Nov 2015 Auction Catalog - 6 item(s) printable view
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A0004 A4 UUs At Your Service
  • Ken and Aletha Solter
Cooperative Games & Ice Ceam The LOUUC Wednesday night covenant group invites you to join them for an evening of cooperative games. Try new games, not board games and enjoy the fellowship of other guests in a supportive atmosphere of playing together. Children ages 10 and up are welcome. Always a winner -- ice cream will be served! To be held in the Fellowship Hall. 15 15 .00015E7 15 1/26/18 7:00 PM
A0003 A3 UUs At Your Service
  • Kristin Otte and Mike Zika
NOUNS-The Ultimate Word Game Join Liz Zok and Kristin Otte for rousing games of NOUNS- a parlor game played by teams in three rounds of hints, clues and charades. It's easy to learn, but challenging because each round is played a different way. Be prepared to step out of the box and expand your capabilities. Appropriate for 10 years and older. Appetizers and dessert will be served. 16 16 .00035E7 35 2/3/18 5:00 PM
R0001 R1 Raffle
  • Mary Ann Kaestner
Lunch at Wood Glen Hall Five people, singly or as a group, are invited to lovely Wood Glen Hall to have lunch with Mary Ann Kaestner. Date to be determined 5 5 .0002E7 20
A0002 A2 UUs At Your Service
  • Jane Gray
Autumnal Cocktails and Nibbles Join your friends for a delightful evening of delicious (heavy) appetizers and cocktails all inspired by the flavors of autumn's harvest. 12 12 .0003E7 30 11/4/17 4:30 PM
A0001 A1 UUs At Your Service
  • Melanie Jacobson and Jim Pearson
Short bread and Lemon Curd Baking Class Learn to make lemon curd and the many varieties of short bread in the kitchen of Jim Pearson. Leave the class with your own lemon tart and the skills to please the multitudes. 4 4 .00025E7 25
Z0001 Z1 Cakewalk
  • Melanie Jacobson and Jim Pearson
Melanie's Fruit Tart
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Enjoy this delicious, festive, visually appealing 12" fruit tart for a special occasion of your choice. A buttery shortbread crust with a cheesecake custard is topped with fresh, seasonal fruit. Serves 8-12. One-week prior notice requested for the baker. 1 1 .00025E7 25