2016 Spring Auction Auction Catalog - 120 item(s) printable view
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Item0 Item Category Donors Item Name Picture Description Qty Left Est0 Est Val Min0 Min Price Date
EN0004 EN4 Entertainment
  • Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra
Phil tickets Phil tickets for April 2nd 1 0 000110.0 110 .00035E7 35
EN0003 EN3 Entertainment
  • First Parish
Dinner tickets Dinner ticket 25 25 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15
AR0013 AR13 Artwork
  • Alex Pinkerson and Robin Leaver
Original Art work by Alex Leaver Original Artwork by Alex Leaver 1 0 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
T0005 T5 Tickets
  • First Parish
Parking Space Raffle Raffle/Choice parking space raffle ticket. 1 raffle ticket for $20.00. 100 99 000300.0 300 .0002E7 20
T0004 T4 Tickets
  • First Parish
1 Scratch-Off Ticket Raffle/1 scratch-off ticket for 1.00 100 100 000001.0 1 .00001E7 1
T0003 T3 Tickets
  • First Parish
10 Scratch Off Tickets Raffle/Purchase of 10 scratch-off tickets for $5.00. 100 99 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5
T0002 T2 Tickets
  • First Parish
50 Scratch Off Tickets Raffle/Purchase of 50 scratch off tickets for 20.00. 100 99 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20
JE0003 JE3 Jewelry
  • Martha Roberts
Handmade jewelry Martha Roberts has donated an enormous amount of her handmade bracelets, necklaces, earrings, holiday pins and wine charms for our spring auction. Lots of selection and lots of different styles. Perfect shopping for those hard to buy for relatives that love to accessorize. Each piece unique so you know they won't have doubles. 25 15 000035.0 35 .00005E7 5
SE0026 SE26 Services
  • Nancy Whitehouse
Request for Service Nancy Whitehouse is offering to donate $100.00 to First Parish for someone to do between 3-4 hours of yard work, raking, etc. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0E7 0
SE0025 SE25 Services
  • Cobra Custom Tattoo
Gift Certificate Cobra Custom Tatoo located at 26 Main Street in Plymouth has donated a $50.00 gift certificate. 1 1 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
FA0005 FA5 Fellowship Activities
  • Mike and Kim Caple
Sangria and S'mores Come to the Caple's house for beverages and s'mores around the campfire overlooking Town Brook. Children and furry friends are welcome. 20 0 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5 7/2/16 7:00 PM
MS0033 MS33 Miscellaneous
  • Brett Creane
Cookbook bundle #3
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This bundle of brand new cookbooks from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt is great for the adventurous home chef. Sweets, meats, and everything in between! 1 0 000100.0 100 .0001E7 10
MS0032 MS32 Miscellaneous
  • Brett Creane
Cookbook Bundle #2
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This cookbook bundle, also brand new from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, features a little of everything -- classic desserts, seafood, and even some instruction from the master, Jacques Pepin. You're sure to find something to suit your taste! 1 0 000080.0 80 .0001E7 10
MS0031 MS31 Miscellaneous
  • Brett Creane
Cookbook Bundle #1
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A bundle of brand new cookbooks from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. This batch features books with fun and easy recipes for everyone to enjoy. What's a party without the Abominable Snow Monster featured on the cover of "Cake My Day"? 1 0 000060.0 60 .0001E7 10
FA0004 FA4 Fellowship Activities
  • Mike and Kim Caple
BINGO Night Come to BINGO night at Kendall Hall! Bring your friends and family to play multiple versions of this good old fashioned favorite game. Snacks and small prizes will be awarded for each round. BYOB. 1 -16 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 5/6/16 7:00 PM
SE0024 SE24 Services
  • Libby & Jamie Jenks
Interior House Painting/ 1 Room Do you need a room in your home repainted? I have many years of experience with painting in my own home(s), let me help you with yours. If you get the paint, I'll provide everything else. 1 0 000200.0 200 .00025E7 25
MS0030 MS30 Miscellaneous
  • Jenn Kanze-Eaton
Chakra Chair
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Well made, newly rushed Oak ladder-back chair painted to follow the chakra colors, from the tail bone to the crown of your head. Even if you dont meditate, this brightly painted chair is perfect to show lbgtqa pride or just love of rainbows. 1 0 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
MM0011 MM11 Meals and More
  • Speewell Tavern
Gift Certificate
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Speedwell Tavern located at 47 Main St., Plymouth had donated a $25.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
MS0029 MS29 Miscellaneous
  • Anna's Harborside Grille
Gift Certificate
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Anna's Harborside Grille located at 145 Water Street in Plymouth has donated a $25.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
ED0001 ED1 Education
  • Amy and Joe Palmer
Chess Lessons Will Palmer, an experienced 9 year old chess player, is offering a total of 2 hours of chess lessons and games set at the beginning level. No experience necessary. The two hours can be divided up to meet the student's needs and attention level. Times and location to be determined. Will's mom will provide cookies and refreshments. 1 0 000075.0 75 .0003E7 30
MS0028 MS28 Miscellaneous
  • Stevens the Florist
Gift Certificate
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Steven's the Florist on South Street in Plymouth has donated a $30.00 gift certificate - good until 3/2017. 1 1 000030.0 30 .0001E7 10
SE0023 SE23 Services
  • Deborah Rudolf & Martha Roberts
Legal Services
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Deborah is donating her legal expertise to write up your "Power of Attorney" and "Health Care Proxy".

