USH 2020 Auction Auction Catalog - 63 item(s) printable view
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Item0 Item Category Donors Item Name Picture Description Qty Buy it Now Left Est0 Est Val Min0 Min Price Date
M0018 M18 Miscellaneous
  • Ruth Rempt
Artist's Shirt
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This beautiful, one-of-a-kind artist's shirt will delight any artist. It was designed and made by Maine fabric artist, Christine Burgess, who is UU and a long time Ferry Beacher. 1 1 000080.0 80 .0005E7 50
M0017 M17 Miscellaneous
  • Brian Goodgion
Gardening Hat
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Hand made blue cotton/polyester hat. Fully lined. Great for gardening. Made by Brian Goodgion 1 0 000040.0 40 .0003E7 30
S0020 S20 Services
  • Ruth Rempt
Individualized Nutritional Assessment and Recommendations Ruth Rempt, MS, RD,CD/N, LDN will provide a telephone consultation including assessment of your nutritional status taking into account your medical, fitness, allergies, and other concerns you may have. Then, together, we will make a food and nutrition plan to help you reach your goals. Process will take about an hour and documentation will be provided. 1 0 000080.0 80 .0005E7 50
T0005 T5 Teaching
  • Amy Martin
6 Week Spanish Course on Zoom Amy Martin and Mary Sanders team up to offer 6 fun sessions of Spanish lessons in the winter/spring. Each group class meets for 1.5 hours via Zoom and will have no more than 8 students. 1 0 000150.0 150 .001E7 100
D0003 D3 Dinners/Brunches
  • Tara Cote & Paul Jacob
Beer and Cheese Pairing (Virtual) We will be putting together a beer and cheese pairing. The morning of the tasting we will drop off containers with the cans of beer and portioned out cheese. There will be 3 cans of beer and 3 cheeses to create your own cheese plate. Each ticket will be enough for one person, but you could share if you want very small amounts. Please let us know if you are a vegetarian. I will send out a zoom link and the evening of January 16th we will meet on zoom and do a tasting all together. Please let me know if there is an issue with that date, January 23rd is also a possibility. 10 5 000040.0 40 .0003E7 30 1/16/21 5:00 PM
M0016 M16 Miscellaneous
  • Eve and Ray Pech
Pool table
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Used 7-foot pool table (7'2" x 4') with full set of billiard balls and cue sticks. Winning bidder responsible for picking item up at Eve and Ray's home. 1 1 000300.0 300 .0008E7 80
S0019 S19 Services
  • Jan Carlsson-Bull
Personal Holiday Letter in Verse. Unique holiday verse created for individual or family holiday greetings. Winning bidders will provide Dr. Carlsson-Bull with raw material about the Holiday greeting they would like her to write. 2 2 000150.0 150 .00075E7 75
T0004 T4 Teaching
  • Jan Carlsson-Bull
Life and Legacy of Henry David Thoreau Explore the life and legacy of David Thoreau. We will review the impact of this thinker’s fresh worldview in the 19th-century as well as his continuing influence. Four-part zoom series (1.5 hours/session) on the life and legacy of Henry David Thoreau, offered during February and March--dates TBD, either every other week, beginning in late February and concluding the week just before Easter OR weekly through March. Led by Dr. Jan Carlsson-Bull. Participants will need a working knowledge of how to access zoom and will be requested to do some pre-reading. 25 24 000095.0 95 .0003E7 30
M0015 M15 Miscellaneous
  • Eve and Ray Pech
Stroud upright piano
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A 100+ year old Stroud upright piano, converted from player to manual. It is a handsome piece; needs a tune-up and repairs to a couple of sticking keys. Winning bidder responsible for pickup at Ray and Eve Pech's home. Interested bidders may contact Ray at 860-379-5035 1 1 000250.0 250 .001E7 100
M0014 M14 Miscellaneous
  • Eve and Ray Pech
Classic sewing machine and self storage table.
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Classic style sewing machine that lowers into a wooden case with a side shelf that opens up as an adjoining table. Brand is New Home. 1 1 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
B0001 B1 Baskets
  • Megan Cummings
Kids art project basket
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Artist's tote filled with kids art supplies (paints, water colors, paint brushes, crayons, markers, art paper, finger paints, etc). This will also be a LIVE auction item. 1 0 000070.0 70 .0005E7 50
A0002 A2 Artwork
  • Buffie Pinney
Framed Impressionist style print
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Framed Impressionist style print of Cafe Street Scene 1 1 000060.0 60 .00035E7 35
FD0013 FD13 Food
  • Rev. Cathy Rion Starr
Christmas Cookie Baking "Class" / Experience We'll gather in Zoom to make:
• Chocolate Chip Mint Meringues
• Chocolate Truffles

