Nov2015 Auction Catalog - 106 item(s) printable view
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Item0 Item Category Donors Item Name Picture Description Qty Left Est0 Est Val Min0 Min Price Date
H0007 H7 Holiday Gifts and Decorations
  • Robert Kuster
Glass Christmas Ornaments Take home a set of these lovely glass Christmas ornaments handcrafted by Robert Kuster. These ornaments will light up your tree and be treasured for a lifetime. Each set contains five ornaments. 10 2 000075.0 75 .0005E7 50
M0023 M23 Miscellaneous
  • Robert Kuster
Ocean Wave Glass Artwork
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You can almost hear the surf looking at this lovely glass artwork by Robert Kuster. Deep blues and ocean greens blend together to form the breaking ocean wave. 1 1 000250.0 250 .001E7 100
M0022 M22 Miscellaneous
  • Robert Kuster
Hand Crafted Glass Bowl
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Renowned glass artist Robert Kuster has created this beautiful contemporary glass bowl. The white center is surrounded by a broad sienna ring and edged with spiraling black lines. 1 0 000350.0 350 .001E7 100
S0021 S21 Services
  • Paul Smith
Landscape Help Paul Smith will donate about a half day (4+/- hrs) of his time to help you manage your landscape. Whether it’s consulting to help lay out a new planting bed or provide hands on expertise to revitalize your overgrown/neglected landscape, Paul will work side by side with you to help make your yard look like a millions bucks. If you’re looking to revamp your landscape then his experience as a Professional Landscape Designer will come in handy as you work together to redesign your landscape. If you just want to spruce up the yard then his expertise and knowledge gained as the Director of Landscape & Horticulture for Duke Farms in Hillsborough will come in real handy as he works with you to make your yard the envy of the neighborhood. Paul will bring his own tools. You just need to get in shape to be ready for some hard work………….
Expiration date: Nov 2016
1 0 000300.0 300 .001E7 100
M0021 M21 Miscellaneous
  • Jay La Malfa
Beautiful Venetian Glass Vase
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Bring home a piece of Venice with this hand-blown Italian piece of art. Reminiscent of the sunset in Venice, this vase is cream, white gray and orangy-melon. 1 0 000150.0 150 .0003E7 30
W0005 W5 Help Wanted
  • Missy Staples
Can You Lend An Artistic Hand? Missy Staples and Frank Hershkowitz have a front door that has been awaiting a transformation for many years. It is the original door to the house, built in 1904, with many decorative elements. However, because everything is painted white, it's just a plain door. Missy and Frank would like someone with artistic vision to develop a plan for painting the door in colors that would bring all the decorative elements to life. You need not do the actual painting. 2 2 000100.0 100 .001E7 100
M0020 M20 Miscellaneous
  • Kristine Hansen
Tiffany Silver Plated Ruler For the scientist or engineer who has everything, this beautiful silver plated ruler by Tiffany will make them the envy of the office. 1 0 000175.0 175 .0015E7 150
H0006 H6 Holiday Gifts and Decorations
  • Kelly Dziak
Snow globe
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This charming decoration is sure to put you in the holiday spirit. Take some time to relax during the holidays by watching the snow fall on this wintery scene. 1 1 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20
M0019 M19 Miscellaneous
  • Joseph Jiuliano
Impressionist Photograph - Cemetery
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Black and white “impressionistic” photo of a cemetery. It is 9 X 7 inches, framed and matted; the framed dimensions are 14 x 11 inches. 1 0 000075.0 75 .00025E7 25
M0018 M18 Miscellaneous
  • Joseph Jiuliano
Maine Coast Watercolor Painting
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You will love this watercolor painting of the rocky coast of Maine painted by Jan Stephens. The water color is 16 X 11.75 inches, and it is framed and matted; the framed dimensions are 22.75 X 18 inches. 1 0 000250.0 250 .0005E7 50
M0017 M17 Miscellaneous
  • Peter Hansch
Custom scroll saw portrait
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Peter Hansch will make an framed 8"x10" custom portrait out of basswood and walnut. The winner will provide several photographs to choose from and the final art piece will have one or two people on it. 1 0 000200.0 200 .001E7 100
S0020 S20 Services
  • Rev. Jennifer Kelleher
A Sermon of YOUR Choice This is your chance to have a top quality sermon on the topic of YOUR CHOICE prepared by our very own highly trained professional sermon-giver, Reverend Jennifer Kelleher. The high bidder will meet with Rev. Jennifer to discuss a subject important to you that she will use to craft a sermon and frame a worship service for the entire congregation. To be delivered on a mutually agreeable Sunday this coming Summer 2016. 1 0 000300.0 300 .00001E7 1
M0016 M16 Miscellaneous
  • Wynn Schulz
Star Wars Movie Night! Prepare yourself for the new Star Wars movie premiere by joining hosts Jim Phillips and Wynn Schulz on Saturday December 12th in Wynn's home theatre to see the original Star Wars trilogy (IV,V,VI) of movies. Pizza, snacks, and beverages are included, so just come ready for fun and bearing The Force! We'll start the first movie at 3:30pm, but you can join us anytime if you're not able to stay for all three. 5 0 000030.0 30 .00025E7 25 12/12/15 3:30 PM
S0019 S19 Services
  • Shannon Smith
Organizing Service Let Shannon Smith help you organize, de-clutter or reinvent your space. Do you need help in a child's room, basement or garage?
We can discuss your organizational wants and needs and develop a plan together. Shannon is offering 4 hours of time spent with you on a project of your choice. This service can be done in the months of March or April, just in time for Spring!
1 1 000300.0 300 .0015E7 150
S0018 S18 Services
  • Elizabeth Schulz
Car Wash & Complete Detailing Wynn Schulz will make your 4-wheeled friend look new again! He has prepared cars for concourse shows, and will give your car the same treatment.
All supplies are included, and he'll come your your home if you've got
a garden hose and a spot in the driveway. The exterior will be hand
washed and premium waxed. Windows, wheels and tires, and the whole
interior will be cleaned and shined. You will be amazed what a
difference it makes!
1 0 000250.0 250 .001E7 100
M0015 M15 Miscellaneous
  • Nicole Dickinson
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Tickets for Opening Weekend Don't miss out on the most anticipated movie of the year! Take home two tickets for the December 19, 8:30 pm showing of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Tickets are for the Bridgewater Commons theater (front row). (Two sets of two tickets are available.) 2 0 000034.0 34 .0002E7 20 12/19/15 8:30 PM
M0014 M14 Miscellaneous
  • Rose Reina-Rosenbaum
Everything for the Dog Treat your dog right with this basket full of goodies. Includes toy, comb, treats, food and much more! 1 0 000050.0 50 .0005E7 50
X0015 X15 Excursion
  • Valerie Pierce
Make Your Own Wine with Mike and Val
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Embark upon a wine making adventure with Mike Thayer and Valerie Pierce at Grape Expectations in Bridgewater. Mike and Val will purchase a quarter barrel of South American grapes to share with 3 other people (group to agree on which grape of those available this year). Two visits to Grape Expectations will be scheduled - one during March-April to press the grapes (a 1 1/2 hour session) and then between May and July a second session to bottle. The wine will be available after aging. Each winner will take home 9 bottles of wine. After each visit, Mike and Val will invite the winners to their Bridgewater home for snacks and visiting. Each winner is allowed to bring one guest. 3 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
S0017 S17 Services
  • Tom Davidson
How to Fix your Problem Home AND Save Energy Tom is currently finishing up a course called 'Deep Energy Retrofits', which is all about cutting energy costs in existing homes by adding in more insulation, making the home less drafty, adding solar, etc. It is most economical to make these retrofits when you need to do something else, such as replacing your roof or fixing a leaky basement, at the same time. If you win this auction item, Tom will not only invade your home with instruments to help find out how best reduce your carbon footprint; he will also share expert knowledge that he has gained from his course on fixing the 'other problems'. (Feel free to contact Tom prior to the auction to discuss your specific situation.) 1 0 000150.0 150 .00025E7 25
