Park (location tentative). We will have Pictionary, Apples to Apples, and others. Or bring your favorite party board game. | 8 | 8 | 000015.0 | 15 | .0001E7 | 10 | 8/13/16 12:00 PM | N | N | |
S0008 | S8 | Services |
| Weekend Pet Sitting | One weekend of cat sitting in our home or dog sitting in your home. Friday evening to Sunday evening. Daily dog walking included. | 1 | 0 | 000100.0 | 100 | .00025E7 | 25 | N | N | ||
S0007 | S7 | Services |
| Personal Assistant for 4 Hours | Typing, filing, answer phones, run errands, shopping, driver, pick up/drop off dry cleaning, etc. | 1 | 0 | 000080.0 | 80 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
S0006 | S6 | Services |
| Resume Overhaul | Need to overhaul your resume? Or have a loved one who needs to look for a job? Your minister, in a previous life, was a recruiter who helped people find their dream jobs. The first step is a professional and authentic resume. I'll help you (or someone you love) build up a resume that will get you in most doors. And I'll take you to lunch to go over it, help your format and give advice about how to modify for your dream job. Date TBD. | 1 | -1 | 000100.0 | 100 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
E0031 | E31 | Events |
| 3 Hour Beginning Cooking Class | Professional chef will teach you how to cook delicious Italian cuisine in our Huntington Beach home. Wine will be served. Transportation provided. | 2 | 0 | 000060.0 | 60 | .0002E7 | 20 | 9/10/16 11:00 AM | N | N | |
S0005 | S5 | Services |
| Sermon Topic | Have a deep meaningful question you want answered? Or maybe one not so deep? You choose the topic and I'll preach on it! I'll treat you to lunch to discuss the topic. | 1 | -1 | 000100.0 | 100 | .0003E7 | 30 | N | N | ||
G0018 | G18 | Goods |
| Wine Rack | Decorative wine rack holds 6 bottles. (Wine not included!) | 1 | 0 | 000030.0 | 30 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
E0030 | E30 | Events |
| Music in the Key of Sea |
The Long Beach Chorale returns to the Aquarium of the Pacific for a summer concert, Music in the Key of Sea. The program for this concert will include a performance of movements from Symphony of the Jellies, a piece the Aquarium commissioned in 2015 that has been newly arranged for voices. Enjoy the sounds of 50 voices, with the Honda Blue Cavern exhibit as a backdrop and the Great Hall providing cathedral-like acoustics. Doors will open at 7:00 p.m., giving the audience a chance to explore the Aquarium’s exhibits before the concert begins at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments will be available for purchase. | 2 | 0 | 000060.0 | 60 | .0003E7 | 30 | 6/10/16 7:30 PM | N | N | |
E0029 | E29 | Events |
| Origami Lesson | Learn to make a variety of origami flowers, animals, and decorations. Includes a gift of beautiful, authentic Japanese origami paper. This event is for adults and motivated teens. | 5 | 2 | 000010.0 | 10 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
E0028 | E28 | Events |
| Delights for your Ears and Soul |
For music lovers... Enjoy listening to classical or jazz music, performed live in the most intimate of venues -- a home in Tustin called Hoson House. Chizuko Asada routinely offers piano recitals by talented students, as well as, performances by professionals and one sits only a few feet away in this amazing setting. | 4 | 0 | 000030.0 | 30 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
E0027 | E27 | Events |
| Mountatin High Weekend | Donated by Mark Renshaw. Spend a stress-free weekend at my home in Big Bear, the only 4 season mountain resort location in Southern California. My home has a large front deck, 2 bedrooms & 2 baths, with a 400 square foot open loft that is used as a master suite, with plenty of room for kids in sleeping bags, a full kitchen, separate laundry room, fireplace, big screen TV with extensive video library (400+ discs) and wireless internet access. Good for weekends in between May 28th and the first snow. From all the families that have previously purchased this item, we've had nothing but praise and gratitude for being given the opportunity to spend a carefree weekend in my mountain home. | 1 | -1 | 000400.0 | 400 | .0015E7 | 150 | N | N | ||