You pick up the ingredients from USH or the Rion Starr household in the days before, bring them home, and join me on Zoom where we'll walk through everything step by step.

All ages & baking experience welcome! These recipes are gluten free, but not dairy free

Equipment needed:
2 cookie sheets
*Electric or hand mixer to beat the egg whites
*Double Boiler or a small metal bowl that fits inside a small pot for the stove
Counter space, mixing spoon, mixing bowl
Hands you're willing to get messy
Nose to smell the deliciousness with
Tummy to growl when smell the deliciousness
**Mouth to eat with

*If you don't have these, no problem! Just let me know ahead of time so we can figure out an alternative.
**I recommend having more than one mouth to eat -- or be willing to get a stomach ache.

20 15 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20 12/5/20 1:00 PM
V0001 V1 Vacation/Lodging
  • Nancy & Ted Johnson
A weekend (up to 3 nights) at a Washington, DC row house
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Our 2 bedroom, 2 bath row house in Washington, D.C. is simple but within walking distance of the Mall museums and capitol. You must be able to do steps as the bathrooms are on the 2nd floor. Maximum 4 people. Available after January 1, 2021. This is a LIVE auction item 1 0 001500.0 1,500 .005E7 500
FD0012 FD12 Food
  • Chris Wilt
Soup on the Dock Enjoy a socially-distanced lunch or dinner on our dock. We have two picnic tables on the dock, so we can enjoy soup and company from a safe distance. Soup is guest's choice - either vegan lentil soup or split pea and ham soup. Date is flexible, and can be in the fall, an unnaturally warm day in the winter, or spring, to be decided by mutual agreement by guest and host.

The venue is our dock, which is located in Middlefield, CT on Beseck Lake at our new home. The dock is, unfortunately, not handicap accessible, but if needed we can enjoy the soup on tables set up in the driveway, where you can still get a view of the lake.

4 0 000040.0 40 .0003E7 30
E0001 E1 Excursions
  • Tara Cote & Paul Jacob
Magical World of Mushrooms Hike Take a hike with Tara and discover the magical world of mycology! Tara is an outdoor educator who typically works with children leading hikes in the woods, but has a deep love of the fungi kingdom and has been mushroom hunting with her father (a mycologist) since she was a small child. Explore the world of mushrooms all around us and never look at the woods in the same way again! The best time to look for mushrooms is in the Spring and Fall.

Currently our dates are Sunday May 23rd with a rain date of Sunday June 6th. This will be a socially distanced and masked hike if Covid is still a major issue. I may also offer some summer or fall dates if folks feel they are not still comfortable.

*no we will not be sampling any magic mushrooms on this hike

15 7 000025.0 25 .0002E7 20 5/23/21 2:00 PM
A0001 A1 Artwork
  • Anne Sheffield
Poppy Prayers
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acrylic with texture and some iridescence, painting, 16x20, framed 1 1 000200.0 200 .0005E7 50
D0002 D2 Dinners/Brunches
  • Sherry Manetta & Brian Harvey
Virtual gathering for dinner, comradery and fun Fresh entree-sized salmon from Deepwater Seafood in Avon, plus surprise snacks, delivered to your doorstep the day of the dinner. Our special marinade provided on request. You cook and provide your own sides and dessert. Show off your super-chef skills and participate in some creative entertainment.