F0020 F20 Food
  • William Magalio
Magalio Homemade Spanakopita This Greek dish is Will Magalio's specialty, especially around the winter holidays. On a requested Sunday, Will will bake a homemade spanakopita pie (similar in diameter to a pizza) for the winner. Item will arrive chilled and will need to be heated prior to eating. Yasou! Expiration date: November 1, 2016. 1 0 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20
W0004 W4 Help Wanted
  • Andrea Kosaka
Who Will Sing a Special Song? A wonderful wistful song about life being more simple in the past is requested to be sung at church by a member of the choir.The song requested? "Remember When The Music" by Harry Chapin. 2 0 000100.0 100 .001E7 100
X0014 X14 Excursion
  • Tom Davidson
Handel's Messiah with the NJSO at NJPAC Tom and Pat have 2 extra tickets to see Handel's Messiah at the NJPAC on Sunday December 20th at 3PM. We'd love to have you join us for the concert, and a dinner at a restaurant TBD afterwards. Tom and Pat can provide transportation from your home in the Somerville area directly to the concert hall, and back again! 3 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50 12/20/15 3:00 PM
F0019 F19 Food
  • Connie Moore
TWO WORDS, TWO LOAVES...... Pepperoni Bread.
1 0 000060.0 60 .00025E7 25
H0005 H5 Holiday Gifts and Decorations
  • Connie Moore
Tis the Season! Precious & Adorable Vintage Christmas decorations, just in time for the season! 1 1 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
W0003 W3 Help Wanted
  • Alicia Harabin
Cookies for Calvin Calvin Harabin (the little one) has many allergies that make Christmas Cookie Season disappointing for a toddler. We need a kitchen wizard who can bake 2 dozen cookies for Calvin that appeal to toddler tastes and contain NO:
-tree nuts
-wheat (allergic to wheat, not gluten)
Calvin has a re-test with the allergist this month that may (fingers crossed) shorten this list. We will let any winners know if we are able to shorten this list of restrictions. Ideally, we'd love to collect cookies the week of Christmas.
4 0 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 12/20/15 12:00 PM
S0016 S16 Services
  • Brian Horch
Math help is a skype call away Has your child's math class exceeded your ability to remember what on earth an asymptote is? Brian Horch, math whiz, will help your child either in person or via skype with math from pre-algebra to pre-calculus. 3 hours help; either by mutually agreed upon date for in person help, or best effort for "help me with tonight's homework" on skype. 1 1 000060.0 60 .0003E7 30
F0018 F18 Food
  • Ed Horch
The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Who says so? The NY Times touts the recipe that Ed Horch uses as the best chocolate chip cookie recipe ever. OK, maybe not ever, but heavens, they're good! Even more importantly, YOU will say that once you try one of these super sized yummies. Available to take home (right… like they’ll make it home). 12 4 000006.0 6 .00006E7 6
M0013 M13 Miscellaneous
  • Nicole Dickinson
Hand-knitted scarves Take home one of these beautiful scarves hand knitted by Nicole Dickinson. Sizes, colors, and styles vary but there certainly is one to suit you! 9 2 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20
D0014 D14 Dinner
  • Nicole Dickinson
Cards Against Humanity Night at the Dickinson's Cards Against Humanity is not for the faint of heart...but it is for the politically incorrect! Win this auction and you will be enjoying a night of food, fun, and...other "F" words. Oh, and lots of laughs and awkward adjusting in your seat!!! Adam and Nicole Dickinson will treat you to some of their best recipes for dinner and the drinks are on us too! (Please note: This game is Rated VM for VERY MATURE but is only for the very immaturely minded!) 7 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 6/4/16 6:00 PM
M0012 M12 Miscellaneous
  • Jen Kitchen
Crafting Party! Jen Kitchen loves to craft, but is not skilled at throwing parties. Elizabeth Schulz loves to throw parties, but is not skilled at crafting. They have pooled their talents and teamed up to throw a crafting party! Five adults are invited to join them at the Schulz's Bridgewater home on a mutually agreeable date for an afternoon of crafting and merriment. There will be snacks and nibbles, as well as a craft project and goodie bag. 5 0 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25
H0004 H4 Holiday Gifts and Decorations
  • Jen Kitchen
Christmas Ornament Kit One of Jen Kitchen's favorite Christmas traditions growing up was to hang on the tree the red construction paper Christmas stocking she made in nursery school. She has put together a family ornament making kit so you can not only have the ornaments, but the memories of making them together! It contains everything you need to make your own paper stockings, plus a paper chain, a garland, and other surprises. 1 0 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25
H0003 H3 Holiday Gifts and Decorations
  • Jen Kitchen
Twelve Holiday Cards The ever-crafty Jen Kitchen will make 12 holiday cards for you to send out to very special people. She loves to share her art with others, and will happily make a set of cards appropriate for all your friends of whatever denomination for this holiday season. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00045E7 45
W0002 W2 Help Wanted
  • Scott Kitchen
Teach Jen Kitchen How To Make Soup! Jen has always wanted to learn to make soup. I know, you're thinking "Soup? That's not that hard!" but she would prefer to have a lesson. Please, take her into your home (for a few hours) and teach her how to make delicious soup for me! And, um, her. If you can show her how to make savory tomato soup or beer cheese soup, even better! 2 0 000075.0 75 .00075E7 75
F0017 F17 Food
  • Jen Kitchen
A Turophile's Dream When you are entertaining over the holidays, it can be hard to satisfy a variety of tastes and provide sufficient nibbles for your guests while taking care of the main meal. Let Jen Kitchen take care of the appetizer with her amazing cheese platter. She will balance a variety of cheeses with delicious and interesting crackers, as well as sweet and savory tidbits. Or, if you are a turophile (look it up :) you can get this platter and enjoy every last morsel yourself. 2 0 000060.0 60 .0003E7 30
F0016 F16 Food
  • Jen Kitchen
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner This savory and delicious chicken dish is a staple of Jen and Scott Kitchen's winter dinners. Perhaps you've had the opportunity to sample it at a Circle Supper and craved it ever since. Well now's your chance! Jen and Scott will customize this comfort food just for you and your family and deliver it to you at church or within Somerset County with 2 weeks notice. 1 0 000040.0 40 .0004E7 40
F0015 F15 Food
  • Nancy Fleming
Champagne Brunch at the Black Bass Hotel Nancy Fleming will treat you to a delectable 4 course champagne brunch at the historic Black Bass Hotel in Lumberville Bucks County PA. Dine with a beautiful view of the Delaware river, and take a walk on the towpath afterwards. Meet at Nancy's house in Whitehouse Station (2 Oakland Drive) and she will drive. 4 0 000050.0 50 .0004E7 40 6/26/16 11:00 PM
X0013 X13 Excursion
  • Nancy Fleming
Walk and Picnic lunch at Tyler Park Newtown PA Nancy Fleming will lead a long walk through the beautiful rolling hills of Tyler Park in Newtown, Bucks County PA. Following the walk Nancy will share a homemade picnic lunch. She can accommodate four people. Meet at Nancy's house in Whitehouse Station (2 Oakland Drive) and she will drive. 4 1 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30 10/1/16 10:00 AM
X0012 X12 Excursion
  • Carol Levin
Choose Your Own THEATER Adventure! In case you didn't know already, the Levins are BIG theater fans and have season tickets to LOTS of theaters. They love to introduce friends to their favorites and are offering four tickets to go along with them to a show! The way this will work is that the Levins will send an email each time they plan to go to a show and if that is the one you want, you let them know! 4 1 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30
S0015 S15 Services
  • Carol Levin
