Newest items are shown first, or click on column titles to sort differently.
Item0 | Item | Category | Donors | Item Name | Picture | Description | Qty | Left | Est0 | Est Val | Min0 | Min Price | Date | Held at church? | Child friendly? |
E0034 | E34 | Events |
| Laramie Project tickets | Tickets to the "Laramie Project" at Westminster Community Playhouse. | 4 | 0 | 000010.0 | 10 | .00025E7 | 25 | N | N | ||
S0007 | S7 | Services |
| Reserved parking spot | A reserved parking spot of your choice close to the sidewalk. | 1 | 0 | 000001.0 | 1 | .0005E7 | 50 | N | N | ||
S0006 | S6 | Services |
| Reserved seat in Daniels Hall | The seat of your choice, marked for you until the Fall 2017 auction. | 1 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
G0056 | G56 | Goods |
| Beach Ball donation | Beach Ball donation | 25 | 13 | 000000.0 | 0 | .00001E7 | 1 | N | N | ||
S0005 | S5 | Services |
| Big Bear Weekend | Big Bear Weekend | 4 | 0 | 000350.0 | 350 | .0035E7 | 350 | N | N | ||
G0055 | G55 | Goods |
| Picnic Basket with benefits | Picnic basket with benefits | 1 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
G0054 | G54 | Goods |
| Wine Basket | Wine Basket | 1 | 0 | 000015.0 | 15 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
G0053 | G53 | Goods |
| Wing Earrings | Wing Earrings | 1 | 0 | 000015.0 | 15 | .00002E7 | 2 | N | N | ||
E0033 | E33 | Events |
| Dinner and a Show - a Musical to be Precise | Newsflash! Joel and JoLynn have musicals. I know, right?! We will put several titles to the winners. Some choices are "Singin' in the Rain" (JoLynn's favorite), "Chicago", "Victor, Victoria" (we have both the theatrical release and the Broadway versions)"West Side Story", "The Sound of Music", "My Fair Lady", "An American in Paris", and "Oklahoma" (also both the theatrical and Broadway versions - the one with Hugh Jackman!)and many more. We will serve the usual waaaaay too much food and will theme the entrée to the chosen musical. Singing along is encouraged but not required. | 6 | 0 | 000030.0 | 30 | .0002E7 | 20 | 10/21/17 6:00 PM | N | N | |
S0004 | S4 | Services |
| Custom Song | Joel writes the music, Joel and JoLynn write the lyrics. Together they make beautiful music! Let them make it for you, in the non-oocky way. Joel will hand-print the piano music on staff paper for you; we will record a digital copy and play it for you live. Tell us the tempo and theme you want. | 1 | 0 | 000200.0 | 200 | .0004E7 | 40 | N | N | ||
E0032 | E32 | Events |
| Karaoke and Kickin' Chicken Chili | You can sing almost any song you can think of! Between our CDG library of roughly 1000 songs, our system uses Bluetooth signals so any karaoke track from youtube may be streamed as well. We also have a piano, if you prefer to accompany yourself! We will make chili and cornbread - let us know if you need a vegetarian or mild version. Tequila, wine, beer, etc. will limber up your vocal chords and loosen your performance inhibitions! The group songs always end up being the most fun. We will end it on a sweet note with a mystery dessert. | 8 | -1 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0001E7 | 10 | 9/30/17 6:00 PM | N | N | |
E0031 | E31 | Events |
| Color Away Your Worries | Come color with me! I have many books to choose from. Mandala, nature, geometric, Victorian gowns and horses to name some. I have colored pencils, crayons and markers. A time to relax, center, and be. We will also have tea and snacks. | 5 | -2 | 000010.0 | 10 | .0001E7 | 10 | 6/25/17 4:00 PM | N | N | |
E0030 | E30 | Events |
| Create a Collage: Your Beautiful Vision With Issa Graves |
Bring your creative energy and we'll work together in a supportive small group environment. We invite you to join us for an afternoon of collage making in a relaxed and supportive environment. Artist Issa Graves has made many collages with various themes. Issa and Linda will guide and help you select appropriate pictures and words to create a pattern that is your personalized vision of your life, (and help you pick a theme such as being positive, celebrating an event or period in your life, envisioning your future, etc.). We will help prepare you by giving you instructions and showing you examples. We will provide the boards and materials. You are welcome to bring your own. You will walk away with a well developed or completed project. We'll provide juice, tea and some snacks. | 6 | -1 | 000050.0 | 50 | .00015E7 | 15 | 7/15/17 2:00 PM | N | N | |
