USH 2022 Auction Auction Catalog - 8 item(s) printable view
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Item0 Item Category Donors Item Name Picture Description Qty Left Est0 Est Val Min0 Min Price Date Vegetarian Friendly Vegan Friendly Return if unsold
MS0020 MS20 Miscellaneous
  • USH
Cash donation for the 2022 auction Generosity. Thanks for your donation. 10 8 001000.0 1,000 .0001E7 10 N N N
SE0003 SE3 Services
  • Bob Hewey
Numismatic Appraisal/Liquidation Services Gift Certificate for up to $100 of numismatic (coins, medals, tokens, paper money) appraisal/liquidation services.
Certificate expires October 31, 2023. By Appointment Only.
1 1 000100.0 100 .00035E7 35 N N N
CH0003 CH3 China/Glass
  • Virginia Hedrick
Pair of serving trays
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Colorful platters for displaying and serving variety of foods at your next event.

The material is melamine- easily cared for-not to be microwaved.

1 1 000060.0 60 .0003E7 30 N N Y
MS0010 MS10 Miscellaneous
  • Margaret Leicach
Personal Training Session
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1 hour personal training session at Knockout Fitness. Join fellow congregants who have joined. Increased flexibility and strength. Decreased weight and blood pressure all in a fun environment. 3 3 000115.0 115 .0006E7 60 N N N
AR0005 AR5 Artwork
  • Louise Schmoll
James Beard Poster
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Large framed poster "Celebrate James Beard at 83 yo" 1 1 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 N N N
CH0002 CH2 China/Glass
  • Eve and Ray Pech
Simon Pearce Cake Platter
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Signed Simon Pearce cake platter. Never used. Beautiful way to show off your dessert! 1 1 000225.0 225 .00075E7 75 N N N
MS0001 MS1 Miscellaneous
  • Toni Gold
Exercise bike
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Exercise Bike-Indoor Cycling Stationary Bike Folding Magnetic Upright Bike Recumbent 3-in-1 Fitness Bike with Pulse Sensor for Adult/Teenager Woman LCD Monitor and Arm Resistance Bands. Quiet-The folding exercise bike with magnetic resistance never come in contact with the flywheel. This exercise bike is silent, stable and low maintenance. Upright posture to provide you with high-intensity exercise and help you burn more calories. Semi-recumbent or recumbent cycling bike with a low impact and more comfortable riding experience. The folding exercise bike can be folded to ½ the size for storage.
Winner will need to pick-up from Toni's condo on Woodland Street.
1 1 000160.0 160 .00045E7 45 N N N
SE0001 SE1 Services
  • Larry Lunden
  • Paul & Laura Stewart Cipriano
Geneological research Want to find out who you are related to? Want to find where your ancestors came from? I will research your family tree on to see what I can find. Maybe a lot, maybe not much.
Hopefully I can find their names and dates, and records of vital events of their lives.
I will send results as I search.
Given for five families.
5 5 000100.0 100 .00035E7 35 N N N