2024 Auction Catalog - 159 item(s) printable view
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Item0 Item Category Donors Item Name Picture Description Qty Left Est0 Est Val Min0 Min Price Date
ALL0092 ALL92 All Donations
  • Community Donations
Entrance Fee Registration for the auction includes drinks and dinner. 1 -2 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25
ALL0091 ALL91 All Donations
  • Community Donations
Registration Fee per person $25 per person 5 4 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25
LA0040 LA40 Live Auction Items
  • Peg Hart & Scott Smith
wooden bowl a second handcrafted wooden bowl 1 1 000040.0 40 .001E7 100
SA0031 SA31 Silent Auction Items
  • Peg Hart & Scott Smith
Handcrafted Wooden Bowl Scott is a skilled woodworker and he has crafted a beautiful wood bowl just for you. Don't miss the chance to own this one of a kind piece! 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
SA0027 SA27 Silent Auction Items
  • Community Donations
Yoga 6 Basket Includes a month of complementary classes as well as a yoga mat and other accessories. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0003E7 30
RB0036 RB36 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Community Donations
UU - Books from UUA Bookstore Three books from the UUA Bookstore 1 1 000060.0 60 .0006E7 60
LA0036 LA36 Live Auction Items
  • Laura & David Spivak
Lottery Board - Take a Chance Board full of scratch off lottery tickets - you could win BIG!!! 1 0 000100.0 100 .0002E7 20
LA0034 LA34 Live Auction Items
  • Community Donations
Coffee and Conversation Donation Donate $5 to offset the cost of providing coffee and conversation each Sunday. 50 -3 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5
LA0002 LA2 Live Auction Items
  • Peg Hart & Scott Smith
Handcrafted Wooden Bowls Sunnyhill's resident master wood craftsman (one of them, anyhow!) has donated 3 wooden bowls. We haven't seen them yet, but we know they will be beautiful! Stay tuned for photos and more info.

2 Bowls in Live, third bowl will go in Silent.

Value below is for EACH bowl.

1 -1 000100.0 100 .0004E7 40
RB0013 RB13 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Community Donations
Pittsburgh Activity Bundle 2 tickets to Pittsburgh Zoo
4 tickets to Heinz History Center
4 tickets to Pittsburgh Botanic Garden
1 1 000100.0 100 .0001E7 10
RB0012 RB12 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Community Donations
Mt. Lebo Gift Cards $35 Cafe Io Donated by Toni Murray
$50 Aladdin's
1 1 000085.0 85 .0001E7 10
RB0011 RB11 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Geneva & Jay Pullen
Bistro 19 - $100 Gift card Includes a wine slump serving dish. 1 1 000130.0 130 .0001E7 10
SA0007 SA7 Silent Auction Items
  • Roxy MtJoy & Tyson Sears
Sunnyhill bowl and gift card Handmade Glass bowl with Sunnyhill logo, made for you by Sunny Mt. Joy, with a gift card to Sunnyhill Swag shop 1 0 000150.0 150 .0004E7 40
SA0006 SA6 Silent Auction Items
  • Community Donations
PIttsburgh Festival Opera 2 tickets to each of 4 events. 1 0 000500.0 500 .0004E7 40
RB0010 RB10 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Community Donations
Bethel bakery $25 gift card 1 1 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
RB0009 RB9 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Community Donations
Restore Day 1 whole body cryotherapy session
1 hour compression therapy
30 Minute IR Sauna session
1 PBM session
1 1 000100.0 100 .0001E7 10
RB0008 RB8 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Community Donations
Cultural Stuff 2 tix to Pgh Camerata
2 tix to Pgh Symphony (springtime sympony)
1 1 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
RB0007 RB7 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Community Donations
Bundt Cake Extravaganza 3-bundt tower cake and a card for a free mini Bundt cake every month for 12 months. 1 1 000050.0 50 .0001E7 10
RB0006 RB6 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Roxy MtJoy & Tyson Sears
Elementary Age Math Tutoring Clara, a math whiz, will tutor your gradeschooler 3 times for one hour each and will help with homework. This includes $25 learning express giftcard. Make your kid smart today! 1 1 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
SA0005 SA5 Silent Auction Items
  • Mary-Jo
Loco Cookers Sure spark crawfish boil/steam kit. 1 1 000100.0 100 .0009E7 90
RB0005 RB5 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Nancy & Lois Brown
Swivel Car Seat help get out of car 1 1 000050.0 50 .0005E7 50
RB0004 RB4 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Community Donations
Mexican Table Runner Gift card for Totopo and bracelet and beautiful Mexican table runner 1 1 000100.0 100 .001E7 100
SA0003 SA3 Silent Auction Items
  • Community Donations
True Rest Float Spa True Rest donated a cool basket of float stuff 1 0 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
RB0016 RB16 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Trina Brown & Holly McCullough
Tea Basket Awesome basket with Tea, chocolate and cute little Bee plates. 1 1 000100.0 100 .0002E7 20
ALL0090 ALL90 All Donations
  • Community Donations
Leftover Food/Beverage Leftover sales 1000 810 000001.0 1 .00001E7 1
LA0035 LA35 Live Auction Items
  • Community Donations
Babysitting $7 to defray the expense 75 20 000007.0 7 .00007E7 7
ALL0089 ALL89 All Donations
  • Community Donations
Bar Tip $1 Bar Tip 2500 2278 000001.0 1 .00001E7 1
ALL0088 ALL88 All Donations
  • Community Donations
$12 Strip Raffle Tickets Raffle ticket strip 250 68 000012.0 12 .00012E7 12
PDE0057 PDE57 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Jeannie & Tim Enright
  • Barb and Tom Busse
Ruins Tour and Picnic Join Jeanie and Barb for a tour of the Ruins Project near Perryopolis PA. Check out the website here: www.sagermosaics.com Rachel (owner and chief mosaicist) and fellow mosaic artisans from around the world have collaborated to turn an abandoned coal mine into a work of art, rivaling sites in Europe. All of this with a local connection. We will provide transportation and a picnic lunch at a nearby state park, including soft drinks & adult beverages. This will be an all-day outing. The tour includes a stop at Rachel's studio, where you will find handmade jewelry & artisan pieces to tempt you. Rain date TBD. The Ruins is located on the Great Allegheny Passage bike trail. 10 1 000060.0 60 .0006E7 60 9/21/24 10:00 AM
RB0037 RB37 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Emily Frasa
An Evening Out For Two: Dinner And A Show Two tickets to see The Kite Runner at the Benedum Center (seats are second tier left center on the aisle closest to the center) and a $50 gift card to The Warren Bar and Burrow.

Based on Khaled Hosseini’s beloved, international best-selling novel, THE KITE RUNNER is a powerful new play adapted by Matthew Spangler that follows one man’s journey to confront his past and find redemption.

Afghanistan is a divided country, and two childhood friends are about to be torn apart. It’s a beautiful afternoon in Kabul and the skies are full of the excitement and joy of a kite flying tournament. But neither of the boys can foresee the incident which will change their lives forever. Told across two decades and two continents,?THE KITE RUNNER is an unforgettable journey of forgiveness, and shows us all that we can be good again.

1 1 000250.0 250 .0005E7 50 5/9/24 7:30 PM
PDE0059 PDE59 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Michelle Kirk
Wood burning - Charcuterie/cutting board or other wood I'll bring the wood burners, you bring whatever piece of wood you want to decorate! A cutting board (think awesome charcuterie board), wood tray,wooden spoons or other wood items!

Many stencils provided, for those that aren't feeling too artsy!

Lots of fun!