G0017 | G17 | Goods |
| Backpack for computer. |
Kensington SaddleBag K64079 Carrying Case (Backpack) for 15' Notebook - Black. This is what you need for carrying a laptop. Rugged construction and good for travel or field work. | 1 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .00025E7 | 25 | 5/29/16 12:00 PM | N | N | |
G0016 | G16 | Goods |
| Fire of Commitment: Red Bracelet | Lovely braids of bronze-colored and ruby red beads. Easy slip on no clasps. Comes in red fabric covered gift box. | 1 | 0 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00015E7 | 15 | 5/29/16 12:00 PM | N | N | |
S0004 | S4 | Services |
| Relaxing Reiki with Amanda | Are you tired, stressed and/or want an opportunity to be pampered? Amanda Horack will be happy to provide her 4 years of Reiki training and experiences to help you feel a sense of peace during a 60 minute individual session. Reiki is a gentle touch meditation technique from Japan that promotes healing. It has been used to help calm inflammation in the body and as a complementary technique for treating chronic to serious health problems. Amanda will bring her Reiki/Massage table and calming music to your home within a 15 mile drive from OCUUC. There is nothing quite like Reiki. You have to experience it to understand it. Amanda also offers Reiki to animals. You are welcome to have your pets in the space with you. In past sessions, a cat jumped up on the Reiki table to be near their human parent and dogs fell asleep below the table where their human parent was lying. They love the healing energy. You do not want to miss out. | 2 | 0 | 000080.0 | 80 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
G0015 | G15 | Goods |
| Chinese Mah Jong Set | A complete Chinese Mah Jong Set given to me by a now deceased Chinese friend. | 1 | 0 | 000075.0 | 75 | .0005E7 | 50 | N | N | ||
E0026 | E26 | Events |
| A summer evening of Simon and Garfunkel's Greatest Hits |
Please join us in Debra and Audrey's lovely backyard to sing along to the greatest hits of Simon and Garfunkel. Sound of Silence, Bridge over Troubled Water, El Condor Pasa, and more. Refreshments will be provided. | 20 | -6 | 000025.0 | 25 | .0002E7 | 20 | 7/9/16 7:00 PM | N | N | |
E0025 | E25 | Events |
| Belly Dance and Appetizers, Ladies afternoon |
Do you feel like trying something fun and new with your girl firends? Moving in a healthy and yet, exotic way? Or welcoming the All Mother through Devine dance? This is the event for you! A 2 hour beginning Belly dance workshop. Followed by a mosaic of dance videos, celebrating the variety of Belly dance styles in America while being served Vegatarian Middle Eastern appetizers and mint tea! Kim and Karen have taught, choreographed and performed for over 20 years together in their troupe Tribe Roman Morga | 6 | 3 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0002E7 | 20 | 7/16/16 1:00 PM | N | N | |
G0014 | G14 | Goods |
| Crabtree & Evelyn London Lavender Box Set |
Together at last—luxurious conditioning and essential moisturising to soften, soothe and leave skin scented with soothing and fragrant Lavender—bouqueted with violet leaf, lemon leaf and soft musk. All paired in a beautiful printed box. Brilliant as a gift for family or friends, or simply for your lovely self. Let the scent of England's favourite floral transport you to the purple fields and sun-dappled meadows of summer. Lavender, long renowned for its calming effects, is the perfect thing to lift your senses. Notes of sweet violet, sensual jasmine, tonka bean and musk delight and charm, whilst a whisper of lemon adds zest and energy. In short, the soothing days of summer, distilled. | 1 | 1 | 000040.0 | 40 | .00025E7 | 25 | 5/31/16 12:03 PM | N | N | |