E0029 | E29 | Events |
| Co-event with Bull Run UU - Blind Wine Tasting Virginia vs. Temecula | The congregants at Bull Run UU love their wine. So do we. Brian Pace from BRUU has obtained wines from Virginia. There are over 250 wineries in the state and they cultivate different grapes than we do, particularly with reds. Brian pours at several wineries there, so he knows his wine. He went with me to Temecula, and thought we should put them up against Virginia in a blind taste-test. So he is sending us a Cabernet Franc, a mystery red (I hope a Chambourcin) a Chardonnay and a Viognier. We will send him and taste here along with those four a Cabernet Sauvingnon, a mystery red of our own (a Pinot or Merlot?) and the same whites. We will skype the parties and compare the scores. There will be heavy appetizers such as meatballs and stuffed mushrooms as well as cheese pairings. Brian is talking much smack about our wines and is quite haughty about his. "Everyone knows" Cali wines are best...let's prove it! | 8 | -1 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0001E7 | 10 | 6/10/17 4:30 PM | N | N | |
G0052 | G52 | Goods |
| Fuchsia Pussy Hats | Frances hand knit a beautiful Fuchsia Pussy Hat - and promises to knit 7 more for the lucky winners of this item. You know you want one...hand made by one of our OCUUC members. :) One can go home with the winner on auction night, the other seven are to be made after the auction. | 8 | 3 | 000010.0 | 10 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
S0003 | S3 | Services |
| Print out one of your favourite photos! |
We have a good quality photo printer that can print any size up to 13" x 19"! (See sample) Did you ever have a nice picture that you would like to see framed on your wall? Ever want to print out a large copy of a family photo to give to a loved one? We can do that for you. Large sizes available are 13 in x 19 in, 11 x 17 inch, 8.5 x 11 inch, 8 x 10 inch $15 for 13x19, $10 for 11x17, $5 for 8.5x11 or 8x10 How it works: you provide you photos (high resolution photos for the original work best) on a device like a USB stick. We print out the picture and give it to you at church. | 20 | 3 | 000015.0 | 15 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
E0028 | E28 | Events |
| Bocce ball and Picnic at Talbert Park |
Play the fun italaian game of Bocce Ball and then join us for a picnic at Talbert Regional Park in Costa Mesa, next to the Santa Ana river. Talbert Park also has many trails that show off native vegetation found alongside the Santa Ana River. You can bring your own outdoor games. This is a fun, lesser-known Costa Mesa Park, close to nature. You do not pay for children to attend. | 10 | 0 | 000005.0 | 5 | .00005E7 | 5 | 6/10/17 11:30 AM | N | N | |
E0027 | E27 | Events |
| Picnic at Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary |
Tucked away in a hidden wild part of Orange County, Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary sits at one end of Modjeska Canyon and is one of the prime bird watching spots of the County. Now is a good time to see it, after the recent rains. We will do the small interpretive walks and visit the museum. One of the interpretive walks will require steps and uphill climbing, the other is flat and easy, with native plants for sale for your garden. Walks followed by a picnic on the grounds of the sanctuary. | 10 | 1 | 000005.0 | 5 | .00005E7 | 5 | 5/27/17 10:00 AM | N | N | |
E0026 | E26 | Events |
| Tonk Party! Simple and fun card game with wine and appetizers | Tonk is a very simple card game, easy to learn, similar to rummy. You have 5 cards to start, you draw a card each hand and must put down all your cards to win (in groups of 3), except that if you have 49 or 50 points in your hand right after the deal you win. That’s it! This includes gambling, so you put down an ante each hand (we will use poker chips). At the end of the evening, the top players each get a prize. Includes drinks (alcoholic and other) and hors d’oeuvres. Event for adults. From 18:00 to 22:00 (6 PM to 10 PM). | 8 | -1 | 000010.0 | 10 | .0001E7 | 10 | 7/29/17 6:00 PM | N | N | |
