2023 Auction Auction Catalog - 161 item(s) printable view
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Item0 Item Category Donors Item Name Picture Description Qty Left Est0 Est Val Min0 Min Price Date
ALL0007 ALL7 All Donations
  • Service Auction Committee
Leftover One Dollar Units One dollar units of leftover auction food. Variable pricing. 300 -54 000001.0 1 .00001E7 1
ALL0006 ALL6 All Donations
  • Service Auction Committee
Whole Lasagna Whole pan of leftover lasagna, YUM!! 8 7 000040.0 40 .0004E7 40
LA0039 LA39 Live Auction Items
  • Service Auction Committee
Donation for your Free Drinks tonight Drink donation 200 -542 000001.0 1 .00001E7 1
ALL0005 ALL5 All Donations
  • Community Donations
Leftover 2 Side dish or dessert leftover 100 100 000002.0 2 .00002E7 2
ALL0004 ALL4 All Donations
  • Community Donations
Leftover 1 Main course leftover - 1 serving 50 50 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5
ALL0003 ALL3 All Donations
  • Community Donations
Tip for Bar Tip for a drink 500 500 000001.0 1 .00001E7 1
ALL0001 ALL1 All Donations
  • Community Donations
Raffle Ticket Strip of 10 Strip of 10 raffle tickets 100 4 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10
RB0023 RB23 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Elizabeth & Mark Mortimer
Season Liberally with Spices from Penzey's If you haven't used Penzey's Spices, you're missing out! Not only are they the freshest and yummiest spices out there, remember that the Penzey's motto is "Season Liberally". Bill Penzey speaks our language of justice, compassion and love. Give Penzey's a try with this box of 3 spice blends Justice, Outrage of Love, and Revolution. You will undoubtedly begin a lifelong love affair with Penzey's. 1 1 000026.0 26 .00005E7 5
LA0038 LA38 Live Auction Items
  • Service Auction Committee
Donation for Tonight's Babysitting $5 donation to defray cost of babysitting 150 86 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5
RB0021 RB21 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Sandy Shannon
Unity Pillow Unity Pillow 1 1 000040.0 40 .00005E7 5
RB0020 RB20 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Toni Murray
Cafe Io Gift Card Enjoy a nice dinner at a local restaurant. 1 1 000050.0 50 .0005E7 50
RB0019 RB19 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Sandy Shannon
Victorian Dolls Dolls for your house. 1 1 000050.0 50 .00005E7 5
LA0020 LA20 Live Auction Items
  • Sandy Shannon
Staycation Extavaganza Duffle Bag with Washington Wild things (4 Tix), PSO tickets (2 Seats, Value $100, Fiddlesticks Tickets (3 tix, April 29!!), Carnegie Science Center tickets (2), Children's Museum (5 passes), Big Burrito Gift Cert $25. Fiddlesticks tickets donated by Jennifer Hutchinson. Other donations from our community business friends. 1 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
LA0036 LA36 Live Auction Items
  • Carrie Farmer & Mark Shefsiek
Your Own Private Pool for the Afternoon! Does your family love to swim but you don't have a pool or pool membershiop? This is the perfect opportunity for you! Carrie's family will vacate their home for 4 hours so you can enjoy their inground pool and deck for the afternoon! They live 1 block away from Sunnyhill. Date and time TBA. 1 0 000150.0 150 .0005E7 50
PDE0072 PDE72 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Tianna Opoku
Small Group Youth Art Class Art Class for Kids ages 8-16!
Join me at Sunnyhill for a fun creative evening making art.
7 Participants maximum.
All materials will be provided.
Lets have some fun!
7 4 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 5/23/23 6:30 PM
RB0017 RB17 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Laura & David Spivak
Elephant Basket Description to be added. Includes dried flowers. 1 1 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
LA0019 LA19 Live Auction Items
  • Jen McGlothin
  • Jane Elliott
  • Tim Dawson
  • Pat Murray & Joe Shaughnessy
  • Cori & Jeff Vipperman
  • Carol Slomski
Grow Your Heart and Mind! The basket includes: How to Be an Anti-Racist and the Be Anti-Racist Journal, signed editions by Ibram X. Kendi, two tickets to Mt. Lebanon Public Library Speaker Series Presents: An Evening with Colson Whitehead on Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 7 pm and a copy of his book Harlem Shuffle, handmade geode candle holder from Dormont Black-owned business, Tal & Bert, and a $25 gift card to Echt, a Black-owned coffee shop and bistro just south of the city. 1 0 000120.0 120 .0004E7 40
PDE0070 PDE70 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Rachel Butler-Pardi
  • Richard W Goff
Afternoon of Dungeons and Dragons II An afternoon of Dungeons and Dragons for Up to 4 people.
1p-5p at our home in Mt. Lebanon.
Want to play Dungeons and Dragons but don’t know how to start? Maybe you played before but haven’t in a long time? We will host up to two afternoons of D&D (depending on interest) accessible to beginners but for all experience levels. We will be using “old school” rules based on the classic 1980s game. All you need is your imagination. Snacks provided
4 4 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 7/1/23 1:00 PM
PDE0069 PDE69 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Patricia Lynn
An English Tea Party Enjoy a selection of teas, scones, clotted cream, finger sandwiches, and pastries served in my home. Hats or fascinators optional! 6 0 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 10/14/23 1:00 PM
LA0035 LA35 Live Auction Items
  • Tianna Opoku
Help in the Garden Would you like help tidying up your garden this spring? I am offering to help you in your South Hills garden for a total of 4 hours divided between two days. 1 0 000120.0 120 .0005E7 50
PDE0068 PDE68 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Brad Convis
Intermediate Bike Ride - 3 Rivers Heritage Trail Intermediate-level early Fall bike ride on the Three Rivers Heritage Trail. Meet at Riverfront Park under the Birmingham Bridge on the South Side. Roughly 2 hours/20 miles, moderate pace. Must wear a helmet and your bike should be in good working order. Bring water, Brad will provide snacks. Ages 16 and up. Rain date Sept 23rd. 10 3 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 9/16/23 10:00 AM
PDE0067 PDE67 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Brad Convis
Bike Ride on Montour Trail (All Skill Levels) All-ages, all-skill levels, all-inclusive 10-12 mile bike ride on the Montour Trail. Beginner ride. Must wear a helmet and your bike should be in good working order. Meet at Tandem Bike Shop on the trail. Bring water, Brad provides snacks. Kids 12 and under free! Rain date - May 13 15 14 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 5/6/23 10:00 AM
PDE0065 PDE65 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Erin & Dan Russell-Story
  • Dallas DiLeo
Birding and Brunch in the Park Take an educational walk in South Park with Erin and Dallas. We'll look and listen for birds, identify wildflowers, and spy for other wildlife. We'll start with a brief overview of the basics of birdwatching over coffee and tea and end with some yummy treats. Please bring binoculars, bug spray, and sensible footwear. Exact meeting location in the park TBA. 12 5 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 8/5/23 10:00 AM
PDE0064 PDE64 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Pat Murray & Joe Shaughnessy
Wait Until Dark I first saw this Audrey Hepburn CLASSIC in a college classroom auditorium. It was so crowded I sat on the steps with a friend who jumped on my lap during THE DRAMATIC SCARY SCENE!!!

Beer, wine, seltzer & robust snacks will be provided.


8 5 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 7/29/23 7:00 PM
PDE0063 PDE63 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Pat Murray & Joe Shaughnessy
Victor Victoria -1982 Blake Edwards comedy Takes place during the depression and stars Julie Andrews (down & out singer), Robert Preston ( a gay MC for a drag show venue), and James Wagner (a mobster love interest). IT IS A BLAST!! We will serve a host of snacks (healthy and otherwise) and drinks will be provided. Post movie we can discuss our favorite scenes! 10 6 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 5/20/23 7:00 PM
PDE0062 PDE62 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Pat Murray & Joe Shaughnessy
Women's March Madness Final Four Women's NCAA college basketball is EXCITING!! It's time for YOU to EXPLORE THIS ENTERTAINMENT!!!
A mediterranean dinner will be served at half time of the first game. Wine, beer and sparkling water & snacks will also be served.

A short tutorial will be provided for non basketball fans. But be careful!! You just might get hooked on this fabulous source of FUN!
Date TBA but likely the 1st weekend April 2024.


