2011 Auction Auction Catalog - 189 item(s) printable view
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Item0 Item Category Donors Item Name Picture Description Qty Left Est0 Est Val Min0 Min Price Date
M0041 M41 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Item not in catalog purchased by Carol McGough 1 0 000040.0 40 .0004E7 40
M0040 M40 Miscellaneous
  • Michael Mernin
Mystery item avoidance fee Donate $100 to prevent Charlie from auctioning a mystery item 50 49 000100.0 100 .001E7 100
M0039 M39 Miscellaneous
  • Michael Mernin
Sing with the UU Dirt Band at the Auction For $10 sing at the auction 15 3 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10
B0023 B23 Baskets
  • Jen Lange
replace b18b repalce b18b 1 0 000045.0 45 .0002E7 20
M0038 M38 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
large tote replace m9b large tote replace m9b 1 0 000060.0 60 .0002E7 20
M0037 M37 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
replace m30b stuffed animal 1 0 000060.0 60 .0002E7 20
A0011 A11 Artwork
  • Lelia Norris
Tooth Fairy's Lair A wonderful work from our own Lelia Norris. 1 0 000300.0 300 .001E7 100
V0006 V6 Vacation/Lodging
  • Victoria Sant Ambrogio
Costa Rican Vacation Here is your chance to visit glorious Costa Rica! A bright, clean two-bath condo offers an intriguing blend of comfort and adventure. Dolce Vita is a small development tucked into the hills of Ocatal, Guanacaste. Walk down the road to an exotic black-snad beach. The water is warm! Go exploring: take an ecotour; zipline in the rainforest; ride horses through the mountain trails high above the Pacific. Snorkel, fish or kayak, on your own or with a guide. Make new friends among your American and European neighbors; or live, with the Pura Vida and the Ticos. One week to be arranged. 1 0 001500.0 1,500 .004E7 400
S0029 S29 Services
  • Beth Smith
Custom Designed Coffee Table Photo Book
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Beth Smith of A Life in Print will design a personalized 40-page photo book, portraying an event or subject of your choosing.

You provide 80-100 photos on disc or media transfer, and any accompanying text and I'll design a custom coffee table photo book.

1 1 000600.0 600 .001E7 100
M0036 M36 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Stuffed Animal Made from Vintage Quilts How about some enchanting kitties made from antique quilts and embellished to suit everyone"s fancy. No litter box needed!

3 stuffed animals made from vintage quilts sold separately

1 1 000060.0 60 .0002E7 20
M0035 M35 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Stuffed Animal Made from Vintage Quilts How about some enchanting kitties made from antique quilts and embellished to suit everyone"s fancy. No litter box needed!

3 stuffed animals made from vintage quilts sold separately

3 3 000060.0 60 .0002E7 20
P0021 P21 Parties
  • Sue Butterfield
Pour la Gourmand An evening of delectable charcuterie and fromage as well as Frank and Sue's "Ethical Eating" interpretation of Flemish cuisine paired with an assortmant of unique bières -- lambics, gueuzes, and Belgium ales. A relaxing night, sure to be filled with topical discussion, gourmet cuisine and rich desserts. 12 -2 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30 6/9/12 6:30 PM
M0034 M34 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Stuffed Animal Made from Vintage Quilts How about some enchanting kitties made from antique quilts and embellished to suit everyone"s fancy. No litter box needed!

3 stuffed animals made from vintage quilts sold separately

3 3 000060.0 60 .0002E7 20
M0033 M33 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Stuffed Animal Made from Vintage Quilts How about some enchanting kitties made from antique quilts and embellished to suit everyone"s fancy. No litter box needed!

3 stuffed animals made from vintage quilts sold separately

3 3 000060.0 60 .0002E7 20
M0032 M32 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Stuffed Animal Made from Vintage Quilts How about some enchanting kitties made from antique quilts and embellished to suit everyone"s fancy. No litter box needed!

3 stuffed animals made from vintage quilts sold separately

3 2 000060.0 60 .0002E7 20
M0031 M31 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Stuffed Animal Made from Vintage Quilts How about some enchanting kitties made from antique quilts and embellished to suit everyone"s fancy. No litter box needed!

3 stuffed animals made from vintage quilts sold separately

3 0 000060.0 60 .0002E7 20
M0030 M30 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Stuffed Animal Made from Vintage Quilts How about some enchanting kitties made from antique quilts and embellished to suit everyone"s fancy. No litter box needed!

3 stuffed animals made from vintage quilts sold separately

1 0 000060.0 60 .0002E7 20
M0029 M29 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Stuffed Animal Made from Vintage Quilts How about some enchanting kitties made from antique quilts and embellished to suit everyone"s fancy. No litter box needed!

3 stuffed animals made from vintage quilts sold separately

1 1 000060.0 60 .0002E7 20
S0028 S28 Services
  • Montclair Physical Therapy Associates
'Honey, Go See Todd.' - Physical Therapy Session For twenty years, physical therapist Todd Edelson has been resolving Montclair UUs' aches, pains and mysteries. Send yourself, your loved one, or make it a date for two at Montclair Physical Therapy Associates. Visit www.montclairphysicaltherapy.com for more information about what you can expect in your one (or two) hour consultation with Todd. You are bidding as a single. If you decide to make it a date for two, the winning bidder will increase their payment by 75 percent. (For example, if you win at $100, and opt to make it a date for two, pay an additional $75) 1 1 000225.0 225 .001E7 100
S0027 S27 Services
  • Marcia Kramer
College Admissions Guidance Plan ahead for your present or future high school Junior with this two-hour consultation about the college admissions process. Educational Consultant Marcia Kramer's individual guidance is helpful for anyone, and she offers special services in helping students with learning differences. Never fear - get some expert advice! And enjoy the words of inspiration in the book you'll take home tonight. 1 0 000350.0 350 .00125E7 125
M0028 M28 Miscellaneous
  • Warren Ross
Signed Young Adult Book for Holiday Giving "Shelter" is the first young adult book written by Harlan Coben, the New York Times bestselling author of numerous adult novels (47 million in print, in forty languages.) This signed copy is just in time for your favorite young adult reader on your list! 1 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
M0027 M27 Miscellaneous
  • Watchung Booksellers
Watchung Booksellers Gift Certificate Visit the local bookstore (shop local!) known for supporting the work of Montclair authors and institutions, including our own UU. Enjoy the generous $100 gift certificate while exploring this local treasure. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
B0022 B22 Baskets
  • Advanced Chiropractic
Pain-Away Basket of Healing Dr. Imbrogno (Imbrogno Chiropractic Center) offers a basket filled with healing products to soothe the aches and pains that flesh is heir to. Her chiropractic services and healing touch have been a wonderful contribution to the health and well-being of all of the Elms-Druckers for many years! 1 0 000065.0 65 .0003E7 30
B0021 B21 Baskets
  • Jill Kimball
Sampler Basket from Lotus Jayne This local business specializes in Southeast Asia fair-trade handicrafts; Jill has recently expanded her goods to include jewelry from Guatemala. Enjoy this stunning handbag, gorgeous silk scarf, bath salts and bracelet, knowing that the artisans were fairly compensated.
And on Sunday, December 4th, come enjoy our 5th annual Lotus Jayne Show and Sale right here at UUCM. You'll have a chance to do your holiday shopping and support fair trade at the same time!
1 0 000100.0 100 .0004E7 40
E0010 E10 Education
  • Judy Tomlinson
Adult RE Class - You Choose the Theme Rev. Judy Tomlinson will offer an Adult Religious Education class on the topic of your choice. One to three sessions. Up to 25 people in the course. For weekday evening(s) to be arranged with the winning bidder. 1 0 000300.0 300 .0005E7 50
P0020 P20 Parties
  • Judy Tomlinson
Peter Pan Play Reading Party Come read selected scenes from the classic play Peter Pan and listen
to/sing-a-long with the music from the Broadway performance with Mary
Martin and Cyril Ritchard. Intersperced with a fine High Tea.

We can take 10 people
Vaule & minimum bid $25
Date July 14, 2012 at 2:00PM

Also An Adult Religious Education class. You choose the theme. 1-3
class sessions
Minimum bid $50
Date to be arranged with the winner

10 0 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25 7/14/12 2:00 PM
X0003 X3 Excursions
  • Julian Malnak
Homedics Enviroscape Rock Garden Fountain
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Create a relaxing, peaceful environment.

The EnviraScape Rock Garden brings the soothing sounds of nature into your home or office, making it easy to relax your mind, body and spirit.