S0002 | S2 | Services |
| Create a Photo Book | Would you like to create a photo book or collage with your digital photos? I will teach you the basics of how to do it, using available online software, in a 2-hour lesson given at your home. I will show you how to do picture placement, captions, and backgrounds, and provide suggestions on how to compose your photo book. | 1 | -1 | 000050.0 | 50 | .00025E7 | 25 | N | N | ||
G0051 | G51 | Goods |
| "Alice in Wonderland"-themed Chess Pieces |
Set of chess pieces based on "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking-Glass". Character designs are based on a combination of Tenniel and Disney. Ideal for kids! (Note: No board included.) | 1 | 0 | 000100.0 | 100 | .00015E7 | 15 | N | N | ||
G0050 | G50 | Goods |
| "Eight Fairies" Chess Set | Beautiful chess set carved from soapstone. Character designs based on the "Eight Fairies" of Chinese folklore. Comes with lovely wooden combination board / carrying case. Ideal for chess players and chess set collectors. | 1 | 0 | 000100.0 | 100 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
E0025 | E25 | Events |
| Backyard Barbeque | Fingerlicking good shrimp on the Barbie and kebobs, veggies, and all the fixin's. Good food, good fun, good friends! | 10 | 0 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00025E7 | 25 | 7/23/17 4:00 PM | N | N | |
G0049 | G49 | Goods |
| Lion Needlepoint by Mary Hardenbrook | A "roarin' good" needlepoint of a lion, both designed and needlepointed by Dave Hardenbrook's mom. Design based on an ancient Egyptian painting. Approximate dimensions: 3.5' x 5'. | 1 | 0 | 000030.0 | 30 | .00005E7 | 5 | N | N | ||
G0048 | G48 | Goods |
| Mens 18 speed bicycle | Nice bicycle with medium size tires, | 1 | 0 | 000150.0 | 150 | .0005E7 | 50 | N | N | ||
E0024 | E24 | Events |
| Poker Party and Spaghetti Dinner |
Come join us in a fun evening: A BBQ meal and a poker party. This is a fun co-ed poker party. Come and play whether you are a novice or an expert | 16 | -2 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0002E7 | 20 | 8/26/17 6:00 PM | N | N | |
G0047 | G47 | Goods |
| Portrait in Pastel by Mary Hardenbrook | Pastel of a wise Native American elder by Dave Hardenbrook's mom. From a live model. Dimensions: 28" x 34". | 1 | 0 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00005E7 | 5 | N | N | ||
E0023 | E23 | Events |
| Brunch and Hilbert Museum | Enjoy a relaxing, sumptuous brunch with Sangria on our newly redone patio, then go to the Hilbert Museum a few blocks away to enjoy three new exhibitions: "Golden Dreams: the Immigrant Vision of California"; "Out of the West"; and "Disney Production Art". | 10 | 0 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00025E7 | 25 | 8/19/17 10:00 AM | N | N | |
G0046 | G46 | Goods |
| Spanish Lady Oil Painting by Mary Hardenbrook | Lovely painting by Dave Hardenbrook's mom. Dimensions: 21" x 25". | 1 | 0 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00005E7 | 5 | N | N | ||
G0045 | G45 | Goods |
| Men's Bicycle | No minimum!!! High bid takes it. Red men's bike in good condition. New tires. Low mileage :-) | 1 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .0E7 | 0 | N | N | ||
G0044 | G44 | Goods |
| Beautiful Needlepoint by Mary Hardenbrook | Needlepoint of a stained-glass window by Dave Hardenbrook's mom. Dimensions: 15" x 20" | 1 | 0 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00005E7 | 5 | N | N | ||
E0022 | E22 | Events |
| Dinner and music at the Neustadt home | Join us for a healthy home-cooked meal and musical entertainment (oboe family and piano). | 6 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0001E7 | 10 | 6/30/17 6:00 PM | N | N | |
E0021 | E21 | Events |