8 3 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30 4/5/24 7:00 PM
RB0016 RB16 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Trish Beckjord
Party Glam
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65" long ribbon necklace to dress up any outfit and add some fun. Done in shades of bronze, champagne, gold, rich brown it brings a flair when draped or wrapped that makes you feel wonderful. 1 1 000045.0 45 .00025E7 25
LA0018 LA18 Live Auction Items
  • Trish Beckjord
Wise Man of the Forest
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Carved from wood from the forests of New England, this wise old man is always a supportive companion sending a sense of calm to the viewer. Ready for wall hanging. 1 0 000125.0 125 .0005E7 50
SA0019 SA19 Silent Auction Items
  • Trish Beckjord
Antique Ceiling Tiles
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Three dimensional design, ready for hanging. Each tile is 23" x 23" and makes an eye-catching wall hanging. Not sold separately. 1 0 000080.0 80 .0005E7 50
PDE0061 PDE61 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Karen Krieger
Soft Journal Class, studio tour, tea and treats. Make a soft-cover journal using beautiful handmade papers, folding and simple stitching in my Mt. Lebanon Shops studio. Tea and treats when we finish! 6 1 000250.0 250 .00025E7 25 9/10/23 2:00 PM
PDE0060 PDE60 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Erin & Dan Russell-Story
  • Daniel and Jimmy McClure Neff
  • Cori & Jeff Vipperman
  • Geneva & Jay Pullen
Full Moon Halloween Party Calling all werewolves, vampires, ghosts and monsters! Join us for a wicked good time for a Full Moon Halloween Party at Haunted Castle Sunnyhill. We'll eat, drink and be scary! Witches brew and potions (beer, wine and non-alcoholic drinks) and frightful finger foods (not real fingers) will be served. Come dressed to kill - costumes are strongly encouraged. The evening promises to be a howl of a time with music, dancing, and spooky games. Adults only, please. 35 10 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 10/28/23 7:00 PM
PDE0058 PDE58 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Nancy & Lois Brown
Mahjongg Lessons (2 sessions) Looking to add some excitement to your game nights? Want to learn a new skill while having fun with friends? Look no further than American Mah Jongg classes! You'll learn everything you need to know about this beloved game, from the rules and strategies to the subtle nuances of gameplay. You'll identify the different types of tiles, master the art of the Charleston, and ultimately compete like a pro. Join us to discover the joy of this timeless classic! Attendance at both classes is advised! Takes place at Sunnyhill on Saturdays, September 16 & 23, 1-3:30. 12 0 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 9/16/23 1:30 PM
LA0017 LA17 Live Auction Items
  • Kelley Anderson & Mike Farb
Family Games Basket For the family that loves to play together, a basket of brand new games, toys and craft items. There should be something for everyone in this basket of goodies. There’s Sleeping Queens, Logic Links, Amaze, Kaleidoscope making kit, Hey Clay air dry clay, Zoo Animals sticker book, an Egg Toss Flyer, a fidget stretch toy, a deck of cards and a pack of 12 brush markers. If that’s not enough for your family, there’s also a $50 gift card to Learning Express at the Galleria in Mt Lebanon. Enjoy some unplugged family time with this basket! 1 0 000175.0 175 .0005E7 50
LA0034 LA34 Live Auction Items
  • Jeanne Lofgren
Choose Your Designated Offering Designate a Designated Offering. The winner of this auction item selects the 501(c)(3) to receive a Sunnyhill designated offering for one week during the 2023 calendar year. The mission of the organization selected to receive the designated offering must align with Sunnyhill's mission and UUA values and is subject to Board of Trustee approval. The determination of which week will serve as the designated offering will be done in consultation with the Sunnyhill's Staff. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0005E7 50
SA0018 SA18 Silent Auction Items
  • Joe Barker
Beautiful Handmade Vase This unique and one-of-a-kind vase will be your home's showstopper whether uou use it as an accent piece, vase, or umbrella stand. Commissioned by Joe, it has hints of greens, blues, and browns which will complement any decor. Artisan-made by a Floridian potter during one of Joe's many annual trips there. Measures approx 36 inches high. 1 0 000200.0 200 .00075E7 75
PDE0057 PDE57 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Franziska Lang & Will Page
  • Donna Kaufman
Pan-Asian Fusion Gourmet Dinner Join us for dinner at Sunnyhill, on the menu will be multiple small plates inspired by Asian cuisine from across the continent. BYOB. Donated by Will Page and Donna Kaufman. 16 -1 000035.0 35 .00035E7 35 1/20/24 6:00 PM
PDE0056 PDE56 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Brad Convis
Cribbage Tournament Cribbage is awesome!! Learn this fun and challenging card game while hanging out with Brad, the Sunnyhill King of Cribbage!

Cribbage tutorial followed by team tournament. Winner gets to host next year's Cribbage Tournament! Appetizers and soft drinks provided, BYO adult beverage if desired. Takes place at Brad's home.

8 0 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 8/5/23 7:00 PM
PDE0055 PDE55 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Alan James
  • Franklin Quinn
What Can Retirement do to my Life? This retirement seminar is for people that are considering retirement or have been retired for 2 years or less. Alan will address general questions about major change affected by retirement such as Why should I retire? What are my fears about this major change in my life? When should I retire? Alan is a happy and successful retiree! This is not a seminar about finances. The seminar takes place at the church. 25 23 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 5/2/23 7:00 PM
PDE0054 PDE54 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Brad Convis
  • Angela Joyce & John Pollack
Drum Your Way to Happiness Circle Join John and Brad as we drum our way to happiness! No experience necessary. Drums and instruments will be provided; feel free to bring your own, including that djembe you have been itching to play. BYOB and snacks. Event will be outdoors at Sunnyhill. Bring a lawn chair! Kids 12 and older welcome with parent attending.

Rain date May 20

20 8 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 5/13/23 2:00 PM
PDE0053 PDE53 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Chetan & Tanya Chothani
  • Bethany & Jay Thornton
Taste of Mumbhai Bombay, Mumbhai, whatever you call it, food from this city is aahh-mazing! Join us for a feast of savory & spicy treats typical of Mumbhai street food! Indian food lovers! Will take place at Sunnyhill. Donated by Bethany and Chetan. 20 0 000040.0 40 .0004E7 40 9/23/23 6:30 PM
PDE0052 PDE52 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Peg Hart & Scott Smith
Springtime walk and lunch at the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden Peg Hart will lead a tour of the Gardens and Welcome Center at the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden. We’ll walk through the new Hillside Pollinator Garden, Garden of the Five Senses, and the Carbon-Cycle environmental art installation. Afterwards, we’ll enjoy lunch at the Canopy Café. Admission to the Garden is included plus $10 towards lunch at the Café. Children are welcome. Dogs are welcome on the hike but can't go to into the cafe 20 10 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30 5/13/23 10:30 AM
LA0016 LA16 Live Auction Items
  • Peg Hart & Scott Smith
Locust Bowl Handmade bowl made of locust wood with sap wood (white areas). 1 0 000085.0 85 .00035E7 35
LA0015 LA15 Live Auction Items
  • Peg Hart & Scott Smith
Cherry Bowl This is a 12" wood bowl made from an air dried Cherry log which contains some cracks from shrinkage, and a tool "catch" from turning the bowl thickness down to 1/4", which is thin for this turner. The cracks have been filled with epoxy resin. 1 0 000125.0 125 .0004E7 40
LA0014 LA14 Live Auction Items
  • Peg Hart & Scott Smith
charcuterie board This board is made from salvaged planks of the red oak tree that stood outside the front of Sunnyhill, that had to be removed during the construction of the new addition. It's made from two pieces from the outside edge of the tree which had soft material that was filled with inert epoxy resin. The board is finished with nontoxic varnish and is food safe. It is made from the same wood as the media tables in the sanctuary. 1 0 000125.0 125 .0005E7 50
LA0013 LA13 Live Auction Items
  • Rachael Beam
"Unbroken - The Heart of Ukraine" Print by Linda Barnicott If you missed the opportunity to purchase one of these prints last year, you're in luck because I bought an extra. Pittsburgh artist Linda Barnicott was inspired to paint “Unbroken — The Heart of the Ukraine” when the war with Russia broke out. For tax purposes, she needed to work with a charitable organization to receive and distribute the funds directly to a humanitarian relief organization. She chose Sunnyhill to be that partner based on the organizations we were already supporting. Each print is 11 x 14 inches with an image area of 8 x 10 inches on archival paper. 1 0 000045.0 45 .0002E7 20
PDE0051 PDE51 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Joan Reddy & Greg Boris
Gentle Adventure to Mingo Park & Covered Bridges Ride in Joan and Greg's large van to see two covered bridges at Mingo County Park. Take an easy stroll along the creek or sit on lawn chairs and enjoy the sound of the creek. A picnic lunch will be provided. After lunch we will drive through the park. People with limited mobility are welcome but the van does not have a lift. Meet and leave from Sunnyhill at 10am. Estimated return time at Sunnyhill is between 2-3 PM. Raindate is Sunday, June 11, 11:30am. 8 6 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 6/10/23 10:00 AM
PDE0050 PDE50 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Julie Ann Sullivan
Fight Adultitis. Laughter and More Julie Ann has been a Certified Laughter Leader and Trainer for over a decade.
After this hour-long session, you will walk away with ten habits to enhance your daily life.
Based on science these laughter workshops will awaken the child within
Come laugh together. You will be glad you did!
Adults only. Takes place at Sunnyhill.
30 23 000000.0 1,000,000 .0001E7 10 6/7/23 7:00 PM
SA0017 SA17 Silent Auction Items
  • Julie Ann Sullivan
Shared Vision - Ralph Prata Art piece
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18 x 14 framed concrete art 14/150 by Ralph Prata.
Ralph Prata has been creating sculptural concrete carvings for over 30 years. He formulates his own special mixture of sand, aggregates and types of cement to create solid blocks of concrete to carve. These blocks are directly hand-carved using traditional sculpting tools. The symbols and designs in the carvings were inspired by music. Each work is created, “in the moment” through a spontaneous and improvisational process.
1 0 000250.0 250 .0005E7 50
RB0015 RB15 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Julie Ann Sullivan
  • Jeanne Zang
  • Elaine Guha
  • Margo Petro
Steeler Fan basket Maybe for you, maybe for a friend.
Steelers cooler bag stuffed with:
3 iterations of the Terrible Towel
1 Terrible Towel Pin
2 Steeler oven mitts
1 Steeler ornament
1 Steeler can cozy
1 Steeler mask
Topped off with a gift card for Eat N Park
1 1 000060.0 60 .00025E7 25
LA0033 LA33 Live Auction Items
  • Claire Pullen
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Are you seeking Clairefication? Then now is the time - get Claire-ified! The perfect unique and personal gift for a graduation, birthday, retirement, or just for the heck of it! Claire Pullen will draw a custom character for you with an adorable likeness of you or your loved one! Supply her with 2 or 3 photos of the subject, their interests (or your idea of how you'd like the subject portrayed), and give her 1 week lead time. She will draw your character either in pen and ink on a 4x6 card or she can draw it digitally and email a vector file that you can size to your liking. Claire has attended Sunnyhill since she was 3 years old. She actually makes a living at this, as a professional illustrator based in east Pittsburgh, with a BFA in media arts. 1 0 000075.0 75 .00025E7 25
LA0012 LA12 Live Auction Items
  • Harold Behar and Gretchen Riess
Pittsburgh Railways Transit Roll Sign A 15 x 40 inch framed limited edition roll sign print that includes many recognizable Pittsburgh neighborhoods and surrounding boroughs. Limited to an edition of 100. *Reserve price $175. 1 0 000325.0 325 .001E7 100
LA0011 LA11 Live Auction Items
  • Franziska Lang & Will Page
Hand-knitted socks One pair of hand-knitted socks, knitted to your specifications. You pick the color and size and Mama Lang (Franziska's Mom) will knit the socks for you. 1 0 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25
PDE0048 PDE48 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Richard W Goff
  • Rachel Butler-Pardi
An Afternoon of Dungeons and Dragons An afternoon of Dungeons and Dragons, from 1 - 5 pm at our home in Mt. Lebanon.

