2012 Auction Catalog - 46 item(s) printable view
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Item0 Item Category Donors Item Name Picture Description Qty Buy it Now Left Est0 Est Val Min0 Min Price Date
VA0004 VA4 Vacation/Lodging
  • Pamela Tingiris
Stay at a Lake Front Cottage in Vermont
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The cottage is eco-friendly. It is available for a one-week stay for up to five (5) people during the months of May through Oct., 2014. 1 1 001000.0 1,000 .003E7 300
DN0010 DN10 Dinners
  • Ralph & Judy Lehman
Lobster Dinner
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Lobster dinner with the Lehman's. 10 4 000100.0 100 .0006E7 60 10/11/13 6:30 PM
FO0008 FO8 Food
  • Pat Benedict
Special Occasion Cake
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5 TIER CAKEBALL WEDDING or special occasion Cake w/ 600 cakeballs, w/ 4-6 flavor options from Cake Balls By Dawny. To be used w/in 2 years. Or...60 holiday CakeBall boxes. each box containing 10 cakeballs (5 flavors, 2 of each flavor) & specially wrapped/decorated for chosen holiday or event. Perfect for Gifts!! To be used w/in 2 years. 1 1 000400.0 400 .00125E7 125
SE0005 SE5 Services
  • Marta Pearson
Oranization Help
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3 HOURS ORGANIZATIONAL HELP either paperwork or physical space. 2 2 000180.0 180 .0006E7 60
CL0004 CL4 Clothing
  • Joyce Formica
Over the Shoulder Pack
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Adidas black polyester, water proof. This is a must have for the serious biker (motor cycle or bicycle). 1 0 000030.0 30 .00015E7 15
MC0002 MC2 Miscellaneous
  • Cay Cahalin
$25 Vine Resturant Gift Certificate
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$25 GIFT CERTIFICATE for the Vine Restaurant
17667 Dale Mabry Highway
1 0 000025.0 25 .0003E7 30
CO0001 CO1 Collectibles
  • Pat Adair
Disney Music Box Disney Mickey Mouse Tea for Three Mary Englebreit Music Box Collectors Item 1 0 000150.0 150 .00025E7 25
DN0009 DN9 Dinners
  • Nicholas & Stacy Gilmore
Vegetarian Dinner
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Join us for a vegetarian (vegan upon request) meal straight from the menu of Monty’s Blue Plate in Madison, WI! We have friends and family that request this meal whenever they visit – don’t miss out! 6 2 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30
VA0003 VA3 Vacation/Lodging
  • Pamela Tingiris
Stay at a Lake Front Cottage in Vermont
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he cottage is eco-friendly. It is available for a one-week stay for up to five (5) people during the months of May through Oct., 2013. 1 0 001000.0 1,000 .003E7 300
HA0004 HA4 Hand work
  • Carol Baker
Large Quilted Purse
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Large Quilted Purse 1 1 000100.0 100 .00045E7 45
HA0003 HA3 Hand work
  • Carol Baker
Small Quilted Purse
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Small Quilted Purse 1 -1 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
MC0001 MC1 Miscellaneous
  • Gloria Holloway
12 CDs from concert artists
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Cd's Gloria has received from touring folk artists. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0001E7 10
HA0002 HA2 Hand work
  • Harriet Blymiller
Custom Pillowcases
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Three coordinating fabrics, no exposed seams. Standard or king size. You purchase fabric of whatever style or theme you like. Harriet can probably supply the trim and hem pieces, or not, as you wish. 1 1 000025.0 25 .00018E7 18
HA0001 HA1 Hand work
  • Harriet Blymiller
Handmade Pillowcases
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Three coordinating fabrics, no exposed seams. 3 0 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15
DN0008 DN8 Dinners
  • Cay Cahalin
St. Patricks Party
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Wear green and sing and drink and be merry at Cay Cahalin’s home. We’ll have a buffet of brisket, salmon and Sheppard’s pie. 1 -11 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15
ED0001 ED1 Education
  • Yves Hamard
Introduction to France
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Everything you always wanted to know about France. Yves Hamard is offering a 3 hour course in your home or office. The conversation will include basic French to improved conversational French. (You may invite up to 8 others to participate.) 1 1 000200.0 200 .0005E7 50