The EnviraScape Rock Garden has the following benefits:

Adjustable slates that allows you to arrange rocks in your own style.
Unique tabletop design perfectly complements any room's décor.
Easy to assemble, The EnviraScape Rock Garden operates from a durable indoor electric water pump.
Measures 13-1/4" Diameter x 7-3/4" High.
Soothing sounds: masks distractions to improve your concentration.
Natural humidifier: moisturizes the air and releases beneficial negative ions.
Artistic design: features genuine polished river rocks atop a decoratively patterned base.
Genuine Polished River Rocks included!
Decorative fountain with adjustable slates formation, allows complete customization.
Special lighting effect illuminates glass center.
Includes genuine polished river rocks atop a decoratively patterned base.
Includes durable electric fountain pump, UL listed with variable water flow controls.
This fountain makes a beautiful gift!

1 0 000035.0 35 .0001E7 10
E0009 E9 Education
  • Carol McGough
Study Skills Coaching Study Smarter and Raise grades. or middle/high school or college student(s) on sure-fire strategies to study smarter and raise grades.
Offered by the hour, up to four hours. Bid on one hour or all four.
1 1 000125.0 125 .0005E7 50
X0002 X2 Excursions
  • Carol McGough
Thrift Shop Hop Join us for a Saturday of thrift and consignment shopping, at a number of terrific local stores. We will stop for a light lunch along the way. To be arranged for a Saturday in the spring at the convenience of the winning bidders. 3 1 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
S0026 S26 Services
  • Valerie Marcus Ramshur
The Get-It-Done Gal - Closet Detox/Wardrobe Rehab/Style Consultant Valerie - the Get-It-Done Gal! - will help you get it done. Three Hours of Closet Detox, Wardrobe Rehab Services or Personal Style Consulting. Turn your TO-DO list into a DONE list! Expires June 1, 2012. 1 0 000300.0 300 .001E7 100
B0020 B20 Baskets
  • Deborah Graham
Fall into Winter Enjoy the fragrances and flavors of Fall and Winter along with two gently used "curl up by the fire" books. Mull your cider with the tin of spices, light up your fall and winter evenings with several votive candles in the fragrances reminiscent of fall and winter. Two votive holders are included. When winter arrives keep your HotSnapZ heart shaped hand warmer in your pocket to keep your hands warm on the coldest days. Peppermint chocolate is great any time, but it's particularly welcome on a winter inside day. Look for the orange tinted basket with the decorative flower and colorful fall leaves. 1 0 000075.0 75 .00045E7 45
M0025 M25 Miscellaneous
  • Francesca Elms
Signed Copies of Books for Holiday Giving What better gift for your young reader than copies signed by the authors? These books are just in time for a holiday gift!

Diary of a Spider by Doreen Cronin
Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin
So Few of Me by Peter Reynolds
1 0 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
S0025 S25 Services
  • Francesca Elms
Feldenkrais® Functional Integration Session, 4 Group Lessons and a Book. Diane Farrell, a Guild-Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner, offers an hour-long Functional Integration session. Her expert work is gentle, non-invasive, hands-on and individualized; the client remains fully clothed. There are also 4 group lessons; the class is held on Thursday mornings from 9:30-10:30AM. Reconnect with your natural abilities to move, think, and feel. Highly recommended by Francesca Elms, who hopes you enjoy the book! 1 0 000200.0 200 .00075E7 75
S0024 S24 Services
  • Francesca Elms
Energy Medicine Bodywork Donated by Marie-Christine Lochot, Energy Medicine Practitioner and Massage Therapist, and Francesca Elms, Book.

Enjoy a one-hour energy medicine consultation. Marie-Christine trained with Donna Eden and can help infuse your everyday life with greater awareness and energy. She is highly recommended by Francesca Elms, who has appreciated Marie-Christine's skilled healing touch for many years. You can take home Donna Eden's book tonight!

1 0 000130.0 130 .0006E7 60
P0019 P19 Parties
  • Mary WanderPolo
Video Game Night with Ben Polo Over 30? Wondering what all the young people get out of the video games they are always playing? Let Master Gamer, Ben Polo, lead you through some of the classic games, the newest games and his all time favorites. Learn about single shooters, cooperative games, and even spend sometime being John, George, Paul or Ringo with Beatles Rock Band!

Enjoy dinner and desert while you play!

6 6 000045.0 45 .00025E7 25 1/21/12 7:00 PM
A0010 A10 Artwork
  • Teresa DeSousa
It's Fractal Art!
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Fractals are basically simple (sometimes, not so simple...) mathematical equations that, when you apply some complex coloring algorithms using a computer, they often reveal some complex and very beautiful designs.

Through his love of photography and imaging, Stuart Yannalfo discovered the world of fractals. Stuart began creating fractal art in 2010 and has quickly developed an artistic style that has helped him gain some positive attention in a short period of time. As a new artist, Stuart believes strongly in sharing and donating his images and deeply hopes that “Serenity” will bring joy to the individual who envisions this piece in their home. Please visit their website at www.photographybysky.com. or visit his gallery at http://photographybysky.com/blog/?p=565.

1 0 000120.0 120 .0004E7 40
S0023 S23 Services
  • Arlene Marin
Photo booth for your party/event
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Remember the photo booths of yore on the boardwalk?

Schedule 2 hours of photo booth usage at your next birthday party or other event. You will receive a disk containing images and one hardcopy of each picture within 2 days of the event.

1 0 000350.0 350 .0015E7 150
S0022 S22 Services
  • Arlene Marin
Family portrait
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Family portrait in-studio or in the comfort of your home. This offer includes photo session and 11 x 14 mounted print (unframed) 1 0 000450.0 450 .001E7 100
S0021 S21 Services
  • Arlene Marin
High School photo shoot
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Senior/Junior high school portrait session indoor/outdoor. This offer includes photo session and our famous "BRAG BOOK" 18 - 20 images from the photo shoot. 1 0 000350.0 350 .001E7 100
M0024 M24 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
medium tote made from cloth from Ghana
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Medium sized tote bag with bangle bracelet handles. Lovely print design is one of many fabrics made in Ghana, West Africa. 1 1 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
M0023 M23 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Medium tote made of fabric from Ghana, West Africa
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Medium sized tote bag with bangle bracelet handles. Lovely print design is one of many fabrics made in Ghana, West Africa. 1 0 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
M0022 M22 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Stuffed Animal Made from Vintage Quilts
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Scotty: Enjoy this Scotty Dog without the cold walks in the morning dark. Scotty is made from antique quilts. 1 0 000060.0 60 .0002E7 20
M0021 M21 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Stuffed Animal Made from Vintage Quilts
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Elegant Cat dressed for an evening out made from a vintage quilt. 1 0 000060.0 60 .0002E7 20
M0020 M20 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Stuffed Animal Made from Vintage Quilts
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How about some enchanting kitties made from antique quilts and embellished to suit everyone"s fancy. No litter box needed!
4 stuffed animals made from vintage quilts sold separately
1 1 000000.0 0 .0E7 0
M0018 M18 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Pillows from African Cloth
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Throw pillows in polished cotton produced in Ghana, West Africa. 1 0 000075.0 75 .0005E7 50
T0009 T9 Tickets
  • Arlene Marin
“Bernadette Peters has no peer in the musical theatre right now,” The New York Times writes of this spicy Broadway legend. Peters closes the NJSO’s POPS series with a delectable feast of standards and surprises.
1 0 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25 6/2/12 8:00 PM
T0008 T8 Tickets
  • Arlene Marin
NJ Symphony Concert 2 tickets A SALUTE TO GILBERT & SULLIVAN
One of the most legendary partnerships in music history, librettist W. S. Gilbert and composer Arthur Sullivan together crafted 14 comic operas that continue to delight audiences and inspire playwrights. Guaranteed to satisfy every craving with the saucy lyrics and bubbly melodies of The Pirates of Penzance, The Mikado, H.M.S. Pinafore and more!
1 0 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25 4/21/12 8:00 PM
T0007 T7 Tickets
  • Arlene Marin
NJ Symphony Concert 2 tickets A VALENTINE TREAT
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with the NJSO as three of Broadway’s hottest vocalists perform favorites from Rodgers and Hammerstein’s classics such as The King and I, Carousel, The Sound of Music, Oklahoma! and South Pacific. Like a box of sumptuous chocolates, this program features romantic sweets to delight every palate.
1 0 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25 2/11/12 8:00 PM
T0006 T6 Tickets
  • Arlene Marin
Join the NJSO for the perfect recipe! Start with a generous helping of symphonic holiday classics, add the smooth baritone sounds of film, television and Tony Award-winning Broadway star Brian Stokes Mitchell, spice it up with a dash of your favorite carols and bake it to perfection in the warm spirit of the season. Serves the whole family.
1 0 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25 12/10/11 8:00 PM
B0019 B19 Baskets
  • Jen Lange
American Girl Mini Dolls 2 American Girl Mini Dolls and Toys 1 0 000080.0 80 .0001E7 10
B0018 B18 Baskets
  • Jen Lange
Art and Craft Kits for Children Collection of Art and Craft Kits for Children 1 0 000085.0 85 .0001E7 10
B0017 B17 Baskets
  • Jen Lange
Sewing Kits for Children Collection of Sewing Craft Kits for Children 1 0 000045.0 45 .0001E7 10
S0020 S20 Services
  • Mary WanderPolo
Elder Law and Estate Planning Consultation Think it might be time to review your estate planning documents? Worried about an older family member? Confused about the new health care bill? Worried about family members making end-of-life decisions? Mary WanderPolo, Certified Elder Law Attorney, will sit down with you for an hour or two and answer your questions about these and other issues related to aging and estate planning.
Value: $600-750 Minimum bid: $300
Increments of $20
1 1 000750.0 750 .003E7 300
P0018 P18 Parties
  • Jack Drucker and Francesca Elms
We're Off to Meet the Wizard! Donated by Jack Drucker and Francesca Elms

Wizard is not the next Dungeons & Dragons type craze, but an easy-to-learn card game that’s challenging, habit-forming, and loads of fun! It's a bit like bridge, but much simpler. Come to the Elms-Druckers on March 4th for a fun time. You'll learn the game in no time, and have a blast for several hours of play. Refreshments, too!

