2024 Auction Catalog - 337 item(s) printable view
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Item0 Item Category Donors Item Name Picture Description Qty Left Est0 Est Val Min0 Min Price Date
V-L0003 V-L3 Vacation & Lodging
  • Charles and Lois Lee
UU Mountain Retreat and Learning Center in Highlands $600.00 gift certificate
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It is a late item because they were without power, water, internet, phone, and cell service for 13 days. The gift certificate can be used by adults or youth for Mountain programs, retreats, or Mountain Summer Camp, Lodging, and meals when available and dependent on scheduling, including our planned retreat for late May, 2025 1 0 000600.0 600 .0035E7 350
F0025 F25 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Susan McDaniel & Pat Smith
Let Them Eat Cake (or Pie)!
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Popular baker Susan McDaniel will bake a sumptuous cake or pie for your special (or everyday) occasion. All you have to do is tell her what you like...

Specialties include:
Pound cake
Chocolate Mayonaise Cake
Flourless chocolate cake
Fruit, coconut, & pumpkin pies

4 0 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15
  • Anonymous 2013
Test Item1 This item is for testing purposes. Please do not bid on it or delete it. 8 8 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
BNF0032 BNF32 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Charles and Lois Lee
International Library of Music - 14 volumes
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This leather-bound set, copyright 1945 and 1948 includes: History of Music- Biographical Sketches Vol. I and II, Study Masters- Grades 1-4, 2 Vol., Piano Guides-Theory and Technique, 1 Vol. The Opera- History and Guide 1 Vol., Piano Forte Compositions Vol. 1-8. 1 1 000150.0 150 .00075E7 75
HG0021 HG21 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Charles and Lois Lee
Thomasville Sofa
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This 90"L x 36"D x33" H beige sofa is well-made by Thomasville NC Furniture. The top and bottom cushions are separately interchangeable, not attached, and the zippered cases are removable for cleaning. ***The sofa will not be available until early February and will need to be picked up by the highest bidder.*** 1 1 000150.0 150 .0005E7 50
HG0020 HG20 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Charles and Lois Lee
Entertainment Set
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This sturdy 4-piece Entertainment Set is made of light wood and allows you to have all your entertainment needs in one place. *** The furniture will not be available until early February and will need to be picked up by the highest bidder. *** It consists of two bookcases (each 70"H x 24" W x 16.5" D) with glass doors on top and a cabinet with shelves below, a cabinet (24" H x 21" D x 41" W) for a TV on top, cabinets and shelves below for CDs or other AV supplies. There is also a light bridge that fits between the two bookcases for a finished look. The pieces may be used together or separately. 1 1 000300.0 300 .001E7 100
J0022 J22 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Joy Blevins
Cole Haan Women's Leather Orange Flats
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Bought new in early 2000s but only occasionally wore them as had too many shoes then and lived in Southern California. So, in warm weather preferred open toe shoes even though these shoes were very comfortable. The shoes are in very good condition. These shoes were considered driving shoes, but now that I retired, I drive much less and prefer running shoes and sandals. So, shoes need to be rehomed. If you like luxury shoes that are comfortable, these shoes are for you, especially since I am suggesting a very low minimum bid. Size 8 AA 1 1 000060.0 60 .0002E7 20
J0021 J21 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Joy Blevins
Brown Leather Wide Belt with Gold Buckle
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Another decision regarding being a belted or non-belted UU. If you prefer to be belted, consider bidding on this beautiful wide (little over 2”) brown leather belt with gold buckle. Donor bought this belt in 80s or 90s but belt still in very good condition. I wore it when waist was smaller (otherwise I would keep it as I think it has an interesting buckle). Belt size: Adult small (28-30”). Designer and current worth unknown, so bidders will get a very good deal. 1 1 000025.0 25 .00012E7 12
J0020 J20 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Joy Blevins
Vintage Donna Karan Wide Black Leather Belt with Gold Buckle
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Do you prefer to be a belted UU? If not, then this item will be a “waist” of your time on which to bid. This belt is at least 35 years old. Donor owned and wore this belt (when much smaller waist) but belt still in good shape. Size: Female Adult Small (fits waist sizes 28-38”). Leather is soft Italian leather. 1 1 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
M0028 M28 Miscellaneous
  • Joy Blevins
Wood Animal Statue
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Donor bought this statue at a PTA thrift shop for $50. However, I have a huge rescue dog that is about the same height as this 35-inch-tall statue. Is this statue a giraffe, a horse – my friends and I cannot agree on what the animal is, so I call it the “thing.” My dog eyes the statue suspiciously, and if he were ever to topple statue over, it could injury him as statue heavy. So, the “thing” needs to be rehomed. 1 1 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
BNF0031 BNF31 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Joy Blevins
An Hour Before Daylight
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By Jimmy Carter (2001). This hardcopy autographed first edition book in excellent condition (donor stood in line 2 hours in 2001 on a rainy day in LA to get Carter’s autograph). Subtitle of book is Memories of a Rural Boyhood. Carter re-creates his Depression-era boyhood on a Georgia farm before the civil rights movement that changed it & the country. Book includes an unforgettable portrait of his father, a brilliant farmer & strict segregationist, and describes 5 other people who shaped his life, only 2 of them white. 1 0 000130.0 130 .00075E7 75
A0024 A24 Art for Walls
  • Joy Blevins
Yoghourt Crepes Recipe Print
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This recipe print was included in a original folio of Thirty Recipes Suitable for Framing (1970), compiled by restaurateur & author Alice Waters (owner Chez Panisse in Berkeley CA) & illustrated by David Lance Goines, an American artist, calligrapher & author. Print in pristine condition (never used), unsigned, & printed on good quality paper. 9” W x 12 ¼” H. Current values of the 30 recipes in the folio vary, not necessarily dependent on size. Fun facts about crepes: They get their name from the Latin word Crispus, meaning undulated & crinkly or from the Greek word, Crispos, which means wrapped or rolled up. Liquor may be used in the preparation of crepes to help break down lumps in the batter! 1 1 000020.0 20 .00014E7 14
A0023 A23 Art for Walls
  • Joy Blevins
Anchovy Stuffed Eggs Recipe Print
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This recipe print was included in a original folio of Thirty Recipes Suitable for Framing (1970), compiled by restaurateur & author Alice Waters (owner Chez Panisse in Berkeley CA) & illustrated by David Lance Goines, an American artist, calligrapher & author. Print in pristine condition (never used), unsigned, & printed on good quality paper. 6” W x 11” H. Current values of the 30 recipes in the folio vary, not necessarily dependent on size. Here is a reference about an anchovy that attributed to Benjamin Franklin: “Our supper was only half an anchovy each, on a very little strip of bread and butter, and half a pint of ale between us; but the entertainment was in her conversation.” 1 0 000010.0 10 .00008E7 8
A0022 A22 Art for Walls
  • Joy Blevins
Poppyseed Stuffing Recipe Print
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This recipe print was included in a original folio of Thirty Recipes Suitable for Framing (1970), compiled by restaurateur & author Alice Waters (owner Chez Panisse in Berkeley CA) & illustrated by David Lance Goines, an American artist, calligrapher & author. Print in pristine condition (never used), unsigned, & printed on good quality paper. 6” W x 13” H. Current values of the 30 recipes in the folio vary so this small recipe print may cost more than larger ones. The chef created this recipe to stuff lamb but no reason you could not make this savory recipe to stuff something else. Orange poppy flowers symbolize health & regeneration. So how lovely it would be to have these six poppies hanging on your wall. 1 1 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15
A0021 A21 Art for Walls
  • Joy Blevins
Orange Duck Recipe Print
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This recipe print was included in original folio of Thirty Recipes Suitable for Framing (1970) compiled by restaurateur & author Alice Waters (owner of Chez Panisse in Berkeley CA) & illustrated by David Lance Goines, an American artist, calligrapher & author. Print in good condition, unsigned & printed on good quality paper. Print size: 15”W x 8”H. According to legend & various theories, Duck à l'orange was a common dish of the Medici court that later became a French specialty. In 1533 Catherine de' Medici married the Duke of Orleans, second son of the King of France, bringing her cooks and recipes to France with her. While oranges themselves didn't take off in France until 17th Century, it wasn't until the 19th Century the first recipe of duck with oranges was produced. A trendy 20th Century meal, duck a l'orange has proven timeless and still to this day features on top restaurant menus across the globe. Keep it local: Cook this dish in your top-rated kitchen. 1 1 000045.0 45 .00018E7 18