Want to play Dungeons and Dragons but don’t know how to start? Maybe you played before but haven’t in a long time? We will host up to two afternoons of D&D (depending on interest) accessible to beginners but for all experience levels. We will be using “old school” rules based on the classic 1980s game. All you need is your imagination. Snacks provided
4 3 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 6/24/23 1:00 PM
PDE0071 PDE71 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Mary E. Pratt
Love Your Voice Workshop Join me for a hands on (voice on?) vocal workshop in the care and keeping of your dear, unique singing voice. If you are a lifetime shower chanteur, someone who's been told you can't sing (ugh, my pet peeve), or just curious about discovering more about your voice, this workshop is for you. We'll touch on breathing technique, engage in totally-not-scary vocal exercises, and I'll address any questions/issues you have to the best of my ability. Light, singing-friendly refreshments will be served. 15 10 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 6/11/23 1:00 PM
SA0031 SA31 Silent Auction Items
  • Mary E. Pratt
Vocal Coaching with Mary Let me love on your voice over the course of two 45-minute vocal coaching sessions! We'll tailor our sessions to your singing goals and create a practice plan for you to continue growing beyond our time together. I'll contact you to set up the timing and other logistics. These coaching sessions are best for mature voices; ages 18 and over only, please! 1 0 000090.0 90 .0004E7 40
RB0022 RB22 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Kris Callender
Athlesuire Basket Yoga mat
Yoga blocks
Water Bottle
Free Class certificate
1 1 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
PDE0046 PDE46 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Mary Jo Sonntag
  • Marlene Parrish
Murder Mystery & Appetizers/Desserts Spend an evening making new friends as you work together to solve the Sour Grapes of Wrath Murder Mystery. Each of you will play a character in the mystery. One of you will be the murderer. Here's the scenario: One year ago, Robert Killingsworth bought the farm. Six months later, he was dead - leaving his widow, Elizabeth, to tend to their fledgling winery and vineyard on the outskirts of California's wine country. With mounting debts and no clue as to how to run a business, Elizabeth is desperate to sell the farm and recoup her losses. The fierce drought and shaky economy, however, have left the Killingsworth Farm on the market for far too long.

One early autumn day, six people passed through the gates of Killingsworth Farm to see Elizabeth - one of them, a cold-blooded Killer...

Takes place at Sunnyhill.

6 -1 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 9/30/23 7:00 PM
PDE0044 PDE44 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Dennis & Martha Sweeney
Make (and Eat) Homemade Pasta & Sauces with Alekka Chef Alekka Sweeney, with the assistance of Sous Chef Dennis, will hold a pasta cooking class. Participants will learn to make basic pasta dough and then make fettuccine and ravioli. They will also learn how to make two different sauces to compliment the pasta and finally dine on their creations. All cooking ingredients will be provided. Feel free to BYOB. 8 5 000065.0 65 .00065E7 65 6/25/23 4:00 PM
PDE0043 PDE43 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Doug Reichenfeld
Pizza Party at the Reichenfelds Join us for homemade pizza and wings, beer and wine followed by a bonfire in our backyard. Doug's grilled pizza is to die for. This is a testimonial from a prior attendee! This is a fun evening! 20 -2 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 9/22/23 5:30 PM
RB0014 RB14 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Carlos Alvare
Start Your Day with Gourmet Coffee and Sunnyhill
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Here’s a basket of artisanal coffee items. Locally fresh-roasted coffee beans. Local (Enrico’s) biscotti. Milk frother, and two Sunnyhill-themed mugs. Need to have the beans ground? Take the beans to Reginald’s, the roaster, near the entrance to South Park, for free grinding to your specifications (French press, pour over, automatic coffee-maker, etc.). While you’re there use the Fifteen Dollar gift certificate, also included in the basket, to sample their goodies. This basket was donated by the Soul Matters Sharing Circle facilitated by Carlos Alvare and Bill Harvey. 1 1 000075.0 75 .0003E7 30
PDE0042 PDE42 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Sarah Yourd
  • Franklin Quinn
South Park Autumn Trail Walk Explore the golden light of autumn in South Park. This is a beautiful resource so close to home. Bring a camera and binoculars for birders. Rough and uneven trail walking, wear sturdy shoes, may have mud on the trail. Walk is about an hour,leisurely. Fruit, coffee cake, drinks provided.
Meet at Stone Manse parking lot- left turn at the Corrigan Dr round about.
Oct 21st, rain date 28th.
12 4 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 10/21/23 10:00 AM
PDE0041 PDE41 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Terry and Carlos Alvare
Calling All Brene Brown Fans
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“In Atlas of the Heart, Brown takes us on a journey of 87 of the emotions and experiences that define what it means to be human.”

Read Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown ( or watch the series on HBO) and join us for lunch and a vibrant small group discussion at our home in Mt.Lebanon. Bring along reactions, ideas and stories to share.