By Having a power of attorney (for financial and personal affairs) and a health care proxy (for medical care), you choose who will act for you, and you lessen the stress on your loved ones, should you ever need someone to make decisions and enter into transactions on your behalf.

Time to be scheduled.

2 0 001000.0 1,000 .0005E7 50
EX0007 EX7 Excursions
  • Lydia Robertson
A New York Adventure
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Lydia has a room in her converted Park Slope, Brooklyn brownstone that she is offering for a two night stay for 2 people along with a guided tour of NBC studios. The tour of NBC may include the set of "Saturday Night Live" depending on availability. Timing of this would either be on a Sunday evening at 9pm or a weekday (tours are not permitted when SNL is being filmed).

June 1 - July 14 in 2016 or 2017.

A great getaway to New York and see the sights.

1 0 000350.0 350 .002E7 200
EX0006 EX6 Excursions
  • Martha Roberts
Trip to thrift shops on the Cape
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Fun ride over the bridge to explore several thrift shops:
what treasures and bargains do you seek?
I provide the ride and the shops, you buy your own lunch.

Date and time to be determined later.

Maximum number of people is 3.

3 0 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
MS0027 MS27 Miscellaneous
  • Pioppi's
Gift Basket
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Pioppi's Liquors located at 183 Court Street, Plymouth has donated a gift basket with 2 bottles of wine and a variety of other treats. 1 0 000040.0 40 .00015E7 15
SE0022 SE22 Services
  • Jenn Kanze-Eaton
Mural or Decorative Furniture Painting Have a lonely wall that could use some cheering up, or a piece of furniture that could use some creative updating. Bid for Jenn to paint a custom mural(no bigger than about picture window size) or to decoratively paint a piece of your furniture. 1 0 000350.0 350 .00075E7 75
MS0025 MS25 Miscellaneous
  • Richard's Wine & Spirits
2 Bottles of Wine
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Richard's Wine & Spirits has donated two bottles of Corvo wine, 1 red, 1 white. 1 1 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
MS0024 MS24 Miscellaneous
  • Lobster Hut
Gift Certificate
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The Lobster Hut, located at 25 Town Wharf in Plymouth has donated a $20.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
MS0023 MS23 Miscellaneous
  • Stevens the Florist
Gift Certificate
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Stevens the Florist has donated a $30.00 gift certificate. Good until March/2017. 1 1 000030.0 30 .0001E7 10
MS0022 MS22 Miscellaneous
  • Cedarville Wine & Spirits
Ed Hardy Tequila
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Cedarville Wine & Spirits has donated a bottle of "Ed Hardy Tequila", Beautiful but Dangerous.

If you have been searching for a Tequila that is Kosher and organic, your search is over!