Telling Herstories or Children's Storytelling Carol Simon Levin will perform one of her historical impersonations of "fascinating women history forgot" or a children's storytelling & song program at your venue. More details at: and 1 1 000125.0 125 .0005E7 50
X0011 X11 Excursion
  • Carol Levin
Circle Players Theater Tickets Season ticket holders Carol & Gary Levin are offering a PAIR of tickets to see a Circle Players Theater Show in Piscataway. More information about these plays can be found at: 1 0 000036.0 36 .00036E7 36
D0013 D13 Dinner
  • Carol Levin
Sunday Brunch at the Levins! Kick off the new year & join the Levins on Sunday January 3rd for a delicious brunch including their signature panettone French toast. Kids under 15 are free! 7 5 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30 1/3/16 12:30 PM
S0014 S14 Services
  • Mike Thayer
Math and/or Physics Tutoring Math and Physics can be challenging subjects, but Mike Thayer is here to help you or yours with two hours of tutoring. Mike has taught these subjects, and he can provide all levels of high school or middle school math and physics tutoring any time between now and June 30, 2016. 1 0 000150.0 150 .00075E7 75
F0014 F14 Food
  • Mike Thayer
Chillin' Chili Mike Thayer will bring you a large pot of his homemade world-renowned Cincinnati-style chili! Enough to feed 6 people, and will include all of the traditional fixings: 2 pounds of cooked spaghetti to serve it over, plus grated Cheddar cheese for 3-way, chopped sweet onions for 4-way, or kidney beans for 5-way chili. Mike will arrange a time with you prior to March 31, 2016. 1 0 000060.0 60 .0003E7 30
H0002 H2 Holiday Gifts and Decorations
  • Tammy Ludwigsen
Star Wars Gift Stockings Tammy has made a set of Star Wars themed Gift Stockings to be hung by the power generators with care. Measures approximately 18 inches in length and 8 inches across the opening. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
X0010 X10 Excursion
  • Tammy Ludwigsen
A Day at the Museum Tammy and John will take two people into New York City to a museum or two of your choice and out to lunch. Lunch could be anywhere in Manhattan, John especially like the Hell's Kitchen area. If time and energy permits we can take a walk in Central Park or along the High Line. The museums that we can visit are American Museum of Natural History, Guggenheim, Intrepid Sea Air and Space Museum, Museum of Modern Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art and the NY Historical Society. The date can be changed if mutually agreed upon. 2 0 000100.0 100 .0006E7 60 6/11/16 12:00 PM
S0013 S13 Services
  • John Ludwigsen
How does you garden grow... John Ludwigsen will give you up to 4 hours of his time to do your yard work. He will cut your grass, rake your leaves, plant your flower beds, etc. The time can be split between multiple days. Please no poison ivy because John is allergic to it. You will need to provide the equipment and supplies. Expires 12/1/16. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
S0012 S12 Services
  • Tammy Ludwigsen
Babysitting by Noah Take a break and leave your child(ren) in the capable hands of 15-year old Noah Ludwigsen. He will play with and supervise up to two children (age 3+) for up to three hours on a mutually-agreed date. Please give a week's notice. 1 0 000060.0 60 .0003E7 30
S0011 S11 Services
  • Susan Schneider
Voice Lesson with Susan Schneider Our very own choir director and opera singer, Susan Schneider, will provide a one hour voice lesson for the lucky winner. This is your opportunity to spend some quality time working on your voice and learning more about music. 1 0 000075.0 75 .00025E7 25
F0013 F13 Food
  • Jackie White
Wine Sampler If you like tasting different and interesting wines, then check out this wine sampler. For unique wines have been selected for your enjoyment. Each one is something out of the ordinary - not just your everyday Merlot! Sampler will include one red, one white, one sparking and one port. 1 0 000120.0 120 .0005E7 50
D0012 D12 Dinner
  • Jackie White
Breakfast for Lunch at the White('s) House Do you love breakfast? If so, then you will want to join Brent and Jackie for a late breakfast after the Sunday service. Start the meal with fresh orange juice and mimosas, then indulge in a variety of tasty dishes such as gravy and biscuits, quiche, egg strata and fresh fruit. Top it off (if you have room) with homemade cinnamon rolls. Vegetarians are welcome - just let us know in advance. 6 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 4/10/16 1:00 PM
X0009 X9 Excursion
  • Jackie White
Escape the Room Do you like puzzles and mysteries? Would you like to be a part of one? Join Brent and Jackie White in an Escape the Room adventure. We will start with lunch at one of Montclair's great restaurants. Then we will go to Exit Strategy, where we will be locked in a room together. We will have one hour to find the clues that help us unlock the door and escape! Great fun and very challenging! Don't miss it! 6 0 000050.0 50 .0005E7 50
S0010 S10 Services
  • Yolanda Serrano
Personal Shopper Do you have a special event coming up but don't have anything to wear? Do you dread having to try to find the perfect outfit? Let Yolanda come to your rescue! She will take you shopping or do your shopping for you. 1 1 000120.0 120 .0005E7 50
S0009 S9 Services
  • Yolanda Serrano
Personalized Poem by Yolanda Have a poem (up to 20 lines) created for a special person for a special occasion. Ex: A Name Poem for the birth or dedication of a child, a wedding or anniversary Love Poem, a Blessing for a housewarming , a Pet Rhyme, a Memorial Poem or a ‘Just Because’ Poem. Last year this service was used to commemorate the graduation of the Coming of Age group. A few details about the person &/or subject and 10-14 days advance notice is all that’s needed to have a keepsake like no other! Expiration Date: Dec 1, 2016. 1 0 000040.0 40 .00015E7 15
F0012 F12 Food
  • Nicole Dickinson
Pumpkin Gingerbread Loaves Fall is pumpkin season! If you love pumpkin, take home one of Nicole Dickinson's homemade Pumpkin Gingerbread Loaves! The pumpkin is fresh and the loaves are perfect for breakfast or a late-night snack! 3 0 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15
W0001 W1 Help Wanted
  • Missy Staples
Up and Down a Staircase Missy Staples and Frank Hershkowitz need two strong, healthy helpers for an hour of furniture moving. They have a few pieces of heavy furniture out in their barn, some of which needs to go up a set of stairs and some of which needs to come down the same set of stairs. They would like to get this taken care of on a mutually agreeable date this December. 3 0 000080.0 80 .0008E7 80
H0001 H1 Holiday Gifts and Decorations
  • Nicole Dickinson
4 Painted Christmas Ornaments Nicole and Miranda Dickinson have created painted Christmas ornaments to add to your collection! There are 4 Christmas balls per set, all unique and made with the best Holiday wishes! 6 2 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10
D0011 D11 Dinner
  • Missy Staples
Greek Dinner Sample some of Aaron Hershkowitz's favorite dishes from his year in Athens including kolokithokeftethes, mavromatika fasolia, yigantes sto fourno, piperies me tiri, and yemista. For dessert, kormos of course! We'll wash it all down with some inexpensive red wine--very Greek. Aaron will be doing much of the cooking with some help from Missy and Frank. The menu is predominantly vegetarian. Location: the Hershkowitz home in Basking Ridge. 7 0 000040.0 40 .0004E7 40 3/26/16 6:30 PM
F0011 F11 Food
  • Frank Hershkowitz
An A+ Apple Pie You might not know it to look at him, but Frank Hershkowitz is an apple pie genius. With two weeks notice, he will prepare for you a 10" apple pie with his secret blend of apple varieties. Apple season only. 1 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
X0008 X8 Excursion
  • Missy Staples
Delaware Water Gap Hike & Snacks Hike up Mount Tammany for a beautiful view of the Delaware Water Gap. Frank and Missy will be your trail guides, and bring fruit, chips, and veggies for the top and a yummy dessert for trail's end. You bring a sandwich and water. This challenging hike to the summit is an 1100 foot climb over one mile (20% grade!). The trip back to the cars is a more leisurely two miles that follows Dunnfield Creek for the last part of the hike. This is a perfect outing for active kids--rock scrambling, creek splashing, and scare-your-parents edge of cliff walking. We will meet at the parking lot off Route 80. The hike will take 3-4 hours plus time for lunch. Kids are free! 25 12 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15 5/7/16 10:00 AM