Meet at the UU for this fun class

25 23 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 11/9/24 11:00 AM
PDE0055 PDE55 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Elizabeth & Mark Mortimer
  • Harold Behar & Gretchen Riess
Ohiopyle Waterfall Hike Ohiopyle State Park is arguably one of Pennsylvania's most beautiful parks, and this is especially true in spring when the mountain laurels are in bloom. Today's 5.5-mile loop hike is Gretchen and Elizabeth's all-time favorite! You'll see many gorgeous waterfalls that are hidden from the casual Ohiopyle visitor. Most of the trail is moderate in difficulty, but be prepared for a few short and steep climbs and descents, especially near the waterfalls themselves. The elevation change is 685 feet. Hikers should be in good physical shape, and able to navigate over rocks, roots, and small creek crossings. The hike itself takes up to 3 hours. Enjoy a fabulous picnic lunch prepared by G & E after the hike. We will begin at the trailhead at 10am. Ohiopyle is 1.5-hour one-way drive from the church. Carpooling from the church will be arranged once we know how many people are coming. 8 0 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 6/1/24 10:00 AM
PDE0054 PDE54 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Peg Hart & Scott Smith
See the Big Bugs at the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden! Peg Hart will lead a tour of the Big Bugs at Pittsburgh Botanic Garden. Giant sculptures of insects are placed throughout the Garden in this brand new exhibit!
Included: Admission and $10 towards lunch at the Canopy Café. Children are welcome. Dogs are welcome on the walk but can't go to into the cafe
20 12 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30 6/15/24 10:30 AM
PDE0053 PDE53 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Elizabeth & Tom Scanlon
  • Randy Green
Dirty Santa Holiday Ornament Exchange IT’S BACK AND IT’S BAD! Please bring a WRAPPED ornament ($10-$15) that you think everyone else will want. This legendary stop the steal event where Sunnyhiller’s demonstrate their finesse at taking home the most coveted ornament.
We will provide beverages. Please bring a dozen holiday themed snacks ( cookies, pretzels, cupcakes, etc.)
25 21 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 12/7/24 1:30 PM
PDE0052 PDE52 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Tianna Opoku
Younger Kids' Art Class Ages 4-7. Come paint a fish with Tianna! All supplies provided, come enjoy an hour of creativity and fun at Sunnyhill as we a paint a beautiful, colorful fish together. 7 5 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 9/11/24 6:30 PM
RB0035 RB35 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Brittany Terzigni
2 Modest Mouse and Cat Power Concert Tickets 2 Modest Mouse and Cat Power concert tickets for Friday, June 7th at Stage AE. General Admission at 6:00pm- event time subject to change. This includes two gift cards! $25 card for Vinyl Remains, (record store) and $5 for Grandpa Joe's Candy store (across the street from Vinyl Remains). 1 1 000150.0 150 .00025E7 25 6/7/24 6:00 PM
PDE0050 PDE50 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Tianna Opoku
Small Group Youth Art Class Art Class for Kids ages 8-16!
Join me at Sunnyhill for a fun creative evening making art.

All materials will be provided.
Lets have some fun!

10 8 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 9/10/24 7:00 PM
LA0033 LA33 Live Auction Items
  • Deyo Bucay
Funky Hair Coloring Service aka Billie Eilish We know you've always dreamed of having pink (or blue or green or purple) hair! Deyo is known for rocking her colorful locks of beautiful hair! She has been dyeing her own hair for 15+ years and knows her stuff. Deyo is offering most colors of the rainbow of semi-permanent dye, meaning it usually lasts 2-3 months. Deyo can even come to your south hills home if perfered. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0002E7 20
RB0034 RB34 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Darla Wagner
Therapeutic Massage Darla's daughter Sarah is a licensed massage therapist, certified in Reiki and therapeutic massage. She has donated a one-hour massage for a lucky Sunnyhill member at her studio on Ellsworth Avenue in Shadyside. www.skyrootswellness.com 1 1 000110.0 110 .00025E7 25
RB0033 RB33 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • John Lewis
Linux Install Service John has provided a thumb drive and is offering installation assistance for Fedora Linux. 1 1 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20
LA0039 LA39 Live Auction Items
  • Chris & Dorothy Burns
Steelers vs NY Giants for 4!!! 4 club-level tickets to Steelers vs NY Giants game, date TBD. Includes VIP parking pass! These are premium tickets. Value is $1,250. 1 0 001250.0 1,250 .001E7 100
PDE0058 PDE58 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Franziska Lang & Will Page
Murder Mystery Party Murder Mystery! You are one of the guests attending a party, looking to have fun. But then you find out someone has been killed! Put on your detective hat and help solve the case!

Snacks and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. Feel free to bring an alcoholic beverage of your choice.

8 0 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 11/2/24 7:30 PM
SA0026 SA26 Silent Auction Items
  • Erin Nath
Watercolor Basket ** Donated by Mad Hatters Adventures - Jennifer Williams "

Enjoy one of the many hobbies of Jennifer Williams, travel planner extraordinaire and twin sister of Erin Nath. She has generously donated a full basket of supplies and kits to get you started on your next art journey. Watercolors, pallet, paper and kit included.