S0003 | S3 | Services |
| One month piano or voice lessons | Beth is offering one calendar month of weekly 30-minute piano or voice lessons at her OCUUC office. | 1 | 0 | 000145.0 | 145 | .0004E7 | 40 | N | N | ||
G0013 | G13 | Goods |
| Books in Disguise | Surprise yourself with a mystery title in the categories of Pagan Interest, Current Events / Politics, Literary / Memoir, and more. Books are wrapped in brown paper with the category written on the front. | 13 | 1 | 000005.0 | 5 | .00002E7 | 2 | N | N | ||
E0024 | E24 | Events |
| Music Under the Stars |
Come enjoy an evening of live music, drinks and finger food in the OCUUC courtyard. Singers and instrumentalists will entertain you while you savor sweets and hors d'oeuvres with a glass of wine, a beer or a soft drink under the stars.Two adult beverages are included with your admission to this special event. Dress up if you are so inclined, and make it a festive night! This event is for Adults | 25 | 12 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00015E7 | 15 | 9/24/16 7:00 PM | N | N | |
E0023 | E23 | Events |
| Memorial Day Service and Barbeque |
From speakers to parade of flags, the OC concert band and Aerial Fly Overs, you will have a blast in the Memorial Day Service in the Fairview Santa Ana Cemetery constructed in 1870. It is easy to get there, park your car, and sit down in a chair, or course if you are not too late! It is fun to walk around the grounds and enjoy the nature. Then go to Barbara and Alexandra's house next door to the old and beloved cemetery for a burger, potato salad, watermelon, ice cream and all that stuff... and enjoy our garden. Children are free. | 10 | 0 | 000010.0 | 10 | .0001E7 | 10 | 5/30/16 10:00 AM | N | N | |
G0012 | G12 | Goods |
| Reserved Seat for Sunday Service in the Sanctuary | Pick your favorite spot in the sanctuary and it will be yours every Sunday until the Fall Auction. | 1 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
G0011 | G11 | Goods |
| Reserved Parking |
Have your very own reserved parking spot! You choose your favorite location! Good until the Fall Auction | 1 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
E0022 | E22 | Events |
| An Evening at Ecole Des Gourmands -A French Dinner | From the book “Mastering The Art of French Cooking” by Julia Child, Louisette Berthole and Simone Beck. We will be dining on a menu of selections from the famous cookbook of these Gourmands. This book was written specifically to assist American cooks in the art of French cuisine. Our menu will draw from these creations but interpreted in our own way. Come and be surprised and bring your appetite with you. | 6 | 0 | 000075.0 | 75 | .0004E7 | 40 | 10/15/16 6:00 PM | N | N | |
E0021 | E21 | Events |
| BRATS, BEER & POKER | BBQ with "fix-ins" and Poker Party. First we fill you up; then we clean you out. This is a fun co-ed poker party. Come and play whether you are a novice or an expert. | 14 | 0 | 000025.0 | 25 | .0002E7 | 20 | 9/10/16 6:00 PM | N | N | |
E0020 | E20 | Events |
| Music in the Key of Sea | Join us to be entertained by the Long Beach Chorale at the fabulous Long Beach Aquarium. Our very own Beth Syverson will be conducting the concert entitled, Music in the Key of Sea. The program for this concert will be performed with the Honda Blue Cavern exhibit as a backdrop and the Great Hall providing cathedral-like acoustics. Doors will open at 7pm to view exhibits prior to the concert at 7:30pm. Afterwards, the Loeschens’ will treat you to dessert and coffee at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. restaurant, which is nearby. | 6 | 0 | 000040.0 | 40 | .00035E7 | 35 | 6/10/16 7:00 PM | N | N | |
E0019 | E19 | Events |