| Floral Design Tour and Picnic | We will tour the Christmas Design Show at Shinoda Design Center, then go next door to Orange County Wholesale Flowers for fresh flowers. Includes picnic lunch the nearby park down the street. Join our premier floral arrangers and designers and get advice from the experts! | 9 | 0 | 000010.0 | 10 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
G0043 | G43 | Goods |
| "TP" Covers | These are covers for toilet paper rolls and were hand knit with care by Frances. There are two styles, but only one is pictured. All 8 will be available to see and take home on the night of the auction. Beautifully hand-made, the starting bid is a steal at $5 each. | 8 | 6 | 000005.0 | 5 | .00005E7 | 5 | N | N | ||
E0020 | E20 | Events |
| Brazilian Appetizers & Easy Card Game |
Chef Claudia will be serving the following traditional Brazillian party appetizers: coxinha (chicken croquettes), bolinho de carne (beef croquettes), bolinho de queijo (cheese croquettes), bolinho de queijo presunto (cheese and ham croquettes), kibe (beef and bulgar fritters), pastel de queijo (cheese empanadas), pastel de carne (beef empanadas) Fruit juice & Guarana Brazillian Soda | 6 | 1 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0001E7 | 10 | 8/12/17 5:00 PM | N | N | |
E0019 | E19 | Events |
| Mexican Dinner & Drinks at Casa Justice |
Chef Claudia will start off with quesadillas, guacamole, margaritas & pina coladas. Followed by chili rellenos, enchiladas, tacos, rice & beans. Delicious flan for dessert. Don't forget to bring your Tupperware to take home leftovers! | 6 | 0 | 000030.0 | 30 | .0001E7 | 10 | 7/22/17 5:00 PM | N | N | |
G0042 | G42 | Goods |
| Fabulous Tablecloths | I will supply as many table cloths as you need for a kids party, dinner party, or theme party. Choose from my very slightly damaged cloths (the same ones I supply to the church for events). All you have to do is pick them up at my house before and drop them off after. I do the laundry! | 2 | 1 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
E0018 | E18 | Events |
| The Great British Baking Show Amateur Dinner with Maria and Gina | We provide the ingredients and recipes gathered from many hours of watching the Great British Baking Show! You provide your hands to help us prepare the meal in the beautiful OCUUC kitchen. We'll all sit down to enjoy it together! Cooks helpers over age 5 are free! | 6 | 1 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0002E7 | 20 | 6/3/17 5:30 PM | N | N | |
E0017 | E17 | Events |
| Lanyard-making party | Have you noticed all the lovely beaded lanyards holding OCUUC name tags? Want one for yourself? Have one but want another? You can make one or a bunch at Judith's house, using her findings and beads, or bring your own. Inspiration, snacks and fun will abound. Suitable for women, men, and children. | 3 | 0 | 000010.0 | 10 | .0001E7 | 10 | 8/19/17 1:00 PM | N | N | |
E0016 | E16 | Events |
| Breakfast for Dinner | Encore presentation of one of the most highly-rated events of years past. Why save all those delicious breakfast items for when you are half-asleep? We will have oatmeal, egg casserole, waffles, maybe Mimosas and Bloody Marys. Come to Judith's house in Costa Mesa to see what she and Katherine Martin dream up for breakfast. | 6 | 1 | 000015.0 | 15 | .00015E7 | 15 | 10/7/17 6:00 PM | N | N | |
E0015 | E15 | Events |
| Soup and Bread Dinner | Katherine Martin makes the best bread ever and she and Judith like to make soup, so they will fill your belly with nourishment and your evening with companionship. To be held at Katherine's Irvine home. | 6 | 0 | 000015.0 | 15 | .00015E7 | 15 | 9/23/17 6:00 PM | N | N | |
G0041 | G41 | Goods |
| Gaggle of games | Hours of fun!! Pictionary, Clue, Apples to Apples, Phase 10, Spinner, Cribbage, and decks of cards. | 1 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .0003E7 | 30 | N | N | ||
G0040 | G40 | Goods |
| Afghan | Hand made 85"x 52" Afghan in tones of browns and pinks. | 1 | 1 | 000100.0 | 100 | .0005E7 | 50 | N | N | ||
G0039 | G39 | Goods |
| Unique Ladder/Chair | Uniquely carved ladder, converts to chair. Like kittens? You'll love this item! | 1 | 0 | 000100.0 | 100 | .0004E7 | 40 | N | N | ||
E0014 | E14 | Events |
| Music Under the Stars |
