Winds of Change 2015 Auction Catalog - 131 item(s) printable view
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Item0 Item Category Donors Item Name Picture Description Qty Buy it Now Left Est0 Est Val Min0 Min Price Date
A0032 A32 UUs At Your Service
  • Jim Eastman
Graphic Design Service Invitations, personalized greeting and holiday cards, stationery, business and calling cards, posters, banners, and signage. These are a few of the many things an experienced professional Graphic Designer can help create for you. Pre-press technical consultation included. Jim can also recommend a great UU-owned print ship! Includes one hour o work time with initial consultation; additional time negotiable. 1 80 0 000090.0 90 .0004E7 40
R0048 R48 Raffle
  • Virginia Dunstan
$25 gift card to Green Acres Nursery
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Landscape a spot in your yard with this gift card from Green Acres nursery. 1 0 000025.0 25 .00001E7 1
R0047 R47 Raffle
  • Dennis Hubbard
Airport Shuttle
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Round trip ride to SMF airport. Maximum 3 riders. Range: Elk Grove, Folsom, West Sac. Sit back and leave the driving to us! 1 0 000050.0 50 .00001E7 1
A0031 A31 UUs At Your Service
  • Roger Jones
Home Window Washing Service
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Gift Certificate for a complete Home Window Washing service (windows, tracks and screens.) Home not to exceed 2,500 square feet. Use by 5/1/16.

Streakless Window Cleaning
Erich Lopez (916) 204-4692

1 150 0 000200.0 200 .0005E7 50
E0051 E51 Let Us Entertain You
  • Lucy Bunch
Sushi w/Lucy
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If you love sushi and/or you love Lucy this one's for you! Enjoy a delicious sushi lunch with our Assistant Minister Lucy Bunch. Date TBD 1 40 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
R0046 R46 Raffle
  • Roger Jones
Cat Gift Basket
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A basket overflowing with Purina pet treats and toys for your favorite kitty. Gift certificate and coupons too! 1 0 000035.0 35 .00001E7 1
R0045 R45 Raffle
  • Chuck & Donna Klaiber
Discovery Museum Family Membership
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"Family/Grandparent" Membership to the Discovery Museum Science and Space Center. 3315 Auburn Blvd, Sacramento. Admits up to 5 family members per visit. Unlimited free admission for One Year.
Also includes free or discounted admission to over 200 Association of Science - Technology Centers (ASTC) museums worldwide!
1 0 000060.0 60 .00001E7 1
R0040 R40 Raffle
  • Roger Jones
Dog Gift Basket
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A basket overflowing with Purina pet treats and toys for your favorite dog. Gift certificate and coupons too! 1 0 000035.0 35 .00001E7 1
E0050 E50 Let Us Entertain You
  • Karen & Meg Gunderson
Slow Food Italian Dinner
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Back to where it all started: Italy! Experience the roots of the slow food movement while dining al fresco in the Gunderson garden. Slow food, the opposite of…yes…fast food, means eating meals, well-prepared from local, fresh ingredients. Guaranteed: No snails! 7 80 0 000065.0 65 .0004E7 40 9/19/15 7:00 PM
A0029 A29 UUs At Your Service
  • Ginny Bjorgum
T'ai Chi Group Lessons
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Join one of two ongoing classes and experience the benefits of T'ai Chi and Chi Gong. Barbara Goldberg, a Gestalt therapist, offers classes on Monday from 3-4pm at the Nepenthe Clubhouse on Campus Commons Drive OR Wednesdays mornings from 9:30-10:30 at Jane Steele Park in the Arden-Arcade area. Buyer decides on venue. 1 80 0 000100.0 100 .0004E7 40
R0038 R38 Raffle
  • Ginny Bjorgum
Basket of Brushkins A basketful of Brushkin animals like the one seen here. They are animals made in the bristle brush style. Own a bunch to decorate your house or give to friends and family. 1 0 000075.0 75 .00001E7 1
R0037 R37 Raffle
  • Ginny Bjorgum
Avid Reader Gift Certificate
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A $25 gift certificate to one of Sacramento's best independent bookstores! 1 0 000025.0 25 .00001E7 1
A0028 A28 UUs At Your Service
  • Ginny Bjorgum
Legal Consultation - Intellectual Property
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Are you in need of an intellectual property attorney, but don't know where to turn? Eric Bjorgum, a Pasadena-based attorney, is offering a one hour phone discussion on a subject related to intellectual property. Set up a time prior to the phone call and he will be all ears as he listens to your issue and gives you advice. 1 150 1 000375.0 375 .00075E7 75
R0036 R36 Raffle
  • Mary & Rich Howard
Homemade condiments
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Don't miss out on this bag of pear chutney, pickle relish, lemon marmalade and apricot jam. The Meyer lemons and apricots are from Mary's backyard. The pears were picked by disabled women in Courtland. Mary "borrowed" the pickle relish from a UU friend. Feast for months on these delicious homemade items. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00001E7 1
R0035 R35 Raffle
  • Patrick Cody & Annette Emery
Homemade Condiments
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Tired of the tasteless jams and relishes from the store? Treat yourself and your friends to blackberry and strawberry jam made and canned by Annette. She'll throw in some orange marmalade and a bag or organic walnut from her backyard as well. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00001E7 1
G0010 G10 Great Outdoors
  • Carrie Cornwell
Sierra Wildflower Hike
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Join Carrie Cornwell for a Sierra Wildflower Hike in the Carson Pass area. She will drive you there, carry the gear, and provide lunch. Carpool from UUSS, leaving about 8 AM on Saturday, June 20th. It's a two-hour drive to the Carson Pass area and we'll spend about four or five hours out hiking/lunching among the beautiful wildflowers. We'll get back to UUSS around 5 PM. Hikers should be in good physical condition. Level of difficulty will be geared towards winning bidders. 3 50 0 000030.0 30 .00025E7 25 6/20/15 8:00 AM
E0047 E47 Let Us Entertain You
  • Virginia Dunstan & Nan Johnson
Lunch at the Flower Farm
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Join us for lunch at the Flower Farm near Loomis. Beautiful setting and delicious food! After lunch, we'll have an opportunity to browse at the nursery and gift shop.

Transportation will be provided. We'll meet at UUSS at 10:30 AM on May 20th and/or a Fair Oaks location if it's more convenient.

5 30 0 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 5/20/15 10:30 AM
R0034 R34 Raffle
  • Annie Kempees
Portable Vegetable Gardening
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Eager to grow your own vegetables and flowers in a limited space? Try out these goodies along with some great guidelines and have a successful first year. Ingredients for success:

Bright orange Trug (for mixing soil, to hold weeds), 2 pr gloves (1 Med, 1 Small), trowel, two-sided weeder, garden & pruning shears, watering tool, hat, fertilizer in a jar, and a Gift Card (for soil, containers, etc.)

Seeds: Sunflowers, marigolds (to minimize whiteflies), carrots, wax beans, summer squash, red & yellow pear blend tomatoes.

Treat yourself to tea and honey after your hard work.