F0010 F10 Food
  • Missy Staples
Hearty and Delicious Bean Soup Vegetarian three bean and barley soup--with just a hint of smokey spice from chipotle peppers (or more if you like things spicy!). Missy Staples will prepare three quarts of soup along with six Texas-sized corn muffins. 1 0 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20
D0010 D10 Dinner
  • Missy Staples
Beef Brisket Dinner Braised beef brisket is a classic Hanukkah dinner but good anytime of the year. Missy Staples will prepare a 4 to 5 pound brisket using her mother-in-law's recipe and deliver it sliced, in the sauce, ready to heat and serve or freeze for later. If you are into beer, they will include at least two pints of beer that will complement the brisket. Two week notice for delivery. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00045E7 45
D0009 D9 Dinner
  • Missy Staples
Oktoberfest Dinner & the All Important BEER TASTING! Join Missy Staples and Frank Hershkowitz at their Liberty Corner home for dinner and beer tasting. You’ll sample a variety of fall beers. Dinner will include vegetarian options if there are vegetarian beer drinkers who want to bid on this! 8 0 000040.0 40 .0004E7 40 10/22/16 6:30 PM
D0008 D8 Dinner
  • Linda Milkes
Trivial Prosciut! Dare to challenge David and Linda Milkes' trivia skills on their home turf in Basking Ridge? Battle them and other UUCSHers in Trivial Pursuit. When you arrive, build your strength (or courage?) with an antipasto spread, finger foods and wine. Game on! 4 0 000060.0 60 .0003E7 30 5/14/16 6:00 PM
X0007 X7 Excursion
  • Linda Milkes
Rubin/Reuben Come with us to the Rubin Museum in NYC, which has art of the Himalayas. The art is absolutely stunning! We will also go to a New York deli for a Reuben, pastrami, whatever indulges you. We will go on a mutually-agreed Saturday or Sunday. 2 0 000040.0 40 .0003E7 30
X0006 X6 Excursion
  • Linda Milkes
Weekend Winers Let’s wine together! Join Linda and Dave at one of the 2016 season’s wine festivals. They typically occur on weekends between Memorial Day and Labor Day, with a couple into October. This is for one couple to attend with us, have lunch and select one bottle of wine priced up to $20 to take home. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0006E7 60
X0005 X5 Excursion
  • Joseph Jiuliano
Golf at Quail Brook Get your 2016 golf season off to an early start by playing a round at Quail Brook with other UU golfers. Quail Brook Golf Course is one of the top public courses in Central New Jersey. This 18 hole, 6,617 yard course is heavily wooded and is known for its rolling front nine and tight, hilly back nine. Two golfers are invited to join Joe Jiuliano for a round of golf on Saturday, May 21, 2016, greens fees and cart included, followed by lunch. Rain date is June 18. 3 0 000090.0 90 .0008E7 80 5/21/16 9:00 AM
X0004 X4 Excursion
  • Joseph Jiuliano
Opera and Dinner Two guests can join Joe Jiuliano for an evening at the opera and dinner on Saturday, March 12, 2016. Experience the Light Opera Company of New Jersey in collaboration with The Central Jersey Symphony Orchestra in a performance of “Don Pasquale” by Gaetano Donizetti. This comic opera will amuse and enchant you. If the Light Opera Company of New Jersey lives up to the standard it has established for itself in past opera performances, this will be a memorable occasion. The performance will be at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Basking Ridge. Prior to the opera, we will have dinner at Café Rustica, a nearby Italian (what else) restaurant 4 0 000100.0 100 .00085E7 85 3/12/16 6:00 PM
F0009 F9 Food
  • Ann Perry
Wine with me?
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Enjoy an evening with friends with this beautiful ceramic wine decanter with 4 matching cups and 2 bottles of wine to get the decanter going. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
F0008 F8 Food
  • Dawn Bodrogi
Cool Cupcakes
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Dawn Bodrogi will make one batch of themed cupcakes (up to 4 dozen) - theme, flavor and date to be mutually decided between winner and submitter. Expires 9/30/2016. 1 0 000060.0 60 .0003E7 30
F0007 F7 Food
  • Dawn Bodrogi
Dawn's Delectable Cheesecake
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If you love dessert, this is the place for you. Dawn Bodrogi will make a delicious cheesecake, just for you! Available with choice of topping: Chocolate Ganache, Caramel, or Praline Dream. Date and kind to be decided by both parties. Expires 10/30/2016. 2 0 000050.0 50 .00045E7 45
X0003 X3 Excursion
  • Ann Perry
Take me out to the ball game
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The Somerset Patriots won the 2015 Atlantic League Championship. They have won six Atlantic League Championships, the most of any of the league’s teams and you can be part of the fun. Enjoy a game with a ballpark dinner. Mark and Ann will take you and a guest (2 tickets) to see a Somerset Patriots game and treat you to a ballpark dinner. Enjoy a night out with your special someone. Batter up. A mutually agreeable date will be determined. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
X0002 X2 Excursion
  • Louis Sapirman
Quintessential R-U Sports Experience
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Does "upstream, red team" mean anything to you? Have you been at a Rutgers sporting event with your fist pumping to the Rutgers cheer? If so, you'll love this offering. If not, you'll want to learn what it's like to be amidst thousands of fans at the RAC (Rutgers Athletic Center).
Join the Sapirman family for a fun outing including lunch at New Brunswick's famous "Stuff Yer Face" restaurant, offering over 1 billion stromboli combinations--veggie and omnivore.
Lucky winners will then head to the RAC to watch the Rutgers' Women's Basketball team--led by Hall of Fame Coach C. Vivian Stringer-- play against Ohio State. Don't miss out on this fun afternoon of college sports with the Sapirmans.
4 0 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25 1/24/16 12:30 PM
D0007 D7 Dinner
  • Nadine Sapirman
Forks Over Knives!
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Forks over knives?! In a nutshell, FOK is a concept that uses the protective properties of foods, through delicious recipes, as a way to avoid, treat, and even prevent common illness. It's a healthy, empowering, cost-saving, whole-foods, plant-focused way of cooking and eating. Want to learn more? Of course you do! Join Karina LaMalfa and Nadine Kadell Sapirman at the LaMalfas' Neshanic Station home to watch the Forks Over Knives movie. Then enjoy a tasty plant-based dinner which will include hearty salad, soup, stew, breads and delectable desserts - including a rich chocolate mousse! Local wine will be served. You'll go home with the recipes made that evening so you can have a basis to start (or continue on) your own path to healthier eating. Cheers - to a healthy planet, a healthy you! 10 0 000040.0 40 .0004E7 40 4/30/16 4:00 PM
V0002 V2 Vacation/Lodging
  • Nadine Sapirman
One Week Accommodations at Walt Disney World
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Experience Walt Disney World the affordable way thanks to Nadine and Louis Sapirman! Enjoy 8 days and 7 nights in a studio room at Disney's Old Key West Resort, right in Walt Disney World. Your room will have a microwave oven and mini refrigerator, which can save money on food costs. The studio can sleep up to four people. This great vacation includes convenient Walt Disney World Transportation to all Disney attractions, 4 pools with whirlpools, lighted tennis courts, health club, volleyball, playgrounds, and other recreational activities too numerous to mention. Subject to availability! This trip can be any week beginning January 1, 2016 and ending July 31, 2016 (blacked out dates are March 20-April 2). As an added bonus, the Sapirmans will include a two-hour planning session to discuss ideas for your Magical Disney vacation. 1 0 001200.0 1,200 .006E7 600
D0006 D6 Dinner
  • Nadine Sapirman
Delicious Lunch to Help and Empower Others
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Join Nadine Kadell Sapirman for lunch at the Better World Cafe, an innovative, vegetarian eatery in Highland Park. The food is fantastic, and it's prepared by people who have trained at Elijah's Promise Culinary School. Typical offerings include salads, sandwiches, soups and the like.