12 6 000035.0 35 .0002E7 20 2/12/12 3:00 PM
P0017 P17 Parties
  • Jack Drucker and Francesca Elms
House Concert & Reception Donated by Jonathan Drucker and family

Come enjoy the artistry of pianist Jonathan Drucker on a Sunday afternoon, up close in our intimate salon of a living room. Jon is a graduate of the Manhattan School of Music, with a Masters of Piano Performance, and has been our own UUCM Summer Musician for the last three years. Jon's father, the flutist Jack Drucker, will join him in several pieces. Enjoy a post-concert dessert reception.

12 2 000045.0 45 .0003E7 30 3/3/12 3:00 PM
A0009 A9 Artwork
  • Melissa and Courtney Allen
Enter in Peace
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Acrylic on found glass window. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
A0008 A8 Artwork
  • Melissa and Courtney Allen
3 Faces
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Acrylic on found glass window. The three faces of the goddess. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
S0019 S19 Services
  • Kathleen Morrow Reilly
Joyful wrapping I will joyfully wrap a dozen, more or less, holiday gifts with glittered white, UU appropriate, tissue paper and ribbons galore.

(3-4 days notice, or more if you can, please. )

1 0 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10
P0016 P16 Parties
  • Karen Fried
SUUrealists Soiree Offered by Karen and Jerry Fried

An evening of open possibilities, unexpected juxtapositions, liberating games, experimental cinema, and digestible delectables to delight Dali and Duchamp.

16 1 000045.0 45 .00035E7 35 2/18/12 7:30 PM
J0009 J9 Jewelry
  • Becky Doggett
West African Glass Bead Necklace and Earrings from Ghana 1) Blue glass bead necklace and earrings made in Ghana West Africa. 1 0 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
M0017 M17 Miscellaneous
  • Nick Lewis
1995 Ford Explorer Yes. That's right! You can actually win a car at the UU Auction. Admittedly, it's an old car and it leaks oil a bit and you probably wouldn't want to drive it to California. But it runs fine and is perfectly good for going to the train station or bopping around town. And it is four-wheel drive, which comes in handy in the winter. If you want to bid subject to a mechanic's inspection, that is OK. 1 1 000600.0 600 .001E7 100
J0008 J8 Jewelry
  • Alice Hurley
Sterling Silver and Cubic Zirconia Drop Earrings from Silpada
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Beautiful earrings from Silpada's latest in a lovely jewelry roll, perfect for traveling, with compartments to safely hold rings, bracelets, etc. 1 1 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
P0015 P15 Parties
  • Jack Drucker and Francesca Elms
Play Reading and Dinner: Murder on the Orient Express Donated by Francesca Elms, Jack Drucker and Diane Specht

Join in another exciting play reading at the Elms-Druckers and become immersed in the intrigue of “Murder on the Orient Express,” by Agatha Christie. Dress up as you please as a cosmopolitan cross-Continental train traveler and enjoy some culinary respites from the murder and mayhem, as you enjoy delicacies from Paris to Istanbul.

12 3 000045.0 45 .0003E7 30 9/30/12 5:00 PM
M0016 M16 Miscellaneous
  • Melissa and Courtney Allen
Old Town Canoe
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Old Town Canoe - Fiberglass. Comes with 5 life vests, 2 cushions and 3 paddles. 20+ years old but in good shape. 1 0 000300.0 300 .0015E7 150
M0015 M15 Miscellaneous
  • Lori Herko
ZUUmba Class Cards Have you been wanting to try the terrific ZUUmba classes offered in Fletcher Hall every Saturday but just need that extra nudge?
Here's your nudge!
10 weeks of ZUUmba at the UUCM, Saturday mornings 9-10 a.m.
Expires 3 months from date of first class.
3 0 000060.0 60 .00025E7 25
D0009 D9 Dinner Parties
  • Nelia Sellers & Jim Abramson
Indian Feast
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Celebrate the Indian Festival of Holi, the Spring festival of Colors, observed by Hindus and all who love excellent Indian cuisine, music and mirth. Join us for a Feast to be remembered!
Hosted by Nelia Sellers & Jim Abramson; Cecilia Cosca & Bruce Kaduk; Sheila Eby

Location; 64 Douglas Road, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028

14 -1 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30 3/2/12 7:00 PM
M0014 M14 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
small tote made from cloth from Ghana
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Sparkly, multi colored evening wear bag.Bangle bracelets make it easier to carry than a regular clutch bag. 1 1 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
S0018 S18 Services
  • Blythe Eaman
Dog Sitting Do you need a weekend home for your four-legged friend? We will care for your dog while you are out of town. Our kids will provide plenty of walks and playtime, while supervised. We welcome all dogs who are good with kids and gentle on wood floors. (Up to 3 days of dog sitting.) 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
F0012 F12 Food - Not an Event
  • Blythe Eaman
Key Lime Pie A Key Lime Pie with fresh whipped cream delivered to your home. Offered twice. 2 0 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15
N0008 N8 Entertainment and Tickets
  • Diane Finn, Maryann Ficker
A Night on the Town for Two Lovers of Modern Dance A gift certificate worth $120. to the Joyce Theater, renowned home for excellent modern dance on Eighth Ave. at 19th St. in Manhattan. Plus a gift certificate for $80. for dinner at a nearby restaurant to complete a totally satisfying night out on the town. Childcare provided, if needed, as part of offering. (The Winter 2012 Joyce season ends Feb. 5th). 1 0 000225.0 225 .00175E7 175
F0011 F11 Food - Not an Event
  • Larissa Brookes
Homemade treats from around the globe -- part 3 Organic pickled beets and a loaf of German pumpernickel. 1 0 000018.0 18 .0001E7 10
F0010 F10 Food - Not an Event
  • Larissa Brookes
Homemade treats from around the globe -- part 2 Organic giardiniera (Italian pickled vegetables) and three whole-grain or white baguettes. 1 0 000018.0 18 .0001E7 10
B0016 B16 Baskets
  • Francesca Elms
Tea for Two Basket Enjoy an afternoon tea for two with this lovely teapot from Terra, Ahmad English Afternoon Tea, tea implements, a scone mix and a book about friends. Take a break from your daily routine and enjoy! 1 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
B0015 B15 Baskets
  • Francesca Elms
UU Values in Our Wonderful World Basket Enrich your family’s connection to our UU values and the wider world with books like "One Planet" & "Stones into Schools", while encouraging the development of involvement in that same wonderful world with books like "It Takes A Village", "Our Time is Now: Young People Changing the World" & "Urgent Message from Mother" (Earth). And while you are being inspired, you can also have some fun playing with the globe beach ball and squeezy earth ball! 1 0 000090.0 90 .0003E7 30
B0014 B14 Baskets
  • Francesca Elms
Boost Your Brain Power Basket Buy this fun basket for yourself or for a slightly older friend. Enjoy staying sharp with brain boosting games, a Pick-Two Crossword Game, while assembling a "Noodle Your IQ" Christmas ornament, all while sipping your cup of "Get Smart" tea. 1 0 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
B0013 B13 Baskets
  • Francesca Elms
Pre-Valentine Basket for Your Love Don't wait for Valentine's Day to tell someone you love them. This basket will express it all - with "How Do I Love Thee?" and a book about chocolate, a coffee press and expresso cups, fair trade coffee, chocolate and chocolate covered biscuits, and trinkets. Tell your sweetheart now what love fills your heart! 1 0 000070.0 70 .00035E7 35
B0012 B12 Baskets
  • Francesca Elms
Music Lovers Delight A basket for your favorite music lover - books about musicians from Mozart to Nigel Kennedy, a composer game, a John Sebastian DVD teaching blues harmonica, music lovers magnets and a variety of CDs, from Bartok to Fairy Music to American Concert Music. Sure to delight someone on your list! 1 0 000060.0 60 .0003E7 30
B0011 B11 Baskets
  • Francesca Elms
Toddler Fun and Games The parents get to read the book - "Toddler 411" and the toddlers get to play "Pop-Up Toddlerobics", bubbles, puppets, music-making and more. A great way to spend an afternoon with a favorite little one! 1 0 000060.0 60 .0003E7 30
B0010 B10 Baskets
  • Francesca Elms
Christmas Fun in a Basket What an enjoyable way to get ready for the holidays - decorate your house with ornaments, play with the puzzles, read the Christmas stories together, enjoy the music, use the tote for shopping, light your candle and play with the Grinch! Have fun! 1 0 000080.0 80 .0004E7 40
B0009 B9 Baskets
  • Francesca Elms
Movie Buffs Basket What better gift for your favorite movie buff than a basket full of movie items? Two warm throws, an assortment of movie books including "Cinematherapy", popcorn & candy, and several family friendly DVDs are ready to go! 1 1 000060.0 60 .0003E7 30
B0008 B8 Baskets
  • Francesca Elms
Basket of Relaxation and Simple Pleasures Treat yourself or a loved one to the inviting comforts in this relaxation basket. Enjoy the books of wisdom, the framed wildflowers,
the lovely journal, the soothing tea, the lovely soap and bath salts, the chocolate, the beautiful music and more. We all need to take a break, and this basket will do the trick!
1 0 000060.0 60 .0003E7 30
B0007 B7 Baskets
  • Francesca Elms
Backyard Habitat and Gardening Basket Donated by Adriana O'Toole, Remax Realty and Francesca Elms