EX0002 EX2 Excursions
  • Russell Patterson & Candy Gale
Paddle Boat Outing
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Candy Gale and Russell Patterson offer the use of their five person paddle boat for a day’s outing on the Hillsborough River. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00035E7 35
TR0002 TR2 Transportation
  • Ralph & Judy Lehman
Transportation to/from Tampa International Airport
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For 1 or 2 people in one trip in. Excluding Dec 22-30, 2012 and all of June and Sept through Oct 10, 2013. 1 1 000050.0 50 .0004E7 40
FO0007 FO7 Food
  • Cay Cahalin
Breakfast in Bed
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. . . with champagne for as many people as can fit in your bed. 1 1 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
DN0007 DN7 Dinners
  • Ralph & Judy Lehman
Stonewood Resturant Basket Contains 2 $25 resturant gift certificates with a bottle of wine. 1 1 000150.0 150 .0006E7 60
DN0006 DN6 Dinners
  • Harriet Blymiller
Seafood Chowder Dinner
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Similar to Italian Cioppino or French Bouillabaisse. 8 4 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 1/26/13 6:30 PM
AR0001 AR1 Artwork
  • Robin Leigh
Framed Nature Photograph 18”X24”. Signed original. 1 1 000300.0 300 .00125E7 125
EX0001 EX1 Excursions
  • Russell Patterson & Candy Gale
Tandem Kayak Outing
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Candy Gale & Russell Patterson offer the use of their tandem kayak for a day’s outing on the beautiful Hillsborough River. Launch and return site for this kayak outing is behind their house at 6050 River Trace Road, right on the river. 1 0 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
CL0003 CL3 Clothing
  • Carol Baker
T-shirt Memory Quilt
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Carol Baker can make a wall hanging up to king-size quilt. 1 0 000300.0 300 .00075E7 75
FO0006 FO6 Food
  • Joan Lund
Lemon Pies
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Joan Lund will make five pies. 5 4 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25
CL0002 CL2 Clothing
  • Fran Davin
48" Belt
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This stunning 48” belt can be worn as a necklace. Custom design by award-winning artist blends imported stones, pearls and silver fittings. 1 1 000100.0 100 .0006E7 60
VA0002 VA2 Vacation/Lodging
  • Grant Wilson & Diana Stevens
North Carolina Mountain Condo600
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The 3 bedroom/2 bath fully equipped condo is located 1 1?2 hrs south of Asheville and 8 miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway in the mountains. Available for a one week stay April thru Oct. 2013. 1 0 000600.0 600 .004E7 400
SE0004 SE4 Services
  • Ollis Hughes & Mary Francis
House Cleansing and Blessing
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A new house is a great time for cleansing and blessing a house but it isn’t the only time. Been feeling a little down and even a grumpy? A house cleansing ritual is a great way to remove negative energies from your home. How did they get there? Just like dust, it can build up after awhile! We will perform a cleansing ritual to purge your home of negativity and follow it with a house blessing. Note: May not eliminate ghost energies- no guaranties. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
DN0005 DN5 Dinners
  • Lynnette Parrish
Russian Buffet
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Russian buffet plus singing and dancing. 19 3 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30 9/14/13 6:30 PM
FO0005 FO5 Food
  • Donald & Kathy Hunter
Homemade Fruit Pies
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Your choice of crust and filling in an 8-inch pie. Delivery negotiable. 3 1 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15
DN0004 DN4 Dinners
  • Grant Wilson & Diana Stevens
Vegetarian Dinner
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Diana Stevens & Grant Wilson’s home 8 2 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30 5/25/13 7:00 PM
FO0004 FO4 Food
  • Gloria Holloway
Craig Reller's Famous Oatmeal Cookies
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CRAIG RELLER’S FAMOUS OATMEAL COOKIES — Craig will make 4 batches.
