Summer Test Auction Auction Catalog - 10 item(s) printable view
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Item0 Item Category Donors Item Name Picture Description Qty Left Est0 Est Val Min0 Min Price Date
FD0001 FD1 Food
  • Emily & Vitek Siroky
muffins 12 pumpkin muffins 1 1 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
AO0002 AO2 Activities & Outings
  • Mary & Lynn Madsen
Treasure Hunt Ready for a Treasure Hunt? We'll gather at Pybus, get instructions after coffee and head out to collect items on the list in teams. Gather back at Pybus to share treasures and adventure stories over a cold one. 20 19 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15 10/19/19 10:00 AM
A0003 A3 Art/Handcrafted
  • Mary & Lynn Madsen
Straw into Gold Have something that you're tired of but hate to add it to the trash stream? How about a box of stuff. Lets build interesting yard sculptures out of it. 10 9 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15 5/15/20 2:00 PM
AO0001 AO1 Activities & Outings
  • Don and Carol Oliver
Super Hero Saturday
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Channel your favorite super hero and help save the universe--or just do some good deeds! Meet at the Oliver's for food and fortification and to get in character. Special powers and tights will be provided. 10 8 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
CW0001 CW1 Classes/Workshops
  • Emily & Vitek Siroky
Watermelon carving class Emily will teach you how to carve a basket out of a watermelon, so you can put fruit in it at your next BBQ event. Bring your own melon! 4 3 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15
S0001 S1 Services
  • Emily & Vitek Siroky
Rides to the Airport Vitek or Emily will pick you and your luggage up at your home and drive you to Pangborn Airort at any time of day or night. This offer is for FOUR rides over the course of 2020. 1 0 000080.0 80 .0002E7 20
A0002 A2 Art/Handcrafted
  • Sara & Eric Severson
Handcrafted, adjustable massage table Eric made this massage table in 1999, when Sara was taking massage therapy courses. After she switched to software development as a career, this table has been sorely neglected!

It has a thick pad covered by soft vinyl-ish, easy-to-clean blue material. The height of the wooden legs is adjustable with the turn of a few wing bolts.

Includes face cradle!

1 0 000075.0 75 .0004E7 40
M0001 M1 Miscellaneous
  • Don and Carol Oliver
Thyme Out! We all need more thyme! Get a bunch for free thyme, thyme in a bottle, wasting thyme, just in thyme, outta thyme or ??? 1 0 000002.0 2 .00001E7 1
A0001 A1 Art/Handcrafted
  • Emily & Vitek Siroky
Fused Glass garden ornament
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This fused glass disc is approximately 12" in diameter and comes with a heavy metal stand for placing in your yard.
Handmade by Dale Chihuly himself (yeah, right!)!
1 0 008000.0 8,000 .02E7 2,000
V0001 V1 Vacation/Lodging
  • Emily & Vitek Siroky
Three weeks in TAHITI!!
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You will be baked to a crisp after three weeks on the beaches of this tropical island! 1 1 012000.0 12,000 .05E7 5,000