Newest items are shown first, or click on column titles to sort differently.
Item0 | Item | Category | Donors | Item Name | Picture | Description | Qty | Buy it Now | Left | Est0 | Est Val | Min0 | Min Price | Date |
FO0010 | FO10 | Food |
| Jelly Basket | Jelly basket | 1 | 0 | 000010.0 | 10 | .0001E7 | 10 | |||
FO0009 | FO9 | Food |
| Jelly Basket | Fuit and Jelly basket | 1 | 0 | 000025.0 | 25 | .0001E7 | 10 | |||
CO0003 | CO3 | Collectibles |
| Teleidoscope | Teleidoscope by Laughing Hyena. I bought this teleidoscope at an Art Festival in central Pennsylvania, probably in the 1980's. | 1 | 1 | 000075.0 | 75 | .0005E7 | 50 | |||
DN0015 | DN15 | Dinners |
| UUOlympics and Bar-B-Q. | We’ll grill some burgers and dogs, serve beer, soda, beans, while the contestants compete for awards in a variety of events such as ping pong, bocce ball, washers, tandem noodle races, swim races, and board games such as checkers, chess, cribbage, pente, dominoes. | 30 | 23 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0002E7 | 20 | 5/30/15 5:00 PM | ||
FA0001 | FA1 | Fellowship Activities |
| Water Aerobics | Water aerobics to Irish music. Salad and soup after. | 14 | 14 | 000030.0 | 30 | .0002E7 | 20 | 5/2/15 4:00 PM | ||
DN0014 | DN14 | Dinners |
| Brazilian Dinner | A traditional Brazilian dinner prepared by Caio Martão from Sao Paulo. | 14 | 3 | 000045.0 | 45 | .0002E7 | 20 | 4/25/15 6:00 PM | ||
DN0013 | DN13 | Dinners |
| Bar-B-Q and swim party. | Bar-B-Q and swim party. | 30 | 30 | 000030.0 | 30 | .00015E7 | 15 | 6/6/15 5:00 PM | ||
DN0012 | DN12 | Dinners |
| Indian dinner | An Indian dinner serving Chicken Korma, Saag Paneer (creamed spinach with homemade fresh cheese), Rice Pilaf, Dal, Vegetables, Assorted Pickles, Relishes, and Raitas, Dessert, Chai, Beer, and Wine. Some spicy dishes, but mostly not excessively spicy, just flavorful. A lacto-vegetarian will find plenty to eat. | 8 | 2 | 000050.0 | 50 | .00035E7 | 35 | 4/11/15 6:00 PM | ||
DN0011 | DN11 | Dinners |
| Greek Spaghetti Dinner | Spend a delightful evening eating mizithra browned butter pasta with lamb or vegetarian kapama. Room for 12 fun loving friends. Donors: Sasha & Nicole Drelles. | 12 | 4 | 000025.0 | 25 | .0002E7 | 20 | 2/21/15 7:00 PM | ||
CO0002 | CO2 | Collectibles |
| Ironwood vase | Ironwood vase with silver and turquoise inlay. I bought this at an Art Festival in central Pennsylvania, probably in the 1980's. I have never used it except for dried grasses, so I do not know that it's suitable for wet arrangements. | 1 | 0 | 000100.0 | 100 | .0005E7 | 50 | |||
CO0001 | CO1 | Collectibles |
| Lidded cedar bowl | Lidded cedar bowl, turned. This bowl was a gift from one friend, who bought it from the friend who turned it. The initials carved in the bottom, WB, stand for William Butler. | 1 | 0 | 000075.0 | 75 | .0005E7 | 50 | |||
SE0006 | SE6 | Services |
| Babysitting or Party Assistance | 2 hours of babysitting or party assistance by Jessica Kerr. Contact Jessica at (561) 306-7761. | 1 | 0 | 000030.0 | 30 | .0002E7 | 20 | |||
FO0008 | FO8 | Food |
| Picnic Box Lunches | Each box contains soup, sandwiches and dessert for two people. Will be delivered with 48 hours notice. Bid is per box. Each bidder may order several boxes. | 4 | 1 | 000045.0 | 45 | .00035E7 | 35 | |||
SE0005 | SE5 | Services |
| Pressure Washing |
2 hours of pressure washing offered by Ezra Short. Contact him at 813- 317- 4625 to set up a time. | 1 | 0 | 000100.0 | 100 | .00035E7 | 35 | |||
TR0001 | TR1 | Transportation |
| Transportation to/from Tampa International Airport | For 1 or 2 people in one trip in. Excluding Nov. 24-28, Dec. 23-30, 2015 and all of June and Sept through Oct 10, 2015. | 1 | 1 | 000050.0 | 50 | .0004E7 | 40 | |||