1 0 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
SA0030 SA30 Silent Auction Items
  • Erin Nath
  • Donna Kaufman
2024 Steelers Game & Basket ** Tickets donated by Laface & McGovern Associates **
Here we go Steelers, Here we Go! Get your terrible towel ready to cheer on the home team. Two tickets in Section 146, game TBD, one the schedule is released you'll get to pick between several options. This prize includes a basket of Steelers goods and memorabilia donated by Donna Kaufman, including a coffee table book, T-shirt, water bottle and drinking glasses - and of course the obligatory Terrible Towel!!
1 0 000300.0 300 .001E7 100
PDE0049 PDE49 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Erin Nath
  • Phil & Rebecca Senneway
  • Bethany & Jay Thornton
Bad-Ass Beer Exchange Night Join us at the Senneway household for a Bad Ass beer exchange. Each guest agrees brings a full case (24) of a Kick-Ass Craft Brew ($35-$60 range). Appetizers, drinks, good company and a fire will keep us warm on a nice fall evening. 21 2 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 10/19/24 7:00 PM
SA0025 SA25 Silent Auction Items
  • Paul & Kathy Lawson
Santa Visit
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Santa Paul, who has spread Christmas joy to Pittsburgh's South Hills Toys for Tots for 5 years, will come visit children of all ages both nice and naughty at your special place and time. Santa's visit will be crafted to meet your special requests with song, dance, or other merriment.
Date to be mutually agreed upon with the winner.
2 1 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25
LA0032 LA32 Live Auction Items
  • Paul & Kathy Lawson
Singing telegram & home-baked dessert
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Paul Lawson, 2nd bass in the Sunnyhill choir and difficult to embarrass performer, will show up on the occasion of your choosing and sing a song with personalized lyrics in an outfit from tux to Hawaiian shirt. Paul will also bring an 8 serving homemade dessert.
Date to be mutually agreed upon with the winner.
2 1 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30
LA0031 LA31 Live Auction Items
  • Chetan & Tanya Chothani
Ski with the Chothanis Come ski with the Chothanis at 7Springs and stay with them at their townhouse for the weekend. Included are 8 Buddy passes which gives you access to discounted lift tickets. The Chothanis will help you navigate the ski resort, provide skiing tips and take you around the mountain! Food, drinks and game nights to be shared around a cozy fireplace in the evenings! You will be responsible for purchasing lift tickets and renting ski equipment. 1 0 000500.0 500 .001E7 100
SA0028 SA28 Silent Auction Items
  • Elizabeth & Tom Scanlon
Repurposed glass
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This ocean themed piece was designed to hold jewelry. The bottom tier is for necklaces.
The center piece is for bracelets. The edge of the top level is perforated for hanging earrings. The center of the plate can hold posts and rings.
Or you could serve lunch for a friend. Finger sandwiches, fruit and fine chocolates.
What will you choose?
1 0 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30
PDE0048 PDE48 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Elizabeth & Tom Scanlon
  • Dallas DiLeo
Get Rich in Friendship If your #1 priority is to meet new people at Sunnyhill and get rich, this event is for you! Bring:
1. your favorite snack to share
2. $5 scratch off Lottery Card to trade We will break into small groups and share stories and memories as we get to know about new and old members life experiences. We will schedule breaks so everyone can meet. Before we part, we will cheer each other on to see wins big in the lottery!
30 24 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 10/5/24 1:00 PM
LA0010 LA10 Live Auction Items
  • Elizabeth & Tom Scanlon
Rabbit Hole Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey 750 ML Bottle of Small Batch High Rye Bourbon Whiskey manufactured in Louisville Kentucky 1 0 000070.0 70 .00045E7 45
PDE0047 PDE47 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Johna & Mike Gravitt
Food and Games with the Gravitts Have you ever been interested in "improv" (being provided a specific scene to act out in 2 minutes or less)? Do you enjoy being asked a question in a specific category and only being able to answer with a word from one letter of the alphabet at a time? Are you hungry for finger foods? If you answered yes then you've come to the right place! Join us for an evening of food and fun, to be held outside weather permitting. I will provide grilled food and snacks (grilled food may consist of smoked meet for sandwhiches, and wings, snacks may consist of veggie trays and assorted chips and dips and various dessert options) BYOB if you wish. I will provide non alcoholic drinks as well. 6 0 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 8/17/24 5:00 PM
LA0030 LA30 Live Auction Items
  • Craig & Jennifer Smith
What's better than cookies for breakfast? Who doesn't want to eat delicious, made to order cookies for breakfast? Jenn will provide one dozen breakfast cookies per month for 6 months delivered to Sunnyhill for your pick up. You choose the flavors! Some scrummy options are double chocolate, chunky monkey, birthday cake, tropical paradise, strawberry pistachio matcha, or dirty chai. Cookies can be made to fit your dietary preferences or needs such as vegan, dairy free, nut free, or gluten free. Delivered fresh baked but emminently freezable for prolonging the yum! 1 0 000142.0 142 .001E7 100
RB0032 RB32 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Craig & Jennifer Smith
White Wine Winners Have a delicously relaxing time with the following 6 white wines:
La Cote Doree Chardonay 2020 Benjamin Darnault
Franc Dusak Pinot Gris 2021 Slovenia
LangeTwins Chardonay 2020 Clarksburg Apellation
Grenache Gris 2021 Benjamin Darnault
Antonio Diez Martin Verdejo 2020 Spain
The Butterfly Effect Viognier 2021 Australia
1 1 000072.0 72 .00072E7 72
SA0019 SA19 Silent Auction Items
  • Patricia Lynn
Be-Jeweled Tree Art Jeweled Christmas tree handmade by Pat Lynn. It is framed for hanging or can be displayed on a small easel. The frame is backed in velvet, and the tree is composed of vintage or used jewelry, beads, pearls, and rhinestones. 1 0 000200.0 200 .0002E7 20
LA0009 LA9 Live Auction Items
  • Roxy MtJoy & Tyson Sears
Sunnyhill Stained Glass Crafted by Sunny Mt. Joy, Roxy's mom, who is a stained glass artist. This unique depiction of the Sunnyhill logo, will look great displayed on your desk or shelf. Own a beautiful reminder of our beautiful community! 1 0 000150.0 150 .0002E7 20
RB0031 RB31 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Roxy MtJoy & Tyson Sears
Disney-Themed Basket Basket chock full of Disney-themed stuff - games, toys, stuffed animals, you name it! 1 1 000100.0 100 .0002E7 20
PDE0046 PDE46 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Craig & Jennifer Smith
Fondue, Phase 10 and Friends Join us at our home in Bridgeville for an evening of fun! We will be enjoying various cheese, chocolate and caramel fondues while playing Phase 10. While Phase 10 is a very easy card game to learn, we are asking for adults only to attend. If you can match colors and numbers, love to eat delicious gooey treats, and socialize with friends, sign up for fun! Vegan options will be available. BYOB 10 8 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 10/19/24 6:00 PM
RB0030 RB30 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Angela Joyce & John Pollack
Self Care Basket Improve your mental health with this basket full of self care items--gratitude journal, mindfulness exercise workbook, aromatherapy spray, self care cards, and calming stickers. 1 1 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
PDE0045 PDE45 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Nancy & Lois Brown
You're invited to a fun-filled afternoon of Party Bridge! Embrace winter and join us for an afternoon of cards, laughter, and friendly competition. Whether you're a seasoned player or looking to sharpen your skills, it's a perfect opportunity to enjoy the game, warm up with good food, company, and perhaps even pick up a new convention. Enjoy a selection of delicious snacks, desserts and a variety of non-alcoholic drinks. Hosted by an experienced beginner. All levels welcome. 12 9 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 1/25/25 1:00 PM
PDE0044 PDE44 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Sarah Yourd
  • Franklin Quinn
Historic Pittsburgh Walk and Picnic Explore the Mexican War Streets with Frank Quinn, restoration contractor. Discover architectural details- facades, entablatures, entrances, denticulation, brackets and more. Exterior views, an interior restoration work in progress and possible interiors of previous work; walking tour approximately 2 miles, mostly flat, wear good walking shoes. Picnic lunch after the walk at 1216 Monterey. Meet at 1216 Monterey St- street parking is free. If more than 20 people want to sign up, we'll add a second date.
rain date tbd
20 -1 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30 6/22/24 10:00 AM
PDE0043 PDE43 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Leslie Coffman
Group Sound Healing Session with Stacy D. of The Realm Sound Healing is an ancient practice that uses sound at different frequencies to improve well-being. The benefits can include relaxation, trauma clearing, stress reduction & more. This event will include 30 minutes social time & a healthy drink/snack followed by a 1 hr sound healing experience. Stacy D. will be in touch with you prior to the event to complete a medical screen, and explain the process. Please bring a mat or towel to the event. Stacy D. is a trained holistic practitioner with a focus on sound healing and holistic reflexology. 12 0 000300.0 300 .00035E7 35 9/29/24 3:00 PM
PDE0042 PDE42 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Nichole Dahlen
A morning of homemade bagels and pastries Come enjoy home-roasted coffee and freshly made bagels and pastries! 8 2 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 12/7/24 11:00 AM
LA0029 LA29 Live Auction Items
  • Franziska Lang & Will Page
Hand-knitted socks One pair of hand-knitted socks, knitted to your specifications. You pick the color and size and Mama Lang (Franziska's Mom) will knit the socks for you. Delivery in October 1 -1 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25
RB0029 RB29 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Susan McCarthy
Eco-Friendly Personal Care Products from Wonderfill Low Waste Market Gift Box Includes:

Bamboo Travel Cutlery Set: Reusable, ditch the plastic utensils
Bamboo Floss Dispenser with 30m of Biodegradable Floss
Lemongrass Hand and Body Cream
10 Reusable Cotton Facial Rounds: alternative to disposable rounds Moisturizing Shave Bar: creamy lather for comfortable shaving
Body Soap: Eucalyptus Charcoal, plant-based oils, butters
Lip Balm, Wild Honey: soft, savory and hydrating