1 0 000040.0 40 .00015E7 15
AR0012 AR12 Artwork
  • The Exchange
Original Watercolor
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Original watercolor by Emily Sartain entitled "Snow Drops". She was an American painter and engraver. She was the first woman in Europe and the United States to practice the art of mezzotint engraving, and the only woman to win a gold medal at the 1876 World Fair in Philadelphia. Sartain became a nationally recognized art educator and was the director of the Philadelphia School of Design for Women from 1866 to 1919 or 1920. 1 0 000095.0 95 .00035E7 35
MS0021 MS21 Miscellaneous
  • Simple Pleasures
Gift Certificate
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Simple Pleasures located at 1 Main Street in downtown Plymouth has donated a $25.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
MS0020 MS20 Miscellaneous
  • Marathon Sports
Gift Certificate
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Marathon Sports located at 38 Long Pond Road in Plymouth has donated a $25.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
MM0010 MM10 Meals and More
  • Lobster Hut
Gift Certificate
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Lobster Hut, located at 25 Town Wharf has donated a $20.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
MS0019 MS19 Miscellaneous
  • Healthy Appetites
Gift Certificate
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Healthy Appetites located at 44 Long Pond Road in Plymouth has donated a $20.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
FO0013 FO13 Food
  • Vela Juice Bar
GIft Certificate
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Vela Juice Bar located at 71 Court Street in Plymouth has donated a $20.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
MM0009 MM9 Meals and More
  • Kkaties Burger Bar
Gift Certificate
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Kkaties Burger Bar located at 38 Main Street Extension has donated a $25.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
MS0018 MS18 Miscellaneous
  • Betsy Fitzgerald-Campbell
Books, Wine & Book Club
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Betsy Fitzgerald (award winning novelist) is donating 6 copies of her most recent book, two bottles of wine and an in-person book club visit. 1 -1 000300.0 300 .0005E7 50
MM0008 MM8 Meals and More
  • Lucioso's Pub
Gift Certificate
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Lucioso's Pub in Plymouth has donated a $25.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
MS0017 MS17 Miscellaneous
  • Betsy Fitzgerald-Campbell
Signed Novel by Author and so much more.
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Enjoy a signed copy of Betsy Fitzgerald's novel, NEELIE'S TRUTH, an award-winning novel set in small town New England and have a character named after you in Fitzgerald's upcoming novel. NOVEMBER COMES EARLY, the second in the Phred Rivers mystery series, is slated for fall 2016 and you can choose to be a "good guy/gal" or "bad girl/guy." 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
MM0007 MM7 Meals and More
  • Blue Eyed Crab
Gift Certificate
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The Blue-Eyed Crab Caribbean Grill & Rum Bar located at 170 Water Street in Plymouth has donated a $50.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
MM0006 MM6 Meals and More
  • Black Raspberry Pub
Gift Certificate
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The Black Raspberry Pub in Cordage Park has donated a $20.00 certificate. 1 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
MM0005 MM5 Meals and More
  • Kkaties Burger Bar
Gift Certificate
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Kkaties Burger Bar located at 38 Main Street Extension has donated a $25.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
FO0012 FO12 Food
  • East Bay Grille
Gift Certificate
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East Bay Grille located at 173 Water St., Town Wharf in Plymouth has donated a $50.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
FO0011 FO11 Food
  • The Market
Gift Certificate
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$25.00 gift certificate donated by The Market. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
FA0003 FA3 Fellowship Activities
  • Ed Hardy
Non-Event Event
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Ed Hardy is offering a Non-Event Event. No need to arrange for a babysitter, figure out transportation, or re-arrange your schedule. You can dress up, dress down, or don't get dressed at all. Have the party of your dreams right there from the comfort of your couch in your own home. Eat whatever you want, do whatever you want, be the star of your own show!

No directions nor time will be given to this non-event on this non-day and you will receive no further information.

This a fixed price auction at $5.00 per person.

100 88 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5
SE0021 SE21 Services
  • Meghan Snee
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Meghan Snee (experienced 5th grade teacher) is offering 4 sessions of tutoring (1 hour each session) during the summer.

Date to be determined

1 0 000200.0 200 .0005E7 50
SE0020 SE20 Services
  • Meghan Snee
Parents Night Off
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Drop your kids off for a night of fun which includes a "kid-friendly" dinner and giant movie screen.

Date to be determined

Bidding is per child.

10 4 000050.0 50 .00015E7 15
MS0016 MS16 Miscellaneous
  • Cape Auto Body
Gift Certificate
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Cape Auto Body & Service has donated a gift certificate for a lube, oil & filter change valued at $38.00. 1 0 000038.0 38 .00015E7 15
EX0005 EX5 Excursions
  • Vaughn Keller and Melody Barlow
Outing on Buzzards Bay
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A days outing for two on Buzzards Bay with sight seeing and/or fishing. Lunch is included. Leave from Onset Marina.