7 0 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 7/22/23 12:30 PM
PDE0040 PDE40 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Leslie Coffman
Family (& Dog) Friendly Brunch, Hike & Play at Peters Lake Park Our family will have some healthy and some not-so-healthy but all delicious brunch items set up at the picnic tables near the boat launch (the bottom of the parking lot/road in) from 9-11 am. We will set out on a hike (with scavenger hunt for the kids) around the lake (1.25ish miles) at 10 am--all are welcome to join or to stay by the picnic tables and relax. We will bring some lawn chairs, yard games, toys, and bubbles. BYO kayak/paddle board/life jackets if exploring the lake by water sounds fun to you; kids may enjoy having a scooter or bike. Dogs and kids are welcome and free! Please contact Leslie with food allergies and we will do our best to accommodate! 16 13 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 5/6/23 9:00 AM
PDE0039 PDE39 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Leslie Coffman
On the Move-- (4) exercises classes for improving mobility in older adults! On the Move is an evidence-based program that has been shown to improve mobility in older adults. Class is set to music and song requests are appreciated! Leslie is a physical therapist and has taught hundreds of these classes. Participants should be able to walk independently for short distances and be able to tolerate short bouts of standing and walking activities. Bring your cane or walker if you use it for longer distances. 9:30 small snack and hydration. 10:00-11:00 exercise. Takes place in the Choir Room at Sunnyhill on April 18, 20, 25, and 28. 10 10 000050.0 50 .0005E7 50 4/18/23 9:30 AM
PDE0073 PDE73 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Paul & Kathy Lawson
Downtown Fountains Walking Tour & Picnic
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Come explore the fountains large and small of downtown Pittsburgh with Kathy and Paul Lawson, ending with a picnic at Point State Park on a summer weekend day. We'll meet outside the Grand Concourse at Station Square. We'll return around 3pm. 20 15 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 7/16/23 1:00 PM
SA0030 SA30 Silent Auction Items
  • Paul & Kathy Lawson
Private Game Night with your Peeps
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Gather up to 10 adults and/or children for a 2 hour game night at the time and location of your choosing hosted by Paul Lawson, a lifetime gamer. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30
SA0029 SA29 Silent Auction Items
  • Paul & Kathy Lawson
Santa Visit
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Santa Paul, who has spread Christmas joy to Pittsburgh's South Hills Toys for Tots for 4 years, will come visit children of all ages both nice and naughty at your special place and time. Santa's visit will be crafted to meet your special requests with song, dance, or other merriment. 2 1 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
LA0032 LA32 Live Auction Items
  • Paul & Kathy Lawson
Singing telegram & home-baked dessert
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Paul Lawson, 2nd bass in the Sunnyhill choir and difficult to embarrass performer, will show up on the occasion of your choosing and sing a song with personalized lyrics in an outfit from tux to Hawaiian shirt. Paul will also bring an 8 serving homemade dessert. 2 1 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30
PDE0038 PDE38 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Jeannie & Tim Enright
  • Barb and Tom Busse
Cool Springs Mini Golf Outing Join Barb and Tom Busse and Jeanie and Tim Enright on a summer day for Mini Golf followed by a picnic dinner and beverages! Adults only for this outing, thank you!

Rain Date: Sunday, August 20, 2023

8 0 000040.0 40 .0004E7 40 8/12/23 5:00 PM
RB0013 RB13 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Peter Stamoolis
Red Water Lily
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16X20 Acrylic on Canvas print. 1 1 000180.0 180 .0018E7 180
PDE0037 PDE37 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Franziska Lang & Will Page
Kids' Fun Afternoon & Drop-Off Sunnyhill teens Eli, Margot and Bee will provide 3 hours of games, crafts, pizza, and movie with your child (under 10 years old) while you enjoy some alone time! Go out for an early dinner, shop without young ones pulling on your jacket, run errands, go to happy hour ... the options are endless. 3 hrs total. 7 2 000060.0 60 .00025E7 25 12/2/23 4:00 PM
SA0028 SA28 Silent Auction Items
  • Franziska Lang & Will Page
Babysitting Need a night out but can't leave the kids home alone? Eli to the rescue! 15-year old Eli will babysit up to two children for up to 4 hours at your home. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
PDE0036 PDE36 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Franziska Lang & Will Page
Brunch Join us at the Lang-Page residence for a home-made brunch. Pancakes, bacon, French toast, fruit, coffee, mimosa, bloody Mary, etc. 12 0 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 6/10/23
RB0012 RB12 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Carol Wooten
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4 necklaces 4 4 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30
SA0016 SA16 Silent Auction Items
  • Carol Wooten
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8 pairs silver earrings 8 7 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20
SA0015 SA15 Silent Auction Items
  • Carol Wooten
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Three silver bracelets 3 3 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30
RB0011 RB11 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Carol Wooten
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beaded_bracelet_sets 5 5 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25
PDE0035 PDE35 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Jen McGlothin
Brookline Foodie Walk Take a foodie stroll down Brookline Boulevard with Jen McGlothin as your tour guide through her beloved neighborhood, stopping at all of her favorite spots. One signature coffee beverage from 805 Bean Company will be included, feel free to bring cash or card to purchase additional items along the way!

Comfortable walking shoes are recommended.
Rain makeup day: Saturday, May 27

10 1 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 5/20/23 10:00 AM
LA0031 LA31 Live Auction Items
  • Bob & Jeanetta Lee
A Sunday song…. Or Audio Original You can pick a song for a Sunday you’d like me to sing and I’ll work with the Service team to deliver it on a Sunday.

Something else that takes a bit longer is you tell me a subject or story you’d like in a song and I’ll work with you to write it into a song and provide a digital audio recording.

I couldn’t figure out a value because that will be up to you. So I’ve set it to 0.00 because to you it could be priceless.

1 0 000000.0 0 .0001E7 10
RB0018 RB18 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Henry & Mary Lea Kretchmar
$25.00 Gift Card to Kretchmar’s Bakery and two ceramic coffee mugs
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Get $25 gift card for delicious baked goods at Kretchmar's Bakery.
Also, pick up 2 ceramic mugs at no charge. 664 3rd Street, Beaver, PA.
1 1 000045.0 45 .0001E7 10
LA0010 LA10 Live Auction Items
  • Terry and Carlos Alvare
Chalice Print
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This beautiful framed chalic print is an original created by Terry. It is a mixed media Monoprint on Evolon paper. It is one of a small series of variable Chalice Monoprints completed in 2021. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
LA0030 LA30 Live Auction Items
  • Dennis McCracken
Ragtop Ride Always wanted to do a blast through the countryside on some twisty two lane blacktop? Take a three hour roof down cruise in a Mazda MX-5 roadster with lunch included. Date to be decided based on schedules and weather. One Guest (hey, there are only 2 seats!) 1 0 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30
PDE0032 PDE32 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Dennis McCracken
Allegheny Riverboat Cruise Enjoy an afternoon houseboat cruise down the Allegheny River for a spectacular view of Pittsburgh’s Golden Triangle and Point State Park. The 24 mile round trip journey will leave the Oakmont Yacht Club in Oakmont, PA at 1:00PM on Saturday, July 8, 2023 and return to the dock by approximately 6:00PM. (Rain date will be August 12, 2023).
Boat amenities include all safety equipment required by the US Coast Guard, as well as two heads (marine bathrooms) and air conditioning. Plenty of upper deck sunshine (and some shade) is also available. Appetizers, wine, beer, soft drinks and plenty of water will be provided. Grab some sunscreen and a sun hat and let’s go!
Upon returning to Oakmont, plan to visit one of the town’s great restaurants as well as the legendary Oakmont Bakery.
Maximum of 14 guests (adults only please). Fixed price of $70 / person.
14 8 000100.0 100 .0007E7 70 7/8/23 12:00 PM
LA0029 LA29 Live Auction Items
  • Beth & Jonathan Bliss
6-Tickets to Pitt Football Home Game on September 9
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Hail to Pitt! Come cheer-on Pitt with 5 of your BFFs when they play Cincinatti at Acrisure Stadium (aka always Heinz Field) on September 9! Tickets will be delivered electronically later this summer once they are made available. Awesome seats in Section 225; seats B4-B9. Kickoff time is always TBD and usually announced 2-3 weeks ahead of the scheduled event. *Mark said these seats are $239 each??? 1 0 000075.0 75 .00035E7 35 9/9/23 12:00 PM
RB0009 RB9 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Beth & Jonathan Bliss
Home Basket
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You can't help but relax at home with this fabulous Home Basket! It includes two pillows, a large “Hate has no home here” flag, teacup candle, fleece blanket, bottle of wine, ivory cashmere fine fragrance mist, and a 5lb chocolate bar from Sarris candy. 1 1 000125.0 125 .0005E7 50
SA0027 SA27 Silent Auction Items
  • Jeanne Lofgren
Single Member PA Limited Liability Company Set Up I'll provide legal services to get you (your friend or loved one) set up as a single member LLC under Pennsylvania law. Services include preparing your certificate of organization, docketing statement, and operating agreement and counseling you on the basics of good governance practices for your startup. The filing fee ($125) is not included. So please factor that in when bidding. 1 0 000750.0 750 .001E7 100
PDE0031 PDE31 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Mary-Jo
  • Nanette Miller
Flights of Fancy?.....Wine! Calling all wine connoisseurs.. or just anyone who likes to sip wine, eat tasty food and have a few laughs along the way.

Please join Nanette and Mary-Jo as we tempt your palettes with flights of ...unidentified wines.
The "Wine Enthusiast's" rave reviews of our offerings will be shared but not paired! That will be our guests' task - take a sip... or several... and decide is it buttery? ripe, silky and refined? Test your taste buds... Is it 2-buck chuck... or a tart Pinto Gris from Oregon ?
Finger food to cleanse the palate and fill your tummy will compliment the vintages served.

