Auction 2016 Auction Catalog - 5 item(s) printable view
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Item0 Item Category Donors Item Name Picture Description Qty Left Est0 Est Val Min0 Min Price Date
T0002 T2 Tickets/Entertainment
  • Business Donors
Conejo Players Theatre - Redeemable for 2 tickets for any performance!
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Conejo Players Theatre has donated a certificate redeemable for 2 tickets to any performance! These never expire and may be used for any production the Conejo Players presents! Upcoming productions in the 2016 season include "The Wizard of Oz", "Amadeus", "Reefer Madness", "Farragut North" and "Side Show" 1 1 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
L0001 L1 Fellowship Activities
  • Brian Rasnow
Astronomy Night
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Gather your friends and come see the wonders of the night sky including planets, nebula and galaxies through a 14" telescope at Rasnow Peak Observatory, in Newbury Park. Dome can accommodate a group up to 6 per night. Dates to be determined. 6 6 000175.0 175 .0012E7 120
S0001 S1 Services
  • Tom Powers
Piano Tuning
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Piano tuning for your piano or the piano of someone you know who needs a piano tuned. 25 25 000125.0 125 .00055E7 55
ME0001 ME1 Meals
  • Carmen Friedman
Lunch and one-on-one conversation in Spanish or German CVUUF polyglot will treat you to lunch at University Village while you converse one-on-one with her in Spanish or German. Date to be arranged. 1 1 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15
T0001 T1 Tickets/Entertainment
  • Business Donors
Fun in the Sun at Channel Islands Harbor - Hopper Boat Rental $65 gift Certificate good for one hour rental of an Electric Boat accommodating up to 8 passengers. Great fun for a group!

May be used anytime Hopper Boat Rentals is open.

1 1 000065.0 65 .0003E7 30