Donor: Susan McCarthy and Jamie Cummings
Qty: 1 Value: $80 Min: $20

1 1 000080.0 80 .0002E7 20
PDE0041 PDE41 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Bill Harvey
California brunch and South Park fall colors walk Enjoy a California brunch at our house after the Sunnyhill 11:15 service. I'll supply all of the fixin's: avocados, bread for toast (gluten free option available), eggs, tomatoes, limes, together with juice, fruit, etc. You can do your own thing! I live halfway between Sunnyhill and South Park (seven minutes from Sunnyhill and ten minutes from South Park). After brunch we'll walk it off with a walk on a paved trail through South Park to see the changing leaves. The walk is less than 40 minutes. 10 1 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 10/13/24 12:30 PM
PDE0040 PDE40 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Liz Baldoni
  • Jesse Baldoni
Family-Friendly Bird Park Hike Please join us for a kid-friendly hike in Bird Park on 10/5 from 9:30-11, with a rain date of 10/12. All ages welcome, including babies in carriers. We will provide snacks, games, and plenty of breaks for little legs. Participants bring water, appropriate shoes, and any other comfort items necessary. $10/adult; kids free! 10/5 from 9:30 - 11am. Rain date 10/12. 6 6 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 10/5/24 9:30 AM
RB0028 RB28 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Julie Kirsch
Sarris Candy and Sweet Wine Basket Sarris candy chocolate covered popcorn, chocolate covered potato chips, and chocolate covered pretzels. Three bottles of sweet wine that include Cupcake vineyards moscato, Iron Gate Vineyard Slice of Summer, and Penn Shore Vineyards Concord wine. 1 1 000080.0 80 .0004E7 40
PDE0039 PDE39 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Marlene Parrish
  • Mary Jo Sonntag
Tastes of the Mediterranean on the Patio As the sun sets on Chatham Village, we’ll gather under the Big Green Awning. We'll sip Negronis and lemonade, and we’ll nibble olives, Marcona almonds and spanakopita. Soon, we’ll gather round the table to enjoy the classic dishes of the Mediterranean with sides. Our sweets are homemade baklava, dates and fresh figs for dessert. Sangria will guarantee our good time. Will you be our guests? 8 0 000040.0 40 .0004E7 40 7/12/24 6:30 PM
PDE0038 PDE38 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Douglas Reichenfeld
Pizza Party Enjoy Homemade Pizza at Doug and Andrea's House in Mount Lebanon. Beer, Wine and Dessert are provided! 20 -6 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 9/13/24 12:00 PM
SA0018 SA18 Silent Auction Items
  • Stephanie Bennett
New Sealed in Box Apple AirPods Max
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New sealed in box Apple AirPods Max headphones and smart case in Space Gray.
Features & details
BREATHTAKING AUDIO QUALITY — Apple-designed dynamic driver provides high-fidelity audio. Computational audio combines custom acoustic design with the Apple H1 chip and software for breakthrough listening experiences.
FOCUS ON WHAT’S PLAYING — Active Noise Cancellation blocks outside noise so you can immerse yourself in music.
HEAR THE WORLD AROUND YOU — Transparency mode lets you hear and interact with the world around you.
PERSONALIZED SPATIAL AUDIO — With sound that suits your unique ear shape along with dynamic head tracking, AirPods Max deliver an immersive listening experience that places sound all around you. You can also listen to select songs, shows, and movies in Dolby Atmos.
ACOUSTIC-FIRST DESIGN — Designed with a knit-mesh canopy and memory foam ear cushions for an exceptional over-ear fit that perfectly seals in sound.
MAGICAL EXPERIENCE — Pair AirPods Max by simply placing them near your device and tapping Connect on your screen. AirPods Max pause audio when you take them off. And Automatic Switching makes listening between your iPhone, iPad, and Mac completely effortless.
LONG BATTERY LIFE — Up to 20 hours of listening, movie watching, or talk time with Active Noise Cancellation and Personalized Spatial Audio enabled.
PRECISION CONTROL — Use the Digital Crown to play and pause music, to answer, end, and mute yourself on calls, and to control volume and skip between tracks.
A SMARTER CASE — Store in an ultra low-power state with the slim Smart Case.
1 0 000549.0 549 .0005E7 50
SA0017 SA17 Silent Auction Items
  • Leslie Coffman
REset Bag of Eco-Friendly Essentials REad two beautifully written and eco-conscious (one fiction and one non-fiction) favorites.
REfuel and REhydrate with some REusable snack bags, straws, and (2) Sunnyhill water bottles.
REconnect to nature by caring for your new plant (plant tale & care instruction included).
RElax during a 60 min holistic REflexology session with Leslie (scheduling instructions included).
1 0 000200.0 200 .00035E7 35
LA0037 LA37 Live Auction Items
  • Nancy & Lois Brown
Vintage Navajo Rug This Navajo rug was woven in the Wide Ruins style. Weaver unknown. The design and colors are typical of this style. The rug is pure wool dyed with vegital sources, and measures 21 in. x 42 in. It can be displayed on the floor or as a wall hanging. 1 0 000300.0 300 .002E7 200
RB0027 RB27 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Carrie Farmer & Mark Shefsiek
An Evening with Michael Pollan tickets (2) Spend an evening with New York Times bestselling author Michael Pollan.
For more than thirty years, Michael Pollan has been writing books and articles about the places where the human and natural worlds intersect: on our plates, in our farms and gardens, and in our minds. You will receive two tickets to "An Evening with Michael Pollan", part of the Mt. Lebanon Library Speaker Series, along with his most recent book, "This Is Your Mind on Plants."
1 1 000070.0 70 .00025E7 25 5/1/24 7:00 PM
LA0028 LA28 Live Auction Items
  • Carrie Farmer & Mark Shefsiek
Your Own Private Pool for the Afternoon! Does your family love to swim but you don't have a pool or pool membership? This is the perfect opportunity for you! Carrie's family will vacate their home for 4 hours so you can enjoy their inground pool and deck for the afternoon! They live 1 block away from Sunnyhill. Date and time to be coordinated. 1 0 000150.0 150 .0005E7 50
PDE0037 PDE37 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Pat Murray & Joe Shaughnessy
March Madness Men's Final Four GREAT COMPANY and GREAT ENTERTAINMENT!! Two FANTASTIC GAMES & DINNER. BBQ w/fixings & wine, beer, seltzer & snacks finish the menu. Saturday, April 5, 2025, 6:00 p.m.. 10 9 000050.0 50 .0005E7 50 4/5/25 6:00 PM
PDE0036 PDE36 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Franziska Lang & Will Page
Kids' Fun Afternoon & Drop-Off Sunnyhill teens Eli and Bee will provide 3 hours of games, crafts, pizza, and movie with your child (under 10 years old) while you enjoy some alone time! Go out for an early dinner, shop without young ones pulling on your jacket, run errands, go to happy hour ... the options are endless. 3 hrs total.

Location: Sunnyhill RE room downstairs

8 6 000060.0 60 .00025E7 25 12/21/24 4:00 PM
PDE0035 PDE35 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Larry Comden & Jean Furlan
A Royal Evening Tasty chicken ala KING dinner, ROYAL strawberry cream dessert.
Followed by a game of 5 CROWNS (rummy-type card game).
Wine and munchies.
Will you wear the crown?
6 3 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30 6/7/24 6:00 PM
PDE0034 PDE34 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Pat Murray & Joe Shaughnessy
Women's March Madness Final Four Women's NCAA college basketball is EXCITING & this year it drew SCREAMING CROWDS!! It's time for YOU to EXPLORE THIS ENTERTAINMENT!!!
A Mediterranean dinner will be served at half time of the first game. Wine, beer and sparkling water & snacks will also be served.

A short tutorial will be provided for non basketball fans. But be careful!! You just might get hooked on this fabulous source of FUN!
Date TBA but likely the 1st weekend April 4, 2025.


8 5 000050.0 50 .0005E7 50 4/4/25 6:00 PM
RB0026 RB26 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Phil & Rebecca Senneway
Sustainable Kitchen Items Basket + $25 gift card to WonderFill **Donated by the Youth Group**

This beautiful basket of sustainable kitchen items includes: a dish brush, reusable "paper" towels, a Swedish dish cloth, cast iron skillet cleaner, reusable sponges, an organic cotton & mesh tote bag and a $25 gift card for WonderFill Low Waste Market.

1 1 000115.0 115 .00025E7 25
PDE0033 PDE33 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Joan Reddy & Greg Boris
Soup and Bread Lunch (With Games) Join us for a supper of hearty vegan soup and bread with dessert and drinks followed by games (Codenames anyone?) 6 -1 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 1/4/25 1:00 PM
PDE0031 PDE31 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Rachel Butler-Pardi
  • Richard W Goff
Afternoon of Dungeons and Dragons II An afternoon of Dungeons and Dragons for Up to 4 people.
1p-5p at our home in Mt. Lebanon.
Want to play Dungeons and Dragons but don’t know how to start? Maybe you played before but haven’t in a long time? We will host up to two afternoons of D&D (depending on interest) accessible to beginners but for all experience levels. We will be using “old school” rules based on the classic 1980s game. All you need is your imagination. Snacks provided
4 1 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 8/10/24 1:00 PM
PDE0030 PDE30 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Richard W Goff
  • Rachel Butler-Pardi
An Afternoon of Dungeons and Dragons An afternoon of Dungeons and Dragons, from 1 - 5 pm at our home in Mt. Lebanon.

Want to play Dungeons and Dragons but don’t know how to start? Maybe you played before but haven’t in a long time? We will host up to two afternoons of D&D (depending on interest) accessible to beginners but for all experience levels. We will be using “old school” rules based on the classic 1980s game. All you need is your imagination. Snacks provided
4 0 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 7/20/24 1:00 PM
SA0023 SA23 Silent Auction Items
  • Auldyn Matthews-McGee
5 Hours of Design Work Need a new logo? A new website? Or anything you can think of that requires digital design work? Bid on 5 hours of design work (a $1,250 value) for whatever your design needs are. (This is not for interior design or anything that doesn’t require a computer!)

These 5 hours are provided by Auldyn Matthews-McGee. She brings over a decade in website and user experience (UX) design in the tech industry and teaches design at Carnegie Mellon.

1 -1 001250.0 1,250 .00075E7 75
PDE0029 PDE29 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Brad Convis
  • Angela Joyce & John Pollack
Drum Your Way to Happiness Circle Join John and Brad as we drum our way to happiness! No experience necessary. Drums and instruments will be provided; feel free to bring your own, including that djembe you have been itching to play. Snacks and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. Following 1 1/2 hours of drumming, hangout at the firepit for more drumming. Event will be outdoors at Sunnyhill. Bring a lawn chair! Kids 12 and older welcome with parent attending.

Rain date September 8.

30 24 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 9/7/24 7:00 PM
PDE0028 PDE28 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Brad Convis
Cribbage Tournament Cribbage is awesome!! Learn this fun and challenging card game while hanging out with Brad, the Sunnyhill King of Cribbage!

Cribbage tutorial followed by team tournament. Appetizers and soft drinks provided, BYO adult beverage if desired. Takes place at Brad's home in Brentwood.