FO0007 | FO7 | Food |
| Apple Pie | 2 items of 2 apple pies each. Minimum bid: $20 for 2 pies. The purchasers can contact Martha and work out a date that works for both. Home phone is 813-985-4777 or 813-382-2206 cell | 2 | 0 | 000030.0 | 30 | .0002E7 | 20 | |||
DN0010 | DN10 | Dinners |
| A Country Breakfast with Doak and Peggy |
MENU: Eggs, grits, oatmeal , pancakes, ham, bacon, sausage, sausage gravy , tomato gravy, Sawmill (cornmeal) gravy, biscuits, muffins & nut breads, fruit, jams & jellies, cane syrup & who knows what else! Dress comfortable & be ready to sample South Mississippi food or eat your fill! | 20 | 6 | 000020.0 | 20 | .00015E7 | 15 | 1/10/15 9:00 AM | ||
JE0001 | JE1 | Jewelry |
| Silver Bracelet | Silver bracelet, hinged flowers, length 71/2 inches, fashioned with 6 oval semi-precious Malachite gemstones that look like jade. Malachite is used for metaphysical purposes. Said to aid healing on physical and emotional levels. | 1 | 1 | 000260.0 | 260 | .001E7 | 100 | |||
SE0004 | SE4 | Services |
| Laser Hair Removal |
Laser Hair Removal offered by Ybor Laser Salon 1718 E. 7th Ave, Ybor City. 813-248-5020 | 1 | 0 | 000200.0 | 200 | .001E7 | 100 | |||
SE0003 | SE3 | Services |
| Handyman service | 3 hours of handyman service. Contact Tom at 813-770-5845. | 1 | 0 | 000045.0 | 45 | .0003E7 | 30 | |||
HA0001 | HA1 | Hand work |
| Hand-knitted shawl |
A hand-knitted shawl of winner's choice. We will pore over designs to find just the right one for you, in just the right color/colors. Shawls are great for Florida for those air-conditioned places where you just want a little something over your shoulders. If you are choosing to send to a friend up North, then a nice heavy one would be good. Minimum bid of $50 iincludes all materials for completed shawl. Please allow a month for completion, especially for more intricate patterns. | 1 | 0 | 000075.0 | 75 | .0005E7 | 50 | |||
DN0008 | DN8 | Dinners |
| St. Patricks Party | Wear green and sing and drink and be merry at Cay Cahalin’s home. We’ll have a buffet of grilled lamb and baked salmon . Also included Irish beer, wine, and Jameson. There will be a prize for the best Green costume! | 35 | 17 | 000050.0 | 50 | .0003E7 | 30 | 3/15/15 2:00 PM | ||
DN0007 | DN7 | Dinners |
| Four Course Spanish Paella Party |
Menu: Assorted Tapas Soup Paella Dessert Sangria, Wine, Coffee | 16 | 6 | 000060.0 | 60 | .00035E7 | 35 | 3/7/15 6:30 PM | ||
MC0005 | MC5 | Miscellaneous |
| Cuisinart Soft-serve ice cream making machine | New, never been out of box. Great for making homemade treats with grandchildren, neighborhood children…and adults who love ice cream and making a mess. So much fun! | 1 | 1 | 000040.0 | 40 | .00015E7 | 15 | |||
MC0004 | MC4 | Miscellaneous |
| Wrought iron birdcage | Birdcage with stand: wrought iron, freshly painted. A gorgeous addition to any home. My beloved bird spent many happy, song-filled years in this beautiful home. | 1 | 0 | 000075.0 | 75 | .00035E7 | 35 | |||
DN0006 | DN6 | Dinners |
| Gourmet Hillbilly Dinner Party | Gloria Holloway and Craig Reller's Hillbilly Gourmet Dinner Party. Socializing, dinner and entertainment by Moonshine Holler. South Tampa/Westshore Gandy area- the home of Craig Reller. | 20 | 4 | 000050.0 | 50 | .00025E7 | 25 | 1/31/15 5:00 PM | ||
FO0005 | FO5 | Food |
| Craig Reller's Famous Oatmeal Cookies | CRAIG RELLER’S FAMOUS OATMEAL COOKIES — | 4 | 1 | 000012.0 | 12 | .00008E7 | 8 | |||
DN0005 | DN5 | Dinners |
| Vegetarian Dinner | Diana Stevens & Grant Wilson’s home | 8 | 3 | 000050.0 | 50 | .0003E7 | 30 | 5/23/15 7:00 PM | ||
VA0002 | VA2 | Vacation/Lodging |