Enjoy your Stephanie Spots Art Birdhouse, indoors or out, courtesy of Adriana O'Toole. Enjoy the gardening books and activities for all ages as you learn to live "greener" and enjoy the great outdoors of your own backyard.

1 0 000080.0 80 .0004E7 40
B0006 B6 Baskets
  • Francesca Elms
Arts and Crafts with Kids You can study art a bit with the matching game and the book "Art Explained", and then jump into making art and crafts with lots of ideas, books and materials. Crafts include making note cards and paper flying machines. There's drawing with the Klutz drawing books and all kinds of pencils, crayons,markers, and paints and brushes. You'll have everything you need to be prepared to have fun and keep kids busy on that next long weekend or snowy day. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0004E7 40
B0005 B5 Baskets
  • Francesca Elms
Christmas Basket for Baking with Kids Share the joy of the season by baking up some Christmas cookies. Enjoy the assortment of books with recipes and holiday ideas, assemble a gingerbread house, use the wintertime cookie cutters, leave some cookies for Santa on his special plate and store the rest in the cookie jar, and make some cocoa in the holiday mug. All that and more to get you started on creating new family traditions. 1 0 000060.0 60 .0003E7 30
B0004 B4 Baskets
  • Francesca Elms
Purple Dragon Co-op Share and Organic Basket Donated by Janit London, Purple Dragon Co-op & Francesca Elms

Try a share in Purple Dragon, the popular local organic fruit and vegetable co-op. Enjoy two large shopping bags full of produce from local organic farmers & from around the world by arranging the pick-up with the Purple Dragon office in Glen Ridge. Take home a sample of organic produce and a Michael Pollan book tonight. An organic treat for you, in keeping with our UU Ethical Eating focus!

1 0 000060.0 60 .0003E7 30
B0003 B3 Baskets
  • Francesca Elms
Welcome to the World Baby Basket A gift basket to welcome one lucky baby and parents. A hand knitted stroller blanket just in time for spring strolls, books for baby and parents, a stuffed animal and many other surprises and goodies. This gift will be sure to delight a new baby and parents. 1 0 000080.0 80 .0004E7 40
S0017 S17 Services
  • Jack Drucker and Francesca Elms
Flute Lessons If you used to play the flute and would love to start again, or never played and have found the sound alluring, Jack (our resident flautist) will assist you in shaping dulcet tones to proceed from your lips. Enjoy making music! Two 45 minute lessons are offered. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
S0016 S16 Services
  • Jack Drucker and Francesca Elms
Math Tutoring Is your child having trouble with geometry? Algebra? Trigonometry? Pre-calculus or calculus? Or any math course from middle school on up? Jack offers effective, patient and compassionate help, with an emphasis on helping the student understand the material. Jack's been tutoring kids in the Montclair area for the past eight years, since retiring from a 30+ year stint as a math professor, and has a proven track record of successfully helping his students. Jack also offers SAT prep. Two one-hour sessions are offered. 1 0 000190.0 190 .0008E7 80
S0014 S14 Services
  • Jonathan Drucker
Two Piano Lessons Graduate of the Manhattan School of Music with a Masters of Piano Performance and our own UUCM Summer Musician for the last 3 years, Jonathan Drucker is offering two piano lessons (45 minutes each) for someone of any age. This can include any type of playing: classical, jazz or pop, to name a few. Whether you want to regain those old chops or you want your child to explore musicianship, Jonathan loves to teach. New students only. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
S0013 S13 Services
  • Zentech
Computer Clean-up and Speed-up! Up to two hours of tuning up, virus and malware removal, and optimizing your personal computer for speed and security.
Offered by Zentech.
1 1 000200.0 200 .00075E7 75
E0008 E8 Education
  • Crazy Quuilters
T-Shirt Quilt Workshop and Luncheon Join the Quuilters in a terrific workshop in which you will learn to make a t-shirt quilt from your favorite old (or new) shirts, and share a nice lunch in good company. 10 8 000080.0 80 .0005E7 50 7/14/12 10:00 AM
E0007 E7 Education
  • Crazy Quuilters
Spirit Doll Workshop and Luncheon A very popular workshop and luncheon. To be held in the Alliance Room, where participants will create a magical Spirit Doll to take home. Luncheon will be served in Fletcher Hall, shared with good company. 10 7 000080.0 80 .0005E7 50 3/17/12 10:00 AM
M0012 M12 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Little Girl's Quilt
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Gorgeous Little Girl's Quilt 1 0 000250.0 250 .00075E7 75
M0011 M11 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Pillows from African Cloth
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Throw pillows made with batik fabric from Ghana, West Africa. Perfect way to spruce up a room for the holidays. 1 0 000075.0 75 .0005E7 50
M0010 M10 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Handbag Made from Silk Ties
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Gorgeous handbag made from silk ties

Necktie Tote Bag: ever wonder what we were doing with all of those ties? Here's an eye-catching and sturdy tote bag made from Dad's old ties.

1 0 000070.0 70 .0003E7 30
M0009 M9 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Large Tote Made from Batik and Kente Cloth from Ghana
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1) Blue and white kente cloth woven in Ghana, West Africa, has been made into a large tote with bangle bracelets for convenient handles. Inside and outside pockets.

2) Mixed color batik at its best from Ghana, West Africa. Made into a large tote with bangle bracelets for handles and pocket inside.
1 0 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
M0008 M8 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Stuffed Animal Made from Vintage Quilts
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How about some enchanting kitties made from antique quilts and embellished to suit everyone"s fancy. No litter box needed!

3 stuffed animals made from vintage quilts sold separately

1 1 000060.0 60 .0002E7 20
M0019 M19 Miscellaneous
  • Crazy Quuilters
Hand-made Stuffed Animal
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Silly Buddies: Novelty pillows designed to get a smile or even a giggle!
The 2 creatures are sold as one item.
1 1 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
S0012 S12 Services
  • Ellen Rothman
office work I will do 2 hours of office work for you, at your home or business. I am fully literate on the computer. 2 1 000040.0 40 .0004E7 40
W0002 W2 Wearables
  • Kate Conroy
T-shirt Quilt Do you have t-shirts that you don't wear anymore, but that hold sentimental value? Why not let Kate turn your old shirts into a cuddly keepsake? Great for graduation presents! Minimum t-shirts required: 9. 1 0 000100.0 100 .00035E7 35
N0007 N7 Entertainment and Tickets
  • Mary WanderPolo
Dinner and a Silent Movie (Times Three) - Night Three - April 6 Enjoy dinner in a kid friendly environment while you watch one, two or all three of the greats of the silent movies, one a month from February to April.
First up, February 10th, Harold Lloyd in "Safety Last", a movie that includes one of the most famous images from the silent film era: Lloyd clutching the hands of a large clock as he dangles from the outside of a skyscraper above moving traffic. The film was highly successful and critically hailed, and it cemented Lloyd's status as a major figure in early motion pictures. It is still popular at revivals, and it is viewed today as one of the great film comedies.
Second, March 9th will bring you Buster Keaton in "The General" a 1926 film that Orson Welles called "the greatest comedy ever made, the greatest Civil War film ever made, and perhaps the greatest film ever made".
Finish up the series on April 6 with Charlie Chaplin in "Modern Times", the last picture in which he portrayed the "little tramp" character he is famous for. If you have never experienced the genius of these three men, you can't imagine what you are missing.