Come enjoy an evening of live music, drinks and finger food in the OCUUC courtyard. Singers and instrumentalists will entertain you while you savor sweets and hors d'oeuvres with a glass of wine, a beer or a soft drink under the stars. Adult beverages will be offered for purchase. Dress up if you are so inclined, and make it a festive night! This event is for Adults | 50 | 7 | 000010.0 | 10 | .00005E7 | 5 | 9/9/17 7:00 PM | N | N | |
G0038 | G38 | Goods |
| Sapling holly-leaved cherry |
Add a California native shrub to your garden, a sapling holly-leaved cherry! Drought tolerant, looks like holly but is a true cherry whose fruit was used by native Americans. Potted, ready to go. I use Kellogg "Native Smart" planting mix. | 1 | 0 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00005E7 | 5 | N | N | ||
E0012 | E12 | Events |
| South Coast Repertory Gift Certificate for 2 |
You may choose a play from SCR's 2017-2018 season which begins in September. Laurie Kluge will meet you there on the date you choose, and provide a Front of House tour before you enjoy the play! | 2 | 0 | 000095.0 | 95 | .0009E7 | 90 | N | N | ||
G0037 | G37 | Goods |
| See's Candy Gift Card | A See's Candy gift card for $25. | 1 | 0 | 000025.0 | 25 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
G0036 | G36 | Goods |
| One Year Family Membership to Historic Mission San Juan Capistrano | Historic Mission San Juan Capistrano is pleased to donate a certificate for a one-year Family Membership for 4 in the Mission Preservation Society. Family membership entitles you to free daily admission and audio tour, 10% discount in the Mission Store, discounted rates and advance purchase benefits for wonderful concerts and special events, discounts on summer education programs and hands-on activities, and 4 complimentary general admission passes, and so much more. Certificate must be activated by Nov. 20, 2017, 1-year membership begins upon activation. | 1 | 0 | 000060.0 | 60 | .0004E7 | 40 | N | N | ||
G0035 | G35 | Goods |
| Day at the Beach Necessities | Happiness is a day at the beach and what is a day at the beach without the right accessories? This package includes large canvas Lands End bag, two fluffy Lands End beach towels, CGEAR SAND-FREE MAT, and two insulated wine tumblers. | 1 | 0 | 000200.0 | 200 | .001E7 | 100 | N | N | ||
G0034 | G34 | Goods |
| Bath Product Gift Basket | Basket contains: 4 crocheted wash cloths, homemade oatmeal bath soak with Epsom salts and chamomile tea, homemade chamomile & black tea body scrub, Dr. Teals foaming bath (lavender), Acure pore clarifying facial scrub, Yes to tomatoes detoxifying charcoal mud mask, Juice Organics volumizing shampoo and conditioner, Raw Sugar body wash, and two chamomile tea bags. | 1 | 0 | 000045.0 | 45 | .0003E7 | 30 | N | N | ||
G0033 | G33 | Goods |
| Seagull Succulent Arrangement in old fashioned tin pail | Seagull perched among this custom succulent arrangement, along with butterflies. | 1 | 0 | 000035.0 | 35 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
G0032 | G32 | Goods |
| White Scottie Succulent Arrangement | Custom-made charming little white Scottie in the Garden with the bumblebees and butterflies. RED birdhouse ready for nesting birds. | 1 | 0 | 000035.0 | 35 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
G0031 | G31 | Goods |
| Cardinals & Butterflies Succulent Arrangement | Cardinals and Butterflies featured in this charming succulent arrangement. A nice addition to your patio. | 1 | 0 | 000035.0 | 35 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
G0030 | G30 | Goods |
| Water Goblets - cobalt blue | Two cobalt blue water goblets | 1 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
G0029 | G29 | Goods |
| Noritake Blue Hill 9" oval vegetable bowl | Vintage 1980s blue and white floral, silver trim Noritake Blue Hill Vegetable serving bowl. 9 inch oval bowl. It is in great condition. Bone china. Dishwasher safe. | 1 | 1 | 000048.0 | 48 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
G0028 | G28 | Goods |
| Downton Abbey Tea Collection |
Four premium teas inspired by the popular TV series, Downton Abbey Butler's Pantry blend black tea | 1 | 0 | 000040.0 | 40 | .00015E7 | 15 | N | N | ||