| California's Gold | Come join us for a taste of CALIFORNIA’S GOLD! We will begin by having a tasty Mexican brunch at the Loughrey’s to be followed by watching Huell Howser talk about the history of Costa Mesa. After which, we will walk over to the Chapman University Campus and visit the Huell Howser Museum where his mementos from his TV series, California's Gold are housed. | 8 | -1 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0002E7 | 20 | 8/20/16 10:00 AM | N | N | |
E0018 | E18 | Events |
| Easiest Potluck Ever - Silk Thai Cuisine |
Do you enjoy potlucks but hate to do the cooking, schlep the food, and then clean up? Then join us for the easiest potluck ever. You just pick what you want and pay for what you order; the restaurant does all the work!! Only Adults bid; but children under 12 are free with adults! Silk Thai Cuisine Restaurant offers a wide selection of vegetarian and meat-based entrees. Silk Thai Cuisine Hosted by Karen Anderson and Birdie Reed | 10 | 1 | 000010.0 | 10 | .0001E7 | 10 | 6/18/16 5:30 PM | N | N | |
E0017 | E17 | Events |
| Japanese Lunch at Mitsuwa Marketplace (near South Coast Plaza) | Visit Japan in Orange County! After lunch, explore the gift shop, the pastry shop, and the Japanese grocery store. (This will happen at 11:30 a.m. on a weekday, date TBA.) | 2 | -1 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00015E7 | 15 | N | N | ||
E0016 | E16 | Events |
| Trip to the Irvine Museum | The Irvine Museum is dedicated to the preservation and display of California art of the Impressionist Period (1890-1930), After enjoying the art, we will have a picnic lunch in a special garden spot. | 6 | -1 | 000010.0 | 10 | .00008E7 | 8 | 8/20/16 10:30 AM | N | N | |
G0010 | G10 | Goods |
| Cookies! |
I will bake you one batch (approximately 3 dozen) cookies of your choice, including vegan and gluten free options. However, oatmeal/raisin/white chocolate chip are especially delicious. I will deliver them to you on a date of mutual agreement. Children and Adults | 2 | 0 | 000010.0 | 10 | .00008E7 | 8 | N | N | ||
E0015 | E15 | Events |
| Trip to the Skirball Cultural Center |
The Skirball Cultural Center"s mission is to explore the connections between 4,000 years of Jewish heritage and the vitality of American democratic ideals. The special exhibition will be "Chasing Dreams: Baseball and Becoming American". I will drive and provide your admission. You buy your lunch at the really good cafe. | 3 | 0 | 000018.0 | 18 | .00015E7 | 15 | 9/10/16 12:00 PM | N | N | |
E0014 | E14 | Events |
| Trip to Annenberg Space for Photography |
The Annenberg Space for Photography is a cultural destination dedicated to exhibiting both digital and print photography in an intimate environment. REFUGEE explores the lives of refugees from a host of diverse populations dispersed and displaced throughout the world. I will drive and prepare a delicious picnic lunch. | 3 | 0 | 000015.0 | 15 | .00015E7 | 15 | 7/9/16 10:30 AM | N | N | |
E0013 | E13 | Events |
| Dinner and Movie - Florence Foster Jenkins |
Based on a true story, Meryl Streep stars as Florence Foster Jenkins, a New York heiress who dreamed of becoming an opera singer, despite having a terrible singing voice. (Trailer: We'll have dinner first and then go see the movie. Location of theater and restaurant TBD once we know where the movie is playing. | 6 | 0 | 000030.0 | 30 | .00025E7 | 25 | 8/27/16 12:00 PM | N | N | |
E0012 | E12 | Events |
| Alfresco Italian Dinner | Richard O'Neil, John Cartaya, Don and Sandie Martin will host an evening of Italian food, fun, and frivolity at Don and Sandie's home in Costa Mesa. | 8 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .0003E7 | 30 | 7/30/16 6:00 PM | N | N | |
E0011 | E11 | Events |
| Musicals of the New Millennium - Orange County Gay Men's Chorus |
Two tickets to this concert at the Irvine Barclay (on UCI Campus). Saturday, July 23rd, 2016 8:00 pm | 2 | 0 | 000045.0 | 45 | .0003E7 | 30 | 7/23/16 8:00 PM | N | N | |
E0010 | E10 | Events |