We will zoom from 7 to 9PM on Saturday, February 27th (or a date to be agreed). Opening bid is $25/person; 8 highest bidders selected.

10 3 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25 2/27/21 7:00 PM
S0018 S18 Services
  • Susan Hope
Spring yard cleanup by Susan Susan will do whatever you need for a half day (4 hours) of spring yard cleanup—weeding, spreading mulch, raking—whatever is needed! 1 0 000075.0 75 .0005E7 50
J0001 J1 Jewelry
  • Alfred & Kathy Herzog
Two Encouragement Bracelet to Give to Grown Daughters
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Two Silver-colored, open bracelets from mint&lily are engraved inside with the picture of a crown and the words "WHENEVER YOU FEEL OVERWHELMED.., REMEMBER WHOSE DAUGHTER YOU ARE AND STRAIGHTEN YOUR CROWN." The crown means that in times of struggle, we remember to stand a little taller, stronger, and to straighten our crown. This is a symbol of the power that we each have within ourselves given to us by those who came before us. Bracelets are handsomely boxed. 2 1 000060.0 60 .00025E7 25
S0017 S17 Services
  • Bob White
15 Hours of Genealogy Research and/or Teaching How to Research Includes (if desired) multiple family tree charts and reports. This has been a popular item in past USH auctions. If anyone is interested in bidding, they could contact Peter Many, Janice Newton, or Rev. Heather to get their opinions of Bob's genealogy work. 1 0 000300.0 300 .0008E7 80
FD0011 FD11 Food
  • Judy & Rick Robbins
Home Made Kombucha for 6 months
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Kombucha is a slightly effervescent beverage made by fermenting tea. The process takes one-two weeks and results in a healthful drink which contains lots of probiotics to support digestive and immune functions. Judy Robbins has been home-brewing kombucha for well over ten years. Commercial kombucha products vary widely in taste and tanginess and Judy humbly believes her home brew tastes consistently better than commercial brews. Judy’s kombucha is naturally flavored. Some like to add fruit juice or grated ginger. Each 4-oz serving contains fewer than 15 calories.
What you get:
One large 1½-quart bottle of Judy’s kombucha delivered to your door for six months. That’s 12 four-ounce servings. Bought at the store, each large bottle would sell for about $10. Place your bid for 6 bottles accordingly.
1 0 000080.0 80 .0005E7 50
M0013 M13 Miscellaneous
  • Diane Cadrain
Handmade Wool Jacket
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This beautiful jacket was made by and is offered by Diane Cadrain. The fabric is soft wool from a fabric store in NYC. The rose- colored triangle on the back is silk and the embellishment in the panel is hand-knit as is the trim around the neck and down the front.
Size- Jacket is a generously-sized medium. This will be one of our LIVE auction items.
1 0 000200.0 200 .0006E7 60
S0016 S16 Services
  • Lisa Galinski
Creative Relationship Coaching Session (for spouses/partners)
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In times of challenge and change, as you spend even more time with your spouse you may run into dimensions of your relationship where you would like to bring more creativity and consciousness. A 90-minute creative relationship coaching can help you achieve that goal!

Lisa is a professional certified coach with expertise working with individuals, relationships and teams for over 10 years. She loves working with couples to bring more intentionality and harmony into their relationships!

3 1 000150.0 150 .0005E7 50
S0015 S15 Services
  • Lisa Galinski
Reiki Distance Healing for Peace of Mind Feeling the toll of these challenging times? If you're feeling tired, stressed or anxious, are suffering with chronic pain, or just want to relax, reiki energy therapy can help! Reiki balances the energies of the body and works on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

A reiki session can be done with gentle 'hands-on' or by distance. The USH auction session will be by distance for 45-60 minutes. Lisa will guide your reiki session on an open Zoom line (video optional) with you in the comfort and safety of your home and Lisa from her home.

Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) is a gentle relaxation and healing technique. It is a holistic therapy that removes blocks to the flow of energy in your body and facilitates balance and support on many levels. When the energy flow in your body is restored and/or balanced, you are more likely to feel relaxed and your body’s natural healing abilities are utilized. This can ease chronic pain, lessen anxiety and tension, decrease fatigue, strengthen the immune system, reduce the effects of stress and provide a sense of well being and peace.

Lisa Galinski is a Reiki Master and loves to offer Reiki to support healing and wellbeing. She has offered reiki in person and by distance across thousands of miles to bring comfort, peace of mind and ease pain.

5 1 000085.0 85 .0004E7 40
M0012 M12 Miscellaneous
  • Miriam Byroade
Handmade face masks
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Package of 3 face masks handmade by Miriam. Each package comes with a cloth extender strap if you don't like the elastic face mask strap pulling at the back of your ears. Miriam will send winning bidders their set of 3 masks via mail. 3 2 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25
T0003 T3 Teaching
  • Carolyn Carlson
Zoom Training: Learn to host Zoom meetings with friends and family. 3 – 4 online sessions, including introduction, training, practice and assisting with first Zoom call, if desired. Must have a relatively modern personal computer or laptop and use Apple IOS or Windows Operating System. 1 0 000080.0 80 .0005E7 50
S0012 S12 Services
  • Stephanie Briggs
Birth Chart Astrology Reading Join Stephanie Briggs for a soul-centered exploration of your astrological birth chart, including your sun, moon, rising sign, and lunar nodes.

Together we'll explore some of the major themes and patterns in your life, your personal gifts and challenges, and your soul's overall path of growth in this lifetime.

What's included:
*90 minute Zoom call with Stephanie to learn about your chart & ask questions
*Session recording
*PDF of your birth chart wheel

IMPORTANT: Your birth date, location, and exact time of birth (or a close estimate) are required in order to accurately draw your chart.

1 0 000175.0 175 .00075E7 75
FD0010 FD10 Food
  • Janice Newton
Chocolate Mousse
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Rich, creamy chocolate mousse surrounded by ladyfingers and topped with whipped cream and grated chocolate. Serves at least 12. This can be made as one large mousse or 12 individual mousses. The individual mousses can be Gluten-Free if made without the lady fingers. Can be made available for pick-up at the USH Meeting House at a time mutually agreed upon. 1 0 000045.0 45 .0003E7 30
S0013 S13 Services
  • Stephanie Briggs
Akashic Records Reading Join Stephanie Briggs to discover your Akashic Record (also known as the Book of Life), which holds the complete imprint of your soul on all levels and through all time and space.

These intuitive guidance sessions are helpful in times of transition or when you want to get a new perspective on a situation, relationship, or pattern in your life. Includes an oracle card reading and personal healing process to anchor and integrate the session.

What's included:
*60 minute Zoom call with Stephanie
*Session recording

1 0 000125.0 125 .0005E7 50
S0011 S11 Services
  • Peter Meny
Cut the Cable Cord Peter will guide you through the entire process of firing your overpriced cable TV service and using antenna-based and streaming services to replace them at a fraction of the cost.

Pay $25 a month for streaming premium channels and get local channels for free (CPTV, ABS, CBS, NBC, and Fox) with a small inexpensive antenna. Picture quality is as good as, or better than, cable TV. All you need is an internet connection and a smart TV and a streaming service such as Roku (a one time cost about $50).

Peter will help you select the equipment you need, decide what streaming service works best for you, and set up the system. As a bonus, he can help you switch to an internet-based phone system as well (cost is less than $5 per month for free nationwide calling).

1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
D0001 D1 Dinners/Brunches
  • Nita Hansen
Mystery Brunch for Two (transportation provided) On a Saturday or Sunday morning, enjoy a 2 1/2 hour adventure being chauffeured to and from a mystery gourmet eating emporium. (Valid after pandemic permits “safe” access to restaurants and being together in car; I am a cautious person!)