A0020 A20 Art for Walls
  • Joy Blevins
Vichyssoise Recipe Print
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This recipe print was included in original folio of Thirty Recipes Suitable for Framing (1970) compiled by restaurateur & author Alice Waters (owner of Chez Panisse in Berkeley CA) & illustrated by David Lance Goines, an American artist, calligrapher & author. Print is in pristine condition (never used), unsigned & printed on good quality paper. 11” W x 7 ½ H. Vichyssoise has distinctly French roots but belongs to Manhattan as was created by a chef named Louis Diat, who modeled it after a beloved leek & potato soup his mother made him as a boy growing up in France. A famous scene from Batman Returns: Alfred, the butler, hands Bruce (Batman) a bowl of creamy soup to which he spits it out – “it’s cold!” And the immortal line from Alfred: “It’s vichyssoise, sir. It’s supposed to be cold.” Vichyssoise was Julia Child’s favorite soup. Make the winning bid on this print & make this your favorite soup. Or gift a friend the print with a pot of vichyssoise. 1 1 000022.0 22 .00015E7 15
A0019 A19 Art for Walls
  • Joy Blevins
Chocolate Mouse Recipe Print
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This recipe print was included in original folio of Thirty Recipes Suitable for Framing (1970) compiled by restaurateur & author Alice Waters (owner of Chez Panisse in Berkeley CA) & illustrated by David Lance Goines, an American artist, calligrapher & author. Print in great condition, unsigned & printed on good quality paper. 8”W x10”H. Chocolate mousse, as well as being delicious, also has a fascinating history. It was first described as "mayonnaise de chocolat,” and, more interesting, was invented by the French post-Impressionist painter Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, in the late 19th century. Who doesn’t like Chocolate Mouse? If you don’t, well, “frame” a friend – gift a friend with the print, and, of course, make the mousse for them. 1 1 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
A0018 A18 Art for Walls
  • Joy Blevins
Apricot Souffle Recipe Print
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This recipe print was included in a original folio of Thirty Recipes Suitable for Framing (1970), compiled by restaurateur & author Alice Waters (owner Chez Panisse in Berkeley CA) & illustrated by David Lance Goines, an American artist, calligrapher & author. Print in pristine condition (never used), unsigned, & printed on good quality paper. 5” W x 12 ½ “H. Current values of the 30 recipes in the folio vary so this small recipe print may cost more than larger ones. If you try this delectable souffle & it doesn’t turn out right, remember the wisdom of the late British Rabbi, Lionel Blue, “Change the name and don’t bat a eyelid. A fallen souffle is only a risen omelette.” 1 0 000040.0 40 .00018E7 18
SP0005 SP5 Sports & Outdoor Activities
  • Charles and Lois Lee
Saris Bike Rack
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This Saris bike rack is a quality car trunk rack that is easy to attach and securely holds three bikes. It has had some great times transporting our bikes to North Carolina MS 150 Bike Rides. If new, this bike rack would cost 199.99. It can be yours for 75.00 1 1 000100.0 100 .00075E7 75
BLD0021 BLD21 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Charles and Lois Lee
Maryland Crab Cake Dinner
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Join Charles and Lois Lee for an authentic Maryland Crab Cake dinner at their new home in Carolina Meadows. We'll start the evening with appetizers, wine, and mixed drinks. Dinner will begin with a pear salad followed by the delicious Crab Cakes, Potatoes Dauphinoise, Asparagus, and Ciabatta Bread. Dessert will be a mouthwatering homemade Carrot Cake. Bring a heaty appetite for the meal and scintillating conversation. 6 0 000075.0 75 .0005E7 50 5/9/25 6:00 PM
J0019 J19 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Alice Recane
Vera Bradley cross body bag
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Never used! Vibrant colors. 3 inside pockets, one with zipper. One exterior pocket with zipper. Length of strap adjustable so that it can be worn cross body or over the shoulder. 12 " by 9" by 4" 1 0 000050.0 50 .0001E7 10
M0027 M27 Miscellaneous
  • Maris Abernathy
Dragon Figure
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Purple Dragon rendered in fine detail. Seven inches tall, 5 inches deep and 3 inches wide. Dragon is named Shadow Light the Immortal and is a part of the Treasure Dragons Collection. You can zoom in on this picture and find additional information here under Miscellaneous. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0002E7 20
A0017 A17 Art for Walls
  • Maris Abernathy
Chasing Moon
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Artist: Constance Pappalardo.
Part of Moon series
Watercolor on canvas. Unframed
Dimensions 12" by 12"
You can zoom in on this picture and see the valuation here under Art for the Walls.
1 1 000250.0 250 .00125E7 125
EA0020 EA20 Entertainment & Activities
  • Bronwen Blass
  • Kat Good
  • Alison Provan
  • Marion Hirsch
  • Dawn Carter
  • Children's Ministry
Family Dinner and Game Night!
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With the weather chillier in February and everyone getting stir-crazy at home, come out and join the Children's Ministry for pizza, games, fellowship, and fun times for all ages! 50 1 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5 2/22/25 4:00 PM
B0024 B24 Books (Fiction)
  • George & Linda Thompson
#1 New York Times Bestseller
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A Riveting Thriller that will keep you guessing to the very last sentence.
The Woman in the Window by A. J. Finn. 2018
1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
B0023 B23 Books (Fiction)
  • George & Linda Thompson
Broken Harbor by Tana French
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Tana French is one of the most talented crime writers alive says the Washington Post. French is known for creating detectives that are as complex as the mysteries they solve. Broken Harbor is her 4th novel. 1 0 000012.0 12 .00005E7 5
HG0019 HG19 Household Goods & Glassware
  • George & Linda Thompson
Paper & wood Japanese room divider
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4-panel white panel room divider. 71” tall, 60” opened. Light weight. Hand painted design. 1 0 000080.0 80 .0003E7 30
B0022 B22 Books (Fiction)
  • George & Linda Thompson
While Justice Sleeps
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From celebrated national leader and bestselling author, STACEY ABRAMS, a gripping thriller. It’s layered with myriad twists and a vibrant cast of characters. This book is signed by the author! 1 1 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
BLD0020 BLD20 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Nancy Mayer and Dave Salman
South African Dinner
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Biltong, Boerewors, Bobotie, Yellow Rice, Blatjang, and Malva Pudding. These are just some of the wonderful dishes we had in South Africa that we now enjoy at home. Join us for an African, Indian, and Malaysian inspired dinner and South African wine. (Lamb, beef, tree nuts, milk and gluten) 6 1 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25 3/22/25 6:00 PM
M0026 M26 Miscellaneous
  • Marya I
Crystal Magnifying Glass / Paperweight
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Having trouble reading the details on a printed page? This 3.125" genuine crystal magnifying glass can help. Attractively packaged in a lined cardboard box with a lid. From Jacarte. 1 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
M0025 M25 Miscellaneous
  • Kathleen Putnam
Chinese Dragon with verses.
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The front figure (in gold) is a dragon with a pearl expelled from its mouth. This is a combination common in Chinese culture. The dragon symbolized great powers and the pearl means wealth. The figure means “wealth and good fortune.” Some people interpret it as “achieving a great cause.” The Chinese characters in the background are a collection of a few famous verses from ancient poets. They express the leisurely and carefree mood of the well-to-do people (i.e., happy and content). This plaque is 10.5 inches in diameter. 1 0 000030.0 30 .0001E7 10
J0018 J18 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Kathleen Putnam
Unique Costume Necklace and Earrings
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This sparkling white necklace (19”- 22”) and Dogwood Flower earrings will brighten any outfit. 1 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
J0017 J17 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Kathleen Putnam
Small Silver earrings
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Small silver hoop earrings crafted by Orange County jewelry craftswoman. 1 0 000035.0 35 .0001E7 10
BNF0030 BNF30 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Kirsten Bergman
The Emperor of All Maladies, A Biography of Cancer
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by Siddartha Mukherjee. Hardback copy 1 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
A0016 A16 Art for Walls
  • Lynn Holbein
Portrait of Your Pet
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Original watercolor portrait of your pet. Painted in watercolor by an artist with 25 years experience, who has sold many commissioned pet portraits. The portrait is delivered matted and will fit an 11" x 14" frame.

This 2022 portrait is of "Porter" who lives with Mary Beth Powell and Bill Rote.

For examples, use this link.