Enjoy an incredible Brunch (Omelettes, waffles, smoked salmon, plus much more) overlooking the water at this exclusive Yacht Club. Includes Coffee or Tea and One (1) Mimosa. You are on your own for additional libations. Your Hosts: Marilyn Frenz, Meg Wilson, Elaine Diorio If you choose, take a walk over the historic Balboa Bridge for a leisurely stroll along charming Main Street on Balboa Island. Come and Relax with Us..."Breathe In......Breathe Out......" Carpool: As this is "high season" and parking is impossible, your Hosts will carpool attendees from Church. | 10 | 0 | 000060.0 | 60 | .0003E7 | 30 | 8/28/16 12:30 PM | N | N | |
E0009 | E9 | Events |
| English Country Dancing | Channel your inner Jane Austen or get ready for the next Ren Faire. This event is a lesson in English Country Dancing which was the ancestor of Contra and Square Dancing. Our Dance Mistress performs with the country dancers at the Southern Cal Renaissance Faire. Music will be live. | 20 | 9 | 000010.0 | 10 | .00005E7 | 5 | 7/23/16 12:01 PM | N | N | |
G0009 | G9 | Goods |
| Architectural Styles of Orange County by Richard H. Dodd | Exquisite coffee table book on unique architectural homes in Orange county.The book is signed by the author Richard H. Dodd. He covers the progression of style and reasons behind the evolution of various styles in Orange County. He presents over 28 different styles and their history including Mission, Tudor, Craftsman, Prairie, Bungalow, Pueblo,and many others. Dodd demonstrates how architecture is the most visible manifestation of culture in Orange County. | 1 | 0 | 000035.0 | 35 | .00015E7 | 15 | N | N | ||
S0002 | S2 | Services |
| Dog Training for your unruly dog or puppy | Certified dog trainer (CPDT-KA) will come to your home and give you training advice for your dog or puppy. e.g. leash walking manners, not jumping, housetraining. | 1 | 0 | 000075.0 | 75 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
E0008 | E8 | Events |
| FRENCH Beef Burgundy DINNER a la Julia Childs, with fine French wine |
Cheese Tray appetizer Salad Beef Burgundy with some of Julia Childs’ favorite side dishes Dessert, coffee Fine French wines Cooked and Served by Karen at her house near downtown Huntington Beach | 6 | 0 | 000100.0 | 100 | .0004E7 | 40 | 6/25/16 7:00 PM | N | N | |
E0007 | E7 | Events |
| Learn to Play Euchre & BBQ Dinner. |
Euchre is a fun and fast card game that has quirky rules. It is easy to learn and play. Experienced players also invited. August 6, Saturday at 3 PM. Home of Bob and Sheri Loeschen in Long Beach Hosted by Bob & Sheri and Karen Anderson | 12 | -1 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00025E7 | 25 | 11/12/16 3:00 PM | N | N | |
E0006 | E6 | Events |
There's nothing more fun than having a pizza party at the Hunter's House in Huntington Beach. The pizza is coming from Doppio Zero in Huntington Beach Their pizza is the best I've had outside of Italy. There will be music, drinks and lots of pizza. | 16 | 0 | 000250.0 | 250 | .0001E7 | 10 | 8/13/16 6:00 PM | N | N | |
E0005 | E5 | Events |
| Learn How Easy It Is to Make See's Candy Knockoff's |
You will learn how to make a variety of See's knockoff recipes. I'll demonstrate with Almond Squares; we will also make a soft center like Bordeaux. And then you will choose a couple of additional selections to make a few of. You will have a few to sample here and a few to take home. Best of all, you can easily make just 4 candies at a time or a whole pound or more. 2-4 PM at OCUUC Kitchenette. | 6 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0001E7 | 10 | 6/4/16 2:00 PM | N | N | |
G0007 | G7 | Goods |
| Beautiful Succulent Arrangement | Custom-made large succulent arrangement in sturdy ceramic planter. Low, Low, maintenance. A nice addition to any home decor. | 1 | 0 | 000028.0 | 28 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
G0008 | G8 | Goods |
| Succulents in Metal Tub |
Delightful small Succulent arrangements in old fashioned metal tub. Custom-made just for you. | 2 | 0 | 000015.0 | 15 | .00005E7 | 5 | N | N | ||
G0006 | G6 | Goods |