This new kind of cafe reduces food waste, since customers choose their own portion sizes. Their to-go containers are biodegradable. It helps global neighbors because the coffees and teas are fairly traded. The cafe uses seasonal foods--grown, cooked, and served in ways that make sense for the environment and for the customer's budget. Learn more at

The group can carpool from UUCSH if that's easiest for folks.

5 0 000007.0 7 .0001E7 10 3/18/16 12:00 PM
M0011 M11 Miscellaneous
  • Patricia Brown
Compost Now you can get a head start on your garden using local compost prepared by the Davidson-Brown family. Hand-turned compost, good for lightening clay soil or retaining moisture in sandy soil. Three bushels, delivered to your door in April or May of 2016. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15
M0010 M10 Miscellaneous
  • James Juhasz
Tea and Beverage Dispenser
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This lovely glass beverage dispenser is ideal for your next gathering. Excellent for iced tea, lemonade or your favorite sangria recipe! 1 0 000025.0 25 .0002E7 20
S0008 S8 Services
  • Jim Phillips
Healthy Family Meals in less than an hour? Cooking a health family meal on a week night can be very challenging. Schedules, prep time, preparing something everyone will eat while using all fresh ingredients can seem quite impossible. Over the years, Jim Phillips has found some ways to help overcome these challenges and would be happy to share what he have learned.