1 0 000225.0 225 .00075E7 75
EA0019 EA19 Entertainment & Activities
  • Melva Fager Okun
  • Kathy Putnam
"Stories from the Heart" High Tea
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Join us in Melva's back yard for a relaxing afternoon sharing favorite stories. Description You're invited to bring a photo or memento related to the story you're sharing. This story might be a memory from your family or your childhood, or about a treasured relative or friend. Our stories are precious, and are to be shared. As we listen, we'll enjoy delicate teas, sweet treats, fruits, and finger sandwiches. Please join us for this special time together, getting to know each other better as we share memories of loved ones who have touched our hearts. Limit 10
10 3 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10 4/26/25 3:00 PM
EA0018 EA18 Entertainment & Activities
  • The Bluegrass Battleship
  • Jane & Scott Provan
  • Dee Dee & James Lavinder
  • Terry & Jill Baker
  • Catherine & Joel Grodensky
Bluegrass Battleship Concert
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Please join the Bluegrass Battleship for a fun evening of music. We will be offering coffee and tea, wine and beer, and desserts.
Where? At our very own beautiful church!
Many thanks to Deedee Lavinder for offering to organize the desserts and beverages. Email auction@c3huu.org to purchase tickets or janerivaprovan@gmail.com with other questions.
50 13 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 4/19/25 7:00 PM
J0016 J16 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Laurie McDonald
Handmade purple felt scarf
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Gorgeous, handcrafted scarf of felt and other fabrics, 70" x 12" 1 0 000100.0 100 .0002E7 20
J0015 J15 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Laurie McDonald
Black pearl necklace
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Black pearl necklace with tiny, attractive accent beads. 16" 1 0 000030.0 30 .0001E7 10
J0014 J14 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Kathleen Putnam
Delicate necklace
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Necklace 15”-17” adjustable with small lavender, gray & white beads. 1 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
J0013 J13 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Kathleen Putnam
14 K gold-filled earrings
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New 14 K gold-filled earrings handwrought in Goldsmith & Silversmiths workshop. 1 0 000035.0 35 .0001E7 10
J0012 J12 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Katherine Heineman
Guatemalan Beaded Necklace and Earrings
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Beautifully made beaded necklace and earrings 1 0 000030.0 30 .00015E7 15
J0011 J11 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Katherine Heineman
Silver and Smokey Necklace
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Fun, casual silver and smoke necklace 1 1 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
J0010 J10 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Katherine Heineman
Colorful Anodized Aluminum Bracelet and Earrings
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Jon Klar fun bracelet and earrings. 1 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
J0009 J9 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Katherine Heineman
Fun Slinky Bracelet Fun and comfortable:
It's Slinky, it's Slinky,
For fun it's a wonderful bracelet.
It's Slinky, it's Slinky,
It's fun for a girl and a boy.
1 0 000012.0 12 .00005E7 5
HG0018 HG18 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Katherine Heineman
Dehanna Jones Hand Blown Glass Ornament
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Gorgeous blown glass ornament/sun catcher from Seattle's Dehanna Jones. 1 0 000035.0 35 .00015E7 15
F0024 F24 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Katherine Heineman
Teavana Perfectea Maker
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Brew 2 cups of delicious loose-leaf tea with this lovely PBA-free copolyester tea maker with removable stainless steel strainer and automatic shut-off valve. 1 1 000023.0 23 .00012E7 12
M0024 M24 Miscellaneous
  • Marya I
Meditation cushion
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This 15-inch zafu cushion makes sitting meditation more comfortable. It's stuffed with buckwheat hulls and has a sturdy carry handle for easy transport. Might work best for someone taller than I am... 1 0 000040.0 40 .00012E7 12
M0021 M21 Miscellaneous
  • Marya I
DVD: Romeo and Juliet (Zeffirelli, 1968)
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Award-winning film adaptation of the Shakespeare tragedy. Directed by Franco Zeffirelli with Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting as the star-crossed lovers. One DVD, rarely used, in excellent condition. 1 0 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
EA0017 EA17 Entertainment & Activities
  • Rachel Rose
Valentine's Day Cabaret: A Sparkling Evening of Song, Story, Libations & Love
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Join Rachel Rose & others for a lovely evening at church, filled with song, story libations & love! Couples, singles & groups of friends welcome. Sparkling beverages (alcoholic & non-)& desserts provided. 72 1 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 2/14/25 7:30 PM
MU0020 MU20 Music: Lessons & Items
  • Alice Tien
Melodica Lesson, Age 6+
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Fun, easy, harmonica-like! The melodica can lead to learning keyboard instruments, winds, and brass. Beginners welcome, age 6+. Bring a melodica ($30+) to this 30-min. lesson in south Durham. Check out the Melodica Men for a bit of fun!

See some recommendations for Alice's teaching here.

1 1 000035.0 35 .0003E7 30
PBG0005 PBG5 Plants, Birds, & Gardens
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Aloe Vera plant
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This healthy 12" plant in a 10" pot is looking for a new home. Aloe gel, made from the central part of the aloe leaf, is a common household remedy for minor cuts and burns, as well as sunburns. Aloe contains active compounds that may reduce pain and inflammation and stimulate skin growth and repair. I also have found the gel useful in homemade shampoo; several health benefits of oral use of the gel and juice are being researched. 1 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
MU0019 MU19 Music: Lessons & Items
  • Alice Tien
Music Lesson, Several Choices
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30 min. Choices include piano up to advanced; accordion, melodica, or ukulele up to intermediate; improving expression on any instrument or voice, reading music faster, practicing efficiently, or help with music homework. Except for melodica, no need to own the instrument.
In south Durham or on Zoom. About Alice:
1 0 000035.0 35 .0003E7 30
B0021 B21 Books (Fiction)
  • Kirsten Bergman
The Story of the Lost Child
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The fourth novel in the Neopolitan series by Elena Ferrante, paperback version. I have not read the series, but my older daughter has, and she says it is excellent. I loved the netflix series based on the books:) 1 1 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
MU0018 MU18 Music: Lessons & Items
  • Danny Gotham
45-Minute Guitar, Mandolin, or Ukulele Lesson
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Reminder, also buy some of Danny's CDs for others & yourself! A 45-minute private lesson for someone who has never studied with Danny. All levels, all styles except classical and flamenco. A very patient teacher with over 40 years' experience. About Danny: go here. https://dannygotham.net/

One auction lesson per student. In person in Chapel Hill, or on Zoom.

2 0 000055.0 55 .0004E7 40
MU0017 MU17 Music: Lessons & Items
  • Danny Gotham
Half-Hour Guitar, Mandolin, or Ukulele Lesson
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Reminder, also buy some of Danny's CDs for others and yourself! A half-hour private lesson for someone who has never studied with Danny. All levels, all styles except classical and flamenco. A very patient teacher with over 40 years' experience. About Danny: go here. https://dannygotham.net/

One auction lesson per student. In person in Chapel Hill, or on Zoom.