1 0 000050.0 50 .00001E7 1
R0032 R32 Raffle
  • Sunny Thomas
Asian Tea Basket
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Asian-themed basket includes a pair of hand painted oriental style tea cups / mugs. 1 0 000060.0 60 .00001E7 1
R0030 R30 Raffle
  • Alliance
Beverage Basket
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Lovely assortment of cocoa, coffee, and tea with tea towel and napkins. And cookies too, of course! 1 0 000085.0 85 .00001E7 1
R0029 R29 Raffle
  • Tom Goff
Verse Crafters: Poems While You Wait
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I will write a poem to suit your occasion, concern, or blessing. We'll meet in Pilgrim Hall after church on April 26 and talk a bit about what's on your mind. Then I will craft a poem for you then and there for your enjoyment.

Tom Goff

1 0 000028.0 28 .00001E7 1 4/26/15 11:15 AM
Z0015 Z15 Cakewalk
  • Patrick Cody & Annette Emery
Lemon jelly roll cake
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A yummy sponge cake filled with lemon filling and dusted with powdered sugar. 1 0 000010.0 10 .00001E7 1
R0028 R28 Raffle
  • Denise Wieland
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Four (4) hours of help sorting, tossing, and decluttering. Includes transport of a carload of unwanted items to Goodwill. Date and time to be determined. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00001E7 1
G0011 G11 Great Outdoors
  • Dick Taylor
Wildflower Photo Shoot at Cronan Ranch
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Nature Photographers, join me on a Wildflower Photo Shoot at Cronan Ranch near Auburn. This outing is schedule for NEXT SATURDAY as the spring wildflowers are blooming early this year. Macro lens or telephoto optional. We'll meet at 8:30 AM and carpool from UUSS. Bring a bag lunch.

(Location may need to change due to effects of drought- undetermined at time of catalog printing.)

6 30 5 000030.0 30 .00015E7 15 4/25/15 8:30 AM
R0027 R27 Raffle
  • Dick Taylor
Golfing at Campus Commons
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Round of golf offered by host Dick Taylor at Campus Commons Golf Course to three lucky winners. Short game - low score gets a free lunch! 3 0 000045.0 45 .00001E7 1 5/9/15 9:00 AM
E0046 E46 Let Us Entertain You
  • Jack & Fran Kennedy
Summer Fun for Families
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In the heat of Sacramento's summer, cool off at the lovely College Greens Cabana Club. Enjoy a BBQ, including veggie and beef burgers and hot dogs. This is a great place for families and singles to swim, play tennis, volleyball or just veg out! Lifeguards are on duty at all times. Get away from it all and hang out with other UUs. We're gathering from 2-7pm. 20 20 6 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10 8/8/15 2:00 PM
R0041 R41 Raffle
  • Paige Labrie
Foot Massage
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Got tired feet? Need a quick pick-me-up to get back on your feet? Want a foot massage after church on Sunday? Our resident yoga instructor, Paige, will give you a fifteen minute foot massage at a place and time to be negotiated. The location must be within 15 miles of UUSS. Offered 6 times. 6 0 000025.0 25 .00001E7 1
Z0014 Z14 Cakewalk
  • Lynne Greaves
Homemade Apple Pie
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Delicious, home-baked Apple Pie. Mmmm... 1 0 000015.0 15 .00001E7 1
Z0013 Z13 Cakewalk
  • Judith Nelson
Death by Chocolate Cake
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A cake to die for! A dozen eggs, lots of chocolate and only 3 tablespoons of flour. 1 0 000030.0 30 .00001E7 1
G0009 G9 Great Outdoors
  • David Paul
"On the Waterfront" - West Sacramento Tour
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Be a contender for this auction item! Come see and walk in the newly developed waterfront in West Sacramento. Afterwards, join us for Mexican food at Sal's at 4th and C Streets in old Broderick. Lunch is not included as part of the bid. 7 30 0 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 10/31/15 10:00 AM
E0045 E45 Let Us Entertain You
  • Eric Ross
Amador County wine tasting
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In vino veritas. Enjoy a September trip to the Plymouth area in nearby Amador County to visit three fine wineries. Amador County's vineyards have been growing wine grapes for over a century, We will sample some great examples of zinfandels and other fine varietals in this beautiful part of the foothills. We will drive you from the church and back so you don't have to worry about a designated driver. Plan on being gone from 11am to 5pm. We will also supply a delicious picnic lunch. Take a break from your busy schedule and enjoy the good life! 6 80 -1 000040.0 40 .0004E7 40 9/19/15 11:00 AM
E0044 E44 Let Us Entertain You
  • Patrick Cody & Annette Emery
A Southern French repast
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The foods of Southern France reflect the influence of the sea, proximity to Italy and joy in eating outside. Join Annette Emery and Patrick Cody for a dinner that features food that Annette learned from her mother:
Pissaladiere (onion pizza)
Quiche Lorraine
Salade Nicious
Apricot/Almond Tart
Plus an assortment of beverages and other treats.
10 70 0 000050.0 50 .00035E7 35 6/20/15 6:30 PM
R0044 R44 Raffle
  • Patrick Cody & Annette Emery
Airport Shuttle
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Tired of airport shuttles that pick you up when it is convenient for them? Here is the service that you have been waiting for. Patrick Cody will pick you up at home and take you to the Sacramento airport or pick you up at the Sacramento airport and get you home. Up to 6 people at once. Offered 6 times. 6 -2 000030.0 30 .00001E7 1
E0043 E43 Let Us Entertain You
  • Lauren Davis-Todd
Traditional Scottish New Year Ceilidh (party)
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Participate in a Scottish New Year ceilidh (pronounced kaylee) called Hogmonay. Includes Scottish foods such as haggis and shortbread, games, music, dance, (highland fling and three verses of Auld Lang Syne) informal performances and Great Kilt (as seen in Braveheart and Rob Roy) demonstration by former Chieftain Todd. Authentic Scottish attire and/or accessories preferred that can be borrowed for the event night upon request. Scottish pictures, objects, and books to enjoy. Come as a Sassanach, leave as an Albanach. 10 60 1 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30 12/31/15 8:00 PM
Z0012 Z12 Cakewalk
  • David & Linda Dawson
Ettore's Cake
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A delicious cake from one of Sacramento's premier bakeries. 1 0 000030.0 30 .00001E7 1
R0025 R25 Raffle
  • Cynthia Shallit & Mark Sabin
A Sailing Lesson for Two - Lake Washington Sailing Club - West Sac
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Learn to sail on our beginner-friendly Sunfish sailboats! A Sunfish is a small sailboat which is easy to learn to sail, stable, and fun! It is sailed by one-person but can easily carry two people; in this case, you and your instructor. The Lesson would be about three hours, at the Lake Washington Sailing Club on Harbor Blvd. in West Sacramento. We are experienced sailors with various certificates/training. We will cover rigging the boat, the controls of the boat, how to use the wind to power the boat, and safety concerns. Then, on with the life vest, into the boat, and YOU will be sailing! As this is just an introductory class, you will sail with an instructor.

A lesson for you and a friend can be scheduled any afternoon between Monday, May 4 and Thursday, May 8 at 3:00 PM. We want to have a steady, mild wind for fun and safety. Should predicted wind conditions be unfavorable three days prior to our chosen date, we will re-schedule the lesson on a mutually agreeable date.