The menu is fresh and creative, for example, *Babka French Toast ~ House-made Babka stuffed with fresh raspberry preserves and topped with our house-made raspberry jam and clotted cream *Irish Eggs Benedict ~ Poached eggs over grilled brown bread with smoked salmon and bacon. Topped with Hollandaise sauce and served with home fries. *Portabella Omelet ~ Brie, asparagus, and portabella mushrooms served with veggie hash and brown bread.

1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
FD0009 FD9 Food
  • Janice Newton
Chocolate Cake
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If you are a big chocolate fan,you will love this signature dessert of Janice Newton's: a double chocolate cake. Go for it! It has an indulgently moist texture combined with a rich chocolate flavor. Frosted with a creamy chocolate icing. If preferred, this can also be made Gluten-Free. Can be made available for pick-up at the USH Meeting House at a time mutually agreed upon. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00035E7 35
FD0008 FD8 Food
  • Janice Newton
Coconut Almond Chocolate Tart
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There is nothing like a dessert made by Janice Newton to make the end of a meal or event special. Coconut, almonds, and chocolate combine to make this a rich, tasty dessert. The tart can be frozen. It is a naturally gluten-free recipe. Can be made available for pick-up at the USH Meeting House at a time mutually agreed upon. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00035E7 35
FD0007 FD7 Food
  • Janice Newton
Pecan Pie
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9-inch Pecan pie brimming with pecans. Tender, flaky homemade crust. Can be made available for pick-up at the USH Meeting House at a time mutually agreed upon. 1 0 000035.0 35 .00025E7 25
FD0006 FD6 Food
  • Janice Newton
Pumpkin Pie
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Perfect for your Thanksgiving feast. 9-inch pumpkin pie. Homemade flaky crust.
Can be made available for pick-up at the USH Meeting House at a time mutually agreed upon.
1 0 000025.0 25 .0002E7 20
FD0005 FD5 Food
  • Janice Newton
Chocolate Chip Cookies
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A perennial favorite at USH functions. Get your own plate with 4 dozen of Janice's special Chocolate Chip cookies, brimming with chocolate chips. These can be regular, mint chocolate chip or Gluten-free regular or mint chocolate chip. . Can be made available for pick-up at the USH Meeting House at a time mutually agreed upon. 1 0 000045.0 45 .0003E7 30
FD0004 FD4 Food
  • Janice Newton
Cinnamon Swirl Bread
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Two loaves of Cinnamon Swirl Bread. Excellent toasted. Can be frozen. . Can be made available for pick-up at the USH Meeting House at a time mutually agreed upon. 1 0 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20
FD0003 FD3 Food
  • Janice Newton
9-inch Cheesecake with Apricot Topping
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New York style cheesecake. Creamy and rich. Nilla Wafer crust. Apricot topping. Can be frozen as a whole cake or cut into servings, wrapped in plastic wrap and sealed in plastic bag, and frozen. For a gluten free version, the cheesecake can be baked without the Wafer crumb crust. Can be made available for pick-up at the USH Meeting House at a time mutually agreed upon. 1 0 000060.0 60 .00035E7 35
M0008 M8 Miscellaneous
  • Mike Covault
N95 Masks - Box of 20
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Moldex brand N95 masks. Made in USA. Box of 20. Size medium/large. Let's hope this is a one time auction phenomenon.
Features: Dura-Mesh® shell resists collapsing in heat and humidity
Molded nose bridge seals easily without a metal noseband
Facepiece is naturally contoured for less pressure
Straps are securely attached so they don’t break at the seal
Softspun® lining for increased comfort and durability
Soft foam nose cushion for added comfort
1 0 000200.0 200 .001E7 100
M0007 M7 Miscellaneous
  • Mike Covault
No-touch thermometer
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iHealth PT3 inferred No-touch forehead thermometer. Gives a vibration to let you know reading successful.
We've tried several brands and found this to be a very reliable product. New unopened boxes.