If you have the winning bid, Jim will meet with you to plan a family meal everyone will enjoy. You procure the ingredients, then he will come to your kitchen and (with the help of any family members or none) prepare then serve the meal for the family in less than an hour! Along the way you will have some fun while he shares some shortcuts and recipes that have worked for him.

1 0 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
S0007 S7 Services
  • Jim Phillips
Jim's Honey Do Helper is back! Is your repair list around the house getting overwhelming or do you need an extra set of hands on a bigger job? Is your significant other just too busy or you don't want to call Mr. Handyman to fix those things that are drive you crazy?

After a few years off, I'm ready to break out the tool box!

In exchange for your generous donation, I will come to your abode, spend 4 hours (6 if you feed me lunch) repairing, installing, tightening, glueing or whatever it takes to resolve one or more problems around the house that just are not getting done.

No job too small, some may be too big. So ask me in advance of your bid if you are not sure. In past years I have installed faucets, re-set toilets, helped install flooring, installed cabinets, fixed stuck doors, rewired lamps, re-glued chairs and other furniture items.

Start your year off with a clean slate by bidding on this offering.

1 0 000300.0 300 .0015E7 150
M0009 M9 Miscellaneous
  • Jim Phillips
UUCSH Service Auction Historic Item!!
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At the very first UUSCH Service Auction, several single stalk Oxcalis (Purple Shamrocks) seedling plants were offered. We were lucky to win one of the small seedlings.

From that humble beginning, just like our UUCSH community, the plant has grown and multiplied year after year. It goes back to ground every winter, but comes roaring back every spring.

This plant is a direct decendent of the original seedling from the very first service auction.

Take home a living piece of our living history!