4 1 000012.0 12 .00008E7 8
FO0003 FO3 Food
  • Ed Benedict
Picnic Box Lunches
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Each box contains soup, sandwiches and dessert for two people. Will be delivered with 48 hours notice. Bid is per box. Each bidder may order several boxes. As many bidders as want box lunches will be accommodated. 6 5 000035.0 35 .00035E7 35
FO0002 FO2 Food
  • Beom Lee
Home Roasted Coffee
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Specialty coffee that were roasted by Beom himself. These coffees were handpicked from high-mountain-grown trees and specially handled. Delivery negotiable. 2 2 000035.0 35 .00015E7 15
TK0001 TK1 Tickets
  • Rom Delacroix
Holiday Concert Tickets Una Voce
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UNA VOCE, THE FLORIDA MEN’S CHORALE -- tickets for the “Reflections “ Holiday Concert. Choose among a concert Friday, Dec. 14, at SPC Clearwater at 7:30 pm; or 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 15, or Sunday, Dec. 16, both at HCC. 4 0 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15
DN0003 DN3 Dinners
  • Chris Woodard & Carolyn Adler
Thai Dinner
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Several courses of great food, with vegan options. 10 2 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 8/10/13 6:00 PM
SE0003 SE3 Services
  • Erin Powers
90-Minute Massage
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Donated by Erin Powers, LMT, on Davis Islands. 2 0 000150.0 150 .0007E7 70
TR0001 TR1 Transportation
  • Russell Patterson
Transportation to/from Tampa International Airport
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Up to 4 people and their luggage. Dates and time negotiable, but weekends and evenings are best. For 1 roundtrip, or two one- way trips. 1 -1 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
DN0002 DN2 Dinners
  • Ron & Barbara Hammerle
April In Paris Picnic
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A picnic to celebrate Spring in Paris. Menu includes: Pate, French cheeses, Vichyssoise, Salad with poached salmon, quiche Lorraine and assorted desserts. 16 1 000100.0 100 .00045E7 45
VA0001 VA1 Vacation/Lodging
  • Grant Wilson & Diana Stevens
Stay on the Beach
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Beach Condo - Cocoa Beach Condo (2 bedrooms, 1 bath) available for 1 party of (not to exceed) 4 people for a 4 day/3 night stay. Date to be determined – May thru Sept. 2013. 1 -1 000500.0 500 .0025E7 250
FO0001 FO1 Food
  • Donald Hunter
Don Hunter's Ham
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Many of you have tasted this ham at potlucks. We will provide the ham (6 pounds minimum; larger size can be negotiated), cooked Don’s way and chilled. Date for delivery negotiated with Don. 2 0 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30
SE0002 SE2 Services
  • Robin Leigh
Tarot Reading
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Your reading will address your free will and inner growth. Readings take about an hour and use a mixture of Rider-Waite deck tarot imagery, numerology, cross-cultural symbols, and astrology. Participant needs to provide complete birth date. All readings are strictly confidential and private. This is a legitimate avenue of inquiry and not a form of entertainment or "fortune-telling." 1 1 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
FA0001 FA1 Fellowship Activities
  • Chuck & Christine Smith
Superbowl Super Fiesta Party
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. . . with fiesta shrimp, guacamole, chicken tortilla soup and double rich brownies. Feb. 3, 2013 5:30 pm. Room for 16. Donors: Christine and Chuck Smith. Min. bid: $30 16 3 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30 2/3/13 12:00 PM
SE0001 SE1 Services
  • Mary Francis
Genealogy Research
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Mary Francis will give 10 hours of her time to conduct genealogy research of you family tree. You provide Mary with the names, birth places and birthdates along with the names of you, your parents and your grandparents and Mary will do the work. 1 0 000100.0 100 .001E7 100
CL0001 CL1 Clothing
  • Kathy Hunter
Custom Handmade Leather Belt
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Your choice of leather and buckles; your choice of width (1/4-11?4 inches) and up to 7 feet long. 1 1 000035.0 35 .00035E7 35
DN0001 DN1 Dinners
  • Alexandre & Nicole Drelles
Greek Spaghetti Dinner
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This is a distinctive recipe from Sasha’s family, who ran a restaurant. Room for 8. Donors: Sasha & Nicole Drelles. Min. bid: $25 8 2 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 2/16/13 6:00 PM