12 2 000045.0 45 .00045E7 45 7/1/23 6:30 PM
PDE0030 PDE30 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Elizabeth & Mark Mortimer
Holy Smokes! Smoke a cigar, drink a mojito, throw some darts! Mark will share his cigar expertise after years of being a closeted cigar afficionado. Come sample from an array of cigars, nibble on a charcuterie board, and join in a darts tournament. Mojito cocktails/mocktails will be served, BYOB if you prefer another drink. Dress for the weather as Elizabeth is quarantining us to the covered back porch. 6 0 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30 6/2/23 7:30 PM
PDE0029 PDE29 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Elizabeth & Mark Mortimer
Epic African Adventure and Dinner Have you ever wanted to go on an epic African adventure? From the Mortimers' living room, you'll take an audio and visual tour of Namibia, Victoria Falls, Botswana, and Cape Town, following in the footsteps of their 2022 3-week family expedition. Enjoy an African-inspired dinner, sample biltong, sip South African wine, and listen to music from ... you guessed it - Africa. 8 0 000045.0 45 .00045E7 45 11/4/23 6:00 PM
SA0014 SA14 Silent Auction Items
  • Micheline Stabile & Wendy Bell
Show your Car Some Love Basket
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Show your car some lovin’ with thise basket full of TLC for your car! For starters, it includes a $150 gift card to Wide Open Auto Detailing, owned and donated by our very own Micheline Stabile. It’s a full-service detail shop in Bridgeville. The vehicles they service are not restricted to automobiles! They specialize in detailing motor vehicles of all types and sizes, including motorcycles, automobiles, and oversized vehicles. Also included in the basket: … list items here 1 0 000200.0 200 .0005E7 50
SA0026 SA26 Silent Auction Items
  • Vicki Chan
Power Organizing Session Organize your pantry! Declutter your inbox! The possibilities are endless with your 1-hour Power Organizing session with Vicki. She will provide a consultation for organizing anything that has you feeling cluttered - from your email inbox, pantry, or closet to that pesky miscellaneous drawer.

If your project is a pantry or similarly sized project, we will have it done in the session! If they project is more ambitious, we will make sure you have a good start to it and a structure to help you finish.

We can be flexible with the date/times.

2 1 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
PDE0028 PDE28 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Vicki Chan
Kids Pizza / Cupcake Party at the Park KIDS PIZZA PARTY!

Calling all kids 4 - 8 years old who love pizza, cupcakes, and playing at the park to celebrate the beginning of June and summer season!

Saturday June 3rd, 2023 at Rockwood Park in Mount Lebanon (about a mile away from the church) from 12:00 - 2pm

Rain date: Saturday June 10th, 2023

Would like to have ~5 families ($10 per person/child you bring)

20 16 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 6/3/23 12:00 PM
PDE0027 PDE27 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Stephanie & Duncan Hughes
Evening of Libations, Snacks and Games Come for an evening of games, snacks, and libations! These are not board or trivia games. These are easy, engaging, and collaborative games. Takes place at the Hughes' Mt. Lebanon apartment. *AUCTION TEAM-Stephanie wrote on her form that she wants buyers to call her to confirm. We need to tell her that we'll give her a printout of the buyers and she can phone them. 7 7 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 5/6/23 7:00 PM
LA0009 LA9 Live Auction Items
  • Dennis & Martha Sweeney
Wooden Handmade Jewelry Box Dennis, woodworker extraordinaire, created a unique, one-of-a-kind wooden jewelry box just for you! Interior is lined with felt. 1 0 000175.0 175 .00025E7 25
LA0028 LA28 Live Auction Items
  • Dennis & Martha Sweeney
Woodworking with Dennis Dennis Sweeney, woodworker extraordinaire, will work with you over several weekends to create a small wooden box or other artifact at his Mt. Lebanon home. Whether you are a beginner or someone who would like to hone their wood crafting, this is a unique opportunity to make your unique one-of-a-kind wooden curio. Basic safety equipment required, including eye and ear protection. 1 0 000250.0 250 .00075E7 75
SA0025 SA25 Silent Auction Items
  • Jason Margolis
3 Hours Of Individualized Writing Services Your teen need help with their college entrance essay? Do you need help with a grant proposal?

Or maybe you need structured, substantive feedback on your 'great American novel' in progress, or a near-final-draft of your latest collection of poetry?

The genre-fluid wring consultant, Dr. Jason Margolis, is here to help!

1 0 000300.0 300 .001E7 100
SA0020 SA20 Silent Auction Items
  • Bruce & Anita Hall
Doggie Basket Assortment of toys and treats for your favorite fur baby! 1 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
PDE0026 PDE26 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Valerie J H Powell
German Lessons Valerie taught German at the University level for over 20 years, and she's willing to help you learn it in a private session! Beginner-level, she's offering one-hour sessions, on Fridays 2pm at her retirement home dining room in Bethel Park. Take this opportunity to hone your language skills for business or travel! This is a real steal. German beer not included.

Dates and times TBD

4 3 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30
PDE0025 PDE25 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Dean Hazelton
  • Angela Klein
Pi-Day Dinner of Pies Enjoy a dinner consisting of all kinds of pies! Savory pies, appetizer pies, dessert pies ... (plus a non-pie salad, we all need some greens). It will be held at Sunnyhill, right around Pi-Day 2024! Non-alcoholic drinks will be served. Feel free to BYOB. 12 0 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30 3/9/24 6:00 PM
PDE0024 PDE24 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Beth & Jonathan Bliss
Trailside Bliss
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Bikes, brews, and burgers (veggie options available). Join the Bliss family at our home right off the Montour Trail (near Imperial) for a family friendly evening (our boys are seven and four). BYOB (bikes; I have two extra on a first come, first served basis); we will supply the beverages and food. Courageous adults can give the tandem bike a try! Take a short ride along the trail, followed by dinner. Feel free to bring swimsuits if you’d like to take a dip in our Modpool. Plenty of activities and yard games for kids and adults alike! 15 10 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 7/8/23 3:00 PM
SA0024 SA24 Silent Auction Items
  • J. Paul Pepper
Piano Lessons (4) J. Paul teaches all ages and all levels of pianists in his home in McMurray! He will give you 4 half-hour lessons. Dates and times will be mutually agreed upon. 1 0 000140.0 140 .0005E7 50
LA0027 LA27 Live Auction Items
  • Roxy MtJoy & Tyson Sears
Full Scale Personal Financial Plan One hour meeting with Tyson, Wealth Management Advisor. After the meeting you'll receive a full-scale financial plan, complete with analysis, forecasting, and recommendations. 1 0 003000.0 3,000 .001E7 100
LA0008 LA8 Live Auction Items
  • Joe Barker
Lottery Scratch Board Framed scratch board which contains 20 lottery scratch off tickets. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0E7 0
SA0023 SA23 Silent Auction Items
  • Donna Kaufman
Lindy's New York Cheesecake This is perhaps the most famous cheesecake of all time and has become known as the New York-style cheesecake! Dense and creamy with a touch of citrus, the pastry crust really sets this cheesecake above the rest. It’s perfect for special occasions and a holiday dessert. Serves 12-16 people. Give Donna one week advance notice. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30
LA0007 LA7 Live Auction Items
  • Donna Kaufman
Amaretto Cheesecake Wow! Serves 6-8. Take home tonight! 1 0 000035.0 35 .0002E7 20
LA0006 LA6 Live Auction Items
  • Julie Kirsch
Sarris Candy and Wine Basket
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Basket of three wine bottles (Chocolate Temptations by Willow Creek Winery, Hooligan Red by Copper Fox Wine, and Peach Splash by Merrit Winery). The basket also includes a variety of candy from Sarris Candies. (Chocolate covered popcorn, chocolate covered potato chips, chocolate covered mini pretzels, and two packets of pretzel slims ) 1 0 000090.0 90 .0004E7 40
RB0008 RB8 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Cheyenne Barger and Eric Ritchey
Ice Cream Party Basket--Just Add Ice Cream! Host your own ice cream party courtesy of Cheyenne and Eric! The gift basket contains all the fun things you'll want to put on ice cream: sprinkles, mini M&Ms, hot fudge and caramel sauces, and strawberry preserves, as well as sugar ice cream cones. Also includes a $20 gift card to Graeter's Ice Cream in Castle Shannon! 1 1 000035.0 35 .0002E7 20
SA0033 SA33 Silent Auction Items
  • Audre Huffman-Sweethaven Home.com
Black Cat with the Fabulous Hat! Antiquarian Art Print.
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FabFunky Antiquarian Book Prints present Fox Hunter Original illustrations, printed onto the real pages of antique British dictionaries and journals. Kelly Stevens-McLaughlan is the artist and designer behind the FabFunky name. Colorful vintage characters, magical creatures, whimsical Victorian engravings - each presented in sumptuous colors on real-life British antiquarian history. FabFunky Dictionary Prints bring the eccentric side of 19th-century Britain into your home. Intriguing, vibrant images are set on a backdrop of wild Scottish folk tales, magical Celtic legends, or deliciously out-of-date English journals and dictionaries. Every print is unique. Each one is hand-designed and printed onto the original page - no one else will have the same piece. Some have age marks, and others include authentic corporation seals in the corner. Yours may even have handwritten notes made by a 19th-century reader. Each print is hand signed by the artist, Kelly Stevens McLaughlan. They look great on their own and simply magnificent when displayed together. The print is mounted on an antique dictionary page and artist board then matted to a 14" x 11"/35.5x28 cm mount. Unframed. Imported from England, of course. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00015E7 15
RB0007 RB7 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Craig & Jennifer Smith
Elvis Gift Dolls
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Collection includes Elvis in White Eagle Jumpsuit (original package Matel), Barbie Loves Elvis Gift Set (original package Matel), Elvis figure 68 Comeback Special, Elvis figure Jailhouse Rock, Elvis Jukebox Cookie Jar (lid plays "All Shook Up"), and Elvis straw dispenser. 1 1 000150.0 150 .0005E7 50
SA0034 SA34 Silent Auction Items
  • Audre Huffman-Sweethaven Home.com
Dandy Fox Antiquarian Book Print
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FabFunky Antiquarian Book Prints present Fox Hunter Original illustrations, printed onto the real pages of antique British dictionaries and journals. Kelly Stevens-McLaughlan is the artist and designer behind the FabFunky name. Colorful vintage characters, magical creatures, whimsical Victorian engravings - each presented in sumptuous colors on real-life British antiquarian history. FabFunky Dictionary Prints bring the eccentric side of 19th-century Britain into your home. Intriguing, vibrant images are set on a backdrop of wild Scottish folk tales, magical Celtic legends, or deliciously out-of-date English journals and dictionaries. Every print is unique. Each one is hand-designed and printed onto the original page - no one else will have the same piece. Some have age marks, and others include authentic corporation seals in the corner. Yours may even have handwritten notes made by a 19th-century reader. Each print is hand signed by the artist, Kelly Stevens McLaughlan. They look great on their own and simply magnificent when displayed together. The print is mounted on an antique dictionary page and artist board then matted to a 14" x 11"/35.5x28 cm mount. Unframed. Imported from England, of course. 1 1 000050.0 50 .00015E7 15
RB0006 RB6 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Craig & Jennifer Smith
Wizard of Oz Barbie Collection
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The classic Matel Barbie collection of Wizard of Oz figures still in their original packages (1999). Set includes Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man, Cowardly Lion, Glinda, and three Munchkins. 1 1 000150.0 150 .0005E7 50
LA0025 LA25 Live Auction Items
  • Craig & Jennifer Smith
Handyman Work Electrical includes installing light fixtures or ceiling fans and replacing outlets our switches. Plumbing includes replacing faucets or installing garbage disposal. Carpentry includes repairing or replacing trim or installing shelves. Experience hanging blinds and curtains. Willing to paint one room or piece of furniture. Experience installing tile backsplash. Up to four hours, all tools included. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
SA0032 SA32 Silent Auction Items
  • Audre Huffman-Sweethaven Home.com
Fox Hunter Antiquarian Book Print.
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FabFunky Antiquarian Book Prints present Fox Hunter Original illustrations, printed onto the real pages of antique British dictionaries and journals. Kelly Stevens-McLaughlan is the artist and designer behind the FabFunky name. Colorful vintage characters, magical creatures, whimsical Victorian engravings - each presented in sumptuous colors on real-life British antiquarian history. FabFunky Dictionary Prints bring the eccentric side of 19th-century Britain into your home. Intriguing, vibrant images are set on a backdrop of wild Scottish folk tales, magical Celtic legends, or deliciously out-of-date English journals and dictionaries. Every print is unique. Each one is hand-designed and printed onto the original page - no one else will have the same piece. Some have age marks, and others include authentic corporation seals in the corner. Yours may even have handwritten notes made by a 19th-century reader. Each print is hand signed by the artist, Kelly Stevens McLaughlan. They look great on their own and simply magnificent when displayed together. The print is mounted on an antique dictionary page and artist board then matted to a 14" x 11"/35.5x28 cm mount. Unframed. Imported from England, of course. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00015E7 15
RB0005 RB5 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Colleen Butcher
Sarris Basket
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An assortment of individually wrapped chocolate favorites prepared at Sarris’ Chocolates in Cannonsburg. Perfect for mom or anyone who would like to have a small snack and leave the balance fresh. 1 1 000080.0 80 .0005E7 50
PDE0020 PDE20 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Mary-Jo
  • Dawn Moeller
Monthly Music Share Calling all musicians who love to sing, play an instrument, or do both - but are frozen with fear as soon as they even think about getting up on the stage! (Donated by Mary-Jo and Dawn only - not Michael)

