Holiday Edition Auction Catalog - 16 item(s) printable view
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Item0 Item Category Donors Item Name Picture Description Qty Left Est0 Est Val Min0 Min Price Date
MS0004 MS4 Miscellaneous
  • Jen & Brett Creane
Book basket 4 Assorted children's books 1 0 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20
MS0003 MS3 Miscellaneous
  • Jen & Brett Creane
Book basket 3 Assorted cookbooks 1 0 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20
MS0002 MS2 Miscellaneous
  • Jen & Brett Creane
Book basket 2 Assorted cookbooks 1 0 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20
MS0001 MS1 Miscellaneous
  • Jen & Brett Creane
Book basket 1 Assorted cookbooks 1 0 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20
EN0002 EN2 Entertainment
  • Ed Hardy
Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, put a penny in the old man's hat Join Rev. Ed and help him sing Christmas Carols on key and spread Christmas joy.

We will caravan to various locations around Plymouth sing carols and return for Hot Chocolate and cookies. Kids FREE and Adults $5.00, if you sing off key $20.00

10 5 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5 12/21/14 4:00 PM
EN0001 EN1 Entertainment
  • Ed Hardy
Fa la la la la la la la Have Rev. Ed and other carolers come to your house to Carol or send the group to the house of a relative, friend or shut-in who might enjoy some Christmas Cheer. 25 22 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 12/21/14 4:00 PM
FO0005 FO5 Food
  • Jen & Brett Creane
3 Homemade Holiday hors d'oeuvres for every Taste and Occassion
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I will make for you three frozen dips (buffalo chicken dip, cheeseburger dip, muffaletta dip) ready to reheat for the holidays. These creations are more than enough to feed a group of 10.

Date and time to be mutually agreed upon.

3 0 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
FO0004 FO4 Food
  • Amanda Rygr
Homemade Cupcakes, Cookies or Brownies mmmmmmmmm
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I will bake cupcakes, cookies, brownies or cookie bars (or some of each) to serve 24.

One weeks prior notice preferred.

1 0 000040.0 40 .00015E7 15
SE0005 SE5 Services
  • Amanda Rygr
Childcare while you shop!
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I will babysit while you Christmas shop. We will do holiday crafts, watch a movie - meals included if necessary. Mutually agreed upon date and time.

$12.00 per hour.

1 1 000012.0 12 .00012E7 12
SE0004 SE4 Services
  • Deborah Rudolf & Martha Roberts
Pick up your Tree
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Deborah Rudolf has offered the use of her trailer to pick up Christmas trees for disposal after the holidays.

$15.00 per pick-up. Will pick up at multiple locations but must be on same day.

Date to be determined.

99 99 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15
SE0003 SE3 Services
  • John & Dell Hammond
Pick up your tree
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John Hammond has offered the use of his truck to pick up Christmas trees for disposal after the holidays.

$15.00 per pick-up. Will pick up at multiple locations but must be on same day.

Date to be determined.

99 96 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15
FO0003 FO3 Food
  • Peter and Marie Lunt
Christmas Cookies Galore!
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The same woman who brought us all the delicious desserts from the service auction held in April is offering 3 dozen Christmas cookies for delivery on Sunday, Dec 21 or a mutually agreeable time between Dec 16 and Dec 23. 2 0 000045.0 45 .00025E7 25
FO0002 FO2 Food
  • Conley & Sandi Pierce
Merry Berry Crumble Tart
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Sandi Pierce will make a Merry Berry Crumble Tart --- fresh strawberries, raspberries and blueberries combined in a tart shell with an orange-scented streusel/crumble topping...beautiful to look at and delicious to eat! This Tart will be ready for the holidays on December 21st. 1 0 000030.0 30 .00015E7 15
FO0001 FO1 Food
  • Conley & Sandi Pierce
Holiday Entertaining Basket
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Looking for a quick go-to for either your house or to bring to the neighborhood Holiday party? Conley Pierce is offering a self-assembled gift basket with his world famous Southwest (Plymouth) Salsa made from all fresh ingredients, a variety of chips and a bottle of 2003 French Bordeaux wine. The basket will be available at the Live Auction on December 7th. (Salsa to be delivered the day of your party.) 1 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
SE0002 SE2 Services
  • Conley & Sandi Pierce
Hanging outdoor lights
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Conley Pierce has offered to hang holidays lights on shrubs and foundation plantings (Sorry, Clark Griswold, no climbing on roofs!) 1 1 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
SE0001 SE1 Services
  • Mike and Kim Caple
Service Auction Committee Wrapping Party
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The Holiday Season is upon us. We know you are busy with all the hustle and bustle, so why not let members of the Service Auction Committee do the wrapping for you.

We will be selling 13 gallon kitchen bags for $25.00 and all you have to do is fill them up with your unwrapped boxed gifts.

Bring it to Kendall Hall on Friday, December 12 between the hours of 6 – 8 p.m. and we will have a talented group of wrappers to do all your holiday wrapping for you.

Pick up your wrapped gifts @ 9pm that evening.

The 13 gallon bags will be on sale during coffee hour every Sunday till Dec. 7th.

20 10 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25 12/12/14 6:00 PM