G0027 | G27 | Goods |
| Blue and While Platter Extra Large | Platter is approximately 18" by 14" | 1 | 0 | 000060.0 | 60 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
G0026 | G26 | Goods |
| "I Love Lucy" memorabilia | Includes a lunch box and tin of "Predic-a-Mints" | 1 | 1 | 000030.0 | 30 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
G0025 | G25 | Goods |
| Green glass bowl of succulents | Nice bowl for coffee table. | 1 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .00015E7 | 15 | N | N | ||
G0024 | G24 | Goods |
| Four egg cup succulents | Cute grouping of succulents. | 1 | 0 | 000030.0 | 30 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
G0023 | G23 | Goods |
| Four round glass aperitif stemware | Great for after dinner drinks. | 1 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
G0022 | G22 | Goods |
| Four medium glass aperitif stemware | Perfect for after dinner aperitifs. | 1 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
G0021 | G21 | Goods |
| Four small aperitif stemware | Need small glasses for your after dinner port or sherry? These are for you. | 1 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
E0011 | E11 | Events |
| Visit the Hammer with us! |
The Armand Hammer Collection of European and American paintings and drawings reflects the interests and passions of its founder, Armand Hammer. We will drive you from Orange County to Westwood and treat you to lunch at the restaurant started by the guys who won the Great Food Truck Race. After lunch we will tour the Hammer Museum, just two short blocks away. | 6 | 0 | 000015.0 | 15 | .00015E7 | 15 | 9/16/17 10:00 AM | N | N | |
G0020 | G20 | Goods |
| Two Cobault Blue "Illusions" vases | Need something to showcase your stunning spring flowers? | 1 | 1 | 000030.0 | 30 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
G0019 | G19 | Goods |
| Teacup set | Four cups and saucers in a rose pattern. Perfect for that afternoon cup of tea. | 1 | 1 | 000030.0 | 30 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
G0018 | G18 | Goods |
| Decorative bread board | This bread board is hand painted. A lovely addition to any kitchen. | 1 | 1 | 000030.0 | 30 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
G0017 | G17 | Goods |
| Three dog lovers' novels | Can't read enough about dogs? Now is your chance with these three novels. | 1 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
G0016 | G16 | Goods |
| Five Irish novels | Are you Irish? If so,you would enjoy reading these novels about Ireland | 1 | 0 | 000030.0 | 30 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
E0010 | E10 | Events |
| Breakfast for Dinner with Fannie Farmer |
Well, Fannie Farmer will be with us in spirit since she died in 1915. We'll talk about this Unitarian ancestor and her contributions to bring "scientific" cooking to housewives. We'll taste one or two of her recipes and have Breakfast for Dinner, just because... | 8 | 0 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0002E7 | 20 | 7/29/17 6:00 PM | N | N | |
E0009 | E9 | Events |
| BYOB |
An evening of Grub and Games Sandie will cook, Don will serve drinks, and You BYOB - Bring Your Own Book Bring any book, poetry, novel, technical, historical, cookbook, for a game of borrowed phrases. Your book may become your new favorite game. | 8 | 0 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0002E7 | 20 | 6/24/17 6:00 PM | N | N | |
G0015 | G15 | Goods |
| Deep Sea Treasure Hunter lego set | Very gently used. All pieces present. Costs $30 new. | 1 | 0 | 000015.0 | 15 | .00005E7 | 5 | N | N | ||
E0008 | E8 | Events |
| Books and Bagels | Bring up to three books (ones you really liked) to give away, and be ready to tell why you are eager to have someone else read them. Enjoy bagels, cream cheese, jam, lox, other munchies, and soft drinks during the discussion. At Maureen's home in Orange. | 6 | -1 | 000010.0 | 10 | .00008E7 | 8 | 6/24/17 11:00 AM | N | N | |
E0007 | E7 | Events |