Let's overcome our sweaty palms and rapidly-beating hearts together! (Remember it sounds great at home!) Join us for three monthly sessions, timed to lead up the COA Coffee House (normally in February).
We'll take turns sharing our stuff - sweaty palms, mistakes and do-overs are welcome!
Judgement-free zone - a time to learn, grow ... and have a good time!
Light munchies will be provided. BYOB if you need that extra fortification.
Where - On the Stage in the Sanctuary.
When - 7pm - 9pm >>> 3 Fridays - November 17, December 15, and January 19
Cost - $35.00 per person.

12 6 000035.0 35 .00035E7 35 11/17/23 7:00 PM
PDE0019 PDE19 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Nancy Marshall
Historic Open House
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Every summer on the second Sunday in July, Nancy hosts an open house in her 246-year-old log house that is on the National Register of Historic Places. The gardens, designed by her grandparents and built in 1929, are also on the National Register; in July, the 400 daylilies will be in bloom. Tours of the house and gardens + light refreshments.
This event is open to the public and is free, but we ask that Sunnyhill members and friends make a small donation to the church.
20 9 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 7/9/23 1:00 PM
PDE0018 PDE18 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Cori & Jeff Vipperman
BBQ at the Lake!
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Join us at our lake house on Yough Lake, about 90 min drive. We have a pontoon party boat, a float, and a dock for swimming. We supply the meat (& faux meat), fixins, & s’mores for our firepit. Bring a side dish for 8. BYOB and BYO Kayak/Canoe (we have a paddle board). Kids are free! Rain Date July 16th. 20 1 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30 7/15/23 11:00 AM
LA0026 LA26 Live Auction Items
  • Avin Chakravarti
  • Carrie Chakravarti
One hour sightseeing flight in a small airplane Here's your chance for you and a friend to join Avin, certified pilot and former flight instructor, on a one hour sightseeing flight! Enjoy a breathtaking bird’s eye view of the fabulous Pittsburgh skyline and South Hills area. At 1500 feet in the air you will take in breathtaking and up-close scenes of our landmarks. From an aerial first time sightseeing journey, a perfect aviation present for a friend, the most romantic sunset to an exciting proposal flight, you'll experience spectacular views from the ultimate vantage point. You may bring one person with you (combined weight not more than 380 pounds). Flexibility with dates is best, as weather, wind, and other factors can affect the ability to fly and enjoyment of the experience. Take-off is from Allegheny County Airport. 1 0 000175.0 175 .001E7 100
PDE0016 PDE16 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Chris & Valerie Fleisher
Outdoor Family Movie Night Like a drive in movie theater in our backyard! We will screen a classic family movie (think ET/Goonies etc.) on our outdoor movie screen, and provide popcorn, movie candy, soda, and "oat sodas" (aka beer) for the adults. Just bring lawn chairs or blankets (and your bug spray!) and enjoy the show! Movie will start at dusk (around 9pm). 16 10 000000.0 0 .0001E7 10 7/22/23 8:00 PM
PDE0015 PDE15 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Larry Comden & Jean Furlan
Scrabble and Chardonnay Test your skill (and luck) in wordplay against fellow Sunnyhillers. Two players per game. Held at Sunnyhill. Beverages, snacks, and prizes!

We gather at 6:30 and will wrap up by 9:30 PM.

10 8 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 6/9/23 6:30 PM
PDE0014 PDE14 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Elizabeth & Mark Mortimer
  • Ann & Brian Price
The Umpteenth Annual Weenie Roast Now that the Prices and Mortimers are empty nesters, our annual weenie roasts have evolved from kid-friendly activities to more relaxed summer gatherings on the deck and around the campfire. But they’re still doggone fun! As always, we will supply the hot dogs (vegan, turkey and beef), gourmet condiments, s’mores and non-alcoholic beverages. Guests supply a side dish for 8. BYOB if you like. This year, it will be held at the Prices’ house in Peters Township. 30 -3 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 6/3/23 6:00 PM
PDE0033 PDE33 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Nichole Dahlen
  • Nichole Dahlen and Evan Reichenfeld
Coffee Tasting An ex-barista and her coffee-loving partner will walk you through how to get the most out of your coffee. What are the steps of coffee-tasting? How do you describe what you’re tasting? What are some different ways to brew it?

We will brew one single-origin black coffee from Africa, one from South America, and one from Asia. We will walk you through some information about the different regions and the associated tasting-notes.

Ready to try something new? We will also brew Turkish coffee and Vietnamese egg coffee. We will serve coffee with some homemade pastries including banana bread and millionaire shortbread. People with food allergies or intolerances are welcome!