All participants must be comfortable around water, able to swim, and willing to follow directions from instructors. Ages 8 and above are welcome.

1 0 000300.0 300 .00001E7 1
E0042 E42 Let Us Entertain You
  • Roger Jones
Bend Congressman Bera's ear!
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What an opportunity! Have breakfast or lunch with Congressman Ami Bera and a guest of your choice. This is a no host event with a rare chance to have some personal time with this dedicated public servant. Rep. Bera was Associate Dean for Admissions at UC Davis Med School and was the Chief Medical Officer for Sacramento County. He is the only Indian American and UU serving in Congress. Think of all the things you could talk about!

Must be arranged at least a month in advance.

1 300 0 001000.0 1,000 .00075E7 75
E0041 E41 Let Us Entertain You
  • Celia Buckley & Marion Randall
Dining In the Dog Days of Summer
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Enjoy the dog days of summer and awesome outdoor dining in the lovely park-like setting at the home of the Randuckley's (Celia Buckley & Marion Randall). Many acclaim Marion's culinary skills so don't want to miss this event! 8 70 0 000040.0 40 .00035E7 35 9/12/15 4:00 PM
R0024 R24 Raffle
  • Roger Jones
Three (3) Ticket vouchers for Capital Stage theater productions
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Three Tickets for Sacramento's bold, intimate professional theater company at 2215 J Street.

Good for Harold Pinter's "The Homecoming" or the world premier of Thomas Gibbons's "Uncanny Valley," winner of new playwrights' competition. Must be used by July 12, 2015. Not valid for opening night or special performances.
1 0 000090.0 90 .00001E7 1
E0040 E40 Let Us Entertain You
  • Roger Jones
Better than Ettore's: Morning Coffee in the Parsonage
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Breakfast pastries, coffee and tea at Rev. Roger's new home in the Elmhurst neighborhood. Let me know of dietary needs. Stop by any time from 9 to 11 for the spiritual refreshment of conversation and caffeine. (NOTE: This midweek prayer meeting does not count as credit for missing a Sunday service. For that, buy a Pastoral Indulgence.) 10 40 0 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 8/5/15 9:00 AM
R0023 R23 Raffle
  • Roger Jones
Two (2) Ticket vouchers for Capital Stage theater productions
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Two (2) Tickets for Sacramento's bold, intimate professional theater company at 2215 J Street.

Good for Harold Pinter's "The Homecoming" or the world premier of Thomas Gibbons's "Uncanny Valley," winner of new playwrights' competition. Must be used by July 12, 2015. Not valid for opening night or special performances.
1 0 000060.0 60 .00001E7 1
R0022 R22 Raffle
  • Roger Jones
Gift Certificate for Lube, Oil & Filter + Rotate 4 tires
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Advanced Tire is Rev. Roger's trusted auto repair shop at 3rd and Q Streets. They will take you to your workplace downtown, or you can wait across the street at Chocolate Fish Coffee or have a meal at the CalPERS cafeteria. 1 0 000045.0 45 .00001E7 1
E0039 E39 Let Us Entertain You
  • Roger Jones
Rev. Lucy's Gourmet Dinner Served at Rev. Roger's House
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Four-course vegetarian dinner celebrating the spring bounty of Sacramento, prepared by Chef Lucy at Rev. Roger's new parsonage. As you enter his house on the Elmhurst neighborhood's tree-lined T Street, the parson will welcome you with cold bubbly poured in 1940s champagne glasses. He will continue all night as your maitre d', sommelier, waiter, busboy and dishwasher. Downton Abbey meets UUUSS. 5 120 -1 000150.0 150 .0006E7 60 5/29/15 6:00 PM
A0022 A22 UUs At Your Service
  • Roger Jones
Sermon topic of your choosing by Rev. Roger
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You assign the topic or theme, and Roger will present a sermon on it. Date to be determined, summer/fall 2014. If you have a sermon in your heart waiting to be delivered by you, please contact the Religious Services Committee. They may have an opening for you. 1 200 0 000300.0 300 .001E7 100 8/9/15 10:15 AM
A0013 A13 UUs At Your Service
  • Roger Jones
Unitarian Pastoral Indulgence
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One free Sunday off, no questions asked. You don't need to say "Sorry, I'm out of town then." Just stay home and skip church--with no consequences. No purgatory (or worse). No mention of your absence in the Pastoral Prayer, no visits to your home by church elders. Certificate suitable for framing with your name and photograph with the Senior Minister and his authorized signature. Why should Medieval Catholics get all the fun? Valid through All Saints Day 2015. 3 100 1 000100.0 100 .0002E7 20
E0036 E36 Let Us Entertain You
  • Roger Jones
2 tickets for "The Homecoming" Capital Stage Opening Night + Reception with Cast
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Two FRONT ROW seats for the great Harold Pinter's masterpiece "The Homecoming" at the bold and intimate Capital Stage on J Street. Enjoy free snacks and wine at the opening night reception after the show while chatting with the director and performers. 1 110 0 000087.0 87 .00085E7 85 5/2/15 8:00 PM
E0035 E35 Let Us Entertain You
  • Roger Jones
Lunch with Roger, his treat
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Roger will meet you downtown or in Midtown for lunch at a 4-star and $ or $$ rated place of your choosing or you can choose it together. All cuisines are fine. Includes dessert. Or he will come and get you (if you are in a 15-mile radius from UUSS) and take you to a place of your choosing. Escort service in 1997 Honda Civic. June, late July, August or TBD. 1 100 0 100000.0 100,000 .0005E7 50
R0021 R21 Raffle
  • Muriel H. Drakeford
$50 Barnes and Noble Gift Card
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For you Readers, Scholars, and Bookworms... have some fun at Barnes and Noble! $50 gift card in a Pop Up Gift card holder. 2 0 000050.0 50 .00001E7 1
E0034 E34 Let Us Entertain You
  • Maryly M. Reinertson
Guru's Lunch
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The gurus say, "Eat Well, Exercise (lightly), and Laugh." We'll do all three for fun together! 5 30 0 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15 11/13/15 12:30 PM
R0020 R20 Raffle
  • Paula Joy Welter
Live Acoustic Performance - Paula Joy Welter
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Gift Certificate for a live, acoustic performance with guitar accompaniment by singer/songwriter and UUSS Friend, Paula Joy Welter. 30-minute performance at a small social gathering or someone's bedside on a mutually agreeable date in 2015. Also included: Two CD’s of her original songs for the tender-hearted, written in the folk genre; the songs have received airplay on U.S. independent folk radio – and the BBC.

"Paula Joy Welter brings a light to the stage and to us all. ‘Joanna’s Gift’ brought tears to my eyes. Her pure voice and songs of loving-kindness are generous gifts." (Fred Small, Singer/Songwriter, UU Minister, Cambridge MA)

1 0 000080.0 80 .00001E7 1
E0031 E31 Let Us Entertain You
  • John Abbott, Terry Preston & Eric Ross
Two (2) River Cats Tickets, Friday May 22 - Great Seats!
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One Pair of River Cats tickets. Great seats directly behind home plate! Governors Club section 112, row 21, seats 15 &16. Includes two vouchers for Giants t-shirts.