1 0 000000.0 1,000,000 .0001E7 10
F0006 F6 Food
  • Adele Barree
Local Wildflower Honey Don and Adele Barree are once again pleased to offer honey from Goat Mountain Apiary. This golden yellow wildflower honey, extracted the second weekend of July, is full of the rich scents and tastes of spring and early summer wildflowers and is sure to please your palate! Take some home auction night. There are three 1-lb jars available. 3 0 000012.0 12 .00012E7 12
M0008 M8 Miscellaneous
  • Karina La Malfa
Afternoon Tea with the Minister Pull up a chair and a cup of tea or coffee and savor some time with our one-and-only Rev. Jennifer Kelleher. At the LaMalfa residence in Neshanic Station; light savories and sweets, music and conversation. Food allergies will be accommodated. 11 5 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 6/5/16 2:00 PM
M0007 M7 Miscellaneous
  • Christopher Buja
A Time For All Ages Got an idea for a time for all ages? A story? A song? A skit? A fun presentation you've been eager to see as part of a worship service? This is your chance to see your creativity come to life as a time for all ages segment of a worship service! Mr. B will work with you in developing a time for all ages theme to be included in a relevant worship service. You can be a part of the show or let Mr. B handle the theatrics- it's up to you! (Anti-Red Sox and Anti-Patriots themes will not be considered- we want to keep a positive approach :-p) 1 0 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25
D0005 D5 Dinner
  • Melanie Davis
Dinner to Swoon Over Can certain foods put you in the mood for romance? Learn the science and pleasures of dishes featured in “Intercourses: An Aphrodisiac Cookbook” hosted by Bill Kleppinger, Melanie Davis, John Hadley, and Helene Venizelos in Somerville. Your menu will include Blue Cheese Baked Oysters, Grilled Scallops with Basil and Lavender Essence, Arabian Couscous with Pine Nuts and Raisins, Eve’s Garden Salad with Edible Flowers, Wine-Soaked Cherries and Pears Over Pound Cake. Your meal includes wine and non-alcoholic beverages.

After dinner, enjoy Creamy Stuffed Figs, coffee and tea while partaking in a hotly competitive game of Sex Trivia led by Dr. Melanie, the UUA’s sexuality education program associate. (Participation optional!) Couples and singles welcome!
8 1 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 2/12/16 6:30 PM
D0004 D4 Dinner
  • Melanie Davis
Satisfy Your Gustatory Curiosity! Ever wondered what Turducken tastes like? Join Bill Kleppinger and Melanie Davis in their Somerville home, and check this one off your bucket list. Socialize over Three-Cheese Pastries and a signature cocktail (or non-alcoholic option) followed by Oven-Roasted Turducken (dressing inside chicken, inside duck, inside turkey), Rosemary-Herbed Potatoes, Parmesan and Pear Green Beans, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages. For dessert, enjoy a Winter Fruit Tart accompanied by coffee or tea. Date: Saturday, Jan. 23, 2016 at 6:30 pm. Note: Kitchen renovation may require a mutually agreeable date change. 9 0 000050.0 50 .0005E7 50 1/23/16 6:30 PM
F0005 F5 Food
  • Ann Perry
Ann's famous Lentil Stew
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Have you tried Ann Perry's famous Lentil Stew at a church event? Would you like to serve it at your next event? The stew is enough to feed six and is all vegetarian. Give Ann a week's notice and it will be delivered to your home or other agreeable location. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
D0003 D3 Dinner
  • Ann Perry
Smart Ass Dinner
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Enjoy a lively evening playing "Smart Ass" at the Allison/Perry home over dinner. Here's your chance to exchange a little trivia while having a lot of fun. The questions are hard enough but not too hard. 7 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 5/21/16 6:30 PM
M0006 M6 Miscellaneous
  • Kelly Dziak
Peachy-keen Baby Blanket
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This handmade baby blanket is the perfect size for car seats and strollers. The bright color and basket weave pattern are sure to delight both baby and parents. Welcome the next baby with this unique gift of love. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15
S0006 S6 Services
  • Lori Arrechea
Healing Reiki Session (60 min) Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered "hands-free" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

This 60 min session will help to reduce stress and pain, leaving you with a sense of peace and wellness.

Session provided by agreed day/time at eZential Wellness Center in Bridgewater, NJ. Call to make an appointment: (908) 526-0002

1 0 000065.0 65 .00065E7 65
S0005 S5 Services
  • Lori Arrechea
Three Yoga Classes Enjoy the sense of ease and peace our traditional Yoga classes offer for your mind, body, and spirit. We feature classes for the beginner to the practiced Yogi. Select any 3 classes of your choice from our current schedule. Please take a look at our website for class listings. 1 0 000045.0 45 .00045E7 45
S0004 S4 Services
  • Lori Arrechea
Babysitting by Elaina Arrechea Feel comfortable taking a night out on the town while Elaina (age 14) provide fun and quality care for your child or children. She loves being with children and has several years experience. She will watch up to 2 kids for a total of 3 hours on a Friday/Saturday night. She lives in Somerville, but her parents will drive her to surrounding towns in the area.