1 0 000040.0 40 .0003E7 30
MU0015 MU15 Music: Lessons & Items
  • Danny Gotham
"All Through the Night" by Danny Gotham
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It only took 25 years, but Barb Heller and I finally released a sequel to "Happy Holidays". All Through the Night is 15 new tracks of winter holiday music, and it's a gem. I'm very pleased that we made this long-delayed album happen. About Danny: go here. https://dannygotham.net 1 0 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15
MU0014 MU14 Music: Lessons & Items
  • Danny Gotham
"Happy Holidays" by Danny Gotham
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Happy Holidays is an album of mostly Christmas music, recorded in 1986. It's very simple--just two guitars (Barbara Heller and myself) with no overdubs or fancy production. It is probably the most popular recording I have ever done. I am very happy with this one. About Danny: go here. https://dannygotham.net 1 1 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15
MU0012 MU12 Music: Lessons & Items
  • Danny Gotham
"Stringfellows" by Danny Gotham
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New in summer 2019! Like a fine wine, this CD took 20 years to emerge! Travel back to 1999 and savor the sounds of Danny and friends on guitar, mandolin, fiddle, cricket sounds, and more. About Danny: go here. https://dannygotham.net 1 0 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15
MU0011 MU11 Music: Lessons & Items
  • Danny Gotham
"Sundays Two" by Danny Gotham with Glenn Mehrbach
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Sundays Two (with Glenn Mehrbach) is the followup to my "Sundays" album. It features both solos (me on guitar and Glenn on piano) and duets, and features two of Glenn's originals, as well as several other selections (hymns, jazz and folk standards) that we have played at the Community Church--in services or special events--over the years. Glenn is one of the finest musicians I know, and this is an album that we both take great pride in. About Danny: go here. https://dannygotham.net 1 0 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15
MU0010 MU10 Music: Lessons & Items
  • Danny Gotham
"Sundays" by Danny Gotham
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Sundays is a collection of music that I've performed at my church over the years. It's very, very quiet, simple, short (about one-half as long as "Guitarheel"!), and sweet. This one is mostly solo guitar, and it's designed for quiet times. About Danny: go here.https://dannygotham.net 1 1 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15
MU0009 MU9 Music: Lessons & Items
  • Danny Gotham
"Luzerne" by Danny Gotham
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Named after the lake in my native upstate NY, Luzerne is my first solo CD. It's straightforward, and uncluttered, and has lots of great songs on it. Among the writers: John Lennon, Steve Goodman, John Fahey, and me. Among the players: Peter Ostroushko, Tony Markellis, Stringfellows, and my Racquette River Rounder buds. I am pretty happy with this recording, warts and all. About Danny: go here.https://dannygotham.net 2 1 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15
MU0008 MU8 Music: Lessons & Items
  • Danny Gotham
"Solo" CD by Danny Gotham
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New in 2018! "Solo" is the followup to "A Good Set," my 2015 CD. I got to thinking about how a typical solo show is two sets, so I recorded another album. I made 10 new tracks (the second "set"), added them to the tracks from "A Good Set" (the first "set"), and thus one CD with all of the tracks. About Danny: go here. https://dannygotham.net 1 1 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20
MU0007 MU7 Music: Lessons & Items
  • Danny Gotham
"Guitarheel" by Danny Gotham
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Guitarheel is my magnum opus. It is 72 minutes long (whew!) and the twenty cuts on it feature nineteen musical friends. Among them: Robin and Linda Williams, Peter Ostroushko, Orrin Star and Nina Gerber. Tons of guitar and mandolin. Everything from Hank Williams to Vivaldi to Charlie Parker to George Gershwin to Woody Guthrie to several originals from yours truly. This one also has a twenty page booklet. I have never worked as hard on anything as I did on this album.
About Danny: go here. https://dannygotham.net
1 0 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20
CBR0005 CBR5 Cookbooks & Recipes
  • Kirsten Bergman
Magnolia Grill - Not Afraid of Flavor
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Hardback copy of this book, published by UNC Press 1 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
HG0017 HG17 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Paul Sykes
Wood and Glass jewelry box
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Beautiful jewelry box made in Italy. (does not include key) 1 0 000075.0 75 .0002E7 20
BLD0019 BLD19 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Dorothy Hammett & Brad Kosiba
  • Mary and Jim George
Zucchini Extravaganza Luncheon
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For the second year in a row, Mary and Dorothy will create a scrumptious luncheon. Every coarse from appetizer to dessert will include zucchini. We will curate recipes from extensive sources to prepare a culinary extravaganza. Zucchini will be sourced from the Kosiba/Hammett garden or local farmers' markets. Lunch will be at Brad and Dorothy’s home about one mile from the church. 8 0 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20 8/9/25 1:00 PM
M0019 M19 Miscellaneous
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Bespoke decorated KN95 masks
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Covid isn't going away. And flu season is coming. Wearing a KN95 mask in indoor public settings, to protect yourself and others is a good idea, especially during the holiday seasons when there are spikes in infections. So why not have masks that make you happy? I will decorate 5 comfy re-usable KN95 masks for you, in your preferred colors, in abstract, geometric or floral patterns, before the Thanksgiving holidays. 1 1 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
BLD0018 BLD18 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Dawn Carter
An African Evening
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Join me for an African evening, complete with our family's favorite African meal--Ground Nut Stew--photo views of the Big 5 (and more), as well as famous African landscapes. (Food/Allergen warning: includes chicken and peanuts) 8 0 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25 1/18/25 6:00 PM
EA0021 EA21 Entertainment & Activities
  • Dawn Carter
Fireside Family Fun
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Bring the family to an evening around an outdoor fire, including hot dogs/hamburger grilling, kids play, and what would fireside family fun be without S'mores! 11/9 is the planned date as long as the weather cooperates. Early evening with final time TBD. 35 10 000007.0 7 .00007E7 7 11/9/24 5:30 PM
J0008 J8 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Joan Shier
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Handmade, bought from craftsman in Tanzania 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
BNF0029 BNF29 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Joan Shier
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The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time by: Dava Sobel and William J. H. Andrewes
Hardbound, in mint condition, 215 pages
1 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
BNF0028 BNF28 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Joan Shier
Understanding The Universe
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Hardbound, excellent condition, by: Raman K. Prinja & Richard Ignace. "A clearly written book for the amateur enthusiast or interested layperson, who will be enthralled as the variety and magnificence of the Universe is unveiled" - Society for Popular Astronomy 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
BNF0027 BNF27 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Joan Shier
My Stroke of Insight
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Fascinating story by Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D. A brain scientist's personal journal. 1 1 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
J0007 J7 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Laurie McDonald
Amethyst pendant necklace
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Beautiful 18.5" amethyst necklace with oval amethyst pendant 1 0 000030.0 30 .0001E7 10
J0006 J6 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Laurie McDonald
Amethyst necklace
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Lovely 18" light amethyst necklace with purple and silver beads and silver florets. 1 0 000030.0 30 .0001E7 10
A0014 A14 Art for Walls
  • Laurie McDonald
Pottery bowl
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Decorative & functional green bowl from O'Quinn Pottery in Seagrove. Comes with a metal support for table or wall display. 12" diameter. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00015E7 15
HMT0036 HMT36 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Mony Mehrotra
Heirloom End Grain Cutting Board
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Crafted right here in Chapel Hill by a local artisan (Marc Mehrotra) this new, one of a kind masterpiece is made of durable hard maple with accents of unique padauk wood and measures 12 x 16 inches. End grade cutting boards are constructed so that the knife cuts into the grain, not against it, preserving the wood and the cutting edge. Whether you purchase this as a gift or to accent your own kitchen, this beautiful and practical work of art will bring its owner years of joy and satisfaction. 1 0 000200.0 200 .0005E7 50
EA0022 EA22 Entertainment & Activities
  • Jill Baker
  • Katie Donovan
Basket Class with Katie and Jill
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Once again Jill Baker and Katie Donovan will help 6 people make a unique basket. This is a Market Basket with soft handles.
The class will be offered on May 10th and we will provide lunch. This is not a difficult basket but looks great when finished..
6 students. All materials and tools, and instructions will be provided.We will begin promptly at 9:00am, break for lunch and hopefully finish mid-afternoon. We'll meet at Katie Donovan's House, 6 Burnwood Place, Falconbridge, Chapel Hill.
6 0 000080.0 80 .0004E7 40 5/10/25 9:00 AM
CBR0004 CBR4 Cookbooks & Recipes
  • Susan Lindholm
Explore SW/Spanish cooking with two great cookbooks!
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"The best 100 tapas" has beautiful photos of each recipe; New/never used.
"Santa Fe - Lite & Spicy" from Santa Fe chefs, over 300 pgs of recipes (a few notes in pencil), nicely organized
1 0 000026.0 26 .0001E7 10
S0011 S11 Services
  • Seasen Acevedo-Zullo
Bid on Your Dream Vacation!
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Are you ready to escape to your next adventure but don't want the stress of planning? Let Arrow Travel Co. create the perfect getaway for you! Whether you're dreaming of a sun-soaked beach retreat, a cultural European excursion, a scenic Alaskan cruise, or a family-friendly adventure, this exclusive donation offers personalized, professional travel planning services tailored to your unique style.

From hand-picked hotels to customized itineraries, your journey will be carefully curated to ensure every detail is taken care of—so all you have to do is relax and enjoy. Bid now and let Arrow Travel Co. be your compass to exceptional travel!

Check out www.ArrowTravelCo.com for more information!

2 0 000600.0 600 .001E7 100
BCT0012 BCT12 Books for Children & Teens
  • Mary and Jim George
Peterson Field Guide Coloring Book of Birds
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Color your own field guide with matching bird stickers. 1 0 000009.0 9 .00005E7 5
HMT0035 HMT35 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Ellen Hill
Hand Built Stoneware Bowl
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Food Friendly, Dishwasher Safe and Ovenproof. Six inches wide, three inches high.
Made by Ellen Hill
1 1 000038.0 38 .00018E7 18
PBG0004 PBG4 Plants, Birds, & Gardens
  • Kirsten Bergman
Neomarica "Walking Iris" potted plant
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I love this plant for its amazing flowers that bloom for a day in late winter/early spring, when plant is placed in a sunny spot indoors during the cool months. Google "neomarica" and you can see what this amazing bloom looks like! Even if it doesn't bloom for you, this is an attractive houseplant with its tall, grass-like leaves. I put all of mine outside in the shade in the summer, then bring them in before the first frost (though it seems they can tolerate a bit of frost). Plants are in 8-10 inch plastic or crockery pots. Here's a good blog post about the plant:


4 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
HG0016 HG16 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Kirsten Bergman
Pretty little pottery vase
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Small pottery vase with pastel stripes. 4 and 1/2 inches high and 5 inches wide. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
PBG0003 PBG3 Plants, Birds, & Gardens
  • Kirsten Bergman
Gardenia Plants
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Potted, young gardenia plants taken from cuttings off my very big gardenia bush. Deer resistant. Prefers full sun - light shade. The blossoms are big and the scent is amazing! Plants will be available in spring - right now they are rooted cuttings so will need to develop root systems in a pot first. 5 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
HMT0034 HMT34 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Lisa Epner
Handcrafted Greeting Cards by Lisa - Set #3
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Six cards of varying themes such as Sympathy, Thinking of You, Birthday, Hello you make my day! Size 4.25 inches by 5.5 inches. Blank inside. The picture illustrates the style of cards, not the specific cards included in the set. 1 0 000040.0 40 .0003E7 30
HMT0033 HMT33 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Lisa Epner
Handcrafted Greeting Cards by Lisa - Set #2
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Six cards of varying themes such as Sympathy, Thinking of You, Birthday, Hello you make my day! Size 4.25 inches by 5.5 inches. Blank inside. The picture illustrates the style of cards, not the specific cards included in the set. 1 0 000040.0 40 .0003E7 30
S0010 S10 Services
  • Marion Hirsch
A Movie Review Just For You
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Marion is mildly Facebook famous for her movie reviews. She will write you a movie review. It will be about 300 words. You choose the movie. You make 3 suggestions of a movie for her to review. Marion loves movies, romantic comedy, drama, science fiction, action adventure. Foreign films with subtitles. Black and white movies. Cult Classics. Holiday movies. She has a list of top ten movies with over 25 movies on it. She does not like horror movies, except for monster horror. Otherwise horror movies make her nervous and upset. She will send you the movie review and she will post it on Facebook if you would like her to. 1 0 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15
HMT0032 HMT32 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Lisa Epner
Handcrafted greeting cards by Lisa, Set #1
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Six cards of varying themessuch as Sympathy, Thinking of You, Birthday, Hello you make my day! Size 4.25 inches by 5.5 inches. Blank inside. The picture illustrates the style of cards, not the specific cards included in the set. 1 0 000040.0 40 .0003E7 30
HMT0031 HMT31 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Salem Macknee
Hand-knitted string bag
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You will look fashionably "green" strolling the Farmer's Market with your reusable cotton string bag, or filling it with homegrown vegetables when harvesting your own garden. It expands to hold whatever shape or size, from a sugar snap pea pod to multiple melons! Lovingly hand-knitted -- the same design as the ones I use myself, in 100% cotton, machine wash-and-dry Sugar 'n' Cream yarn. 1 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
HMT0030 HMT30 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Salem Macknee
Hand-knitted string bag
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You will look fashionably "green" strolling the Farmer's Market with your reusable cotton string bag, or filling it with homegrown vegetables when harvesting your own garden. It expands to hold whatever shape or size, from a sugar snap pea pod to multiple melons! Lovingly hand-knitted -- the same design as the ones I use myself, in 100% cotton, machine wash-and-dry Sugar 'n' Cream yarn. 1 1 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
HMT0029 HMT29 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Salem Macknee
Hand-knitted string bag
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You will look fashionably "green" strolling the Farmer's Market with your reusable cotton string bag, or filling it with homegrown vegetables when harvesting your own garden. It expands to hold whatever shape or size, from a sugar snap pea pod to multiple melons! Lovingly hand-knitted -- the same design as the ones I use myself, in 100% cotton, machine wash-and-dry Sugar 'n' Cream yarn. 1 1 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
S0009 S9 Services
  • Briton Bieze and Jon Herstein
Interior design consultation - 2 hours
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Are there aspects of your home you're interested in updating but you aren't sure where to start, or perhaps you know what needs to be done but would like to run your ideas or decisions by an interior designer? Do you want to repaint rooms but can't decide on colors or are you having trouble with furniture arrangement? This auction item is for a 2-hour consultation with interior designer and member Briton Bieze, owner of Bieze Design. 1 0 000200.0 200 .0006E7 60
M0018 M18 Miscellaneous
  • Doug Shier
Beethoven Album (4 record set)
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Contains recordings of Emperor Concerto, Fifth & Ninth Symphonies, Moonlight & Pathétique sonatas. Excellent condition. 1 1 000030.0 30 .00015E7 15
M0017 M17 Miscellaneous
  • Doug Shier
Pioneer S-H153B-K Bookshelf Speakers
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Compact speakers (about 8"W x 15"H x 9"D). Perfect for your bookshelf with excellent sound quality. 1 1 000080.0 80 .0002E7 20
BNF0023 BNF23 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Life 3.0 Being Human in the age of Artificial Intelligence
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Max Tegmark, an MIT professor, explores the potential for Artificial Intelligence to transform our lives. How can we use AI to grow productivity without depriving workers of income or purpose? what career advice would be helpful for our children? Will AI help us flourish or create more problems than we can handle? Life 3.0 explores a full range of viewpoints and controversial issues, to provide a wider understanding of this important issue for our time. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
PGT0008 PGT8 Puzzles, Games, & Toys for All Ages
  • Joan Shier
Tricks With Dollar Bills
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Hardbound with 80 pages describing how to do tricks with dollar bills by Robert Mandelbert 1 0 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
B0020 B20 Books (Fiction)
  • Joan Shier
Illusions and Messiah's Handbook
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Two books by Richard Bach
Illusions The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah
Messiah's Handbook, Reminders for the Advanced Soul
1 1 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
HG0015 HG15 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Joan Shier
Decorative candle holder
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Cute little Yankee candle, 6" x 5" 1 1 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
M0016 M16 Miscellaneous
  • Joan Shier
Glass Wizard
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Glass surface cleaner (As soon on TV - years ago ;o) although used only once and put away in a good place not to be found again until recently. 1 1 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
BNF0022 BNF22 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Joan Shier
The Open Road by Pico Iyer
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The global journey of the fourteenth Dalai Lama. An intimate portrait....Without ever losing compassion or respect for his subject, Iyer peels away layer after layer of illusion, revealing critical truths about this man at every possible level - Elizabeth Gilbert 1 1 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
BNF0021 BNF21 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Joan Shier
The Dalai Lama's Little Book of Inner Peace
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His Holiness the Dalai Lama, small book but 381 pages, hardbound and excellent condition 1 1 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
BNF0020 BNF20 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Joan Shier
Gems of Wisdom
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From the Seventh Dalai Lama by Glenn H. Mullin
Mint condition
1 0 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
BNF0019 BNF19 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Joan Shier
Collection of Krishnamurti's books
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Some in very good condition, some older and pages have turned brown
On Living and Dying
Truth and Actuality
You are the World
Krishnamurti's Notebook
The Flight of the Eagle
Beginnings of Learning
The Years of Awakening
1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
HG0014 HG14 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Joan Shier
Hand painted glasses
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Two 8-10 oz hand painted glasses with flowers on them 1 1 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
F0023 F23 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Dorothy Hammett & Brad Kosiba
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Brad will turn Morgan Creek honey into a generous tray of delicious delicacy for your special occasion, approximately 30 pieces. This version uses only honey for the sweetener layered with butter on filo dough with a generous addition of walnuts. Date by mutual agreement before September 2025. 1 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
A0013 A13 Art for Walls
  • Joan and Bill Meade
Canyon by Joan Meade
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Canyon is inspired by a view we saw on our tour of Iceland in 2018. It is an 8" x 8" panel created using Joan's sculptural acrylic technique. It is on display in the Commons during the bidding period. 1 0 000150.0 150 .00075E7 75
HMT0028 HMT28 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Salem Macknee
Knitted scarf
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Slate blue, moss-stitch scarf would make a wonderful gift for a friend -- or for yourself! It's about 4 inches wide and 66 inches long for stylish wrapping. Best to hand-wash and dry flat to keep it looking its best. 1 0 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25
M0015 M15 Miscellaneous
  • Mary and Jim George
Area rug
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Machine Washable Floral Leaves Design Non-Slip Rubberback 3x5 Traditional Area Rug for Living Room, Bedroom, Kitchen, 3'3" x 5', Seafoam Green 1 0 000035.0 35 .0001E7 10
F0022 F22 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Carolina Lemon Pie with a Yankee Twist
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A Carolina Lemon pie has a lovely, buttery, salty crumb crust but is way too sweet, at least for this old Yankee. So I make it with an alternative lemony filling and add a swirl of cranberry sauce. Sometimes with a bit of ginger in it. Pie will be prepared and delivered at a mutually agreed-upon time. If you aren't up to eating a whole pie all at once, I can make you a half dozen mini pies to freeze and eat when you want them. 2 0 000024.0 24 .0001E7 10
AC0002 AC2 Arts & Crafts
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Cat Origami
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If you are more clever than I am, you can make 20 different kinds of origami cat from the instructions in this book, using special origami paper printed with cat fur patterns. The kit has nearly all of the original 100 sheets of paper, along with some blank paper for practicing. This is not a kit for beginners, but if you are experienced at origami, or patient enough to develop your skills, this is just the thing for you. 1 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
M0014 M14 Miscellaneous
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Grace Goodleaf's Bug Bane
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Mosquito season may be over, but summer will come again, and then you will be glad to have a supply of herbal insect repellant. This potion has been developed and brewed by Grace Goodleaf, Professor of Herbology at Hogwarts-on-the-Hill. The 6 winning bidders will receive 2 convenient pocket-sized spray bottles. 6 2 000008.0 8 .00004E7 4
BLD0017 BLD17 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Gulyas es Gomboc-- a Transylvanian Supper
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Enjoy traditional Transylvanian cuisine--goulash, with fruit-filled dumplings for dessert, accompanied by hearty bread, wine or cherry juice, sparkling water and --if you like--a taste of palinka--the Transylvanian equivalent of moonshine. Learn how to toast "to your health" in Hungarian.