This game is sold out!

1 70 0 000070.0 70 .00035E7 35 5/22/15 7:00 PM
R0019 R19 Raffle
  • Nancy Lust
Family Membership to the Sacramento Zoo
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Enjoy Free general zoo admission for one year. Admits two adults and up to 4 of the members' children or grandchildren (age 2-17)

Other member benefits include: Discounted admission to reciprocal zoos, Discount on Zoo events & programs, Priority summer camp registration, and more.

1 0 000095.0 95 .00001E7 1
Z0011 Z11 Cakewalk
  • Nancy Lust
Pineapple-Apricot Nut Bread
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For the Cakewalk: Delicious Pineapple-Apricot Nut Bread - so tasty! 1 0 000015.0 15 .00001E7 1
A0021 A21 UUs At Your Service
  • Dennis Pottenger, M.A., M.F.T., Reiki Practitioner
Reiki Treatment
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Reiki is a deeply relaxing and healing energy that is given through gentle, non-invasive touch. On the physical level, Reiki can alleviate pain, relax muscles, accelerate healing of injuries and illnesses, and relieve chronic conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and back, neck and spine pain. On the mental and emotional levels, Reiki helps release the blocks, conflicts, and traumas that divide heart from mind, increasing clarity and peace. On the spiritual level, Reiki takes us deep within to the source of all life, bringing us into balance, leaving us renewed by the unseen power that animates all things. 1 50 0 000075.0 75 .00025E7 25
A0020 A20 UUs At Your Service
  • Rebecca Pottenger, M.A., M.F.T., Reiki Master
Reiki Treatment
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Reiki is a deeply relaxing and healing energy that is given through gentle, non-invasive touch. On the physical level, Reiki can alleviate pain, relax muscles, accelerate healing of injuries and illnesses, and relieve chronic conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and back, neck and spine pain. On the mental and emotional levels, Reiki helps release the blocks, conflicts, and traumas that divide heart from mind, increasing clarity and peace. On the spiritual level, Reiki takes us deep within to the source of all life, bringing us into balance, leaving us renewed by the unseen power that animates all things. 1 50 0 000075.0 75 .00025E7 25
Z0010 Z10 Cakewalk
  • Linda Tanforan
French Apple Pie
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For the Cakewalk: Large delectable 9" pie. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00001E7 1
A0019 A19 UUs At Your Service
  • Fred Deneke & Jim Eastman
Graphic Design Service
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Invitations, personalized greeting and holiday cards, stationery, business and calling cards, posters, banners, and signage. These are a few of the many things an experienced professional Graphic Designer can help create for you. Pre-press technical consultation included. Jim can also recommend a great UU-owned print shop! Includes one hour of work time with initial consultation; additional time negotiable. 1 80 0 000090.0 90 .0004E7 40
A0018 A18 UUs At Your Service
  • Fred Deneke & Jim Eastman
Décor Consultation Service
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Is your home feeling a little drab? Are you preparing to sell? Does your office or work place need more expression? We can help with our ideas for color and furnishings—either using what you already have or offering suggestions on how to upgrade. One-hour appointment, additional time negotiable. 2 80 1 000100.0 100 .0004E7 40
E0030 E30 Let Us Entertain You
  • Fred Deneke & Jim Eastman
Malcolm Gladwell - Pair of Lecture Tickets
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Part of the 2015-16 Sacramento Speaker Series, “[Malcolm Gladwell] is a master storyteller in a genre he created: illuminating the secret patterns behind every day phenomena, such as how ideas spread (The Tipping Point), the roots of success (Outliers), and his latest, David and Goliath, on the advantages of disadvantages. He is the author of five New York Times best sellers, a staff writer for The New Yorker, and was named one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people. This will be an incredible evening.” Two great adjoining seats in the Community Center first balcony. Tickets to be sent August 2015. 1 100 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50 2/16/16 8:00 PM
E0029 E29 Let Us Entertain You
  • Fred Deneke & Jim Eastman
Vegan Southern Dinner
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Join us for a tribute to what would have been Opal Deneke’s 94th birthday. Meat-lovers will also be tempted with this delicious four-course gourmet meal. Dishes will include a variety of deeply satisfying treats from surprising meat substitutes, to local garden-fresh fruits and vegetables, to a few things that may be entirely new! Gluten-free by request. In addition to food that is extremely healthful and sustainably produced, we will also enjoy together fine conversation, and maybe some feline entertainment in our West Sacramento home. 8 80 0 000060.0 60 .0004E7 40 7/25/15 6:30 PM
Z0009 Z9 Cakewalk
  • Fred Deneke & Jim Eastman
English Toffee
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For the Cake Walk: Hand made with butter, sugar, dark chocolate, California almonds, Southern pecans, and lots of love from a cherished and time-tested family recipe. 1 0 000010.0 10 .00001E7 1
Z0008 Z8 Cakewalk
  • Virginia Feagans
Something Sweet!
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For the Cake Walk: A sweet treat sure to please! 1 0 000020.0 20 .00001E7 1
R0018 R18 Raffle
  • Virginia Feagans
Heirloom Tomatoes
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These heirloom tomato plants should be easy to transport and transplant into the sunny spot in your garden. 1 0 000040.0 40 .00001E7 1
R0017 R17 Raffle
  • Christopher Jensen
Weeding Service
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Erik Jensen is offering a Gift Certificate for Two Hours of meticulous Weeding at your home. Must be within 10 miles of Fair Oaks & Arden Way in Carmichael. Must be used on a mutually agreeable date before August 15, 2015. 1 0 000030.0 30 .00001E7 1
E0028 E28 Let Us Entertain You
  • Christopher Jensen
Beer Tasting
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We will be tasting locally-brewed craft beer, Pilsners and Ales, paired with appetizers. You will be introduced to the techniques and language of brewers and beer judges as well as meet other craft beer enthusiasts! 6 50 -1 000030.0 30 .00025E7 25 9/25/15 6:00 PM
E0032 E32 Let Us Entertain You
  • Linda Roth
2 Tickets - Sacramento Speaker Series: Dr. Michio Kaku
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Dr. Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist, renowned futurist and popularizer of science. During high school, he famously built an atom smasher in his parent’s garage. Dr. Kaku can be seen regularly on television, explaining natural phenomena to non-scientists. He has the ability to make complex scientific ideas not only understandable but fascinating.

Event takes place at The Community Center Theater on Tuesday, October 20, 2015, 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm.

Seats (54 & 55) are located at the end of Row H, the second row of the Grand Tier (on the right side in this schematic.) Excellent location to exit quickly and beat the crowd at the end of the program!

1 100 0 000103.0 103 .0005E7 50 10/20/15 8:00 PM
E0033 E33 Let Us Entertain You
  • Linda Roth
2 Tickets - Sacramento Speaker Series: General Wesley Clark
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Wesley Clark is a retired four star General and one-time candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination. With a keen insight into modern warfare and issues presented around the globe, General Clark’s knowledge on foreign affairs and military engagements will provide a glimpse into the challenges facing our world today.

