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Item No.DonorFeatured ItemDateQty$ Value
S20 Laura Thomas
College or grad school application review
Are you going back to school, or the parent/guardian of an applicant for the ‘20-‘21 or ‘21-‘22 academic years? I’ll review an application packet with special emphasis on the personal essay, then meet for an hour with the applicant within the Montclair/Northern NJ area or in NYC to present suggestions and strategies for strengthening the package. My credentials include Bryn Mawr College ‘87 with subsequent volunteer work as Alumnae Admissions Coordinator for New York City and President of the Bryn Mawr Club of New York, two master’s degrees in English and Comparative Literature from Columbia University, and acing the verbal GRE’s.
1 1000.0

Volunteer Opportunities

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Leadership To Do List.Leaders welcome! Request access.