All dinners start at 7:00 pm. The dates are: February 10, March 9 and April 6.

20 20 000060.0 60 .0004E7 40 4/6/12 7:00 PM
N0006 N6 Entertainment and Tickets
  • Mary WanderPolo
Dinner and a Silent Movie (Times Three) - Night Two - March 9 Enjoy dinner in a kid friendly environment while you watch one, two or all three of the greats of the silent movies, one a month from February to April.
First up, February 10th, Harold Lloyd in "Safety Last", a movie that includes one of the most famous images from the silent film era: Lloyd clutching the hands of a large clock as he dangles from the outside of a skyscraper above moving traffic. The film was highly successful and critically hailed, and it cemented Lloyd's status as a major figure in early motion pictures. It is still popular at revivals, and it is viewed today as one of the great film comedies.
Second, March 9th will bring you Buster Keaton in "The General" a 1926 film that Orson Welles called "the greatest comedy ever made, the greatest Civil War film ever made, and perhaps the greatest film ever made".
Finish up the series on April 6 with Charlie Chaplin in "Modern Times", the last picture in which he portrayed the "little tramp" character he is famous for. If you have never experienced the genius of these three men, you can't imagine what you are missing.

All dinners start at 7:00 pm. The dates are: February 10, March 9 and April 6.

20 20 000060.0 60 .0004E7 40 3/9/12 7:00 PM
N0005 N5 Entertainment and Tickets
  • Mary WanderPolo
Dinner and a Silent Movie (Times Three!) - Night One - February 10 Enjoy dinner in a kid friendly environment while you watch one, two or all three of the greats of the silent movies, one a month from February to April.
First up, February 10th, Harold Lloyd in "Safety Last", a movie that includes one of the most famous images from the silent film era: Lloyd clutching the hands of a large clock as he dangles from the outside of a skyscraper above moving traffic. The film was highly successful and critically hailed, and it cemented Lloyd's status as a major figure in early motion pictures. It is still popular at revivals, and it is viewed today as one of the great film comedies.
Second, March 9th will bring you Buster Keaton in "The General" a 1926 film that Orson Welles called "the greatest comedy ever made, the greatest Civil War film ever made, and perhaps the greatest film ever made".
Finish up the series on April 6 with Charlie Chaplin in "Modern Times", the last picture in which he portrayed the "little tramp" character he is famous for. If you have never experienced the genius of these three men, you can't imagine what you are missing.

All dinners start at 7:00 pm. The dates are: February 10, March 9 and April 6.