Event takes place at The Community Center Theater on Tuesday, January 19, 2016, 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm.

Seats (54 & 55) are located at the end of Row H, the second row of the Grand Tier (on the right side in this schematic.) Excellent location to exit quickly and beat the crowd at the end of the program!

1 100 1 000103.0 103 .0005E7 50 1/19/16 8:00 PM
Z0007 Z7 Cakewalk
  • Carol Jacobs
Cake, or Pie, Or Yummy Something
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For the Cake Walk: One yummy something! 1 0 000020.0 20 .00001E7 1
E0027 E27 Let Us Entertain You
  • Cathy George & Patricia Pratt
Beer and Ballet
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Enjoy a casual afternoon of beer and ballet by the Sacramento Ballet Company with 6 other UUSS friends at the Art Court Theatre, Sacramento City College. Ballet at 2 PM followed by snacks at Cathy's home. Hosted by Patricia Pratt and Cathy George 6 50 0 000035.0 35 .00025E7 25 5/24/15 2:00 PM
G0008 G8 Great Outdoors
  • Cathy George & Rich Howard
Sandhill Crane Sunset Tour
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View a spectacular sunset as the sandhill cranes come into flooded fields to roost for the night. Bird enthusiasts Rich Howard and Cathy George will take you to the Cosumnes River Preserve to view cranes, wintering waterfowl and shorebirds. Then we'll head to a spot to view flocks of cranes as they fly in to roost for the night. Snacks and drinks will be provided. There will be an optional no-host dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant after the viewing. 10 20 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10 12/12/15 2:30 PM
R0014 R14 Raffle
  • Cathy Hackett
1 hour Massage
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This a one hour massage by a licensed massage therapist who comes to your home. 1 0 000050.99 50.99 .00001E7 1
E0026 E26 Let Us Entertain You
  • Dennis & Linda Clear
Have Lunch with Prez Linda
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Join President Linda Clear for lunch at The Porch restaurant. Enjoy great food, conversation and getting to know each other a little better. 4 50 0 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25
Z0006 Z6 Cakewalk
  • Peggy Makie
Ettore's Cake
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For the Cake Walk: Offered by Peggy Makie and Karen Heidebrecht, a delicious cake from the wonderful restaurant, Ettore's. 1 0 000030.0 30 .00001E7 1
R0013 R13 Raffle
  • Shannon Williams
Spirit Play Book Basket
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A basket filled with books that any UU with little people (ages 4-10) will love! 1 0 000150.0 150 .00001E7 1
A0016 A16 UUs At Your Service
  • Anna Mae Andrews
Outdoor Color Portrait Photograph
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Anna Andrews will create a treasured outdoor color photograph of you or your family. $35 covers the sitting and one photograph of your size preference. Additional copies of photographs at cost.

Offered 2 times.

2 50 0 000035.0 35 .00025E7 25
R0012 R12 Raffle
  • Joan Rubenson
Gift Certificate to the Tower Cafe
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Enjoy a delicious meal at the fabulous Sacramento landmark. 1 0 000040.0 40 .00001E7 1
R0011 R11 Raffle
  • Laura Sheperd
Ride to the Airport
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Laura will take up to two people to the airport - any time, day or night! 1 0 000050.0 50 .00001E7 1
R0010 R10 Raffle
  • Laura Sheperd
$50 Gift Card - Lunch for you and a Friend
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Raffling off a $50 Visa Gift Card. Enjoy lunch with a friend at the restaurant of your choice. Bon appetit! 1 0 000050.0 50 .00001E7 1
Z0005 Z5 Cakewalk
  • Laura Sheperd
Home-Baked Pie
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For the Cake Walk: a delicious home-baked pie! 1 0 000020.0 20 .00001E7 1
Z0004 Z4 Cakewalk
  • JoAnn Anglin
Banana Nut Bread
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For the Cake Walk: A loaf of delicious home-baked loaf of Banana Nut Bread. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00001E7 1
E0049 E49 Let Us Entertain You
  • Glory Wicklund & Melisa McCampbell
Jewish-inspired Brunch
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Join us for a Jewish-Inspired Brunch as Melisa McCampbell channels her Russian Jewish mother and Glory and Keith host in their backyard garden. Brunch will be an eclectic mix of Melisa's favorite foods to eat and cook as she honors her cultural heritage. Foods to include: matzo brie (no agreement on how to spell or make this wonderful comfort food), blueberry blintzes, homemade applesauce, lox with capers, and egg creams (no egg or cream involved!) Join us for a yummy, irreverent old-world culinary delight with good conversation and friends. Limited to 6. June 20th, 11 AM to 1 PM 6 60 0 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30 6/20/15 11:00 AM
Z0003 Z3 Cakewalk
  • Jane & Thomas Hiltunen
Chocolate, Yogurt, Mocha Cake
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For the Cake Walk. Mmm-mmm Good! 1 0 000020.0 20 .00001E7 1
A0014 A14 UUs At Your Service
  • Ginny Johnson
Card-Making Class
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Gather at Ginny's to make greeting cards. 1- Birthday, 1-Thinking of You, 1-Multipurpose, plus 1 of your choice. Supplies will be provided. 4 35 3 000020.0 20 .00018E7 18 5/17/15 1:00 PM
A0030 A30 UUs At Your Service
  • Irwin Rosenblum
Shrimp Gumbo at your Home-bo
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I will bring a pot of authentic, New Orleans gumbo to your home on a mutually agreeable day. It's GOOOOOODDDDDD!

It starts with a red brick roux. From there, I layer the flavors First, the holy trinity of Cajun cooking. Then the homemade shrimp stock, made with head-on shrimp, 'cause the brains is where the goodness is. Then the herbs and spices, Andouille sausage and them shrimps. It's finished with some file to thicken it just right. It's got a kick, but not so spicy to disrupt the deep, deep flavors. Pour it over your rice and OOOOEEEEEE, you'll be on the bayou.

Pour it over your rice and OOOOEEEEEE, you'll be on the bayou. Also included are a salad and a delicious loaf of French bread. A hearty meal for 6 (or a meal for less with lots of yummy leftovers.)

1 50 0 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
E0023 E23 Let Us Entertain You
  • Nancy Gilbert
Lunch at Boudin's
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After Sunday Service, about noon, the 4 of us will meet after church, then head to Boudin's at Monroe (Fulton) at Fair Oaks Blvd (Loehmann's Plaza) for a scrumptious lunch on me. Discuss the service, ourselves, the World..., over good eats. Also offered June 14th. 3 30 0 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 5/3/15 12:00 PM
E0022 E22 Let Us Entertain You
  • Nancy Gilbert
Lunch at Boudin's
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After Sunday Service, the 4 of us will meet after church, then head to Boudin's at Monroe (Fulton) and Fair Oaks Blvd (Loehmann's Plaza) for lunch on me!. Discuss the service, ourselves, the World..., over good eats. Also offered May 3rd. 3 30 1 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 6/14/15 12:00 PM
R0008 R8 Raffle
  • Ginny Johnson & Lily Rosenblum
Learn to Make a Fleece Blanket with a Crocheted Border with Ginny and Lily
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Winner receives a gift certificate for One Crocheting Lesson from Ginny Johnson and Lily Rosenblum to learn how to make a Fleece Blanket with a crocheted edge. Also a basket including yarn, a crochet hook, some fleece samples, and $10 gift certificate to Joann's to select from among a wide variety of fleece colors and patterns for the blanket you will create.