Your hosts can also share some stories of our Unitarian roots in Transylvania, along with the historic partnership of recent years that has strengthened global Unitarian Universalist connections.

4 0 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15 3/14/25 5:30 PM
BNF0018 BNF18 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Dewey's Nine Lives
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This heartwarming book by Vicky Myron is a sequel or sorts to her previous book about Dewey, "the Library Cat who inspired millions." It is full of stories about cats and the human lives they changed. Any cat lover will be delighted by this book and it even if you are only slightly appreciative of cats, you will probably enjoy it. 1 0 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
AC0001 AC1 Arts & Crafts
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Egg dyes from the garden.
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With onion skins and vegetables you can dye eggs in subtle shades of red and green, blue and yellow. leaves and flowers and grasses add interesting patterns. While the eggs are soaking up their colors enjoy homemade cookies and lemonade, and share stories of spring holiday egg traditions. Three eggs and all other materials will be provided. guest much have vaccinations up to date please. 6 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5 4/12/25 1:00 PM
A0012 A12 Art for Walls
  • Ruth & James Gibson
English countryside print
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Cuckmere Haven depicts sheep grazing in a lovely meadow by a winding stream. the picture is 8x10 including the mat. 1 0 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
V-L0002 V-L2 Vacation & Lodging
  • Kari and Art Andrade
Mountain Get-Away
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Spend 4 nights at Wyndham Resort at Sapphire Valley, NC in a one bedroom suite apartment. Located 60 miles from Asheville, between Brevard and Highlands. Four nights stay Monday through Friday. Dates by mutual agreement subject to availability.

More info here.

1 0 000500.0 500 .0025E7 250
PGT0007 PGT7 Puzzles, Games, & Toys for All Ages
  • Ruth & James Gibson
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You and all your friends will love playing this wacky game with a UFO full of rubber ducks. A weirdly strategic duck kidnapping game, 15-minutes of light strategy of ducks in mind-bending, shape-finding logic! Two-four players aged 12+ can enjoy this game--for 20 minutes or longer 1 0 000035.0 35 .00015E7 15
HMT0027 HMT27 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Ruth & James Gibson
festive matchbox
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On a special occasion which calls for kindling a flame, whether to light a chalice or the candles for a festive dinner, it can be awkward to dispose of the spent match. This festive decorated matchbox solves the problem with a special compartment to serve that purpose. Comes with a refill supply of matches. 1 1 000012.0 12 .00006E7 6
HMT0026 HMT26 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Ruth & James Gibson
elegant matchbox
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On a special occasion which calls for kindling a flame, whether to light a chalice or the candles for a festive dinner, it can be awkward to dispose of the spent match. This elegant decorated matchbox solves the problem with a special compartment to serve that purpose. Comes with a refill supply of matches. 1 0 000012.0 12 .00006E7 6
EA0016 EA16 Entertainment & Activities
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Soup and Seafaring Settlers of Catan (with lunch )
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When the Settlers of Catan go to sea for more exploration, there’s even more adventure. Join the Gibsons for some Catan-ese hearty soup and home-made bread, followed by exploration, settling, trading and occasional encounters with robbers and pirates! A minimum of two bidding players is required, and it will be helpful to be somewhat familiar with the basic game. Guests must be fully vaccinated, please. 5 1 000030.0 30 .00015E7 15 2/8/25 12:00 PM
EA0015 EA15 Entertainment & Activities
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Snacks and Settlers of Catan (evening)
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Settlers of Catan is an award-winning strategy game --intuitively enjoyable, and intellectually rewarding -- where players (10 -adult) collect resources and use them to build roads, settlements and cities. The board itself is variable, making each game a little different from the next. And it requires collaboration which makes it fun, whether or not you win. Ruth will be glad to teach you how to play, and to sustain you with rustic snacks of the sort that Settlers could enjoy. A minimum of 2 bidding players required. Guests must be fully vaccinated, please. 5 1 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10 2/7/25 7:00 PM
EA0014 EA14 Entertainment & Activities
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Pharaoh First--the Game
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Pharaoh First is a Very Limited Edition board game, in which players compete to become the next Pharaoh of Egypt--by proving your prowess in battle, winning the loyalty of a Queen, and building a Monument. Period snacks and beverages fitting for would-be Pharaohs will be offered, at the Gibson's home. Guests are asked to be up-to-date on covid vaccinations. 4 3 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10 1/25/25 2:00 PM
EA0013 EA13 Entertainment & Activities
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Pharaoh First--the game
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Pharaoh First is a Very Limited Edition board game, for adults and older children, in which players compete to become the next Pharaoh of Egypt--by proving prowess in battle, winning the loyalty of a Queen, and building a Monument. Period snacks and beverages fitting for would-be Pharaohs will be offered, at the Gibson's home. Guests are asked to be up-to-date on covid vaccinations. 4 4 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10 1/24/25 7:00 PM
F0021 F21 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Rainbow Bagels
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These fabulous hand rolled zesty Rainbow Bagels are fun to eat and tasty, too. You could pay $40 to get a dozen mailed from NYC or get them from Ruth, fresh on the day they are made. 1 0 000040.0 40 .00015E7 15
F0020 F20 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Ruth & James Gibson
Painted Cookies
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I will hand paint and bake 2 dozen cookies for your delight--the ones pictured are flaming chalices, but I can make Valentines or Christmas cookies, geometric shapes, animals and birds, or autumn leaves. (if you prefer, I can made a dozen very large cookies). To be provided at a mutually agreed upon time. 1 0 000036.0 36 .00024E7 24
BBW0005 BBW5 Bar, Beer, & Wine: Events & Items
  • Joan Shier
Wine tote with accessories
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Nice wine tote with small cheese board and spreader, 2 plastic glasses,wine/bottle/can opener and cooling bag 1 1 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
J0005 J5 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Joan Shier
Necklace and bracelet
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These were bought in the Canary Islands. I was told that the "stones" are made of the lava there. 1 0 000030.0 30 .0001E7 10
PGT0006 PGT6 Puzzles, Games, & Toys for All Ages
  • Kat Good
Wooden Buliding Blocks
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50 piece maple building block set by Hape. New in box. Perfect for a budding builder 1 0 000022.0 22 .00005E7 5
PGT0005 PGT5 Puzzles, Games, & Toys for All Ages
  • Kat Good
Harry Potter Bundle
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And assortment of Harry Potter paraphernalia. Some pillows, games and books. Perfect for any little witch or wizard. 1 1 000040.0 40 .00005E7 5
HMT0025 HMT25 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Kat Good
Hand knit blue baby/lap blanket
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Hand knit blue blanket made with acrylic yarn. Perfect for keeping a little one or a lap warm. 22x38 inches. 1 1 000030.0 30 .0001E7 10
HMT0024 HMT24 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Susan McDaniel & Pat Smith
Pride Flag Placemats
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Show your Pride with this set of 6 bright LGBTQIA? Pride Flag placemats.

Two sets of 6 are available.

2 0 000105.0 105 .00035E7 35
F0019 F19 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Kathy Hodges
Dessert Quad
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Homemade delights for all. For Thanksgiving: Sweet Potato Pie. For Christmas: Pecan Pie. And for January: Scrumptious Gooey Brownies. And this year, for the summer a Carolina Beach Pie. All made from scratch. Delivery dates and locations negotiable. 1 0 000100.0 100 .0006E7 60
F0018 F18 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Susan Hafer
Chocolate Cherry Bundt Cake
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Chocolate cake with cherrie galore with chocolate frosting. It’s yummy! 2 0 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20
BNF0017 BNF17 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Joan Shier
Diary of an Arctic Year by Stephen J. Krasemann
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Stunning photographs and a captivating text, Diary of an Arctic Year
presents a year in the life of the extraordinary animals and plants that have adapted to the harsh conditions at the top of the world.......
1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
B0019 B19 Books (Fiction)
  • Joan Shier
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The Daily Show with Jon Stewart presents EARTH
(The Book)
A Visitor's Guide to the Human Race
First Edition 2010
Excellent condition
1 1 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
B0018 B18 Books (Fiction)
  • Joan Shier
Three books by Carl Hiaasen
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Hardbound novel Sick Puppy by Carl Hiaasen
Paperback Skinny Dip by Carl Hiaasen
Paperback Tourist Season by Carl Hiaasen
All in very good condition
1 1 000025.0 25 .00005E7 5
B0017 B17 Books (Fiction)
  • Joan Shier
Boxed Set Three by Fulghum
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Maybe (Maybe Not)
It was on fire when I lay down on it