| Orange County Gay Men's Chorus / Men Alive Present - "The Royals" | Thrill to the music of Elvis, Madonna, Bowie, and Mariah. Men Alive presents a tribute to some music greats. Also,Michael Jackson, Aretha Franklin, Carol King, Nat King Cole and Beyonce. A special tribute to Prince is included. By royal command, you will have a ball! Don't miss this performance! | 2 | 0 | 000081.0 | 81 | .0005E7 | 50 | 7/15/17 8:00 PM | N | N | |
G0014 | G14 | Goods |
| BRITISH RED POST - "New" | Get your mail in "British" style. New red British post or can showcase indoors or out with a favorite plant. | 1 | 0 | 000045.0 | 45 | .0003E7 | 30 | N | N | ||
G0013 | G13 | Goods |
| CROCK POT - "New" | Just in time for the next potluck.....Brand new 5 qt. "Crock Pot", the original Slow Cooker. Removable stoneware, dishwasher safe. Box never opened. | 1 | 0 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0003E7 | 30 | N | N | ||
G0012 | G12 | Goods |
| "New" CHICO Suede Belt | Brand new...beautiful stylish camel-colored suede CHICO belt to complement most any outfit. (Size-L) | 1 | 1 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0003E7 | 30 | N | N | ||
G0011 | G11 | Goods |
| JOURNEY 3-CD "REVELATION" , includes "Live In Concert" + autograph photo | Journey 3 CD set, includes autograph framed photo of the Group. A "must have" for the Journey Fan. | 1 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .00035E7 | 35 | N | N | ||
G0010 | G10 | Goods |
| IL FARRO RESTAURANT- Newport Beach GIFT CERTIFICATE | Authentic Southern Italian Cuisine in Newport Beach. Owner Italian born Domenico Maurici, along with his brother Michele, opened the restaurant in 1993 and along with main chef, Vito, pride themselves on offering customers hand-made pastas, breads, desserts, and gelatos using farro as one of the main ingredients. Also specializing in fresh Seafood dishes. (Open for Lunch and Dinner; they have vino too) | 1 | 0 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0003E7 | 30 | N | N | ||
G0009 | G9 | Goods |
| RUTABEGORZ RESTAURANT GIFT CERTIFICATE | Originally opened in 1969 by 4 college students at CSUF whose dream was to open a "coffee house". Today, there are three (3) locations... Fullerton, old town Orange, and old town Tustin. All serving generous portions, amazing vegetarian dishes (+ lean meats) and incredible deserts. All locations are in charming, mostly historic buildings. | 1 | 0 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00015E7 | 15 | N | N | ||
G0008 | G8 | Goods |
| EVERYTHING BRITISH BASKET | British basket from Taylor Young British Imports. Large assortment of British treats and treasures such as....Teas, Shortbread, "London" Teddy, Chocolates, Mug, Royal Recipe Book, etc. | 1 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .00035E7 | 35 | N | N | ||
G0007 | G7 | Goods |
| 'NEW" SAMSUNG Notebook | Brand new, never used, still in original box. | 1 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .00035E7 | 35 | N | N | ||
G0006 | G6 | Goods |
| Spring Into Spring - Beautiful Basket | Get ready for Spring with this charming "Spring Basket" ...A delightful assortment of goodies for your Garden/Patio....Spring painting, unique watering can, gardening gloves, Colorful seeds for planting, decorative birds to brighten up your patio, and a large Ladybug to keep your Garden free of pests. After your gardening is done..enjoy pepper jam and savory crackers while sipping your Italian Lemonade. | 1 | 0 | 000060.0 | 60 | .00035E7 | 35 | N | N | ||
E0006 | E6 | Events |
| Dinner in the Woods | Join us -- Rachel Smith, Sue Quam, Marcia Hackett, Marilyn & Maurice Giss -- for a gourmet Progressive French-themed dinner in Laguna Woods. Enjoy great food, drinks, company and conversation. | 8 | 0 | 000045.0 | 45 | .00045E7 | 45 | 6/17/17 5:30 PM | N | N | |
G0005 | G5 | Goods |
| Grab bag of Great Courses DVDs and Guidebooks | Are you eager to learn new things and challenge your brain? The Great Courses are just what the doctor ordered. The grab bag includes five different courses each with 12 to 24 half hour lessons. Most have guidebooks and transcripts. | 1 | 0 | 000500.0 | 500 | .0004E7 | 40 | N | N | ||
G0004 | G4 | Goods |