We'll pick a date that's convenient for the three us to get together at Ginny's and have some blanket-making fun.

1 0 000025.0 25 .00001E7 1
E0021 E21 Let Us Entertain You
  • Glory Wicklund & Cathy George
Sunday Picnic
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Let your eyes feast on the abundance of luscious vegetables. Breathe in the smell of flowers. Dine "al fresco" with friends and conversation in the UUSS UUrth Song Garden on Sunday, August 30th, at noon. Cathy George and Glory Wicklund will provide lunch and beverages for you to consume and enjoy. If it is too hot under the Oak trees, we will arrange to be in air conditioning! Limit 6 6 60 0 000020.0 20 .0003E7 30 8/30/15 12:00 PM
R0007 R7 Raffle
  • Ginny Johnson
Chocolate Basket
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Chocolate is a basic food group and this basket is full of it! Chocolate to eat, drink and spread. Enjoy and share with those you love.

From Ministry Circle

1 0 000040.0 40 .00001E7 1
A0011 A11 UUs At Your Service
  • Corinne Byers
3-hour Landscape Consultation
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This consultation will be individualized to your needs, and can include recommendations for:

Plant Materials
Paving materials
Building materials for walls, decks, shade structures, decks, etc.
Irrigation -- hand watering, conventional spray, and drip.
Plant culture -- soil improvement, fertilizing, pruning, pH, etc.
Weed and Pest control
General Landscape layout

Corinne has a degree in landscape architecture from U.C. Davis and was a licensed landscape architect before retiring. She was the Base Landscape Architect at McClellan AFB for 5 years, worked in the private sector for Ed Haag, and for the City of Sac. She got interested in gardening during High School, and became an avid gardener after buying her first house in 1977.

1 120 0 000120.0 120 .0005E7 50
Z0002 Z2 Cakewalk
  • Janet Lopes & John McMillan
Madeira Tea Cake
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For the Cake Walk: A beautiful Yellow Tea Cake made with madeira wine and poppy seeds. Don't worry, baking the cake cooks off all the alcohol, leaving only the delicious flavor. And you get to keep the serving plate, too! 1 0 000025.0 25 .00001E7 1
E0020 E20 Let Us Entertain You
  • Janet Lopes & John McMillan
Pool Party & BBQ
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Come join us for swimming, croquet, dinner, and general conviviality. Spend a warm summer Sunday afternoon in our backyard enjoying the company of your UU friends. Cool off in the pool, enjoy a refreshing beverage, play a cutthroat game of croquet, and dine al fresco. 3:00 - 8:00 pm. We'd love to have you join us! 14 80 5 123456.0 123,456 .0004E7 40 7/12/15 3:00 PM
R0005 R5 Raffle
  • Tiffany Urness
Stirred Not Shaken Gift Basket
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Contains four martini glasses, an elegant pitcher and stirrer, can of peanuts, jar of olives and a fifth of gin. For dry martini enthusiasts, a bottle of vermouth was passed gently over the top, but not included. 1 0 000035.0 35 .00001E7 1
R0042 R42 Raffle
  • Meg Burnett
UUSS Choir Sings Your Song
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Do you have a special song you love that might work in a Sunday service? Have you heard the choir sing something you'd like to hear again? If so, now's your chance to select a song that the UUSS choir will sing at a service in the fall. This is priceless, so take advantage of this unique opportunity. 1 0 000030.0 30 .00001E7 1
E0018 E18 Let Us Entertain You
  • David & Tiki Harlow
Seasonal Soup Sampler Dinner
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Welcome Fall with a relaxing evening and warm conversation in our home. Menu: tomato and leek soup; chicken and corn chowder w/ thyme; sherried mushroom soup. And of course, salad, bread, and wine. 9 50 0 000035.0 35 .00025E7 25 10/2/15 6:30 PM
E0017 E17 Let Us Entertain You
  • David & Tiki Harlow
Hors D'oeuvres Party
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Celebrate the pinnacle of Spring with GREAT COMPANY and DELICIOUS FOOD in our home and back yard. Menu: salt & pepper buffalo shrimp w/ blue cheese & celery; baked goat cheese w/ roasted garlic & caramelized onions; three mushroom tart; chicken satay w/ peanut-curry sauce; beef tenderloin and artichoke puree on rye toasts; crudite w/ saffron aioli; gravlax w/ mustard sauce; feta and marinated olives w/ grilled pita; wine and non-alchoholic beverages. 12 60 3 000045.0 45 .0003E7 30 5/15/15 6:30 PM
G0007 G7 Great Outdoors
  • Sally Lewis and David Libby
Guided Hike at Cosumnes River Preserve
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Come join the Preserves Guided Hike Docents and UUSS members, Sally Lewis and Tina Chiginsky, on a hiking tour of the Cosumnes River Preserve. Our guided hike docents are well versed in the Preserves history as well as the flora and fauna one might encounter along the trail. Be prepared for a 3-plus mile round trip hike along raised levees through a variety of habitats, including buttonbush thickets, native grasslands, Valley Oak riparian forest, cottonwood-willow riparian forest, tule marsh, Valley Oak savannah and several restoration projects. We meet at the Cosumnes River Preserve Visitor Center at 9:00 am. Please come prepared with water, closed toed shoes, insect repellant, snacks and binoculars. Picnic lunch to follow on the Visitor Center porch. 4 20 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10 10/3/15 9:00 AM
E0016 E16 Let Us Entertain You
  • Doris Janes, Carol Jacobs, Jeff Voeller, Tom Griffin
Brew Bike Tour
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Exercise! Food! Drink! And Fun! Join us for a two hour Brew Bike tour followed by a picnic. Sunday, May 31st at 5:30 PM. We will all hop on a 15-person bike complete with canopy and music. We will pedal to three breweries. Must be over 21 years of age. 11 60 0 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30 5/31/15 5:30 PM
A0010 A10 UUs At Your Service
  • Catherine O'Brien
rePurpose: What to Trash, What to Treasure
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Evaluate, ELIMINATE and integrate your possessions. In 2 hours I'll help you explore WHY you own WHAT you own and come up with strategies for emotionally satisfying ways to release what no longer serves you. I specialize is inherited items. Then we'll figure out the best place to put what is left. I'll leave you with tasks to complete on your own.

1 100 0 000180.0 180 .0005E7 50
Z0001 Z1 Cakewalk
  • Jane Fereshetian
Armenian Paklava
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For the Cake Walk: A Scrumptious Armenian Paklava, filled with delicious walnuts and made with filo dough. 8x12" tray. 1 0 000025.0 25 .00001E7 1
A0009 A9 UUs At Your Service
  • Amanda Tenney
Childcare for 1-2 Children
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Spend some time with each other while your child(ren) enjoy playing with other UU children at the home of Amanda Tenney and Darrell Monteith. 1 50 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
A0008 A8 UUs At Your Service
  • John Hingtgen
In-Home Energy Consultation
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One-hour consultation on energy efficiency in your home. Walk-through and qualitative evaluation of opportunities to improve energy efficiency in your home.