Please call: (908) 707-2401

1 0 000060.0 60 .0003E7 30
D0002 D2 Dinner
  • Nancy Brungard
New Orleans Dinner Party Come see, cher. N’awlins cookin’ in The Brungard’s Bridgewater home. It will be a real gumbo ya-ya. Think etouffee, think gumbo, think praline, think andouille, think Sazeracs, think throws (no flashing required). The Brungards will design an all-Louisiana dinner party with a menu customized to the winners’ tastes. Laissez les bons temps rouler!!! 5 0 000100.0 100 .00075E7 75 11/5/16 6:10 PM
F0004 F4 Food
  • Nancy Brungard
Homemade Basic Vegetable Stock If you use basic stocks in your kitchen, you know that finding a basic vegetable stock that is edible, much less the great foundation of a perfect recipe, is very difficult. Here, Nancy Brungard offers her homemade basic veggie stock (1 quart), ready to take home auction night. Organic ingredients will be used whenever possible. 3 0 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15
F0003 F3 Food
  • Nancy Brungard
Thanksgiving (THIS Thanksgiving) Homemade Challah OR Choice of Pie Thanksgiving is all about homemade in the Brungard home. Let Nancy share one of her homemade-"can I have the recipe" family holiday favorites. You choose either homemade Challah (large braided loaf made with saffron and organic egg yolks finished as you like it with egg wash, honey poppy seed or your family's favorite); or your choice of pie be it traditional pumpkin or the not-so-traditional chocolate cream oreo or anything in between. The bread or pie will be made on Wednesday 11/25/15, with pick up or drop off arranged. Hey....Nancy will never tell if you want to claim it as your own! 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
D0001 D1 Dinner
  • Suzanne Smith
Culinary Delight! Organic Vegan Dinner Stretch your culinary palate or just follow your usual healthy eating. Paul and Suzanne Smith will host a dinner in their Hillsborough home for 8 people. It will be organic and vegan. The menu will consist of soup, Moroccan bean tangine, salad, and brownies. Nuts are included so those with nut allergies should not attend. 8 0 000040.0 40 .0004E7 40
S0003 S3 Services
  • Amy O'Connell
Singing Telegram Surprise your loved one with a unique, personal experience to celebrate any occasion. Includes fresh flowers and an edible treat. 1 0 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10
M0005 M5 Miscellaneous
  • Amy O'Connell
Custom Made Receiving Blanket A great one-of-a-kind baby gift. Choose among my flannels or make a personal request and I will crochet a lace edging to this 3'x3' completely machine washable blanket. An all-purpose cannot-do-without item that will also be an heirloom. 1 0 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
F0002 F2 Food
  • Jackie White
Homemade Pie - Buyer's Choice Love pie? Jackie White will make a pie for you and you get to pick the flavors! Chocolate fudge, pecan, apple – you name it and Jackie will make it for you. Blueberry, peach and rhubarb (with or without strawberries) available in season. One week notice for delivery. 1 0 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20
F0001 F1 Food
  • Jackie White
Old Fashioned Coconut Cake
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Calling all coconut cake lovers - this one is for you! This four-layer white cake features a sour cream/coconut frosting that is to die for! Moist and delicious, it is perfect for a birthday or special occasion. Two weeks advance notice, please. 1 0 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
M0004 M4 Miscellaneous
  • Melanie Davis
A Month of Sunday Songs
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Hear four songs of your choice during UUCSH Sunday services. Melanie Davis will perform up to two songs on two Sundays or one song on each of four Sundays. Mutually agreeable dates will reflect the buyer's preferences, Melanie's availability, and Rev. Jen's worship plans. Redeemable between Sept. 2015 and June 2016. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
M0003 M3 Miscellaneous
  • Melanie Davis
Beautiful Body Basket Enjoy goodies from Gainor Road Soap Co. in Philadelphia, a woman-owned small business with products that smell as good as they feel. The basket includes: White Tea & Ginger Soap - citrus notes, exotic spice and beautiful jasmine; Spiced Winter Ale Soap – mandarin oranges, cranberries, spices and ale; Vanilla Latte Exfoliating Soap –freshly ground coffee beans and vanilla pods; Whipped Shea Butter – Creamy and dreamy, this shea butter blend will melt into you and leave behind softly moisturized skin; WASH-abi Shampoo Bars – No plastic bottle needed, while you tingle away tangles with ginger, camphor, eucalyptus and wasabi (safe for color-treated hair; condition afterwards); Exfoliating Salt Scrub – Erase all traces of dry flaky skin. 1 0 000018.0 18 .00018E7 18
S0002 S2 Services
  • Melanie Davis
Poetry for Purchase Poetry is a lovely way to honor, celebrate, and memorialize moments and people, but suppose you have something to say and aren’t at ease putting pen to paper? Commission Melanie Davis to write a poem for you. She’ll interview you and/or your person of choice and write a free-verse poem that captures your sentiments. Includes up to two rounds of revisions. Melanie’s poetry has honored UUCSH founding member Stacy Peszynski and UU ministers Rev. Marcia Moreno and Rev. Mary Thiebold. Her poems have also addressed children (both silly and serious), love, life commentary, and erotica. 1 0 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15
S0001 S1 Services
  • Kelly Dziak
Ask the Dog Guru
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Are you ready to step up Fido's tricks? Maybe you're considering adding a puppy to your family? Perhaps you need help understanding your dog's quirky behavior? Whatever the need, Kelly Dziak is ready with her bag of tricks and treats. Kelly will provide two hours of training/discussion with you, your family, and (of course) your furry pal on a variety of topics. You will not only learn how to effectively communicate with your pet, but also build a positive relationship. Lessons will be specifically designed for your family's specific needs and will be held at a mutually agreed upon location and time. 1 0 000080.0 80 .0004E7 40
X0001 X1 Excursion
  • Nadine Sapirman
Capitol Steps "Mock the Vote" in Morristown
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Four lucky winners will join Nadine and Louis Sapirman for a night of dinner and comedy. Just in time for Presidential primary season! The Capitol Steps put the “mock” in democracy, as they skewer Republicans, Democrats, red states and blue states, with hilarious send-ups and satire on the current political climate.
The group will have dinner beforehand at a fabulous Morristown eatery (to be determined)
4 0 000075.0 75 .0004E7 40 1/8/16 6:00 PM
V0001 V1 Vacation/Lodging
  • UUCSH Board of Trustees
Murray Grove Retreat
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You and 3 guests will receive a personalized retreat of two nights
at Murray Grove Retreat and Renewal Center. This is the traditional birthplace of Universalism in America. Your retreat includes:
•accommodations in our comfortable guest houses
•full use of the Lodge, dining room and kitchen
•use of the 20-acre wooded grounds and adjacent nature trails down to Barnegat Bay
•a self-guided historical tour of the story of John Murray, Thomas Potter and the beginnings of Universalism in America.

Food service is not included; however, there are fine restaurants nearby. Any mid-week nights, upon advance arrangement. Great family get away!!

1 0 000200.0 200 .0005E7 50
M0001 M1 Miscellaneous
  • UUCSH Board of Trustees
UUCSH Reserved Parking Spot
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This offering is a tradition among Unitarian Universalist congregations everywhere. How does never having to worry about finding a parking spot no matter how late you arrive sound? How does having a parking spot when you have all that "stuff" to carry inside? If you win this bid you will have parking privileges in the rear parking lot at 123 E. Cliff Street, in a specially marked spot starting Sunday Feb. 20, 2016 through Saturday November 19, 2016 for any UUCSH service or event. From your wonderful and very hard working Board of Trustees. Don't worry.... we have plenty of spaces in the back for special needs situations. 1 0 000500.0 500 .0015E7 150