| Volleyball, used | Every beach party needs a volleyball game! This one is regulation size, gently used. | 1 | 0 | 000030.0 | 30 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
G0003 | G3 | Goods |
| Softball Glove, Used | It was used very little! Looks new. Very similar in appearance to the photo, which is a $90 glove. | 1 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .0002E7 | 20 | N | N | ||
E0005 | E5 | Events |
| 3rd of July Celebration | Spend a fun-filled day (or evening) with the City of Orange and celebrate America! Activities starting at 4:00 include interactive games and a bounce house for children, entertainment, and delicious food from local non-profit groups. (Picnicking is fine.) A patriotic musical performance by the Orange Community Master Chorale begins at 8 p.m, and the most spectacular fireworks display in Orange County begins at 9 p.m. Auction purchase includes $7 ticket (price for 3 years and up) plus $5 for snacks. | 4 | 0 | 000012.0 | 12 | .00005E7 | 5 | 7/3/17 4:00 PM | N | N | |
E0004 | E4 | Events |
| Carmina Burana Concert | Carmina Burana is a musical setting by Carl Orff of 13th century medieval poetry written by disaffected monks on topics such as romantic love, springtime, fate, and drinking. Presented by the Orange Community Master Chorale, the Master Chorale of Saddleback Valley, the Southern California Children's Choir, and Symphony Irvine. At Santiago Canyon College in Orange on May 7. (The Chorales' next performance of Carmina Burana will be at Carnegie Hall on May 27.) | 6 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0001E7 | 10 | N | N | ||
G0002 | G2 | Goods |
| Queen Elizabeth's Drop Scones | Ever wanted to get a taste of England scones from the comfort of your home without traveling all the to England? Well, now's your chance. Queen Elizabeth's DROP SCONES is the perfect thing to satisfy your tastebuds. You'll feel like you're in Birmingham, England. SERVES SIXTEEN PEOPLE | 1 | 1 | 000008.0 | 8 | .00002E7 | 2 | N | N | ||
E0003 | E3 | Events |
| Easiest Potluck Ever - Udupi Palace Restaurant in Little India in Artesia |
Hosted by Birdie Reed and Karen Anderson Do you enjoy potlucks but hate to do the cooking, schlep the food, and then clean up? Then join us for the easiest potluck ever. You just pick what you want and pay for what you order; the restaurant does all the work! | 8 | 0 | 000010.0 | 10 | .0001E7 | 10 | 6/10/17 5:30 PM | N | N | |
G0001 | G1 | Goods |
| Tom's Famous Grand Marnier Marmalade | Three half pint jars of 2017 canning. Made from home grown navel oranges and limes with just a touch of Grand Marnier for some character and bold taste. Perfect on a toasted English muffin or used as glaze over a roast pork loin. A little bit swirled into a hot cup of tea is the perfect complement for a cold. | 3 | 0 | 000005.0 | 5 | .00008E7 | 8 | N | N | ||
E0002 | E2 | Events |
| Dinner Party with Fine, Vintage Wines | Enjoy a classic dinner party complete with china and crystal, with 3 or 4 courses, accompanied by vintage wines worth hundreds of dollars. | 7 | 1 | 000075.0 | 75 | .0005E7 | 50 | 8/5/17 7:00 PM | N | N | |
S0001 | S1 | Services |
| Take your pup to the Huntington Beach Dog Beach |
Have you ever wanted to take your pup to run off leash among the waves and sand, but were nervous that he/she would run off or get eaten by other dogs? Karen (an experienced “dog person” and certified dog trainer) will meet you there and "show you the ropes” and accompany you every step of the way. We can go to the Dirty Dawg Wash afterwards, and wash your tired, happy, sandy pooch, paid for by Karen. Some dogs are not good candidates for this activity (e.g. a dog that is new to you and not bonded, an aggressive dog, a really tiny dog like a Yorkie, or a young puppy.) You can talk to Karen about your dog before bidding. | 1 | 0 | 000075.0 | 75 | .00025E7 | 25 | N | N | ||
E0001 | E1 | Events |
| Lunch and Walk to Huntington Beach Pier |
Enjoy a home cooked Asian style picnic lunch at the home of Karen Karatsu Kennedy, near downtown Huntington Beach. Then we will walk down Main Street to the Pier (about a mile or two), then return for dessert and tea or coffee. | 8 | 0 | 000010.0 | 10 | .0001E7 | 10 | 6/3/17 12:00 PM | N | N |