M.S. degree in energy, with work experience in energy research, renewable energy, and electricity supply.

2 60 1 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30
R0004 R4 Raffle
  • Bruce Moulton
Whole Foods Gift Card
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A $20 gift card For Whole Foods Market. 1 0 000020.0 20 .00001E7 1
A0007 A7 UUs At Your Service
  • John McMillan
Two Hours of Handyman Service
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No job too small. No job too odd for this mighty warrior. Handyperson services from John McMillan, veteran of the UUSS Fix-It Crew. John is professionally trained as a civil engineer, but he will replace the washers in your faucet, cut down your pampas grass, repair your garage door, etc. You pay for supplies.

Up to two hours of service offered four times. Must be used by end of 2015.

5 150 0 000100.0 100 .00075E7 75
G0006 G6 Great Outdoors
  • Anara Guard
Weekend at a Writer's Retreat near Big Trees State Park
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Spend two nights and two days in a mountain home just minutes down the road from Big Trees State Park in Arnold, California. Less than 100 miles from Sacramento, the home is two bedrooms, two baths, with a large studio suitable for yoga or movement behind the house. What makes it ideal for writing, meditation or inspiration? No TV. Wifi throughout. Writing surfaces abound. Beauty all around, inside and out. Please, no pets, no smoking. Dates to be determined by availability. View photos and calendar at 1 300 0 000300.0 300 .001E7 100
G0005 G5 Great Outdoors
  • Deirdre Downes
Lake Winnemucca Wildflower Hike
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Let's hope for the usual spectacular wildflower display on this classic, very scenic 5-mile round trip moderate hike to a lovely mountain lake near Carson Pass. Trail lunch provided. We will carpool from UUSS. 12 40 5 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20 7/11/15 8:30 AM
A0006 A6 UUs At Your Service
  • Pat Skeels
Gardening Help
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Let someone who has lots of gardening experience and knowledge do your dirty work! Pat will come to your house and plant flowers, prune roses, or do other yard work for two hours. You sit back and relax! 3 80 0 000075.0 75 .0004E7 40
G0004 G4 Great Outdoors
  • Deirdre Downes
Tennessee Valley Beach hike
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[Note: this is a Thursday hike] Enjoy an easy (mostly flat) and scenic 4-mile round trip hike to an ocean beach in Marin County. Trail lunch provided for a picnic on the beach. We will carpool from UUSS. 12 40 3 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20 6/18/15 8:30 AM
E0015 E15 Let Us Entertain You
  • Deirdre Downes
Salad Supper
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Be one of 8 guests for a pleasant evening of good food, wine, and conversation at Deirdre's home in River Park. 8 40 0 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20 5/22/15 6:30 PM
E0014 E14 Let Us Entertain You
  • Colene & Fred Schlaepfer
Garden Dinner in Folsom
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Enjoy a night out dining al fresco! What better way to feed your soul and your stomach than to sit outside in our garden surrounded by flowers and oak trees! Listen to the birds singing while you converse with your companions. Co-hosted by Sally Lewis. 10 60 1 000040.0 40 .0003E7 30 5/3/15 6:00 PM
G0003 G3 Great Outdoors
  • Cynthia Shallit & Mark Sabin
Sailing Lesson - Lake Washington Sailing Club, West Sac
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Learn to sail on our beginner-friendly Sunfish sailboats! A Sunfish is a small sailboat which is easy to learn to sail, stable, and fun! It is sailed by one-person but can easily carry two people; in this case, you and your instructor. The Lesson would be about three hours, at the Lake Washington Sailing Club on Harbor Blvd. in West Sacramento. We are experienced sailors with various certificates/training. We will cover rigging the boat, the controls of the boat, how to use the wind to power the boat, and safety concerns. Then, on with the life vest, into the boat, and YOU will be sailing! As this is just an introductory class, you will sail with an instructor.

We want to have a steady, mild wind for fun and safety. Should predicted wind conditions be unfavorable three days prior to our scheduled date, we will re-schedule the lesson on a mutually agreeable date for the two winning bidders and instructors.

All participants must be comfortable around water, able to swim, and willing to follow directions from instructors. Ages 8 and above are welcome.

2 100 0 000150.0 150 .00045E7 45 5/2/15 1:00 PM
E0013 E13 Let Us Entertain You
  • Margaret Wilcox
A Feast in the Sierra Foothills
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Dine on a sampling of El Dorado County's award-winning food, complemented by our celebrated wines. We start with a variety of local cheeses and pates. Dinner begins with salads created from local farm fruits and vegetables along with homemade bread from an amazing Amador City bakery. Entrees include vegetarian specialties and 5-star smokehouse BBQ ribs. Dessert is our famous Apple Hill berry and apple pies served a la mode, accompanied by El Dorado Roasting Company coffee and teas. Hand-made chocolate from a local chocolatier will top off the meal! 6 70 0 000040.0 40 .00035E7 35 6/27/15 6:00 PM
G0002 G2 Great Outdoors
  • Margaret Wilcox & Tony vanCuren
Cronan Ranch, the River and a Movie Set
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Explore the Cronan Ranch Regional Park trails along the South Fork of the American River in the Sierra foothills near Coloma. Our hike is easy to moderate and takes us across grasslands, through mixed oak woodlands and down to the river for lunch. The trail then passes the remains of a movie set built in 2003 for a Hallmark movie starring Katherine Heigl. Hikers who prefer a leisurely walk after lunch will follow the Long Valley Trail to the trailhead. Those eager for more challenging hiking will ascend to the West Ridge Trail with scenic views of the Coloma-Lotus Valley, the river canyon and the Sierra peaks in the distance. Distance for leisurely hikers is 3 miles; for West Ridge hikers is total of 6 miles. Gourmet hiking lunch provided. 10 40 -1 000025.0 25 .0002E7 20 5/16/15 9:30 AM
R0003 R3 Raffle
  • Aggie Vawter
Christmas Fudge
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One pound of delicious homemade fudge to be delivered at church before Christmas. 4 0 000015.0 15 .00001E7 1
E0012 E12 Let Us Entertain You
  • Lisa &Mike Erwin
Murder Mystery Dinner Party - 1950's Theme - Frank Vinatra's Birthday Party
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Play one of Frank Vinatra's movie star friends at his Las Vegas birthday party. There will be good food, intrigue and fun. We will guess who the killer is in this period whodunit. (Party held at Lisa and Michael Erwin's home in Carmichael.) 4 men and 5 women required. Can add up to 2 extra women and 1 extra man. 9 90 -2 000050.0 50 .00045E7 45 8/8/15 6:30 PM
E0011 E11 Let Us Entertain You
  • Aggie Vawter
Alfresco Tea
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English afternoon tea served on the patio featuring scones, savories, and sweets. And tea, of course! 8 40 4 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 5/16/15 2:00 PM
R0002 R2 Raffle
  • Judy Bell
A Meal and A Movie with Judy
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Have a fun day or evening enjoying a meal and a movie with me, Judy Bell. You choose the restaurant and you also get to pick the movie!