Come to our cozy Mt. Lebanon duplex and enjoy the delight of coffee with us!

6 0 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 10/14/23 10:00 AM
RB0004 RB4 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Judi Galardi
A Bag of Re-giftable Gifts Two 10” ivory candles, two complimentary Teachers’ shadow boxes 5”x5”, 1 pair hearts socks size4-6, a bow ima king kit, and a royal blue v-neck Hue t-shirt, small. 1 1 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15
PDE0013 PDE13 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Carrilee Hemington
Evening of Clay Join us for an evening of clay at Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild in Pittsburgh as we explore hand-built plates and platters with ceramic artist Bryce Hemington! Learn how to make a set of two functional plates. Then decorate them with ceramic underglazes. The plates will be fired and delivered for pick up at the church within a month of making. All materials and light Refreshments will be provided! 12 0 000000.0 0 .0005E7 50 7/13/23 6:00 PM
PDE0034 PDE34 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Janet Tant
  • Ellen Vegh
Yoga and Dinner Join us for a gentle “all levels” yoga class with a focus on stretching and breathing. Following class we will have light appetizers, beverages and a yummy vegetarian dinner. Yoga class will take place from 2pm to 3:15pm. From 3:30 to 4pm light appetizers and beverages will be served and students may choose to mingle or use this time in contemplative meditation after your practice. From 4-6 pm a vegetarian dinner will be served. Takes place at Sunnyhill. 15 10 000035.0 35 .00035E7 35 6/3/23 2:00 PM
LA0005 LA5 Live Auction Items
  • Terry and Carlos Alvare
A Taste of Mexico
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Enjoy a small taste of Mexico with a bottle of smoky Mezcal, 4 handcrafted Mezcal cups and a Mexican inspired framed Collagraph print. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
LA0037 LA37 Live Auction Items
  • Terry and Carlos Alvare
Silver and Red Beaded Corazon Earrings from Mexico
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Beautiful handcrafted silver earrings hand carried home from Mexico City. The Corazon is one of the most common motifs in folk art in Mexico. RESERVE PRICE is $100. 1 0 000125.0 125 .0005E7 50
LA0004 LA4 Live Auction Items
  • Terry and Carlos Alvare
A Basket of Soul
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This “Basket of Soul” is a donation from the Soul Matter group facilitated by Joe Barker and Terry Alvare. It contains 5 books by authors we have been exposed to through our readings, a ceramic chalice, a lovely leather journal and pen to capture reflections, a “Morning Buzz” coffee blend and a mug for “ Coffee and Conversation “ and a good luck elephant mug with some “Calm Buddha” tea to relax at the end of the day. 1 0 000150.0 150 .00025E7 25
PDE0012 PDE12 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Angela Joyce & John Pollack
Gourmet Grilled Cheese Bar Relive your childhood by enjoying a custom grilled cheese and fresh soup. Experience a grilled cheese bar with gourmet cheeses, bakery breads, and various toppings. Build a suggested themed sandwich or feel free to make your own creations. Sandwiches will be served with fresh soup and beverages, and we'll play some party games afterwards. Children with refined palates are welcome to attend. Vegetarian and Vegan options will be available. Party will take place at Sunnyhill. 15 0 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 9/9/23 4:00 PM
SA0022 SA22 Silent Auction Items
  • Denise Obenauer-Kohnke & Peter Kohnke
Bush Removal Up to four hours of work. Peter will cut up material that he has removed (but will not remove it from your property). Contact Peter to schedule date and time. 2 1 000150.0 150 .0005E7 50
SA0021 SA21 Silent Auction Items
  • Denise Obenauer-Kohnke & Peter Kohnke
Poison Ivy Removal Peter Kohnke will risk life and limb to remove this noxious and scary weed from your yard or property! Don't let the invasives win... bid on Peter's Poison Ivy removal. He will bag the weed and remove from your property. He'll return in a week to make sure it's really gone! Up to two hours work. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0004E7 40
SA0009 SA9 Silent Auction Items
  • Nanette Miller
Espresso Lover's Basket
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Take a trip to sunny Italy without leaving your home, while you enjoy a delicious espresso, latte or cappuccino from this like-new chrome Nespresso Citiz automatic espresso maker. This machine uses recyclable original Nespresso pods, but you can also purchase compatible pods at Trader Joe's and other outlets. Basket includes a sampling of pods, espresso/cappuccino mugs, and other coffee related items. The Citiz sells for $279 new. Break your expensive Starbucks habit and make your favorite caffeinated beverages at home! 1 0 000100.0 100 .0004E7 40
LA0024 LA24 Live Auction Items
  • Craig & Jennifer Smith
Babysitting Jennifer is an early-intervention therapist and preschool teacher. She is an interpreter for the deaf and a teacher of the visually impaired, as well as a developmental specialist. She has taught all ages, from infants to teens. She will babysit for you, in your home, for up to four hours - evening or daytime. Any number of children, any ages. She has all state and federal clearances, so you know she's safe. 1 0 000080.0 80 .0005E7 50
PDE0011 PDE11 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Franziska Lang & Will Page
  • Snow Zhang
DIY Chinese Dumplings Join Snow and Franziska to learn how to make delicious Chinese dumplings from scratch. We will make and cook them, and you'll get to sample your work and then take the rest home for later. This will take place at Sunnyhill. 8 0 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 5/6/23 12:00 PM
PDE0010 PDE10 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Dennis & Martha Sweeney
Italian Wine Dinner Classic 4-course Italian dinner with wines from north to south. Supervised by Chef Alekka Sweeney! Takes place at Dennis's home in Mt. Lebanon. 6 0 000070.0 70 .0007E7 70 6/17/23 6:30 PM
RB0010 RB10 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Judi Galardi
2 Japanese Tea Cup & Saucers Handpainted cherry blossoms adorn these beautiful tea cups and saucers. Made in Occupied Japan. 1 1 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
SA0008 SA8 Silent Auction Items
  • Cori & Jeff Vipperman
  • Jen McGlothin
Houseplant Heaven Basket Everything you need for beautiful houseplants all in one basket! Items include a macramé plant hanger, watering orbs, moisture meter and more! 1 0 000060.0 60 .0003E7 30
SA0007 SA7 Silent Auction Items
  • Andrew & Megan Lindeman
Goebel Katzenfamilie Items from Rosina Wachmeister Collection Rosina Wachtmeister has been working with Goebel for over 20 years. Her poetic cat art stands for a rousing frenzy of color that spreads pure energy. She draws her strength and inspiration from her large garden with many free-roaming animals. The cat figures are very popular and coveted collector's items!

- Mug
- Mini Trinket Box
- Medium Trinket Box
- Large Trinket Box
- Cat Statue
- Decorative Vase

1 1 000260.0 260 .0015E7 150
SA0006 SA6 Silent Auction Items
  • Andrew & Megan Lindeman
Lenox Poppies of Blue Barnyard Kitten Collection Lenox Poppies of Blue Barnyard Collection Kitten. Items are adorable kittens with raised blue bows and red poppies. Purrfect for cat lovers or farmhouse décor. This pattern was made from 1998-2004 and has since been discontinued.

Includes: Kitten Salt & Pepper Shakers, spoon rest, and Cookie Jar.