Can't wait for the day we no longer need to monitor our temp daily.
2 0 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25
S0010 S10 Services
  • Stan Kemmerer
Job Search Assistance #2 What are the keys to a successful job search? Invest in your professional future. Stan has 35 years experience helping people of all skill levels successfully transition to new jobs. This is 1 on 1 coaching. Winning bidders contact Stan to set up your resume review and coaching session. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0004E7 40
S0009 S9 Services
  • Stan Kemmerer
Job Search Assistance #1 What are the keys to a successful job search? Invest in your professional future. Stan has 35 years experience helping people of all skill levels successfully transition to new jobs. This is 1 on 1 coaching. Winning bidders contact Stan to set up your resume review and coaching session. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0004E7 40
T0002 T2 Teaching
  • Wendy Nielsen
Ballroom Dancing Lessons Two (40 minute each) private lessons that winner can take at the meeting house when again open for functions. Can be used by a couple or single person, male or female. (price is same for couple or single). They contact Wendy to arrange an appointment time and date (anticipate Spring-Summer 2021). Expires 10/1/2021 1 1 000120.0 120 .0005E7 50
M0006 M6 Miscellaneous
  • Bob Hewey
  • Carol Simpson
Bose Wave Radio Model AWR1-1W Black
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In used but excellent working and cosmetic condition, a Bose Wave Radio Model AWR1-1W Black with remote control, power cord and User Guidel. A standard 9-Volt battery for power-outage backup is not included. These alarm clock radios sell regularly on eBay for $130+. 1 0 000130.0 130 .0005E7 50
M0005 M5 Miscellaneous
  • Tina Davies
Handmade Quilt
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This handmade quilt designed by Tina measures 71" x 79" — and could be used on a twin bed; also on a double, and even on a queen as long as one used it as a top covering and didn't mind the pillows uncovered. 100% cotton batik fabrics. Can be machine-washed (gentle cycle, cold water; use a color-catcher sheet) and machine-dried. This will also be one of our LIVE auction items. 1 0 000450.0 450 .003E7 300
M0004 M4 Miscellaneous
  • Virginia Hedrick
Port Wine Handbag
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This is a comfortable, mid-size, light weight bag with two zip tops and lined interior pockets.
There are also three exterior zip pockets for easy access on one side.
It can be worn as a cross body shoulder bag or hand bag. The adjustable shoulder strap can be detached.
Dimensions are: Width: 13 1/2”, Depth: 8” Color: “Port Wine”
1 1 000055.0 55 .0004E7 40
M0003 M3 Miscellaneous
  • Yakhonda Mwenelupembe
Malawian Tote bag
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Made from beautiful Malawian fabric. Padded lining, strong and sturdy. Large enough to fit a Laptop and other accessories. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0004E7 40
M0002 M2 Miscellaneous
  • Virginia Hedrick
Bread Baking Crock
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This is a lovely piece of pottery made by Kent Follette in North Louisiana. It can be used to bake bread, comes with a recipe for Italian Beer Bread, and many other dishes. The colors on this bowl are cream, shades of green, shades of lavender in the flower petals with black accents in the center of the flower. It is designed to be used in the oven, microwave and dishwasher. Each piece is finished with a beautiful lead-free glaze.
Always start with a cool oven. Never put over an open flame.
All Follette Potter carries a lifetime Guarantee.
Bowl Dimensions: 6 3/4” wide at the top, 4 3/4” wide at the base and 3 1/4” deep.
1 0 000055.0 55 .0004E7 40
FD0002 FD2 Food
  • James & Ellie Venneman
Kris Kringle Holiday Cookies These are the cookies Jim has made for people to decorate at over 25 "Festivals of the Seasons," many Sunday School groups, etc. They will be delivered at a mutually agreed upon date. The number will range from about 80 for angels to 160 for small snowmen. I will provide a sheet of paper showing suggested cutters. Cookies will be topped with vanilla frosting. Some will have appropriate sprinkles.