20 20 000060.0 60 .0004E7 40 2/10/12 7:00 PM
T0005 T5 Tickets
  • Robin Sharif
$300 Broadway Gift Certificate! See a show over the holidays! Take home a $300 gift certificate redeemable at Broadway.com to a show of your choosing. 1 0 000300.0 300 .0015E7 150
A0007 A7 Artwork
  • Deborah Graham
Menemsha–Martha's Vineyard.
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Photo of the quiet harbor at Menemsha on Martha's Vineyard. Photo mounted and framed. 20"X 16" is final framed size. 1 1 000080.0 80 .00055E7 55
A0006 A6 Artwork
  • Deborah Graham
Glowing Rivets–GWB
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8"X 8" photo of the George Washington Bridge with a twist. Mounted and framed. 16"x 16" is final framed size. 1 0 000075.0 75 .0005E7 50
A0005 A5 Artwork
  • Deborah Graham
Etherial Bridge–GWB
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8"X 8" photo of the George Washington Bridge with a twist. Mounted and framed. 16"X 16" is the final framed size. 1 0 000075.0 75 .0005E7 50
E0006 E6 Education
  • Alan Sanders
1 Hour of Tutoring SAT, PSAT, SSAT, GMAT, ISEE,
Math: Grades 3 to 11, All math Grades 1 through 8, Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-calculus
High School Chemistry through AP, Physics
Writing, Reading Comprehension
3 2 000075.0 75 .0005E7 50
J0007 J7 Jewelry
  • Claudia Sanders
Earrings Hand made with CRYSTALLIZED (TM) Swarovski Elements beads. 1 1 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10
J0006 J6 Jewelry
  • Claudia Sanders
Earrings Hand made with CRYSTALLIZED (TM) Swarovski Elements beads. 1 0 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10
N0004 N4 Entertainment and Tickets
  • Michael Mernin
Two-hour Gig by Shades of Blue Hire this hot Montclair-based jazz quintet for a party or event, and wow your guests with the sound of these five high-schoolers from the Jazz House Kids program, whose devotion to the art and silken performance will stay with you for days. Check them out on facebook! 1 1 000200.0 200 .00075E7 75
N0003 N3 Entertainment and Tickets
  • Julian Malnak
Logitech Harmony 550
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Say goodbye to juggling multiple remotes. Harmony 550 gives you one-touch control of your entire home entertainment system. Want to watch TV? See a movie? Listen to music? Play a game? Start your activity with one touch. Patented Smart State Technology takes care of turning on, or off, all the right components. It's the remote everyone can use. No cheat sheets. No complicated button sequences. No numb thumb. Harmony 550 is the easier, more affordable way to take complete command of your entertainment. 1 0 000150.0 150 .0004E7 40
B0001 B1 Baskets
  • Jane W. Rappaport
Black & White Gift Basket Enjoy your 'coffee and ...' with this charming set (for two) of ceramic mugs, plates and cheese knives along with placemats and napkins, all in stylish black & white. A stack of black & white note pads completes the basket. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
J0005 J5 Jewelry
  • Anne Sailer
"Tango" Earrings Earrings of hand-forged sterling silver and fluorite in Anne Sailer's original design. Even the earwires are handmade! Approximate length: 2" drop. 1 0 000045.0 45 .0003E7 30
J0004 J4 Jewelry
  • Anne Sailer
"Dance" Necklace One-of-a-kind necklace of sterling silver, labradorite, and glass seed beads, designed by Anne Sailer. Approximate length: 16". 1 0 000045.0 45 .00035E7 35
L0001 L1 Fellowship Activities
  • Anne Sailer
Make-and-Munch Lunch Calling all those who draw, paint, sew, stitch, knit, crochet, bead, stamp, cut, glue, etc. Bring whatever artsy-craftsy project you've got going and let's enjoy the process of making stuff while we talk, laugh, and munch our way through lunch. Anne will provide the food and drink, space to work, and a variety of artsy-craftsy essentials that you might need along the way. Don't have a project you're working on? Come anyway! You can just play around with Anne's stuff and see what sparks your interest. 8 4 000040.0 40 .00015E7 15 2/12/12 12:30 PM
M0006 M6 Miscellaneous
  • Sarah Scalet
Reusable Sandwich Wrap for 'Ethical' Lunching Skip the plastic sandwich bag in your lunch box and replace it with a homemade, reusable sandwich wrap. Made from food-safe, laminated fabric, the wrap unfolds into a clean eating surface for your lunch. Wipe it clean or machine wash. The wrap may not be perfectly constructed -- but it was made with love by a UU "Ethical Eater." 3 -1 000010.0 10 .00006E7 6
C0001 C1 Collectibles
  • Michael Mernin
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis' Estate Auction Catalog - Sotheby's 1996
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Own a little history. Hardcover, very good condition 584 page Auction catalog from the April 1996 Sotheby's Auction of Jackie O's estate. Great coffee table piece. 1 0 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
S0011 S11 Services
  • Dottie Mack
An Evening of Caring Babysitting An evening of caring professional babysitting in your home by our good friend Dorothy Mack. 2 1 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30
P0013 P13 Parties
  • Intergenerational Women's Gp
Desserts Internationale Savor desserts and delicacies from around the world! Let the Intergenerational Women's Group guide you on an international tour that will delight the taste buds and the sweet tooth! Bon Appetit! 24 5 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20 5/20/12 2:00 PM
P0012 P12 Parties
  • Sabine von Aulock & Jeri Huempfner-Gatz
Sixth Annual sUUper Bowl Party Whether you love football, have a fondness for Super Bowl fare or are intrigued by the 46 for XLVI Mural project in Indianapolis, we’ll have something to pique your fancy. Jeri and Sabine will host a night of fantastic sports-viewing, their traditional sUUper trivia quiz, sUUper football pool, and sUUper grub and brUU (with and without spirits).
Date: February 5, 2012, 5:30 p.m. 83 Maolis Ave, Bloomfield
20 8 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 2/5/12 5:30 PM
P0011 P11 Parties
  • Sabine von Aulock & Jeri Huempfner-Gatz
Party With the Great Pumpkin Imagine, if you will, the scariest pumpkin EVER or the funniest or the tallest or the smallest! A pumpkin for each participant plus frightfully delicious (and horribly nutritious) refreshments. 50 44 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 10/28/12 12:30 PM
F0009 F9 Food - Not an Event
  • Sabine von Aulock & Jeri Huempfner-Gatz
BiscUUtti di Sabine e Jeri A platter of 25 delicious double-baked Italian cookies from the kitchen of Sabine and Jeri. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
N0002 N2 Entertainment and Tickets
  • Deborah Corbett
TGIF Party on the Porch Think of those first sweet days of summer...think warm! No matter how fulfilling the week, we all tend to need a break by Friday night. Come and relax at the home of Deborah and Chris Corbett for a casual evening of dinner and conversation. 22 -3 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25 6/22/12 7:00 PM
S0010 S10 Services
  • Andrea Sandahl Hart
Shiatsu/Thai Massage Treatment Enjoy classic eastern bodywork combining the best of both of these modalities. Unlike all other massages this massage is given on a mat on the floor in loose clothing. Ninety minutes. At Restore, a new massage studio in Montclair at Watchung Plaza. To be scheduled directly with therapist Andrea Sandahl Hart. Expires March 1, 2012. Expires March 1, 2012. 1 0 000150.0 150 .00075E7 75
S0008 S8 Services
  • Lisbi Abraham
Computer Support Win 2 hours of onsite computer support. Do you have a computer that is running too slow or that is plagued with virus problems? Have you always wanted to setup a wireless network so that you can get rid of those wires running around your home? Have you been thinking about setting up a backup solution to protect those precious photos and music files? Do you need a firewall configured so that you can protect your home network while still getting access to the Internet? Then have your computer and other technical problems worked on by an IT professional with over 21 years of experience in the field. 1 0 000120.0 120 .0006E7 60
S0009 S9 Services
  • Andrea Sandahl Hart
Balanced Body Massage Treatment Tailored to your individual requests, guaranteed to put you back in balance, at Restore, a new massage studio in Montclair, at Watchung Plaza. One hour. To be scheduled directly with therapist Andrea Sandahl Hart. Expires March 1, 2012. 1 0 000095.0 95 .0005E7 50
W0001 W1 Wearables
  • Doris Williams
Hand-knit hat and scarf set Eight beautiful hat and scarf sets, knit by Doris Williams. 8 4 000075.0 75 .00025E7 25
P0010 P10 Parties
  • Judie Rinearson
Ladies Pajama Party in the Catskills!!
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It's Year 2 for our UU Ladies Pajama Party at the Lewis/Rinearson home in the Catskills. Escape chores, kids, phones, laundry and hang out with your UU friends. Swimming pool. Stargazing. S'mores around the campfire. Long walks. Poetry. Popcorn. Old movies. Games. Food & Wine.
Leave at 10am on Saturday Aug 11th and arrive in the Catskills at lunchtime; leave at around 2pm on Sunday August 12th and return to Montclair by 4pm. Shared transportation included. Saturday Lunch at the Rolling River Cafe is also included. Please join us to build memories and friendships. Note: while limited to 7 rooms, two or more friends can easily share a bunk or twin bed room.
7 0 000150.0 150 .0005E7 50 8/11/12 10:00 AM
P0009 P9 Parties
  • Michael Mernin
Cribbage Party
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When was the last time you got skunked? Ever had a 29 point hand? Need a refresher course? Get together and share your cribbage skills, pick up a few pointers, and enjoy some snacks and drinks. 12 -1 000040.0 40 .00015E7 15 6/17/12 3:00 PM
T0004 T4 Tickets
  • Judie Rinearson
Bach's Mass inB Minor at Lincoln Center (2 Tickets)
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You and a companion can spend a wonderful evening at Avery Fisher Hall, listening to the National Chorale perform one of Bach's masterpieces with a Baroque festival orchestra. The concert is on April 27, 2012. 1 0 000240.0 240 .0005E7 50 4/27/12 8:00 PM
T0003 T3 Tickets
  • Judie Rinearson
Carmina Burana at Lincoln Center (2 tickets)
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See the National Chorale perform Orff's classic, Carmina Burana and other pieces by Brahams and Cowell at Avery Fisher Hall On March 23, 2012. Two tickets in the orchestra. 1 0 000240.0 240 .0006E7 60 3/23/12 8:00 PM
P0008 P8 Parties
  • Roseann Shaiman
Women's Cocktail Party Women's Cocktail Party - A UU tradition. A great way to spend time with the wonderful women of UU Montclair. Kick back at the Shaiman home and allow yourself to be served wine, sumptuous food all while enjoying terrific company. 40 3 000050.0 50 .00035E7 35 3/17/12 5:00 PM
P0007 P7 Parties
  • David Bessey and Kitty Cullina-Bessey
Guns, Scotch, and Cigars (it doesn't get any better than this) Ever hold a 400 year old crossbow? Or a regimental rifle from the 4th Maine regiment at Gettysburg? Or a Lemat Pistol like the one used by Confederate general JEB Stuart? Relive some history and get a little Red State kick! Join David for a tour of these and other (unloaded) firearms from his collection, followed by a glass of scotch, a cigar, and conversation on the back porch.
Number of Guests: 8
Value Range:
Minimum Bid: $25
8 3 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 4/28/12 7:30 PM
M0007 M7 Miscellaneous
  • Claudia Sanders
Note Cards Two sets of note cards. Each set has 10 blank cards with nature images on front. 2 0 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10
A0004 A4 Artwork
  • Melissa and Courtney Allen
Outdoor Photo Portrait Session Gift Certificate Gift Certificate for an outdoor photo portrait session with photographer Elektra Rose. For a family, engagement, maternity, high school senior, or children 2 hour photo session in outdoor location of choice (within 20 mile radius of Newark)20-25 edited, high-resolution 1 0 000450.0 450 .0005E7 50
F0008 F8 Food - Not an Event
  • Sandra Hoyer
Two loaves of home-baked bread Is there anything better than homemade bread? Sandra will deliver two loaves of lovingly made whole wheat loaves at a mutually agreeable time. 3 0 000020.0 20 .00012E7 12
S0007 S7 Services
  • Charlie Ortman
Sermon of Your Choice Have Charlie give a sermon on a topic of your choice. Think of a topic: Good, Evil, Redemption, Faith, Hope and let Charlie put it into words. 1 1 000500.0 500 .003E7 300
P0006 P6 Parties
  • Judy and Charlie Ortman
Maui in March! Tired of the late winter blahs?
Thinking about a trip to someplace sunny and warm?
How about Maui!
Join Judy and Charlie Ortman for the first Bar-B-Q of the season on March 18th from 4:00 to 8:00. We'll have a few Mai Tais, grill a little Mahi Mahi and a few other things and we'll have us a time!
16 1 000075.0 75 .0004E7 40 3/18/12 4:00 PM
D0008 D8 Dinner Parties
  • Laura Wilson
Fireworks without the Crowd If you like to watch the county fireworks in Brookdale Park, but don't want to fight the crowds, join Laura and Andy on their deck for a summer picnic that concludes with a partial view of the fireworks. Fireworks are typically held the Friday BEFORE July 4, but date will be confirmed once schedule is announced. 12 0 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15 6/29/12 7:30 PM
F0007 F7 Food - Not an Event
  • Claudia Sanders
Pumpkin Pecan Tea Loaf A terrific pumpkin pecan tea loaf; just perfect for the season. 2 0 000012.0 12 .00007E7 7
F0006 F6 Food - Not an Event
  • Claudia Sanders
Homemade Granola with Pecans and Cranberries Tasty healthy munchies for your holidays! 2 0 000012.0 12 .00007E7 7
J0003 J3 Jewelry
  • Claudia Sanders
Handmade Earrings Another beautiful pair of earrings, handmade by Claudia. 1 0 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10
J0002 J2 Jewelry
  • Claudia Sanders
Handmade Earrings A beautiful pair of earrings, handmade by Claudia. 1 0 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10
D0007 D7 Dinner Parties
  • Sabina Ernst
UU Family Fun BBQ A UU auction party where you don't need to hire a sitter! This is an event for UU families.
Join us for an afternoon of backyard games and good food and conversation.
15 7 000040.0 40 .0004E7 40 5/19/12 12:00 PM
D0006 D6 Dinner Parties
  • Arlene Dodge
The Dodge Italian Feast This is one of the all-time Auction classics! Join Arlene and Lou for a great evening of hot and cold antipasto, lasagna and meatballs and the best tiramisu on the planet along with lots of wine and lots of great company. 14 -2 000075.0 75 .0005E7 50 11/3/12 7:00 PM
V0005 V5 Vacation/Lodging
  • Sabina Ernst
Poconos Vacation Home - Fall Weekend Enjoy an autumn weekend, walk in the scenic woods, visit beautiful Milford, PA, relax and watch the leaves change.
Home sleeps 4 adults and 4 children.
3 days and 2 nights
1 0 000300.0 300 .002E7 200 10/13/12 12:00 PM
D0005 D5 Dinner Parties
  • Sabina Ernst
Death By Chocolate Party Enjoy an evening by the fireplace sampling red wine and home-made chocolate desserts. 8 1 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 1/28/12 7:30 PM
V0004 V4 Vacation/Lodging
  • Sabina Ernst
Poconos Vacation Home - 4 days, 3 nights Enjoy 4 days and 3 nights in a lakeside Poconos vacation home. Canoe or swim in the lake, take a dip in the pool, hike in the woods and visit one of the scenic local waterfalls, or just put your feet up and do nothing.
This home sleeps 4 adults and 4 children.
Available in Summer 2012 at a mutually agreed upon date.
1 0 000600.0 600 .004E7 400
F0005 F5 Food - Not an Event
  • Sabina Ernst
Farm to Table Dinner Spend a lovely fall evening enjoying a 4 course home-cooked meal made with farm-fresh local ingredients. Date - early September, TBD.
Offered by Deborah DeSalvo and Sabina Ernst
8 0 000600.0 600 .00075E7 75
E0005 E5 Education
  • Bob Benno
Mouse Lab with Dr. Bob For the budding young scientist this is a unique opportunity to engage in a day of Mouse Behavioral Genetics. Join Dr. Bob in his lab as you learn about mice and do an experiment. Transportation and a discussion over lunch is included. Young scientists age 9 and over only. A Saturday afternoon in winter 4 1 000075.0 75 .00025E7 25
F0004 F4 Food - Not an Event
  • Michael Mernin
Instant Chili Party - Ideal for that certain Sunday!
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Say hello to a Giant Pot of Chili whipped up by Mike - beef or veggie - you choose- with shredded cheddar, sour cream, two loaves of crispy bread and a twelve pack of Corona, all cheerfully delivered to your door! An instant playoff party! One week's notice required. 1 0 000075.0 75 .0004E7 40
S0006 S6 Services
  • Susan Raufer
Chauffeur Services I will be happy to chauffeur up to three adults in my Toyota Matrix wherever you would like to go. I'll pay the gas, you pay the tolls. YOu can make it an evening out, or an afternoon running errands -- your choice! 1 1 000075.0 75 .0004E7 40
S0005 S5 Services
  • Phil Cantor
Fine Art Family Portrait Package - Phil Cantor Photography Memories are the most valuable thing we own. The lucky bidder will win an heirloom portrait of their loved ones that will capture the essence of their family.