Brad will offer a 2nd date if 4+ people show interest by writing their name on the June 8 event signup.

8 -3 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 6/8/24 7:00 PM
SA0016 SA16 Silent Auction Items
  • Elizabeth & Mark Mortimer
Hand-Blown Venetian Glass Mosaica Christmas Tree Translating to ''Mosaic,'' our Mosaica Christmas tree is hand-blown in the Veneto by the children of Italy's prolific glass master, Giovanni Battista. This sparkling tree features 14 ornaments hand-painted in sparkling shades of blue and gold and in a mosaic-style rainbow of color. Each is complete with a star plated in gleaming 24k gold. Approx. 13'' tall. 1 0 000200.0 200 .0003E7 30
RB0025 RB25 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Gail Counihan
JCC 1-month membership + Tchotchkes Join the JCC, like 30 other Sunnyhillers, for one-month and see what keeps them coming back! Includes access to heated pool, fitness area, group classes, DEKA classes (for 1-week), Agewell program, etc. JCC swag. 1-month membership is worth $150. Donated by JCC and Gail, JCC Customer Experience Associate. 1 1 000200.0 200 .0005E7 50
LA0038 LA38 Live Auction Items
  • Rachael Beam
Gift Cards to Local Businesses Assorted gift cards from local businesses with social justice as the theme. This basket supports local, sustainable, and diverse businesses which share our values.
$50 - Chace’s at Gabriella’s Diner
$50 - Wild Rise Bakery
$50 - WonderFill
$30 - The Book Cellar (Mt. Lebo Library)
$50 - Ooh La La Boutique
Plus 10 notecards and these 4 books from The Book Cellar:
-A Perilous Path: Talking Race, Inequality, and the Law by Sherrilyn Fill, Loretta Lynch, Bryan Stevenson, and Anthony C. Thompson
-Dinners With Ruth: A Memoir on the Power of Friendships by Nina Totenberg
-Every Tongue Got to Confess: Negro Folk-Tales from the Gulf States by Zora Neale Hurston
-Scraps, Wilt + Weeds: Turning Wasted Food into Plenty by Mads Refslund & Tama Matsuoka Wong
Donated by the Sunnyhill Board members.
1 0 000240.0 240 .001E7 100
PDE0027 PDE27 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Dennis & Martha Sweeney
Dinner with Signature Wines from Remote Regions, featuring Chef Alekka Chef Alekka is offering her culinary magic and with her father's help, Dennis Sweeny, will transforms their home into the finest French bistro this side of the Atlantic! In France, food is sacred. When preparing a dish, the freshest, best quality ingredients are chosen. Before anyone eats a bite, the table is laid with care, with multiple courses served... and only with the finest French wines! Eating will be a celebration of both the food before you and the company around you. 6 -2 000075.0 75 .00075E7 75 2/8/25 6:00 PM
LA0027 LA27 Live Auction Items
  • Randy Green
Custom Designed Stained Glass Winner will sit down with Randy Green to design a custom piece of stained glass art that Randy will create for them. Piece must be less than 12"x16" and under 30 pieces of glass. Randy is the artist who created our Sunnyhill logo piece in the stairway window! 1 0 000250.0 250 .0005E7 50
SA0022 SA22 Silent Auction Items
  • Bethany & Jay Thornton
Native Plant Basket Beautiful basket donated from the Mt. Lebanon Nature Conservancy. Contains a $100 gift card toward native plants, garden gloves, a bee house, and rooted Red Twig Dogwood, ready to plant! 1 0 000125.0 125 .0003E7 30
PDE0026 PDE26 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Jen McGlothin
  • Matt Cirilli
Festivus (for the rest of us!)
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On December 27th, 2024, dust off your puffy shirts and gather 'round the Festivus pole for a night of Seinfeld-inspired hilarity! Join us at Sunnyhill for a Festivus celebration like no other, where we'll pay homage to the iconic holiday made famous by the legendary sitcom.
Dress Code: Channel your inner Elaine, Kramer, Jerry, or George with your best Seinfeld-themed attire! Face paint/manhands - go wild!
Join us for Feats of Strength, Seinfeld Trivia, Airing of Grievances, yada, yada, yada… Seinfeld themed potluck: sign up to bring your
dish, including mulligatawny soup, muffin tops, big salad, marble rye, etc… but please no double dipping!
40 23 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 12/27/24 6:00 PM
PDE0025 PDE25 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Mary-Jo
  • Alekka Sweeney
Sharpening your Knives and your Skills! Dull knives putting a damper on your dinner prep? Wishing you had some Julia Child chopping chops?
Then this is the afternoon for you!

Chef extraordinaire Alekka Sweeney will teach you basic knife skills to make sure you leave the kitchen with all 10 fingers.
Michael Hennessy, skilled craftsman and lover of power tools, will provide professional level knife sharpening while you learn.
Mary-Jo will provide plentiful munchies for noshing and drinks for sipping. (Subtext: Don't eat lunch, come hungry!)

Each attendee can bring up to 3 knives. (No serrated please!) 55 Vernon Drive.

8 6 000060.0 60 .0006E7 60 6/15/24 1:00 PM
RB0038 RB38 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Kris Callender
Yoga Basket Yoga mat with strap
Yoga blocks
Water Bottle
1 1 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
RB0024 RB24 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Elizabeth & Mark Mortimer
Season Liberally with Spices from Penzey's If you haven't used Penzey's Spices, you're missing out! Not only are they the freshest and yummiest spices out there, but more importantly Bill Penzey's motto is "Season Liberally". Bill Penzey speaks our language of justice, compassion and love. Give Penzey's a try with this box of seasoned salt and pepper plus a $25 gift card. You will undoubtedly begin a lifelong love affair with Penzey's. 1 1 000035.0 35 .00005E7 5
PDE0024 PDE24 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Dennis McCracken
  • Susan Beveridge
A Three Hour Tour Enjoy a three-hour afternoon houseboat cruise on the Allegheny River north of Pittsburgh. The boat will leave the Oakmont Yacht Club in Oakmont, PA and take in sights along the river including the Allegheny Islands State Park in Cheswick (considered one of the best canoeing and kayak spots in PA), and various other sights in Oakmont, Verona, Fox Chapel, Harmar and New Kensington. We will also “lock through” at either the Highland Park or Harmar dam (to be determined based on participant interest and river traffic).
Plenty of beverages (wine, beer, hard seltzer, soft drinks and water), and lots of hors d’oeuvres will be provided. (Music too on the upper deck – requests will be taken!)
Boat amenities include all safety equipment required by the USCG, as well as two heads (marine bathrooms) and AC. Plenty of upper deck sunshine (and some shade) is also available.
Inclement weather date of Saturday August 17th. Depart 1 PM Sharp.
(adults only please) This has been done before. Trust us, it’s fun!
16 6 000040.0 40 .0004E7 40 7/13/24 1:00 PM
SA0021 SA21 Silent Auction Items
  • Bob & Jeanetta Lee
Tech Help! Our renaissance man Bob Lee can do more than sing! A lot more! Bob is a super-cyber-security-geeky-tech guy and he is willing to help you with your tech-related project. Bob will spend up to 2 hours trouble-shooting, refining, improving, tweaking and just in general FIXING what's ailing your website, PC or maybe your tablet or phone. Or … if you just want to collaborate and bounce an idea off someone with more tech scars than outdated computer cables, he can provide you with a sounding board that has been listening since the 1970’s in the last century.

And....if he can't fix it - you don't pay! :)

Seriously, Bob is better than having a gen-Z-er at home to assist with your tech challenges - he won't eat everything in your fridge or leave his dirty socks under the coffee table (I hope).