This excursion will be one to tell your grandkids!

1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
SE0018 SE18 Services
  • Norm and Diane Stillman
Babysitting with Emma Stillman
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One night babysitting. Up to 5 hours with up to 3 children. Can include light meal prep and clean up. Will engage in age appropriate games, stories and/ or crafts. Experienced and certified. 1 0 000040.0 40 .0001E7 10
MS0015 MS15 Miscellaneous
  • Norm and Diane Stillman
Wissle 12 Port Feeder and Bird Seed One brand new Wissle Squirrel Resistant 12 Port Tube Bird Feeder and Bird Seed 1 0 000050.0 50 .00015E7 15
FA0002 FA2 Fellowship Activities
  • Amy and Joe Palmer
Family Outdoor Game Night
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Lawn bocce, four square, corn hole and if we're really crazy, maybe Capture the Flag. For safety reasons, we won't be able to have a 1970s game of jarts. Dinner and drinks will be provided. Family is defined as whatever it is for you although canine and feline family members should probably stay home. Six families maximum.

Tentative date: May 14th

1 -5 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
EX0004 EX4 Excursions
  • Sandi Pierce
Scenic Day Trip to Chatham on Cape Cod
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I will provide transportation to Chatham (my hometown) on Saturday, May 21, for 3 people. We will walk the main street (approx. 3/4 mile) stopping to shop as desired and have lunch. Also includes scenic tour by car of beautiful sights: Lighthouse, harbor area, Shore Drive, etc. I will provide transportation and scenic tour; shopping and lunch costs will be up to you. 1 -2 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10 5/21/16 9:30 AM
SE0017 SE17 Services
  • Sandi Pierce
I Will Do Your Errands!
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Our lives are filled with errands that need to get done. Do you need to go grocery shopping? Pick up dry cleaning? Go to the bank? CVS? Post Office? I'm offering 2 hours of time and transportation to accomplish your errands.

Limited to Plymouth/Kingston/Carver areas.

2 0 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20
MS0014 MS14 Miscellaneous
  • Full Sail Pub
Gift Certificate
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Full Sail Pub located at 47 Court Street in downtown Plymouth has donated a $25.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
FO0010 FO10 Food
  • Bella Piazza Cafe
Gift Certificate
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Bella Piazza located at 15 Main Street in downtown Plymouth has donated a gift certificate for 2 pizzas. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
MS0013 MS13 Miscellaneous
  • Caliente Hair Salon
Gift Certificate
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Caliente Hair Salon located at 68 Court Street in downtown Plymouth has donated a $50.00 gift certificate.

Caliente Hair Salon is the Hottest hair salon in downtown Plymouth Ma. Our amazing stylists will have you looking trendy and feeling beautiful inside and out! "We'll turn your hot-mess into hot-ness!!"

1 0 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
MS0012 MS12 Miscellaneous
  • Style Unlimited
Gift Certificate
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Style Unlimited located at 62 Court Street in downtown Plymouth has donated a $50.00 gift certificate.

Fashion fades, style is eternal!

1 0 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
MS0011 MS11 Miscellaneous
  • Bradford's Liquors
Gift Certificate
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Bradford's Liquors, located at 230 Sandwich Street, Plymouth has donated a $25.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
FO0009 FO9 Food
  • Stop & Shop Manomet
Gift Certificate
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Stop & Shop in Manomet has donated a $25.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
AR0011 AR11 Artwork
  • Jan & Gene Blanchard
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8" x 10" matted photograph by Jan Palmer-Tarbox. 1 0 000035.0 35 .00015E7 15
AR0010 AR10 Artwork
  • Jan & Gene Blanchard
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8" x 10" matted photograph by Jan Palmer-Tarbox 1 0 000035.0 35 .00015E7 15
AR0009 AR9 Artwork
  • Jan & Gene Blanchard
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8" x 10" matted photograph by Jan Palmer-Tarbox. 1 0 000035.0 35 .00015E7 15
EN0002 EN2 Entertainment
  • Jim & Ann Marie Schulze
A Sinatra Celebration-Plymouth Phil.
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Spring Pops-A Sinatra Celebration - Happy 100th birthday Frank Sinatra! Let's make a wish, blow out the candles together and Fly Me to the Moon! The finale to our 100th season celebrates the Great American Songbook style of ol'blue eyes with special guest John Stevens, whose debut album, Mr. Nice Guy, reflects the sound and swagger reminiscent of Sinatra's jazzy days!