Multi-generational Family portrait session in any location (home, garden, park or studio) within 20 miles of Montclair.

11x14 Giclée Portrait, unframed. Giclée photographs are extensively enhanced to be more dramatic than a regular portrait. They are made on heavy weight fine-art archival paper, which imparts a rich look and feel.

Artist Phil Cantor has been photographing families in Montclair since 1990.
Phil Cantor Photography is located in the historic Murdoch-Fairchild Building in downtown Montclair, New Jersey.

Website: www.PhilCantor.com Tel: 973-783-1065
26 Lackawanna Plz., Montclair, NJ 07042

1 0 000658.0 658 .0025E7 250
T0002 T2 Tickets
  • Judie Rinearson
Messiah Sing at Lincoln Center (2 tickets)
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Join the National Chorale and a group of 17 guest conductors to sing Handel's Messiah at Avery Fischer Hall in Lincoln Center. You and a friend and the other 3000 audience members will belt out this wonderful music on December 20th. Hallelujah! TWO PAIRS of tickets are available. Each pair of tickets includes a copy of the score. 2 0 000220.0 220 .0004E7 40 12/20/11 7:30 PM
A0003 A3 Artwork
  • Nick Lewis
Trawin Tennis Illustration
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Long-time member Don Trawin was a member of the "golden age of illustration". His work appeared in the Saturday Evening Post, Forbes, Sports Illustrated and other magazines, as well as many books. Two illustrations on a tennis theme are offered. Here we have a man imagining how his new racquet will improve his game. 1 1 000125.0 125 .00025E7 25
A0002 A2 Artwork
  • Nick Lewis
Trawin Tennis Illustration
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Long-time member Don Trawin was a member of the "golden age of illustration". His work appeared in the Saturday Evening Post, Forbes, Sports Illustrated and other magazines, as well as many books. Two illustrations on a tennis theme are offered. Here we have gentleman preparing to serve. 1 1 000125.0 125 .00025E7 25
J0001 J1 Jewelry
  • Nancy and Matt Silverman
Sterling Silver necklace with matching earrings Beautiful sterling silver "choker" necklace with matching earrings. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00035E7 35
D0004 D4 Dinner Parties
  • Nancy and Matt Silverman
Surf and Turf Dinner Join us for a hearty, yet elegant feast with Matt and Nancy Silverman. Enjoy delicious items from the land and sea and the best company that your auction dollars can buy. Have a scrumptious meal with friends – old and new - in a warm and joyful setting. 6 -1 000070.0 70 .0004E7 40 3/10/12 7:00 PM
A0001 A1 Artwork
  • Cameron Boyle
African Mask from the Guro People of the Ivory Coast Worn and danced during initiation rites and harvest festivals. circa 1960 1 1 000250.0 250 .0015E7 150
M0005 M5 Miscellaneous
  • Judith Rew
Tai chi for the (Chinese) New Year
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Honor your "New Year's Resolution" to start something new, healthy, and fun. Two introductory classes in tai chi, a Chinese system of slow meditative physical exercise that improves balance, agility, circulation, heart health and mental health. We practice Yang Traditional Long Form, a style that dates back to the late 1700s. All ages and levels welcome. Mondays, February 4 and 11 (day ofter the Chinese New Year) at the UUCM (Pierles Room) at 6:15 pm. Or choose two consecutive Saturday mornings, 9:45, at The Blended Beverage Vegan Cafe, 307 Orange Road, Montclair. Tea from China (purchased in Hunan Province) provided, plus a brief demonstration of other aspects of the style. Taught by Judith Rew, an 11-year practitioner, ranked Level III "Golden Eagle" by the Yang Family International organization and bronze medalist at the Yang Traditional Tai Chi Fourth International Invitational Tournament of Shanxi Province, China in August, 2012. 10 4 000025.0 25 .0003E7 30 2/4/12 6:15 PM
S0004 S4 Services
  • Maria Sweeney
An Evening of Child Care I will watch your children while you enjoy an evening out. We will set a mutually agreed upon time. I am a teacher who has often volunteered at the UU nursery. I love children. 3 1 000035.0 35 .00025E7 25
F0003 F3 Food - Not an Event
  • Judy Strachan
Chocolate Chip Cookies A dozen home made chocolate chip cookies delivered warm to your door. Date and time negotiable. 5 3 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10
F0002 F2 Food - Not an Event
  • Judy Strachan
Homemade Oatmeal Walnut Whole Wheat Bread Get a warm fresh loaf of wholesome bread made with whole wheat, oatmeal, molasses, honey and walnuts delivered to your door. Date and time to be negotiated. 5 2 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5
P0005 P5 Parties
  • Nick Lewis
Australian Dinner
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Come over to Judie and Nick's house for a fair dinkum Aussie feast. Not bush tucker, but mum's lamb roast, wine from Oz, pavlova for dessert and other tidbits from Down Under. All the Vegemite and fairy bread you can eat! Since it is close to Australia Day, we can play Two Up! 12 -4 000040.0 40 .00015E7 15 1/28/12 7:30 PM
P0004 P4 Parties
  • Lee Wilson
Poker & Scotch Party
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An evening of poker and Scotch, but no cigars. Low stakes and high drama in friendly (but vicious?) bout of cards and camaraderie. A UUM tradition going on its 6th year. Join the fun! 15 0 000900.0 900 .00025E7 25 1/21/12 8:00 PM
M0004 M4 Miscellaneous
  • Tanya Dixon
AquarianYoga Center New Student 30 Day Package
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A 30 day pass for unlimited classes at the AquarianYoga Center - The First Kundalini Yoga Center in NJ! (http://www.aquarianyogacenter.com).

AquarianYoga is focused on developing a community, a spiritual family; it is a place to commune. Much more than a yoga studio, AquarianYoga aims to be your spiritual home.

A comfortable place to convene, study, grow and connect. AquarianYoga is committed to offering students inspiring classes as well as a whole yogic lifestyle.

As a Student of Akalsukh Singh (owner of AquarianYoga) I can personally, and joyfully, say Kundalini Yoga has changed my life. I am physically, mentally, and spiritually more 'whole' than I have ever been in my life. The more I do Yoga the more I can Do!