Excellent condition

1 0 000025.0 25 .00005E7 5
B0016 B16 Books (Fiction)
  • Joan Shier
28 Barbary Lane by Armistead Maupin
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Tales of the city Omnibus 754 pages! Very good condition. 1 1 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
B0015 B15 Books (Fiction)
  • Joan Shier
Tony Hillerman -The Joe Leaphorn Mysteries
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Three complete novels: The Blessing Way, Dancing Hall of the dead and Listening Woman in good condition 1 1 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
HMT0023 HMT23 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Joan Shier
Hand carved zebra head from Tanzania
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Bought from a local artist there. Approximately 6" x 7" 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
HMT0022 HMT22 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Joan Shier
Hand carved Giraffe head from Tanzia
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Can be hung on the wall, approximately 6" by 7" We bought from local artist there. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
PGT0004 PGT4 Puzzles, Games, & Toys for All Ages
  • Joan Shier
MENSA Mind Games
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Over 200 puzzles, games and exercises to maximize your brain power. Excellent condition 1 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
PET0003 PET3 Pet Items
  • Joan Shier
Kurgo Waterproof Bench Seat Cover
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Universal fit. We used it in the back seat of our Subaru Forester. Very good condition - might come with a couple of Claire's hairs. 1 1 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
HMT0021 HMT21 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Amy Glazier
Pair of Custom-Knit Fingerless Gloves / Handwarmers
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I like knitting fingerless gloves, and they're great for those times when you're a little chilly but want to keep your fingers free for doing things (like knitting!). The photo shows an example of the kind of gloves I knit. I can knit them in adult sizes and child sizes. The winner of this item picks the color(s) and type of yarn they want for their new pair of gloves (can be solid color or variegated), then I'll knit and deliver the gloves within 2-8 weeks. 1 0 000040.0 40 .0001E7 10
B0014 B14 Books (Fiction)
  • Joan Shier
ALASKA The Land and the People by the world's greatest photographers
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Hardbound 12 by 14 inch "coffee table" book. 1 1 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
HG0013 HG13 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Jane & Scott Provan
Intricate cut glass, two-handled vase/serving dish
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This intricately-cut glass beauty belonged to my grandmother and then my mother. It sits gracefully on your table with its lovely handles and is heavy and sturdy for frequent use as well. Absolutely gorgeous! 1 1 000100.0 100 .0002E7 20
HG0012 HG12 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Jane & Scott Provan
Unusual cut glass bowl
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This beautifully cut bowl sits very low with a turned-in edge, probably designed for flower arrangements but quite useful for all your serving needs as well! 1 0 000040.0 40 .0001E7 10
HG0011 HG11 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Jane & Scott Provan
Beautiful Cut Glass Vase
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Beautiful cut glass vase; probably 75 + years old; belonged to my grandmother 1 0 000075.0 75 .00015E7 15
HG0010 HG10 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Jane & Scott Provan
Nested teak tables
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These darling tables need refinishing but are lovely Danish design and perfect as end tables or snack tables. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0001E7 10
HG0009 HG9 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Jane & Scott Provan
Wooden Coat Rack
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This nifty rack comes apart for easy storage or transport! Made of sturdy wood, it's perfect for hanging hats, umbrellas, and jackets in the mudroom or entryway of your home. One-year old and lightly used. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
BNF0016 BNF16 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Jody Savage
Write & Sell a Well-Seasoned Romance
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"Write & Sell a Well-Seasoned Romance" is your step-by-step guide to create, edit, publish and market a vibrant story about characters after midlife.
Here's a sample reader review: "Whether you're new to writing, new to writing romance (like me), or new to writing older characters, this book is full of inspiration, advice, and practical information to see you through writing and selling a romance novel featuring older characters. Fosse's exercises are well-designed and helpful, as are her insights about writing and publishing processes. There are links to additional great resources, too."
Start your author adventure in late-life Romance.
2 2 000015.95 15.95 .00012E7 12
BLD0016 BLD16 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Sarah Clark Farnell
Pancakes and Chaos!
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Come visit the Clark-Farnells for your monthly intake of pancakes AND chaos! This event is perfect for kids, hence the chaos! Sarah will make her very favorite sour cream pancakes. She can also accommodate gluten free diets and probably whatever dietary restrictions you have! (Chapel Hill 27514) 10 0 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10 3/15/25 11:00 AM
PET0002 PET2 Pet Items
  • Joan Shier
New dog bed
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Very nice round plush dog bed by Best Friends, 30 x 30. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25
BNF0015 BNF15 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Joan Shier
Becoming by Michelle Obama
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16 Compact Discs, read by the author, very good condition 1 0 000025.0 25 .00005E7 5
M0012 M12 Miscellaneous
  • Mary and Jim George
Travelon Anti-theft purse
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Outer dimensions 12x14. Includes two outer zipped pockets and a water bottle holder. Several inner zippered pocket and sections. Color: black. Excellent condition and ready to take on a fun trip. 1 0 000060.0 60 .0002E7 20
BLD0015 BLD15 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Mary and Jim George
  • George and Linda Thompson
Brunch Bliss
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Join us for a fun morning where brunch meets bliss in every bite, with delightful dishes and an enjoyable atmosphere. It will be a feast to elevate your weekend. You'll be able to fill your plate with vegetarian and non-vegetarian options and, if you're gluten free, just let us know. Beverages will include juice, coffee and tea. After brunch, if you would like to stay for a while and play some games, we'll have a fun selection of games from which to choose. 6 0 000030.0 30 .00025E7 25 5/31/25 11:00 AM
A0009 A9 Art for Walls
  • Susan Lindholm
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Lovely vintage needlepoint 17-3/4 W x 22-3/4 H Gold edge with teal & gold insert on frame. This is a serene peaceful scene, calming to look at in these challenging times! 1 1 000060.0 60 .0001E7 10
PET0001 PET1 Pet Items
  • Joan Shier
Best Pet 48 inch dog crate for large dog
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Folding metal wire dog crate with double-door, divider panel and removable tray.
Never used, still in original box.
1 1 000060.0 60 .00025E7 25
SP0003 SP3 Sports & Outdoor Activities
  • Mary Beth Powell & Bill Rote
Carolina Men's Basketball Tickets: 2 options:SMU or Boston College
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2 Tickets for Men's Carolina Basketball at the Dean Dome (Dean Smith Center), Section 220 L seats 4 & 5. (Upper section but good court view).

The tickets we are offering are:

SMU (Southern Methodist University) - Tues., Jan. 7, 9pm - OR
Boston College - Sat. Jan. 25, 2:15 p.m.

The minimum bid of $100 is for TWO tickets. Parking at the church works well as it is only 10 minutes away.

1 0 000120.0 120 .001E7 100
BNF0014 BNF14 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Joan Shier
The Best of James Herriott
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Favorite memories of a country vet, 1982 hardbound edition, 500 pages. In mint condition. 1 1 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
EA0012 EA12 Entertainment & Activities
  • Erich Lieth
  • Jeanne Lemkau
  • Cathy Edwards & Richard Edwards
  • Carolyn Ferrell
An Evening of Music with Richard, Erich, Carolyn and Robert
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Erich Lieth and Richard Edwards will play favorite original tunes by the fireplace in the beautiful home of hosts Jeanne Lemkau and Robert Frey (701 Kenmore Rd, Chapel Hill). This year we will be joined by bassist Carolyn Ferrell. The evening will close with Robert Frey at the piano and a sing-along. Please bring a savory or dessert snack to share during intermission. Wine and beverages provided.. 20 5 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30 1/24/25 7:30 PM
S0008 S8 Services
  • Stephanie Bittle
Three Life Coaching sessions
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Are you feeling stuck? Are you uncertain how to chart a course in your life or finding it hard establish a healthy work/life balance? Life coaching provides a place to find greater clarity and fulfillment in your life journey.

I am currently working as a psychotherapist for women but was trained at NYU in Life Coaching.