2 1 000025.0 25 .00055E7 55 5/21/16 12:08 PM
SE0016 SE16 Services
  • Ed Hardy
I think Rev. Ed should preach about. . .
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Choose a sermon topic--some past winners, Poker, female Greek Goddesses, What would you do for world peace.

Winner picks a sermon topic and has lunch with Rev. Ed to discuss how the topic will be treated.

1 0 000100.0 100 .0002E7 20
FO0008 FO8 Food
  • Kiskadee Coffee
Ground Coffee
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Kiskadee Coffee, located at 18 Main Street in downtown Plymouth has donated 2 lbs. of ground coffee. 1 0 000022.0 22 .0001E7 10
AR0008 AR8 Artwork
  • Jan & Gene Blanchard
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Jan Palmer-Tarbox has donated a 4"x6" matted and framed photograph. 1 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
AR0007 AR7 Artwork
  • Jan & Gene Blanchard
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Jan Palmer-Tarbox has donated an 11"x14" matted and framed photograph. 1 0 000075.0 75 .0005E7 50
FO0007 FO7 Food
  • O'Donovan's of Plymouth
Gift Basket
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O'Donovan's of Plymouth is offering "A Basket of Stonewall Kitchen Products" 1 0 000050.0 50 .00015E7 15
MS0010 MS10 Miscellaneous
  • Shelley-Jo Talvacchia
Handmade Basket
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Shelley-Jo Talvacchia has donated a beautiful handmade "Shiplight" basket which measures 10" across with a oak handle, cherry base and rim. 1 0 000125.0 125 .00065E7 65
SE0014 SE14 Services
  • Live Life Believe Fitness
One Month Free Membership
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Live Life Believe Fitness has donated a one month unlimited membership. The club is located at 10 Cordage Park, and has been voted the #1 Health Club in Plymouth and the lower South Shore. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
AR0006 AR6 Artwork
  • Valerie Peck
Pottery Art Vase
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Valerie Peck has donated a magnificent hand made art vase which measures 11 1/2" high. It holds 5 inches of water which is more than enough for you to use it a vase for flowers. 1 1 000150.0 150 .00075E7 75
T0001 T1 Tickets
  • Capt. John Whale Watch
2 Whale Watch Tickets
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2 adult passes for a Captain John Whale Watch, good till the end of October 2017. They have a combined value of 98.00. Bidding is for both tickets.

Must call in advance to make reservation.

Bidding is for both tickets.

1 0 000098.0 98 .0003E7 30
MS0009 MS9 Miscellaneous
  • Diane Brosnan
Violin accent light
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Violin accent light on stand. It measures 13"h x 5 1/2w. 1 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
SE0013 SE13 Services
  • Norm and Diane Stillman
Court Street Animal Hospital Gift Certificate
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$100 Gift Certificate for Goods or Services at Court Street Animal Hospital 1 0 000100.0 100 .0002E7 20
AR0005 AR5 Artwork
  • Jan & Gene Blanchard
Original Oil Painting by Charles Tarbox
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Framed oil on canvas by Charles Tarbox. Painting is entitled "Village of Bibury".

Painting measures 11" x 14"

1 1 000175.0 175 .001E7 100
FA0001 FA1 Fellowship Activities
  • Linda Harding
Lobster Dinner on the Waterfront
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Linda Harding is offering a lobster dinner outside on the waterfront, Sunday evening in July prior to sunset (weather permitting).

Bidding is per person.

4 -1 000025.0 25 .0002E7 20
SE0012 SE12 Services
  • Chris Lennon
Muscle for Hire
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Two hours (or slightly more if necessary) of labor and help around your yard. Help with clean-up of shed, garage or yard, anything reasonable. Date to be determined. 1 0 000060.0 60 .0002E7 20
AR0004 AR4 Artwork
  • Jan & Gene Blanchard
Original Oil Painting by Charles Tarbox
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Framed oil on canvas entitled "The River Stour", Dorcet, England - by Charles Tarbox.

Painting measures 12" x 16.