1 1 000150.0 150 .001E7 100
RB0003 RB3 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Emilie Hoffman
What will you create? Basket of Upcycled Art Supplies! (for Kids) Let your creative side run wild with this upcycled basket of art, craft and maker materials for kids! Will you build a sculpture? Make a collage? Create an instrument? Craft a homemade card? String beads for a bracelet or necklace? Sew? So many possibilities! 1 1 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
PDE0008 PDE8 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Emilie Hoffman
Cinnamon Roll Spectacular for Kids! Join us for a morning of making and enjoying delicious homemade cinnamon rolls at Sunnyhill. We will walk you through the process of making rolls from start to finish. Each participant will prepare their own batch of ready-to-bake rolls to take home and enjoy. And, it wouldn't be a Cinnamon Roll Spectacular without the chance to eat a gooey roll with our fellow bakers! Kids 8 years and older are welcome to be dropped off (caring adults are of course welcome!) and for kids 7 and younger, we ask the helping hands of an adult be present! 10 8 000080.0 80 .00015E7 15 5/13/23 9:00 AM
PDE0007 PDE7 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Sarah Yourd
  • Franklin Quinn
Historic Pittsburgh Walk and Picnic Explore the Mexican War Streets with Frank Quinn, restoration contractor. Discover architectural details- facades, entablatures, entrances, denticulation, brackets and more. Exterior views, an interior restoration work in progress and possible interiors of previous work; walking tour approximately 2 miles, mostly flat. Picnic lunch provided in Allegheny Commons West Park. Meet at 1216 Monterey St- street parking is free.
June 3rd at 10am, rain date tbd
20 0 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 6/3/23 10:00 AM
PDE0006 PDE6 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Sarah Yourd
  • Franklin Quinn
Summer dinner on the deck Enjoy fresh salad, grilled meat or fish, roasted vegetables and a seasonal fruit pie. Sangria and nonalcoholic drinks provided. Bring additional beverages if you'd like. Takes place in their Mt Lebanon home. 8 -4 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30 7/22/23 6:00 PM
PDE0002 PDE2 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Phil & Rebecca Senneway
Earring Exchange Please bring a beautifully wrapped pair of (new) pierced earrings ($15-$20.) We will each be selecting a pair or stealing from another and/or swapping with each other. There will be wine and chocolate and other snacks. Everyone goes home happy! Judy and Rebecca are your hosts. (John and Phil are not invited.) Held at Rebecca's Mt. Lebanon home. 20 4 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 8/12/23 2:00 PM
PDE0003 PDE3 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Chetan & Tanya Chothani
Swiss Raclette (cheese) dinner Come join us for a traditional-ish, swiss raclette dinner full of ooey-gooey swiss raclette cheese melted in a special oven, table-side, with new potatoes, veggies and selected sausage options. Venue will be the Chotani's fabulous new kitchen at their Mt Lebanon home! 8 0 000050.0 50 .0005E7 50 11/11/23 6:00 PM
RB0002 RB2 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Ron Smutny
Deluxe Italian Feast Basket Ron is offering a hearty Italian pasta and sauce gift basket from Fresh Market. This gift includes three gourmet sauces including basil pesto, plus three pastas and sun-dried tomato bruschetta. Plus it all comes nicely packed in a sturdy and reusable tub that can be used for almost anything!!! Just pop open some vino (you get to provide that), and you are all set!!! 1 1 000055.0 55 .00035E7 35
SA0005 SA5 Silent Auction Items
  • Elizabeth & Tom Scanlon
19-Crimes Wine Basket
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This wine reminds us of how twisted our English ancestors were when they set-up a penal colony in Australia. 19-Crimes turned convicts into colonists. In lieu of death, punishment by transportation began in 1788. As pioneers, they built a new country. The wine is a celebration “of the rules they broke and the culture they built.” This collection of six bottles of fine wine includes the following: Hard Chard (the only white), The Uprising, The Warden, Sauvignon Block, The Punishment, and a 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon. 1 0 000070.0 70 .00035E7 35
SA0004 SA4 Silent Auction Items
  • Elizabeth & Tom Scanlon
Elijah Craig Bourbon Toasted Barrel
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After it's fully matured, this Bourbon is finished in a second, custom toasted new oak barrel, where it's left to develop even more sweet oak flavor. Extremely difficult to find, they arrive locally unannounced and are gone before anyone knows they are there. As one customer told Elizabeth, “If I had known it was here, I would have bought it all.” One of life’s simple pleasures. Consumed responsibly. A tiny bit of heaven. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0004E7 40
LA0002 LA2 Live Auction Items
  • Elizabeth & Tom Scanlon
Buffalo Trace
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The third bourbon in this trifecta is Buffalo Trace. It comes to your local liquor store on the same six week cycle and cars passing the store see a line at the door because they know there is something afoot. Probably the most asked for because people have actually had an opportunity to taste it. Someone you know is jonesing for a bottle right now and you could be a hero!! 1 0 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30
LA0003 LA3 Live Auction Items
  • Elizabeth & Tom Scanlon
Eagle Rare!! Snag it!
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1 bottle of Eagle Rare
This rare bourbon is in the same category as Blanton’s. A small quantity of it arrives in that same six week window and is completely gone by 9:15AM. Have a Job that’s 9-5? You are so out of luck. Except now. There is only one. Make sure it’s yours.
1 0 000050.0 50 .0004E7 40
SA0003 SA3 Silent Auction Items
  • Elizabeth & Tom Scanlon
Rare Blanton's Bourbon
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This is the bourban with the awesome collectable stopper! Every six weeks about 12 bottles of this highly sought after bourbon arrives at your local liquor store. Customers line-up outside at 9:00am and buy it all instantly! This is your one and only opportunity to score. Don’t miss out! 1 0 000065.0 65 .00055E7 55
SA0002 SA2 Silent Auction Items
  • Darla Wagner
Golf Lover Gift Basket Get your golf season off to a great start with this basket of golf accessories! 1 0 000200.0 200 .0005E7 50
PDE0001 PDE1 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Franziska Lang & Will Page
Annual Sunnyhill Texas Hold'em Tournament It's time for the annual Sunnyhill Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament. Game instructions provided at the beginning of the tournament if needed (just give us a heads up). Will's yummy snacks provided. Takes place at their Mt. Lebanon home. 14 0 000015.0 15 .0002E7 20 9/17/23 3:00 PM
LA0023 LA23 Live Auction Items
  • Franziska Lang & Will Page
Gourmet Dinner For Two (plus possible babysitting for your kiddos) Let two accomplished chefs take you and your partner on a culinary adventure for a 5 course dinner with wine pairings. We will work with you to select a date and an exciting menu.

If you have children that need to be babysat while you get your fine dining on, one or both of our daughters Eli (15) and/or Annelee (12) will entertain them in our basement with a pizza party and fun.

Prior year's menu went something like this:
amuse: prosciutto bundle/bite
app: curried butternut squash soup with frizzled leeks and creme fraiche
intermezzo: apple/celery shooter (non-alc, light, refreshing)
main: chateaubriand with rosemary demiglace and celery root puree
dessert: flourless chocolate cake with chantilly cream

1 0 000200.0 200 .00075E7 75
SA0001 SA1 Silent Auction Items
  • Franziska Lang & Will Page
framed sunset photo with grass and sea
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Will was lucky to snap this picture during a journey Edisto Island, SC. You may remember this picture that is now adorning Sunnyhill's halls as part of the current member art exibit. With the frame it is 33" wide and 23" tall. 1 0 000095.0 95 .001E7 100
LA0022 LA22 Live Auction Items
  • Franziska Lang & Will Page
where eagles dare Let Will Page meet you and your camera at Cannonsburg Lake and he will guide you up Chartiers Creek via kayaks to try to encounter and photograph wildlife including eagles, great blue herons, the mysterious white herons that aren't supposed to be here but are, and/or maybe the playful red-winged blackbirds that abound.

We will work together to arrange a date and time.

1 0 000040.0 40 .0003E7 30
PDE0005 PDE5 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
  • Kelsey Leigh
Gentle Yoga Class Join Kelsey Leigh, RYT-200, for a gentle yoga class on Saturday, May 6 at 10:30am at Sunny Hill. Childcare will be provided.

Kelsey leads yoga classes that are inclusive of all people and abilities - everyone is welcome and no prior yoga experience is needed. Together we'll stretch, breathe, and roll around on the floor; it will be a moving meditation to shed stresses and reconnect to ourselves.

All you need to attend are comfy clothes, a towel/blanket/mat, and a willingness to try.

15 12 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 5/6/23 10:30 AM
LA0021 LA21 Live Auction Items
  • Lynne and Jim Heltman
Three Autumn Nights at our West Virginia Mountain Retreat Three nights and four days this fall at our beautiful mountain cabin, dates to be negotiated. The cabin has two bedrooms and a loft, and sleeps 4 to 6 adults, or any combination of up to 8, with children. The accommodations include a full kitchen, electric heat, fireplace, and firewood. The trip is about 4 and 1/2 hours each way from Mount Lebanon to Moorefield, WVA. The property overlooks the South Branch River, and Bald Eagles are often seen from the excursion train which runs along the river in the fall. 1 0 000450.0 450 .0005E7 50
RB0001 RB1 Raffle-items for raffle bags
  • Stephanie & Duncan Hughes
Electronic Stimulation Massager: Ahhhhhhhhh! Mini Masseuse. An electronic stimulation massager. Provides ultra- smooth, deep tissue comfort with intensity choices in six modes: kneading, parego, massage. cupping, stroke and acupressure. This is like technology used by chiropractors, physical therapists and sports trainers. Versatile: Plugs in with A/C adaptor included or USB port or uses 3 AAA batteries included.
Value: $150 then, $200 now.
1 1 000200.0 200 .0005E7 50
LA0001 LA1 Live Auction Items
  • Vivienne Sebelle
Green Hand Knit Lace Scarf
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A beautiful hand knit thistle pattern lace scarf made from 100% merino wool in a lovely olive green. 1 0 000150.0 150 .00025E7 25
PDE0004 PDE4 Fixed Price Events, Classes, Parties, etc.
Mingo Hike/Bike and Lunch at Judie's. Dogs welcomed! It’s Spring! This beautiful county park near Finleyville has flat, wide walking/biking trails that follow the creek and is just 4 miles from my house in Venetia. Come meet me for a an hour-long walk (at your own pace) along the creek then we’ll caravan to my house for a casual lunch and conversation. There are large separate off-leash fenced areas within the park. There is a 10 AM hike; lunch at around noon. 10 2 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 5/27/23 10:00 AM