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Thanks to everyone who made our auction a big success - together we raised over $20,000 in 2023 to support our ministry!

Click the Statement link to see what you got and/or who purchased your items/events.

Even with the auction days behind us, you can still make corrections on your statement to your donated item descriptions or event dates. If you do, please remember to contact everyone involved.

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UUCE Auction: Saturday, November 9, 2024
Doors open at 6:30 PM. Auction starts promptly at 7:15 PM.
"More fun than a barrel of monkeys!"


Our auction is an important fundraising event for the church and a great way to bring people together. Do you have a special talent, skill, or a unique service to offer? Can you host a dinner? Then you've come to the right place. If you have questions about the auction, you can reach us at

Our last auction was so successful, we're going to use the same format:

  • This is a live auction.
  • A $10 entrance fee covers admittance, snack and dessert.
  • Beverages, including wine, beer and soda, will be available for a donation.
  • There will be raffles for beautiful and exciting baskets
  • The auctioneer is Joel Prestegaard of Prestegaard Auctioneering
  • As in our previous auctions, this is an adult event. No childcare will be provided.
  • Click on the yellow "donate" button below to enter your item.


If you would like to support the Auction in a special way, you can Become a Sponsor! Your cash contribution will go toward auction expenses: Refreshments, signage/promotion or to help pay for the auctioneer. Interested? Send an email to and let us know your intentions.

With the auction only 49 days away, now is the time to think about what you can donate.

If you aren't sure what to offer, take a look at these GREAT IDEAS FROM PAST AUCTIONS:


Browse and bid on items & events (You can see past catalogs here too)

See when events are scheduled

View your events' guest lists & see your purchases

Donate items & events

    Entering Items Online

  1. Please put in an estimated value and minimum bid price – you know your item better than we do and we hate to guess!
  2. Capitalize all important words in the title (but not “and,” “the” or “by” for example).
  3. Make sure to check the box (Winner takes it home?) if your item is a “thing.”
  4. All descriptions should end with a period or exclamation points, even if the description is not a sentence.
  5. If you are hosting an event, please check the calendar and pick a date and time.
  6. Putting in a picture of your item is very, very helpful.
  7. Put your items in early if at all possible!

Volunteer Opportunities

Click here to email us about volunteering to help with the auction

We are fortunate to have Prestegaard Auctions as our auctioneers this year!