1 0 000175.0 175 .001E7 100
JE0002 JE2 Jewelry
  • Rick McDonald
Jewelry Box with jewelry
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Chinese gold painted jewelry box with painted mother of pearl figurines on top and front. Top tray and 3 drawers lined with red silk. Included with box is collection of costume jewelry donated by Julia Rose. 1 0 000060.0 60 .00025E7 25
EX0003 EX3 Excursions
  • Julia Rose
Walk along Sandwich Boardwalk with Picnic on Beach
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Julia Rose & Rick McDonald are offering to take a group of people for a walk along Sandwich Boardwalk and then have a picnic on the beach with homemade lunch and dessert. We will provide food, drink, and blankets. We would like to arrange this for either late spring or early fall. Exact date can be flexible.

We can only provide transportation for 6 people.

Bidding is per person. Children free.

6 1 000030.0 30 .0001E7 10
SE0011 SE11 Services
  • Brooke Bradley
Kid Yoga Class
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One hour of yoga adventure for 6 lucky children, ages 3-12.
We will meet at the church and play, stretch, connect and commune with nature in the backyard from 1-2, Sunday, April 24th. Date and number of attendees negotiable.
$15 a head to start?
6 2 000100.0 100 .00015E7 15 4/24/16 1:00 PM
MS0008 MS8 Miscellaneous
  • Something for Your Dust
Gift Certificate
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Something for Your Dust, located at 16 Court St., in Plymouth has donated a $25.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
MM0004 MM4 Meals and More
  • Dianne Zolla & Dana Perlow
Bocce, Burger & Beer Bash
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Get ready for the Zolla/Perlow annual Bocce, Burger & Beer Bash. Bring your favorite side dish and enjoy an afternoon of fun & food. Come early and enjoy the beach for the day.

Bidding is by the carload, not per person. Max number of cars is 6.

Date forthcoming!

6 0 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
SE0010 SE10 Services
  • Anne-Marie Harnett
Polarity Therapy Session
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Polarity therapy was created by a chiropractor in the 1950s. It is a transformational bodywork therapy that balances the body, emotions and energy field. You stay fully dressed, and the session includes pressure points, stretches, light touch and deep touch. People say that this modality has them feel more deeply relaxed than anything else they've ever experienced! This is life changing, transformational work. 1 1 000080.0 80 .0004E7 40
SE0009 SE9 Services
  • Anne-Marie Harnett
Hour and a Half Massage!
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Enjoy an hour and a half massage from someone who has been in the field for eighteen years! Advanced modalities such as myofascial therapy, deep tissue, trigger point therapy and reflexology will be incorporated. Each session is custom designed to meet your needs. Relax and enjoy! 1 -1 000120.0 120 .0006E7 60
MS0007 MS7 Miscellaneous
  • Donna Petrangelo
Fiddle and Case
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Fiddle, case, and bow—perfect for embarking on a new musical adventure. Very good condition, although the fiddle needs to be tuned. 1 0 000075.0 75 .00035E7 35
MS0006 MS6 Miscellaneous
  • Donna Petrangelo
The Byrds Complete Columbia recordings.
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The Byrds Complete Columbia recordings. Thirteen disks, all in excellent condition. 1 0 000030.0 30 .00015E7 15
MS0005 MS5 Miscellaneous
  • Donna Petrangelo
Rotating Composter
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Rotating composter—a great gift for an avid gardener. Originally purchased at Morrison’s, the composter is in good condition. Purchaser will need to pick it up since it is too big to fit in my car. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
JE0001 JE1 Jewelry
  • Donna Petrangelo
Turquoise necklace
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Turquoise necklace—beautiful, small stones with a silver clasp. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
AR0003 AR3 Artwork
  • Donna Petrangelo
"Sea and Sky" original pastel
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“Sea and Sky”—original pastel by Donna Petrangelo. Painting dimensions = 9” x 12”. 1 1 000450.0 450 .002E7 200
AR0002 AR2 Artwork
  • Donna Petrangelo
Pastel print by Anne Heywood
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Pastel print by Anne Heywood. “Protected” is #3/200. Colors are subtle and beautiful, and the print is in its original wrapping. 1 1 000100.0 100 .0004E7 40
SE0008 SE8 Services
  • John & Dell Hammond
Harmonica Lessons
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John is offering beginner harmonica lessons, 2 - 4 lessons. Date and time to be determined. 1 0 000150.0 150 .0005E7 50
MS0004 MS4 Miscellaneous
  • Rick McDonald
Japanese Temples, Sculpture, Paintings, Gardens and Architecture
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Book measures 10.5" x 14" x 2.5" and is excellent condition.

