Welcome to UUCM Auction Central 2019
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Item No.DonorFeatured ItemDateQty$ Value
S17 Deborah Ann Tripoldi
A picture is worth a thousand words...
Do you have a birthday party, family reunion, retirement party or other family event (no weddings or engagements) you want pictures of? Too often we spend our time taking photographs of our events rather than fully participating in them. I am a professional photographer with over 20 years of experience who will come to your event to take the pictures, allowing you to enjoy yourself. Within 2 weeks of your event you will receive 15 high-resolution photos in electronic format suitable for printing or any other use. Note: these pictures will be professionally retouched to make them as perfect as possible. Arrangements can also be made for immediate electronic delivery of 1-2 low-resolution suitable for social media. Please schedule at least 4 weeks before your event to confirm my availability. Event MUST be local.
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Volunteer Opportunities

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Leadership To Do List.Leaders welcome! Request access.