1 0 000200.0 200 .00025E7 25
SA0029 SA29 Silent Auction Items
  • John Luff
Custom Printed Photography
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John Luff has been around the world and has captured many beautiful spots in his camera lens. You can choose of any of the pictures shown "here" in any size from 4 X 6 to 10 X 13. Photos will be unmounted and not framed. 10 6 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20
SA0015 SA15 Silent Auction Items
  • Crawford & Leigh Horne
Handmade Shallow Bowl
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Potter Crawford Horne created this beautiful 10” Diameter Hand-Made Wood-Fired Stoneware Altered Shallow Bowl w/ Ash Glaze just for the auction. Visit www.thisleglenpottery.com for more info and samples of work. 1 0 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
LA0008 LA8 Live Auction Items
  • Crawford & Leigh Horne
Handmade Stoneware Pitcher
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Potter Crawford Horne made this lovely Hand-Made Wood-Fired Stoneware Pitcher w/Shino Glaze just for the auction. Visit www.thisleglenpottery.com for more info and samples of work. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
PDE0023 PDE23 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • John Luff
Getting Better iPhone Pictures Your phone takes pretty good pictures, but they can be GREAT! John will instruct up to 5 people on ways to improve your results, including a session on editing your photos, on the phone, iPad, or computer. The instruction will include classical picture framing techniques, adjusting exposures, lighting, and the basics of image editing with modern tools accessible to everyone. Cell Phones only! We will meet at a location TBD. 5 2 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 6/29/24 11:00 AM
LA0007 LA7 Live Auction Items
  • Crawford & Leigh Horne
Handmade Stoneware Bowl
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Artisanal potter Crawford Horne has made a beautiful 10” Diameter Hand-Made Wood-Fired Stoneware Serving Bowl w/Cinnamon Glaze. Visit www.thisleglenpottery.com for more info and samples of work. 1 0 000090.0 90 .0004E7 40
LA0026 LA26 Live Auction Items
  • Bob & Jeanetta Lee
Your own song Musician and songwriter Bob Lee will perform a song of your choice (he'll even write you a song!!) at a Sunday service. If the Sunday service idea doesn't work out, he will record a song for you to play any time you like. This is a popular donation so get your bidding paddles ready! 1 0 000100.0 100 .0002E7 20
RB0023 RB23 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Carol Hernandez
David Bowie Photograph
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This photo was taken at the Broadway-Lafayette subway station in NYC during a Bowie exhibition in 2018. The face is made up of steel beams over the subway platform with skins going over each beam. The whole face was only visible when viewing from a certain angle above the platform. Photo size 8 x 10, framed 11 x 14. 1 1 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
SA0008 SA8 Silent Auction Items
  • Kelley Anderson & Mike Farb
Picnic Basket Get everything you need (except the ants!) for a day in the great outdoors! Basket includes extra large, waterproof blanket, dinnerware and cutlery for 4, portable corn hole and tic-tac-toe game, cat's cradle string/finger game instruction book, snacks from Trader Joe's and a $50 gift card to Trader Joe's. 1 0 000150.0 150 .0003E7 30
LA0025 LA25 Live Auction Items
  • Nancy & Lois Brown
Hand Knit Scarf Indulge in the luxury of a handcrafted scarf knit just for you. My made-to-order scarf offers a unique blend of personalization and quality, allowing you to choose both the pattern and the wool from my extensive stash. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
LA0024 LA24 Live Auction Items
  • Jim & Lynne Heltman
Create Your Luxury Vacation Here is a unique opportunity to create the vacation of your dreams. Up to 15,000 timeshare points are offered for a seven-night stay at one of hundreds of Hilton Vacation Club national and international locations. Points can be used in 2024 or 2025, depending on the desired week and availability. These points will be sufficient (usually) to secure a luxurious two-bedroom unit (sleeps six) with a full kitchen. Lynne will work closely with you to find the perfect week and location. Go to hiltongrandvacations.com for a listing of resorts (some may not apply), and the amenities they provide. Auctioneers – Valued at $2000+. 1 0 002000.0 2,000 .0035E7 350
LA0006 LA6 Live Auction Items
  • Dennis & Martha Sweeney
Trio of French Rolling Pins From the shop of our resident wood artisan, Dennis Sweeney, these beautiful french-style rolling pins will roll out your piecrust in style. Don't miss the chance to own this one-of-a-kind kitchenware. 1 0 000250.0 250 .0004E7 40
SA0014 SA14 Silent Auction Items
  • Phil & Rebecca Senneway
Home Movie Night Basket
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Settle in for a summer of home movie nights with a classic Whirley Pop machine, popcorn kernals & flavoring, candy galore and a $25 gift card for Disney+ (3 months of streaming goodness) all in a beautiful woven tray. 1 0 000100.0 100 .00015E7 15
SA0013 SA13 Silent Auction Items
  • Phil & Rebecca Senneway
Sippin Summer Fun Basket
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This fun basket for 21+ only winners, will transport you right into a summer party mood. A 3.17 gallon clear ice bucket is filled with 21 mini bottles of various liquor, a 30oz Built tumbler, "The Essentials Bar Book" and a $25 gift card for Giant Eagle to buy mixers, snacks or more alcohol! Cheers! 1 0 000100.0 100 .0002E7 20
LA0023 LA23 Live Auction Items
  • Mary E. Pratt
Vocal Coaching with Mary Let me love on your voice over the course of two 45-minute vocal coaching sessions! We'll tailor our sessions to your singing goals and create a practice plan for you to continue growing beyond our time together. I'll contact you to set up the timing and other logistics. These coaching sessions are best for mature voices; ages 18 and over only, please!(Note: I do not teach private voice lessons. This is an exclusive Sunnyhill offering!) 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
LA0022 LA22 Live Auction Items
  • Kira Shelton
One Custom Specialty Outfit (Costume/Cosplay/Formal wear) The creation of one specialty outfit in all fabric construction. This will include; one design and expectations consultation, first fitting, final fitting and details. This outfit will not include construction of any specialty undergarments. I will need a minimum of one month working time before delivery. 1 0 000150.0 150 .00075E7 75
SA0020 SA20 Silent Auction Items
  • Meli/Kira Olsen/Shelton
Laser Engraved Portrait This auction is for a Laser Engraved portrait on wood. We will pick date, time, and location to take a photograph that will be used to create the image. 2 1 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30
LA0005 LA5 Live Auction Items
  • Claire Pullen
Really cool graphics from Claire! Claire Pullen, our graphic-artist-in-residence, has donated an 8X8" framed print with her botanical interpretation of the new UU Love at the Center concept, as well as 2 die-cut vinyl stickers, a mint green XL t-shirt with graphics and a 4x4 magnet. Claire's Love at the Center design has even been licensed to the UUA! Don't miss a chance to own a Claire Pullen original!! Check out all of her work at clairepullenart.com 1 0 000070.0 70 .0002E7 20
LA0021 LA21 Live Auction Items
  • Jane Gentzel
Garden Maintenance Jane is a seasoned gardener and she will come to your home and weed, plant, and prune shrubs (no ladder involved). She will bundle and/or bag the debris, but not haul it away. Up to 4 hours work spread over two days. 2 0 000120.0 120 .00045E7 45
PDE0022 PDE22 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Stephanie & Duncan Hughes
Parlor Games Part Deux Join Stephanie and Duncan in their Mt. Lebanon parlor for a (second) evening of fun and (literally) games! This is a stand-alone event, no need to attend part 1 to enjoy the fun. Snacks, sweets and beverages (wine, beer & soft drinks) will be provided as we learn new games, hone our competitive strategies and deepen connections. 8 8 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 6/22/24 7:00 PM
PDE0021 PDE21 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Stephanie & Duncan Hughes
Parlor Games, Sip and Nibble! Enliven your weekend, stimulate your synapses and connect better with UU communitarians and yourself: Join us for simple, entertaining new-fangled PARLOR GAMES -- offered with small tasty snacks & sweets including your choice of wine, beer or soft drinks. 8 4 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 5/4/24 7:00 PM
PDE0020 PDE20 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
Mingo Hike/Bike and Lunch at Judie's. Dogs welcomed! It’s Spring! This beautiful county park near Finleyville has flat, wide walking/biking trails that follow the creek and is just 4 miles from my house in Venetia. Come meet me for a an hour-long walk (at your own pace) along the creek then we’ll caravan to my house for a casual lunch and conversation. There are large separate off-leash fenced areas within the park. There is a 10 AM hike; lunch at around noon. 10 -1 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 9/28/24 10:00 AM
LA0020 LA20 Live Auction Items
  • David & Bonnie Brown
Live Piano Entertaiment For Your Party You throw a party some time this year and you have a piano at your home. I entertain you and your guests for 2-4 hours with classic rock, pop, jazz, Disney, oldies, and more. If you like you can play Name That Tune (optionally with $1 buy ins and a 50/50 split between the winner and Sunnyhill). I can bring lyrics books and an amp/mic if you might want to do Pianoke. Or just let the music be the backdrop for your sparkling conversations! 1 1 000400.0 400 .002E7 200
LA0019 LA19 Live Auction Items
  • Bethany & Jay Thornton
Gourmet Cupcakes Crafted with the finest ingredients and a sprinkle of love, Bethany will bake you two dozen gourmet cupcakes. Elevate your next gathering with a touch of sweetness, or simply treat yourself to a moment of pure bliss. As the lucky winner, you'll have the chance to choose both the date and flavors for your custom-made treats. 1 0 000036.0 36 .0002E7 20
LA0018 LA18 Live Auction Items
  • Bethany & Jay Thornton
Babysitting Finn Thornton will provide 4 hours of babysitting in your home. Finn is 14 1/2, loves kids and is a ton of fun. He is a Boy Scout and very responsible and is certified in First Aid and CPR. 1 0 000060.0 60 .00025E7 25
PDE0018 PDE18 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Bethany & Jay Thornton
  • Terry and Carlos Alvare
A Cozy Evening of Creativity, Culinary Delights, and Connection Grab your favorite project and gather round for an evening of warmth and creativity at Sunnyhill.
In the flickering light of the fire, the aroma of a hearty dinner will waft through the air, promising savory delights to come. Hearty vegetarian shepherd's pie, homemade bread and dessert, wine and warm drinks will be served. As the night wears on, our creations will take shape, each one a reflection of our evening of connection. With every stitch and brushstroke, we will weave a tapestry of memories that will warm our hearts long after the fire has died down.
16 0 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30 1/17/25 5:30 PM
LA0017 LA17 Live Auction Items
  • Susan Beveridge
  • Dennis McCracken
Beachfront Condo in Venice FL Eight days and seven nights this Fall(dates to be negotiated between September 1, and December 20, 2024) at our beautiful Gulf of Mexico Venice beachfront condo. The 6th floor condo has two bedrooms and two baths with accommodations for four. (Pets are not permitted)