554 pages with many illustrations. The first section of the book is a time line of Japanese temples with the second portion being devoted to specific temples: Horyuji, Yakushiji, Todaiji, Toshodaiji, Taimadera, Muroji, Byodoin, Chusonji, Joruriji, Jingoji and Kozanji, Kenchoji and Engakuji, Saihoji and Ryoanji, Kinkakuji and Ginkakuji, Daitokuji. Each section typically begins with a blue fold out page that lists the name of the Temple and the photographer, with an illustration of the compound and a description of the plates in the section.

1 1 000030.0 30 .0001E7 10
EX0002 EX2 Excursions
  • John & Dell Hammond
Trip to Long Beach
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Trip out to the end of Long Beach and back for 2 people.

Long Beach is an important breeding and nesting site for several threatened and endangered shorebirds, including the Piping Plover and the Least, Arctic, Common and Roseate Terns. The beach is a critical checkpoint in migratory birds flight. The birds stop here to rejuvenate. The birds' routes typically span up to 3,000 miles (4,858 km) of non-stop flight. The barrier beach is intensively managed by the Town of Plymouth to allow some recreational activities while protecting nesting birds and the fragile barrier beach system. Plover and tern nesting areas are monitored and protected by Town staff. One of the largest Common Tern colonies in Massachusetts is located at the point.

1 -1 000045.0 45 .00025E7 25
SE0007 SE7 Services
  • Peter Dudensing
THREE piano lessons
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Have you heard Niles play on a Sunday morning and thought "I want to be able to do that!" Now is your chance to get started. Peter Dudensing is offering three piano lessons at 20 North Street. 1 0 000075.0 75 .0003E7 30
SE0006 SE6 Services
  • Amy and Joe Palmer
Request: Somebody with a large ladder We have a drainpipe that has fallen down from way up high and we just don't have the height to get it back up there. We're looking for somebody with a large ladder who can come to the house and help get the drainpipe back in place. It will take maybe 10 minutes. It's driving me crazy! 1 0 000025.0 25 .0E7 0
SE0005 SE5 Services
  • John & Dell Hammond
Pick-Up Truck
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I will donate use of my pick-up truck with me as driver. If you have something that needs hauled away, this is your opportunity to load it onto my truck and away we go. 1 1 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
EN0001 EN1 Entertainment
  • Jen & Brett Creane
Outdoor Drive in Movie Theater
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I will bring a 12’ inflatable movie screen, digital projector, sound system, DVD player, video game system, drive-in style intermission ads, and a popcorn machine to your house for a complete outdoor drive-in style party. You choose the movie and/or game, I will provide the rest. Perfect for a kid’s birthday party or any outdoor event you want to host. You will need at least a small yard. Dates can be arranged with Brett Creane. Party can begin right at sunset, and will be weather-dependent (if it does rain, we’ll just pick another date). 1 0 000350.0 350 .001E7 100
FO0006 FO6 Food
  • Jen & Brett Creane
Mac & Cheese
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We'll make two separate big batches of mac & cheese (if you were at the service auction meeting, the same stuff). Just give us a few days notice before each. Then heat it…freeze it…tell the kids it’s Stouffer’s…whatever you’d like. 2 0 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
EX0001 EX1 Excursions
  • Ken Stone
Kayak Lesson for two on Great Island Pond
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Enjoy a relaxing day paddling around Great Island Pond with Ken Stone. Ken is providing a kayak lesson for two people together on the beautiful 77 acre pond located in the Pinehills. All equipment is provided along with a lunch back at Ken's home in Great Island. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
VA0001 VA1 Vacation/Lodging
  • Ben Embry & Bill Fornaciari
P-Town Condo for a weekend!
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A condo in Provincetown for a weekend! Located in the East End in a very quiet neighborhood with a quick five minute walk to the center of town and the Harbor beach at the end of the street. Weekend will have to be determined with buyer and us (Long weekends excluded). It has a full kitchen, bathroom (obviously) and sleeps two adults (no children, please). Parking included. If in season, use of bikes, beach chairs and so forth. Although there may be some weekends available during the in season, availability may be limited. This is a deal that can't be missed! 1 0 000350.0 350 .0015E7 150
FO0005 FO5 Food
  • Marie Lunt
1/2 Sheet Cake or equivalent
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1/2 sheet cake or equivalent (3 dozen cupcakes) lovingly baked and decorated for your special occasion by Marie Lunt. 2 0 000075.0 75 .0002E7 20
FO0004 FO4 Food
  • Marie Lunt
Homemade Cookies for 1 year!
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3 dozen cookies lovingly baked and delivered in the local Plymouth area - 6 times in the next year by baker extraordinaire Marie Lunt. 2 0 000180.0 180 .0003E7 30
MM0003 MM3 Meals and More
  • John & Dell Hammond
Brunch on the deck
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Dell & John Hammond will be hosting a home cooked brunch on their wonderful deck (weather permitting). The menu includes fresh fruit, eggs, sausage and egg casserole, potato surprise, bloody Mary's/ mimosas, coffee, tea, desserts and great conversation.