2 0 000055.0 55 .00015E7 15
E0004 E4 Education
  • Patty Dow
Just Breathe... Join Patty Dow, MA, Life Coach/Parent Educator, for 2 hours of relaxation and guided meditation. Once you are relaxed from head to toe, enjoy her top notch hospitality with some libation and tasty tidbits in the warm glow of her cozy home. Dress comfortably... 12 11 000080.0 80 .0004E7 40 2/4/12 2:00 PM
E0003 E3 Education
  • Patty Dow
Got Two Hours to Change Your Life? Donated by Patty Dow
If there is a place in your life that you have been looking for an edge, a place that you’ve been stuck or questioning what’s next, then spend two life changing hours with Life Coach and Parent Educator Patty Dow, MA. Patty, who holds a masters degree in Counseling and Family Studies, has been working with people for the last 22 years to help them cultivate the tools they need to live life with a newfound power and freedom, be it in relationships, career, goal setting, productivity and time management, visioning and life purpose, body image, overall satisfaction and well being, and parenting. Call to schedule a mutually agreeable time. Contact information will be available to you in a packet you will receive at the auction. Offered twice. Each 2 hour package (available at UUCM the eve of the auction) is valued at $200. Be sure to get an information packet at the auction.
2 2 000200.0 200 .001E7 100
E0002 E2 Education
  • Sandra Michaels
Sculptor offers two 90 min. sessions in studio for your student/self. Sculptor, Sandra Chamberlin will open her studio/ wood shop for a great experience making something of your choice, a school project, portfolio work, exposure to power tools for older students and individuals. Feel what it's like to immerse yourself in a sculptor's process of art making, and open yourself to the connection between, mind/hand/eyes and all of its possibilities. Helps in honing those "thinking outside the box" skills.

I am a professional artist and designer who works primarily with wood and my studio is a great 20' x 60' space connected to our Montclair home.

1 0 000300.0 300 .002E7 200
V0003 V3 Vacation/Lodging
  • Mary Sibley
One week at the beach in Narragansett RI Win one week in beautiful Narragansett RI. House is 8 houses from the beach, 3 BR/1 Bath. Sleeps 4 comfortably, deck, outside shower. Walk or bike to private town owned beach. 20 minutes from Newport. Rents in summer for 1,000 per week.
Choose any week in the summer of 2012.
1 0 000800.0 800 .002E7 200
D0003 D3 Dinner Parties
  • David Lewis
Musical Dinner Party Sing for your supper at this beloved annual event. Or play your instrument while enjoying delicious foods. An appreciative audience is also welcome. 12 -3 000045.0 45 .0003E7 30 3/10/12 6:30 PM
S0003 S3 Services
  • Kate Conroy
4 Hours of Gift Wrapping Pressed for time during the holidays? Kate can help! For four hours Kate will come to your house and gift-wrap your holiday presents. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0002E7 20
M0003 M3 Miscellaneous
  • Susan Krcmar
Chip and Dip Set A lovely chip and dip set. New in box. 1 0 000030.0 30 .00015E7 15
S0002 S2 Services
  • Susan Krcmar
Long Distance Reiki Treatment Experience REIKI - gift of the Universe! Simple, natural, wonderful method of relaxation/healing.
Offered 5 times.
5 4 000060.0 60 .00025E7 25
D0002 D2 Dinner Parties
  • Jane Gaertner
So Mountain Hike-Dinner-Dip in Pool on Sunday in West Orange Join Jane on a 90 minute hike in So Mountain Reservation with history tidbits, adjacent to her condo in West Orange. We'll have dinner afterwards, and for those up for it, a dip in the condo pool. Gather at 3 pm, hike follows, dinner around 5'ish, pool at 630 or 7 pm. 5 2 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10 7/15/12 3:00 PM
P0003 P3 Parties
  • Nancy Felix
Paddle Tennis Party Are you a paddle player? Have you ever wanted to learn? Spend a few hours on a Sunday afternoon at the home of Mark and Nancy Felix, who conveniently live across the street from the Glen Ridge paddle courts. Mark will teach the beginners, we will play for a bit and then head back to the house for Nancy's award-winning chili and hot and cold beverages. Dress in layers!! 6 0 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 1/29/12 4:00 PM
V0002 V2 Vacation/Lodging
  • Nancy Felix
House in Quechee VT for Vacation or Getaway Escape to Vermont for a long weekend or week in the summer, winter or fall. The house has three bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths and comfortably sleeps 8 or 10. Quechee VT is 25 minutes from Hanover NH, 15 minutes from Woodstock, VT and 45 minutes from Killington. Enjoy hiking trails, golf, tennis, cross country and downhill skiing. Dates must be mutually agreed upon. 1 0 000500.0 500 .0025E7 250
E0001 E1 Education
  • Catherine Ashman
Grantswriting Instruction Two sessions of grantswriting instruction; 90 minutes per session. Offered by Catherine Ashman who has over 30 years experience in raising funds for non-profit organizartions and in reviewing funding applications submitted to the federal government. Sessions at successful bidder's location choice. 1 0 000200.0 200 .001E7 100
F0001 F1 Food - Not an Event
  • Larissa Brookes
Homemade treats from around the globe -- part 1 Organic Concord & Niagara grape jelly and a loaf of white or whole wheat sandwich bread. 1 0 000018.0 18 .0001E7 10
S0001 S1 Services
  • Dan Silver
Tennis Lessons Win two tennis lessons of an hour each for up to 4 people. From beginners to former Rod Lavers, all are welcome. 1 0 000150.0 150 .00075E7 75
P0022 P22 Parties
  • Mary WanderPolo
Consider the Conversation with Dinner and Wine (but not too much!) Confused about end of life decision making? Having trouble starting the conversation with loved ones? Find the whole subject distasteful? Make the process easier by joining Mary WanderPolo for wine, dinner and a movie (Consider the Conversation http://www.considertheconversation.org/ ) a card game (GO WISH http://www.codaalliance.org/gowishcards.html ) and even a form to fill out to create your own advance directive or take home to your loved ones.

Take this opportunity to explore your wishes regarding end of life treatments and record them for your loved ones to follow. This is a great opportunity for couples who may have to make medical decisions for one another at some future time to discuss their wishes in a friendly, non-threatening environment.

10 0 000125.0 125 .0005E7 50 3/23/12 6:30 PM
N0001 N1 Entertainment and Tickets
  • Terry Byrne
Theatre Tickets to the Westside Theatre One (1) pair of tickets to a play or musical performed at the Westside Theatre. The Westside Theatre houses commercial productions with open-ended runs. As this certificate is valid for six months, we cannot guarantee that a particular production will be available when the certificate is redeemed. Currently playing: “VOCA PEOPLE” (Upstairs Theatre) and “LOVE LOSS AND WHAT I WORE” (Downstairs Theatre). 2 1 000150.0 150 .0005E7 50
M0002 M2 Miscellaneous
  • Nicole Rinklin
Fall bulb planting Come spring enjoy tulips and daffodils in your garden.
Will plant thirty bulbs.
1 0 000001.0 1 .00025E7 25
P0002 P2 Parties
  • Nick Lewis
The Annual Nick Lewis Wine Tasting
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It's an annual event. Come and taste wines selected by Nick Lewis. You will get tasting notes and some sort of fun twist on the experience. You will learn a little about wine, eat some nice cheese or other appetizers and have a blast! As always, we will end with a round of dessert wines or ports. 30 1 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 2/25/12 7:00 PM
V0001 V1 Vacation/Lodging
  • Nick Lewis
A Week in the Catskills
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Spend a week in Nick and Judie's place in the Catskills. Less than two hours from Montclair, it has two houses with eight bedrooms and is perfect for big groups. There is a large pool, a pond, trails in the woods though blueberry patches and lots of room for running around and resting. Golf nearby at what is left of Grossinger's. 1 0 000600.0 600 .003E7 300
T0001 T1 Tickets
  • Teresa DeSousa
Yankee Stadium Tours
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2 passes for the Classic Stadium Tour. Offered twice. The tour lasts 45 minutes and includes visits to the press box, the New York Yankees Museum, the clubhouse, the Bleacher Cafe and Monument Park. 2 1 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
M0001 M1 Miscellaneous
  • Teresa DeSousa
100 Points from www.bookins.com Bookins is a book swapping website which allows you to trade books and other media online with other members. Use points for the books you want, and earn points for every book you trade from your library. You can even print the postage for your shipment from the website and you can drop it in the mail yourself - there's no need to visit the Post Office. PLEASE NOTE: Membership is required (it's FREE), and you will have to pay the postage for all books you trade for. 1 1 000150.0 150 .0006E7 60
P0001 P1 Parties
  • Michael Mernin
A Pre-St. Patrick's Day Party!
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Warm up for the big day, enjoying all the traditional food, drink and music, and share your tales of the old country. Wearin' of the green recommended! Sponsored by Dennis Kurtti and Mike Mernin. 14 1 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 3/11/12 4:00 PM