The view is spectacular and the beach is right outside our door. Swim in the heated pool, golf at seventeen courses in Venice, and pickleball courses nearby. Walk or ride bikes to shops in Venice, free yoga on the beach, restaurants, bike trails, library, and art center.

Numerous flights are available into nearby Sarasota or Punta Gorda airports.

1 0 001500.0 1,500 .005E7 500
LA0016 LA16 Live Auction Items
  • Denise Obenauer-Kohnke & Peter Kohnke
Bush Removal Up to 3 hours of work. Peter will cut up material that he has removed (but will not remove it from your property). Contact Peter to schedule date and time. 2 1 000150.0 150 .0005E7 50
LA0013 LA13 Live Auction Items
  • Denise Obenauer-Kohnke & Peter Kohnke
Poison Ivy Removal Peter Kohnke will risk life and limb to remove this noxious and scary weed from your yard or property! Don't let the invasives win... bid on Peter's Poison Ivy removal. He will bag the weed and remove from your property. He'll return in a week to make sure it's really gone! Up to 3 hours work. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0004E7 40
SA0012 SA12 Silent Auction Items
  • Puvithel Rajan
Unicorn Blanket Hoodie Set Kids cozy unicorn-print blanket hoodie and accessories. Keep your kiddos toasty-warm in this wearable blanket plus accessories. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0001E7 10
RB0022 RB22 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Puvithel Rajan
Creepy Cute Blanket Set Kids themed blanket gift set for an evening of cozy fun. 1 1 000080.0 80 .0001E7 10
PDE0017 PDE17 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Dawn Moeller
  • Mary-Jo
Monthly Music Share! Calling all musicians who love to sing, play an instrument, or both - but are frozen with fear as soon as they even think about getting up on stage! Let's overcome our sweaty palms together!
We'll take turns sharing -mistakes and do-overs are welcome! Judgement-free zone - a time to learn and have a good time! Feel free to bring a snack to share if you would like. BYOB is OK.
Our final meeting in October will be open to our invited friends.
Place - On stage in the Sanctuary.
Days/times* - Six monthly Friday evenings May 17th, June 21st, July 19th, August 16th, September 20th, and October 25th. *Could change.
16 9 000045.0 45 .00045E7 45 5/17/24 7:00 PM
RB0021 RB21 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Micheline Stabile & Wendy Bell
Wine and Cooler Gift Set
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A bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon nestled in a cooler gift set complete with two wine stainless steel, insulated tumblers, corks, and opener. 1 1 000060.0 60 .0002E7 20
PDE0016 PDE16 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Nanette Miller
Wine & Appetizers on the Deck
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Join Nanette on her garden-deck for a late-summer evening of wine paired with cheese, charcuterie and wine-friendly appetizers. 10 0 000045.0 45 .00045E7 45 9/14/24 6:00 PM
PDE0015 PDE15 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Beth & Jonathan Bliss
Trailside Bliss
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Bikes, brews, and burgers (veggie/vegan options available). Join the Bliss family at our home right off the Montour Trail (near Imperial) for a family friendly evening (our boys will be nine and six). BYOB (bikes; I have four extra on a first come, first served basis); we will supply the beverages and food. Courageous adults can give the tandem bike a try! Take a short ride along the trail, followed by dinner. Feel free to bring swimsuits if you’d like to take a dip in our Modpool. Plenty of activities and yard games for kids and adults alike! 15 13 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 7/27/24 4:00 PM
LA0004 LA4 Live Auction Items
  • Beth & Jonathan Bliss
6-Tickets to Pitt Football Home Game on November 16th
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Hail to Pitt! Come cheer-on Pitt with 5 of your BFFs (6 tics total) when they play Clemson at Acrisure Stadium (aka always Heinz Field) on November 16th. Tickets will be delivered electronically later this summer once they are made available. Awesome seats in Section 225; seats B4-B9 (or close proximity, but I’m expecting the same seats). Kickoff time is always TBD and usually announced 2-3 weeks ahead of the scheduled event. 1 0 000130.0 130 .00045E7 45 11/16/24 12:00 PM
PDE0014 PDE14 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Carrilee Hemington
Evening of Clay Join us for another fun evening of clay at Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild in Pittsburgh with ceramic artist Bryce Hemington! This year we will explore making mugs by hand, then pick the glazes they will eventually be. The mugs will be fired and delivered for pick up at the church within a month of making. All materials and light Refreshments will be provided! 12 9 000000.0 0 .0005E7 50 8/1/24 6:00 PM
LA0015 LA15 Live Auction Items
  • Crawford & Leigh Horne
Pottery Lessons I'll provide a block of 4 pottery sessions at my home studio/workshop in Mt. Lebanon. Each session will be approximately 2 hours in duration. Winner will have the opportunity to make pottery on a potter's wheel (session #1) and also using a slab making process (session #2). They will trim their pieces and add texture (session #3). I will then bisque fire the pieces after session #3 and the winner will return to glaze their pieces at session #4. I will contact the winner once the pieces have been glaze fired to arrange pickup. Dates to be arranged with winner. 1 0 000160.0 160 .0005E7 50
PDE0012 PDE12 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Phil & Rebecca Senneway
  • John & Judy Armstrong
Annual Earring Exchange Please bring a beautifully wrapped pair of (new) pierced earrings ($15-$20 in value) We will have a white elephant style exchange and everyone beg, borrow and steal to get the pair they want! There will be wine, chocolate and other snacks. Everyone goes home happy! Judy and Rebecca are your hosts. Held at Rebecca's Mt. Lebanon home. 20 3 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 6/23/24 2:00 PM
RB0020 RB20 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Cheyenne Barger and Eric Ritchey
Ice Cream Party Basket--Just Add Ice Cream! Host your own ice cream party courtesy of Cheyenne and Eric! The gift basket contains all the fun things you'll want to put on ice cream: sprinkles, candies, chocolate syrup, sauces, and ice cream cones. Also includes a $20 gift card to Graeter's Ice Cream in Castle Shannon! 1 1 000035.0 35 .0002E7 20
RB0019 RB19 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Andrew & Megan Lindeman
Lenox Poppies of Blue Barnyard Kitten Collection Lenox Poppies of Blue Barnyard Collection Kitten. Items are adorable kittens with raised blue bows and red poppies. Purrfect for cat lovers or farmhouse décor. This pattern was made from 1998-2004 and has since been discontinued.

Includes: Kitten Salt & Pepper Shakers, spoon rest, and Cookie Jar.