| Chocolate Gift Basket from Wine and More | Indulge your chocolate cravings with this Gift Basket with special offerings for the Chocolate lover. | 1 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .00015E7 | 15 | N | N | ||
G0005 | G5 | Goods |
| Stone Fire Grill...$50.00 Gift Certificate | Diverse dining options; good food. Multiple locations throughout Southern CA. | 1 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .00015E7 | 15 | N | N | ||
S0001 | S1 | Services |
| Guided Horse Trail Ride - 1 Hr. - Huntington Beach |
One (1) Hour Guided trail ride at Horse Play Rentals on Goldenwest Street in Huntington Beach. Minimum Age 8 Years; Maximum weight 200 lbs. | 1 | 0 | 000055.0 | 55 | .00015E7 | 15 | N | N | ||
G0004 | G4 | Goods |
| Aztec Restaurant Gift Certificate $20.00 | Thirty Year old authentic Mexican Restaurant Located in downtown Garden Grove (Main Street). Great atmosphere, Generous portions. | 1 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
E0004 | E4 | Events |
| Drought Tolerant Garden Tour |
We will meet at my home in Irvine and probably take 1 or 2 cars. We will have the opportunity to visit 15+ homes in Irvine that have transformed their water thirsty grass lawns into drought-friendly landscapes! See how beautiful and unique drought friendly gardens can truly be. Then get your questions answered by Drought Friendly Garden Expert, Juan Garcia, and take a guided tour of a Drought-Friendly Demonstration Garden. I'll provide lunch along the way. May 7, 2016 10am -2pm. | 4 | -2 | 000020.0 | 20 | .00015E7 | 15 | 5/7/17 10:00 AM | N | N | |
E0003 | E3 | Events |
| C'est Crepes | Sweet and Savory Crepe Brunch at the home of Don and Sandie Martin. | 8 | 0 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0003E7 | 30 | 8/14/16 12:30 PM | N | N | |
G0003 | G3 | Goods |
| Mystery Bag of Desk Items | Surprise yourself with a collection of about 15 items for your desk, varying in value from under $1 to possibly $10 or more! | 1 | 0 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00015E7 | 15 | N | N | ||
G0002 | G2 | Goods |
| Mystery Bag of Personal Adornment | Surprise yourself with a collection of about 10 items for personal adornment (jewelry, scarves, etc.), varying in value from a few dollars to possibly $30 or more! | 1 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .00015E7 | 15 | N | N | ||
G0001 | G1 | Goods |
| Mystery Bag of Small Art Objects | Surprise yourself with a collection of 25 assorted small art objects from around the world, varying in size from about 1/4 inch to 3 inches wide and in value from under $1 to possibly $20 or more! | 1 | 0 | 000040.0 | 40 | .00015E7 | 15 | N | N | ||
E0001 | E1 | Events |
| Hilbert Museum and lunch | Meet at the Loughreys' home in Orange and walk to the recently opened Hilbert Art Museum featuring California plein air paintings. After a short walking tour of Orange, return for lunch - al fresco of course! | 10 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0001E7 | 10 | 7/16/16 10:00 AM | N | N | |
C0006 | C6 | Church Event |
| OCUUC Annual Meeting | Annual business, elections, budget and awards meeting. After church | 1 | 1 | 000000.0 | 0 | .0E7 | 0 | 6/12/16 12:00 PM | N | N | |
C0005 | C5 | Church Event |
| UUA General Assembly | General Assembly in Columbus, OH | 1 | 1 | 000001.0 | 1 | .00001E7 | 1 | 6/26/16 12:00 PM | N | N | |
C0004 | C4 | Church Event |
| UUA General Assembly | General Assembly in Columbus, OH | 1 | 1 | 000001.0 | 1 | .00001E7 | 1 | 6/25/16 12:00 PM | N | N | |
C0003 | C3 | Church Event |
| UUA General Assembly | General Assembly in Columbus, OH | 1 | 1 | 000001.0 | 1 | .00001E7 | 1 | 6/24/16 12:00 PM | N | N | |
C0002 | C2 | Church Event |
| UUA General Assembly | General Assembly in Columbus, OH | 1 | 1 | 000001.0 | 1 | .00001E7 | 1 | 6/23/16 12:00 PM | N | N | |
C0001 | C1 | Church Event |
| UUA General Assembly | General Assembly in Columbus, OH | 1 | 1 | 000001.0 | 1 | .00001E7 | 1 | 6/22/16 12:00 PM | N | N |