Ingredients are: butter, sugar, eggs, sour cream, flour, baking powder, salt, nutmeg, vanilla, milk, baking soda.
1 0 000060.0 60 .0004E7 40
FD0001 FD1 Food
  • James & Ellie Venneman
Cinnamon Ginger Snaps Batch of cutout cookies to be delivered at a mutually agreed upon date. Number will depend on the cutter(s) the successful bidder selects from a sheet of paper showing potential cutters. Recommended cutters include pumpkin (about 50 cookies) or gingerbread man (about 90 cookies), or a combination. Cookies topped with an orange frosting.
Ingredients are: cinnamon, ginger, sugar, butter, molasses, oil, flour, salt, cloves, orange juice.
1 0 000045.0 45 .00025E7 25
S0008 S8 Services
  • Bill Simmons
Create a 3-D Model You can work with an Experienced Designer to develop an actual 3D Model of your invention or customize a problem solution. Explore the creative process as real world engineers do. Bill will be your design teammate.
We will plan to meet at USH Library, hopefully in the spring of next year when COVID limitations allow. This will be among our LIVE auction items.
1 0 000250.0 250 .0005E7 50
T0001 T1 Teaching
  • Virginia de Lima
Rowing Lesson Virginia will teach you how to row. Lesson will be scheduled once we can be outside in the spring and COVID safety conditions allow - yes that time will come!! 1 0 000080.0 80 .0004E7 40
S0007 S7 Services
  • Linda Ericson-Ebel
Flower Arrangement
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Linda will buy fresh flowers from the wholesaler and create a beautiful fresh flower arrangement tailored to your needs. Pick a date you'd like the arrangement between now and Christmas. She will create the arrangement in your vase or provide one, your choice.
Linda has created arrangements for the Wadsworth Atheneum's "Art and Flowers" events. This will be one of our LIVE auction items.
1 0 000075.0 75 .00045E7 45
S0006 S6 Services
  • Steven Basche
Simple Will Package Includes will, power of attorney, advanced medical directives (living will, healthcare proxy) and HIPAA waiver for an individual- or $850 towards a more complicated plan or a plan for a couple. 1 0 000850.0 850 .00475E7 475
M0001 M1 Miscellaneous
  • Martha Bradley
Afternoon Tea and Poetry Garden Party A post COVID (yes that day will come - maybe Spring or Summer 2021) afternoon tea and poetry garden party in Martha's back yard for up to eight persons. 8 1 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15
S0005 S5 Services
  • Martha Bradley
Custom centerpiece for your occasion Floral centerpiece custom created for your special occasion. 1 0 000075.0 75 .00045E7 45
S0004 S4 Services
  • Kathryn Ferguson
Interior Design Consultation 1 hour consultation 1 0 000100.0 100 .0004E7 40
M0011 M11 Miscellaneous
  • Jonathan & Michael Covault
UU word cloud mug
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Unitarian Universalism - deeds not creeds, love, reason, spiritual growth - and many more of our aspirations on your morning mug. 2 2 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10
M0010 M10 Miscellaneous
  • Jonathan & Michael Covault
UU values word cloud Mug
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Unitarian Universalism - compassion, justice, reason, all are welcome - and many more of our aspirations on your morning mug. 2 0 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10
M0009 M9 Miscellaneous
  • Jonathan & Michael Covault
Traditional UU Chalice Mug
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Coffee Mug with UU Chalice on each side. 2 0 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10
S0002 S2 Services
  • Bob Hewey
Numismatic Appraisal/Liquidation Services Gift Certificate for up to $100 of numismatic (coins, medals, tokens, paper money) appraisal/liquidation services.
Certificate expires October 31, 2021. By Appointment Only.
1 0 000100.0 100 .0003E7 30
S0001 S1 Services
  • Larry Lunden
Geneological research Want to find out who you are related to? Want to find where your ancestors came from? I will research your family tree on to see what I can find. Maybe a lot, maybe not much.
Hopefully I can find their names and dates, and records of vital events of their lives.
I will send results as I search.
Given for five families.
5 1 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25