1 1 000150.0 150 .0002E7 20
SA0011 SA11 Silent Auction Items
  • Andrew & Megan Lindeman
Goebel Katzenfamilie Items from Rosina Wachmeister Collection Rosina Wachtmeister has been working with Goebel for over 20 years. Her poetic cat art stands for a rousing frenzy of color that spreads pure energy. She draws her strength and inspiration from her large garden with many free-roaming animals. The cat figures are very popular and coveted collector's items!
- Mug
- Mini Trinket Box
- Medium Trinket Box
- Large Trinket Box
- Cat Statue
- Decorative Vase
1 0 000260.0 260 .00015E7 15
PDE0011 PDE11 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Franziska Lang & Will Page
Annual Sunnyhill Texas Hold'em Tournament It's time for the annual Sunnyhill Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament. Game instructions provided at the beginning of the tournament if needed (just give us a heads up). Will's yummy snacks provided. Takes place at their Mt. Lebanon home. 14 3 000015.0 15 .0002E7 20 9/15/24 3:00 PM
LA0003 LA3 Live Auction Items
  • Vivienne Sebelle
Leafy Shawlette
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A beautiful leafy hand knit shawlette made with hand-dyed 100% superwash merino wool. You may have seen Vivienne knitting this during service! 1 0 000150.0 150 .0005E7 50
PDE0009 PDE9 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Rachael Beam
Bourbon Tasting Help us drink our bourbon! RT and I started doing road trips to KY during the pandemic and now we have accumulated a lot of bourbon. This event will include a customized tasting (blind if you like) and appetizers at our home in McMurray. We have a couple interesting bourbons like Blanton's, Blood Oath Pact 8 and others (sorry, no Pappy or Old Rip Van Winkle). Whether you're a bourbon newbie or an expert, we would love to share with you! 8 0 000035.0 35 .00035E7 35 3/2/25 4:00 PM
PDE0008 PDE8 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Cori & Jeff Vipperman
BBQ at the Lake!
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Join us at our lake house on Yough Lake, about 90 min drive. We have a pontoon party boat, a float, and a dock for swimming. We supply the meat (& faux meat), fixins, & s’mores for our firepit. Bring a side dish for 8. BYOB and BYO Kayak/Canoe (we have a paddle board). Kids are free! Rain Date July 14th. 20 5 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30 7/13/24 11:00 AM
PDE0007 PDE7 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Janet Tant
Gentle Yoga Class Join us for a gentle “all levels” yoga class with a focus on stretching and breathing. I’ve taught yoga since 2004; my teaching style is influenced by yoga therapy. I create a safe, compassionate space for my students for movement, breath & stillness. Held in Fellowship Hall. 15 14 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 4/27/24 1:00 PM
RB0018 RB18 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Sandy Smith
Puzzles Created by New York Puzzle Company-two puzzles available. One is 1000 pieces, the other is 500 pieces. 1 1 000025.0 25 .00005E7 5
SA0024 SA24 Silent Auction Items
  • Vicki Chan
Power Organizing Session Organize your pantry! Declutter your inbox! The possibilities are endless with your 1-hour Power Organizing session with Vicki. She will provide a consultation for organizing anything that has you feeling cluttered - from your email inbox, pantry, or closet to that pesky miscellaneous drawer.

If your project is a pantry or similarly sized project, we will have it done in the session! If they project is more ambitious, we will make sure you have a good start to it and a structure to help you finish.

We can be flexible with the date/times.

2 1 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
PDE0006 PDE6 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Julie Ann Sullivan
Laugh Often...Live Well Julie Ann has been a Certified Laughter Leader and Trainer for over a decade. After this session, you will have ten habits to enhance your daily life. Based on science these workshops awaken the child within. Come laugh together. You'll be glad you did! Adults only. At Sunnyhill. 15 8 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 5/8/24 7:00 PM
SA0010 SA10 Silent Auction Items
  • Julie Ann Sullivan
Handmade Chunky Knt Blanket
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Approximately 45" by 64" handmade chunky knit blanket made by the loving hands of Julie Ann Sullivan. Grey and Marble purple 1 0 000150.0 150 .00035E7 35
RB0017 RB17 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Ron Smutny
Gourmet Breakfast Bonanza Basket! Start your day in a tasty way with this reusable basket filled with breakfast delights! This gift includes Stonewall Kitchen pancake and waffle mix, organic syrup, peach and cranberry oatmeal mix, Jamaican blend coffee and luscious pear nectar. Mmm. 1 1 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
PDE0005 PDE5 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Elizabeth & Mark Mortimer
Last-Ever Chicken Coop Tour & Eggstravaganza Brunch If you've been wanting to check-out Mark's customized chicken coop, now's the time! Mark has been raising backyard chickens for 10 years and 2024 will likely be his last! Come tour his first-class customized coop with the option of holding one of his feathered friends. After Mark's tour, Elizabeth will be serving a brunch consisting of (you guessed it) egg creations and mimosas. 8 0 000035.0 35 .00035E7 35 9/8/24 12:30 PM
SA0002 SA2 Silent Auction Items
  • Trina Brown & Holly McCullough
One year of personalized financial planning Trina Brown is a Certified Financial Planner with Allegheny Financial Group. She is also certified in Sustainable & Responsible Investing and is a Certified Medicare Professional. This service is for one year of personalized, holistic financial planning, including:
1. A minimum of five meetings during the year, either via Zoom or in person. These will include initial planning meetings, a six-month check-in, and a year-end check-in.
2. Detailed cash-flow planning.
3. Detailed retirement planning.
4. Detailed education planning.
5. Investment advice, including asset allocation and specific investments. May include advice and education on investing according to you values if the client is interested.
6. Risk management review, including life, health, auto and home insurance.
7. Tax planning.
1 0 002500.0 2,500 .00125E7 125
SA0001 SA1 Silent Auction Items
  • Trina Brown & Holly McCullough
Tea Basket This basket contains premium loose leaf teas, tea accessories, hand-made mug cozies, and other fair trade and hand-made accessories. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
PDE0004 PDE4 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Elizabeth & Mark Mortimer
  • Ann & Brian Price
The Umpteenth Annual Weenie Roast Join us for a relaxed summer gathering on the deck and around the campfire for a doggone fun evening! As always, we will supply the hot dogs (vegan, turkey and beef), gourmet condiments, dessert and non-alcoholic beverages. Guests supply a side dish for 8. BYOB if you like. This year, it will be held at the Mortimers’ house. 30 8 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 5/25/24 6:00 PM
RB0002 RB2 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Jeanne Lofgren
Youth Guitar w stool & stand
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this is a quarter-sized classical guitar, with a case, stand and stool. 1 1 000200.0 200 .00025E7 25
PDE0002 PDE2 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Kathy Jury
Jewelry Workshop Kathy will lead you through making a beaded necklace with UU-related pendant. Coffee, tea and light snacks included. 10 5 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 9/14/24 2:00 PM
LA0014 LA14 Live Auction Items
  • Stephanie Bennett
Private Pottery Experience for Two
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Enjoy a two part pottery experience for you and a guest at my private home pottery studio in Clinton, PA. During the first session, you and your guest will learn beginner handbuilding techniques to construct a textured hand warmer mug. In the second session, we will glaze your bisque fired pieces and experience using a pottery wheel. Finished pieces will be delivered to the church for pickup once they have had their final glaze firing. All tools and materials will be supplied. We will schedule the dates for your sessions privately, preferably on Saturdays. This is a beginner-friendly experience with a hobby potter. 1 0 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
RB0001 RB1 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Sandy Shannon
Wolf Hair Beaded Medicine Stick
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Vintage Native American decorative stick used for medicinal, dance, or ritual events. 1 1 000080.0 80 .0003E7 30
RB0015 RB15 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Phil & Rebecca Senneway
Gray Ghost Fused Glass Plate Gray Ghost Glass employs the ancient art of fusing glass to create glass art designs that sing with contemporary beauty.

The properties of transparency, refraction, and magnification set glass apart from other art mediums. The beauty, vibrancy and durability of fused glass make it a wise choice for display or for everyday use as bowls, trays, platters, picture frames, and more.

The lustrous designs reflect the dynamic play of color, tone, and density. The optics of glass can bring the illusion of movement and life to each piece.

Each glass design is handcrafted and therefore unique.

1 1 000200.0 200 .0005E7 50
RB0014 RB14 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Micheline Stabile & Wendy Bell
Show your Car Some Love Detailing Certificate
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Show your car some lovin’ with this great donation from a local business! It includes a gift card to Wide Open Auto Detailing valued at $200, donated in total by Wide Open itself through Micheline and Wendy. It’s a full-service detail shop in Bridgeville. The vehicles they service are not restricted to automobiles! They specialize in detailing motor vehicles of all types and sizes, including motorcycles, automobiles, and oversized vehicles. 1 1 000200.0 200 .0005E7 50