Offered 2 times.

2 0 000025.0 25 .00001E7 1
E0010 E10 Let Us Entertain You
  • Dennis & Linda Clear
Summer BBQ
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Come join the Clears for a BBQ by the pool. Good food, drinks, and great conversation. A post-Independence Day celebration. We'll make our own "fireworks to celebrate summer. 8 60 0 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30 7/11/15 6:00 PM
E0009 E9 Let Us Entertain You
  • Dennis & Linda Clear
Wine Country Tour
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Join Linda and Dennis Clear for a day of wine tasting, a great lunch, and beautiful scenery. Sit back, enjoy the ride, and imbibe! 4 80 0 000050.0 50 .0004E7 40 8/28/15 10:00 AM
A0004 A4 UUs At Your Service
  • Patty Taylor Gutermute
Seeing With A Brush In Your Hand
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Join me for an exploration of contour drawing and basic watercolor techniques. This informal 2-hour class is for beginners or anyone who wants to take time out to look closely at what is around us. We will have fun discovering our Inner Artist! Even if you are convinced you have no Inner Artist, give this a try, it's guaranteed. All materials will be supplied. 6 70 1 000035.0 35 .00035E7 35 5/16/15 10:15 AM
E0008 E8 Let Us Entertain You
  • Linda Klein & Dave Thomas
A spectacular 4th of July
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Come to the famous Rancho Murieta fireworks on the 4th of July and experience fireworks up close as we sit at the front lake and watch the firework extravaganza explode in the sky and then drop into the lake. We will serve an all-American dinner barbecue at our home before the show and then travel over to the fireworks together, where we will have reserved a special front row blanket for all of us. 10 60 0 000040.0 40 .0003E7 30 7/4/15 6:00 PM
A0003 A3 UUs At Your Service
  • Tami Buscho
Legal services
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Experienced criminal defense attorney offers up to three hours toward consultation on a criminal (including DUI) matter. If representation is desired, additional fee would have to be negotiated. 2 200 1 000375.0 375 .001E7 100
G0001 G1 Great Outdoors
  • Tami Buscho
The Zen of Golf (or golf for the 99%)
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Well received by previous auction attendees: down to earth primer on golf basics with a humorous twist or two. Join Tami and up to four other UUs for two practice sessions (TBA) and 9-holes of golf (5/30/15) at one of Sacramento's public courses. Beginners to experienced welcome. 4 50 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 5/30/15 12:30 PM
A0002 A2 UUs At Your Service
  • Taylor Lewis
One Hour Garden and Landscape Consultation
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Feeling the pressure to reduce your water consumption? Need help battling climate change? Taylor, a professional landscaper, will come to the rescue! Take advantage of his one hour drought-tolerant Landscape Evaluation and Consultation. Find out how your can make your irrigation system more efficient. Date and times are flexible, but this must be redeemed in 2015. Offered five times. 5 0 000100.0 100 .001E7 100
E0007 E7 Let Us Entertain You
  • Abby, Irwin and/or Lily Rosenblum
Jerk On! Caribbean Dinner Party
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Can’t make it to Saint Kitts this year? Is Jamaica just out of reach? No worries, Mon. We got you covered with a genuine, multi-coursed Caribbean feast. There will be rum, my friend, to cool you in the summer blaze. And expect that fruity, spicy hint of the Scotch bonnet pepper. Don’t be surprised when you find plantains on your plate. Delectables will be flying off the grill and stewing in the pot. By the end of the evening, we promise your taste buds will be doing the Calypso. To steal from the great Bob Marley, come to the Rosenblum’s and "you don’t have to worry ‘bout a thing, ‘cause every little thing’s gonna be alright." 6 90 0 000050.0 50 .00045E7 45 9/12/15 6:00 PM
E0006 E6 Let Us Entertain You
  • Larry & Sunny Thomas
Vietnamese Crepes Dinner
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Have you had Vietnamese crepes for dinner? Sunny will surprise you with her cooking. Come enjoy good company, stimulating conversation and delicious food and wine 8 60 -1 000030.0 30 .0003E7 30 6/13/15 6:30 PM
R0001 R1 Raffle
  • Glory Wicklund-Keith White
Restaurant Dinner
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Are you a Vegetarian Wannabe, a Committed Herbivore, or a Carnivore looking for a new experience? We will host up to four (4) persons for dinner at the Vegetarian Restaurant "Mother" on Saturday, August 22, 2015, at 6 PM. If you need or just want transportation, we will chauffer you too. Mother is part of the Farm to Fork movement and Chef Michael Thiemann is at the stove. 4 0 000040.0 40 .00001E7 1 8/22/15 6:00 PM
A0001 A1 UUs At Your Service
  • Abby Rosenblum
3 Hours of Move Planning or Downsizing
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Are you contemplating a move? Feeling overwhelmed at the thought? Or maybe just need reclaim space in your current home if you could just get motivated? Offering three (3) hours of professional move management services (advising on a relocation plan and timeline) or a downsizing session. I will help you cull wardrobes, purses, shoes, and, of course, tupperware! Or help organize your garage or clear your storage unit. I'll take items to be donated away on the spot. Much can be accomplished working side-by-side. Three hours to the highest bidder on a mutually agreeable date in 2015.

2 120 0 000180.0 180 .0006E7 60
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  • Francine Kozkodin
Fort Bragg Vacation Home
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Hikers, cyclists and beach lovers take note! This 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 story cottage in Cleone (2 miles north of Fort Bragg, 1/2 mile from the beach) is yours for 5 nights. The kid and dog friendly house sleeps 4 comfortably, with beds for 2 more and has a fully equipped kitchen, internet and limited cable. $70 cleaning fee is paid by the bidder. Times to be arranged with owner. Rent it in July and attend the popular Salmon festival.

This will be offered twice.

2 1,200 0 001000.0 1,000 .007E7 700
E0002 E2 Let Us Entertain You
  • Mary & Rich Howard
Summer Tapas Dinner
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Can't go to Spain? Immerse yourself in tasty and innovative Spanish tapas, accompanied by Spanish wine. You'll be amazed at the different foods the Spanish put together to create their famous tapas.! Join Rich and Mary in their Carmichael home for a summer dinner of mostly vegetarian tapas. Come enjoy good company, stimulating conversation (in Spanish, if you wish) and delicious food and wine. 8 90 0 000050.0 50 .00045E7 45 8/1/15 6:30 PM
E0001 E1 Let Us Entertain You
  • Mary & Rich Howard
Games Night
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Are you full of fun and have a competitive personality? Or do you like hanging out with people who are passionate about having fun? Come on over to Mary and Rich's for a night of fast-paced, energetic group games that allow you to hide in the background or show your stuff! All gamers, ages 12 and up are welcomel This is a great way to meet others and have fun! Snacks provided. 10 40 0 011111.0 11,111 .0002E7 20 6/19/15 7:00 PM