Bidding is per person.

8 2 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20 6/11/16 10:00 AM
CO0001 CO1 Collectibles
  • Conley & Sandi Pierce
4 Piece Carving Set
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Vintage 4 piece carving set in original fitted box. Handles are hand-carved stag horn. From Germany. 1 0 000075.0 75 .00025E7 25
CH0001 CH1 China/Glass
  • First Parish
Popcorn set
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Never been used 5 piece pottery popcorn set. Large bowl measures 9" x 7 1/4" and the 4 other bowls measure 7" x 3 1/2". Dishwasher safe.

Popcorn not included.

1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
AR0001 AR1 Artwork
  • Rick McDonald
Turkey at First Parish
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Photograph taken of turkey waiting to get into service at Brewster Chapel. Talk about having a diverse congregation. 1 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
SE0004 SE4 Services
  • Conley & Sandi Pierce
Lamp Repair
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I will repair or rewire a table or floor lamp. You pay for parts. 3 2 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25
MS0003 MS3 Miscellaneous
  • Rick McDonald
One Hundred Flowers
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One Hundred Flowers features 100 beautifully photographed color portraits of dahlias, roses, anemones, poppies, pansies, orchids, tulips, azaleas, peonies, and other flowers in exquisite detail. Each variety is coupled with a brief description, including tips about cultivation. Book is in excellent condition. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
SE0003 SE3 Services
  • Conley & Sandi Pierce
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I will perform a minor repair to your home, such as (but not limited to) fixing a doorknob, replace a light switch or outlet, oil a hinge, free up a sash window or storm window, hang a picture, repair a downspout,...WHAT DO YOU NEED DONE?

My labor - Your materials.

2 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
SE0002 SE2 Services
  • Conley & Sandi Pierce
A Wash 'N Wax
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I will wash and wax the exterior of your car in my garage. 2 0 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20
SE0001 SE1 Services
  • Conley & Sandi Pierce
Air Conditioner Installation/Removal
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I will install your window air conditioner if and when summer ever returns, and will take it down in the fall. Minimum bid is per unit. 3 1 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25
MS0002 MS2 Miscellaneous
  • Plymouth Bay Winery
Plymouth Bay Winery Gift Certificate
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Plymouth Bay Winery (located at 114 Water Street) has donated a $25.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
MM0002 MM2 Meals and More
  • Isaac's Restaurant
Isaac's Gift Certificate
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Isaac's Restaurant has donated a $50.00 gift certificate.

Isaac's Restaurant is located at 114 Water St. on the historic Plymouth waterfront with spectacular views of Plymouth Harbor, the Mayflower and a stones throw from Plymouth Rock.

1 0 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
MM0001 MM1 Meals and More
  • Sam Diego's
Sam Diego's
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Sam Diego's Mexican Restaurant in Plymouth, has donated a $25.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
MS0001 MS1 Miscellaneous
  • WB Mason
Keurig K130 Brewing System
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A brand new Keurig brewing system which brews one 8-ounce cup in under three minutes. No accidental spills,and no glass pots to clean, break or crack. 1 0 000065.0 65 .0001E7 10
FO0002 FO2 Food
  • T-Bones Roadhouse
Gift Certificate
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T-Bones Roadhouse has donated a $25.00 gift certificate which can be used at T-Bones in Plymouth, The Pour House Bar & Grill in Boston, or Whiskey's Steakhouse in Boston. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
FO0001 FO1 Food
  • Stop & Shop Super Store
Stop & Shop Gift Certificate
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Stop & Shop $25.00 gift certificate. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10