| Stay on the Beach | Beach Condo - Cocoa Beach Condo (2 bedrooms, 1 bath) available for 1 party of (not to exceed) 4 people for a 4 day/3 night stay. Date to be determined – May thru Sept. 2015. | 1 | 0 | 000500.0 | 500 | .0025E7 | 250 | |||
VA0001 | VA1 | Vacation/Lodging |
| North Carolina Mountain Home | The 3 bedroom/2 bath fully equipped home is located 1 1/2 hrs south of Asheville and 8 miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway in the mountains. Available for a one week stay April thru Oct. 2015. | 1 | 1 | 000600.0 | 600 | .004E7 | 400 | |||
SE0001 | SE1 | Services |
| Tarot Reading | Tarot Reading with Rider Waite deck for personal growth. I use symbols and thematic images to help you identify your strengths and vulnerabilities in the present and upcoming year. This interdisciplinary perspective on an ancient divination tool is not to be confused with fortune-telling. Sorry, cannot help you win the lottery! | 1 | 1 | 000100.0 | 100 | .00075E7 | 75 | |||
TK0001 | TK1 | Tickets |
| Holiday Concert Tickets Una Voce | UNA VOCE, THE FLORIDA MEN’S CHORALE -- tickets for the “Broadway Lights/ Holiday Nights“ Holiday Concert. Choose among a concert Friday, Dec. 12, 2014 at the Palladium in St. Pete at 8:00 pm; or 3:00 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 13,2014 or Sunday, Dec. 14, 2014 both at HCC Ybor. | 4 | -2 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00015E7 | 15 | |||
MC0003 | MC3 | Miscellaneous |
| Photo Restoration | One old photo "8x10" scanned, restored, converted to JPG file format, 300 PPI, returned on CD. Contact Joe Adles - 813-907-9327 | 1 | 0 | 000045.0 | 45 | .00035E7 | 35 | |||
MC0002 | MC2 | Miscellaneous |
| Photo Restoration | A group of 24 Slides scanned, converted to 4"x 6" JPG file format, 300 PPI, light touch up returned on CD. Contact Joe Adles. 813-907-9327. | 1 | 0 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0002E7 | 20 | |||
MC0001 | MC1 | Miscellaneous |
| Photo Restoration | A group of 24 photos "4x6" size, scanned, converted to JPG file format, 300 PPI, light touch up, returned on CD. Contact Joe Adles. 813-907-9327. | 1 | 1 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0002E7 | 20 | |||
FO0004 | FO4 | Food |
| Picnic in the Park |
Picnic at Howard Park in Tarpon Springs . A traditional midwestern style picnic with brats, burgers, hotdogs, and fixings to go along. Will supply drinks, but this is not an alcohol event...(park rules). Children under 12 free. | 25 | 11 | 000030.0 | 30 | .00015E7 | 15 | 3/21/15 12:00 PM | ||
FO0003 | FO3 | Food |
| Lemon Pies |
Lemon Meringue Pie (up to 3) Delicious homemade pie, created from homegrown lemons. Minimum bid: $10 per pie. | 3 | 1 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0001E7 | 10 | |||
FO0002 | FO2 | Food |
| Don Hunter's Ham |
DON HUNTER'S HAM Many of you have tasted this ham at potlucks We will provide one ham (about 6-8 pounds; larger size can be negotiated), cooked Don's way, and chilled. Date for delivery of ham negotiated with Don. Times: 2 | 2 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .0003E7 | 30 | |||
FO0001 | FO1 | Food |
| Homemade Fruit Pies |
HUNTER’S HOME-MADE PIES Your choice of filling and crust! Delivery negotiable. Maximum of 3 pies Times: 3 | 3 | 0 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00015E7 | 15 | |||
FO0006 | FO6 | Food |
| Stonewood Resturant Basket | Contains 2 $25 resturant gift certificates with a bottle of wine. | 1 | 0 | 000075.0 | 75 | .0006E7 | 60 | |||
DN0003 | DN3 | Dinners |
| Lobster Dinner | Lobster dinner with the Lehman's. | 10 | 2 | 000100.0 | 100 | .0006E7 | 60 | 10/9/15 6:30 PM | ||
DN0002 | DN2 | Dinners |
| Russian Buffet | Russian buffet plus singing and dancing. | 16 | 5 | 000050.0 | 50 | .0003E7 | 30 | 9/19/15 6:30 PM |