1 1 000300.0 300 .0015E7 150
HMT0020 HMT20 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Susan Chamberlain-Hayman
Art piece
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Lovely art piece. The base is 10x6 inches and it is 18 inches tall. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00005E7 5 10/19/24 12:00 PM
A0011 A11 Art for Walls
  • Susan Chamberlain-Hayman
long colorful art piece
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Long wall covering measures 28 x 7 inches 1 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5 10/19/24 12:00 PM
A0010 A10 Art for Walls
  • Susan Chamberlain-Hayman
signed picture
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Signed picture measures 17x15 inches 1 1 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5 10/19/24 12:00 PM
HMT0019 HMT19 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Susan Chamberlain-Hayman
Metal sculpture
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Metal sculpture made locally. Measures 8 inches wide by 16 inches tall 1 0 000200.0 200 .0002E7 20 10/19/24 12:00 PM
B0013 B13 Books (Fiction)
  • Kathleen W Corrao
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Author- David Wroblewski
Oprah’s Book Club 2024
First Edition. 975 pp
Prequel to The Story of Edgar Sawtelle
Starts in 1919
Setting Wisconsin
1 1 000025.0 25 .0002E7 20
S0007 S7 Services
  • Leigh Anne King
Joyful Purge Services
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Pop open a glass of your favorite (fill in the blank), turn on your favorite music, and settle in for four hours of joyful purge and organization services. Leigh Anne can help you clean out the garage, organize your office, purge that overstuffed closet, or convert your now adult child's old bedroom to your new zen space. 1 0 000160.0 160 .0005E7 50
HG0008 HG8 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Susan Lindholm
Stemless Wine Glasses
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Two glasses in silicone wrap.. perfect for outside & on election night! 1 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
B0012 B12 Books (Fiction)
  • Susan Lindholm
Two novels by Brit Bennett
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Both "The Vanishing Half" and "The Mothers" are moving, well-written stories.. hard to put down! "
"Brit Bennett is an American writer based in Los Angeles. Her debut novel The Mothers was a New York Times best-seller. Her second novel, The Vanishing Half, was also a New York Times best-seller, and was chosen as a Good Morning America Book Club selection"
1 1 000025.0 25 .00005E7 5
B0011 B11 Books (Fiction)
  • Laurie McDonald
Small Great Things
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by Jodi Picoult. Hardcover. "Poignant...an entertaining story about parental love, friendship, loss."--The Washington Post 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
BCT0011 BCT11 Books for Children & Teens
  • Laurie McDonald
The Composer Is Dead
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written by Lemony Snicket; music by Nathaniel Stookey; illustrations by Carson Ellis. Hardcover book and CD. 1 1 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
BCT0010 BCT10 Books for Children & Teens
  • Laurie McDonald
Wemberly Worried
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by Kevin Henkes. An adorable mouse overcomes her anxiety about starting school. Hardcover. Bonus: Chrysanthemum, also by Henkes (paperback). 1 0 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5
BCT0009 BCT9 Books for Children & Teens
  • Laurie McDonald
Cinder Edna
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by Ellen Jackson; illustrated by Kevin O'Malley. "Nicely executed. This Cinderella send-up is full of kid-pleasing jokes."--Publishers Weekly 1 1 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5
BCT0008 BCT8 Books for Children & Teens
  • Laurie McDonald
Where the Wild Things Are
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story & pictures by Maurice Sendak. Winner of the Caldecott Medal. 1 0 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5
BCT0007 BCT7 Books for Children & Teens
  • Laurie McDonald
Marshall, the Courthouse Mouse
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A Tail of the US Supreme Court. Written & illustrated by Peter W. Barnes & Cheryl Shaw Barnes 1 0 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5
BCT0006 BCT6 Books for Children & Teens
  • Laurie McDonald
House Mouse, Senate Mouse
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Proudly Presenting the Squeaker of the House and the Senate Mouse-jority Leader. Written & illustrated by Peter W. Barnes and Cheryl Shaw Barnes. 1 0 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5
BCT0005 BCT5 Books for Children & Teens
  • Laurie McDonald
Woodrow for President
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written & illustrated by Peter W. Barnes & Cheryl Shaw Barnes. Bonus: also Woodrow, the White House Mouse. "Takes the complicated election process and distills it into an easy-to-understand children's rhyme, whimsically illustrated. The verse and the wordplay will even tweak grownups. A great book!"--Sheila Wartel, Southern Connecticut Library Council 1 0 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5
BNF0013 BNF13 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Laurie McDonald
The Wright Brothers
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by David McCullough. Hardcover. "One of our Nation's most distinguished and honored historians, David McCullough has taken his own place in American history."--from the Presidential Medal of Freedom Citation 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
BCT0004 BCT4 Books for Children & Teens
  • Laurie McDonald
A Pizza the Size of the Sun
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poems by Jack Prelutsky; drawings by James Stevenson. "Undeniably a winner with children."--ALA Booklist (starred review) 1 1 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
BNF0012 BNF12 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Laurie McDonald
How Doctors Think
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by Jerome Groopman, MD. "Must reading for every physician who cares for patients and every patient who wishes to get the best care."--Time 1 0 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
BNF0011 BNF11 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Laurie McDonald
Under the Banner of Heaven
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A Story of Violent Faith, by Jon Krakauer. "This year's most audacious work of nonfiction....A white-knuckle mix of true-crime reporting and provocative history."--New York Post 1 0 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
BNF0010 BNF10 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Laurie McDonald
The New Jim Crow
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Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, by Michelle Alexander. "Devastating."--Forbes Magazine 1 0 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
B0010 B10 Books (Fiction)
  • Laurie McDonald
Cloud Cuckoo Land
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by Anthony Doerr. "Wildly inventive...A humane and uplifting book for adults that's infused with the magic of childhood reading experiences."--The New York Times Book Review 1 0 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
B0009 B9 Books (Fiction)
  • Laurie McDonald
The Brutal Telling
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by Louise Penny. "Rich...subtle...Penny has been compared to Agatha Christie, but that sells her short."--Booklist (starred review) 1 1 000007.0 7 .00005E7 5
BCT0003 BCT3 Books for Children & Teens
  • Laurie McDonald
Watership Down
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by Richard Adams. "Spellbinding...Marvelous...A taut tale of suspense, hot pursuit and derring-do." --Chicago Tribune 1 0 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
BCT0002 BCT2 Books for Children & Teens
  • Laurie McDonald
Charlotte's Web
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by E.B. White; pictures by Garth Williams. "What the book is about is friendship on earth, affection and protection, adventure and miracle, life and death, trust and treachery, pleasure and pain, and the passing of time. As a piece of work it is just about perfect, and just about magical in the way it is done." -- Eudora Welty, The New York Times Book Review 1 0 000008.0 8 .00005E7 5
BNF0009 BNF9 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Laurie McDonald
Devil in the White City
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...Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America, by Erik Larson. "A wonderfully unexpected book....Larson is a historian...with a novelist's soul."--Chicago Sun-Times 1 1 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
BNF0008 BNF8 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Laurie McDonald
A Civil Action
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by Jonathan Harr. The true story of one man so determined to take down two of the nation's largest corporations accused of killing children from water contamination that he risks losing everything. "Whether in truth or fiction, I have never read a more compelling chronicle of litigation." --John Grisham 1 1 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
B0008 B8 Books (Fiction)
  • Laurie McDonald
The Dutch House
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by Ann Patchett. "Patchett is at her subtle yet shining finest in this gloriously incisive, often droll, quietly suspenseful drama of family, ambition, and home....With echoes of F. Scott Fitzgerald and in sync with Alice McDermott."--Booklist (starred review) 1 0 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
BCT0001 BCT1 Books for Children & Teens
  • Laurie McDonald
Moomin books, volumes 1-8
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by Tove Jansson. If you haven't met a Moomin yet, you're missing the most magical fun.... "A masterpiece." --Neil Gaiman 1 0 000040.0 40 .00005E7 5
B0007 B7 Books (Fiction)
  • Laurie McDonald
Little Fires Everywhere
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by Celeste Ng. Little Fires Everywhere explores the weight of secrets, the nature of art and identity, the ferocious pull of motherhood--and the danger of believing that following the rules can avert disaster. "Utterly engrossing, often heartbreaking, deeply empathetic."--The New York Times Book Review 1 0 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
B0006 B6 Books (Fiction)
  • Laurie McDonald
The Rooster Bar
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by John Grisham. "The best thriller writer alive." -- Ken Follett (Hardcover) 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
B0005 B5 Books (Fiction)
  • Laurie McDonald
The Pull of the Stars
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by Emma Donoghue (hardcover). Dublin, 1918: Three days in a maternity ward at the height of the great flu. A small world of work, risk, death, and unexpected love. "Donoghue, a writer of great vitality and generosity, has been drawn repeatedly to the genre of historical fiction, not so much to inhabit or reinterpret the past as to try to fit together its overlooked, missing pieces...Fiction is small solace for history's grief, but it's one way to set the record straight."--The New Yorker 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
B0004 B4 Books (Fiction)
  • Laurie McDonald
The Nightingale
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by Kristin Hannah (hardcover). "A beautifully written and richly evocative examination of life, love, the ravages of war, and the different ways people react to unthinkable situations--not to mention the terrible and mounting toll of keeping secrets." --Sara Gruen, NYT bestselling author of Water for Elephants 1 0 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
B0003 B3 Books (Fiction)
  • Laurie McDonald
Rogue Lawyer
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by John Grisham. "Grisham's work--always superior entertainment--is evolving into something more serious, more powerful, more worthy of his exceptional talent."--Patrick Anderson, The Washington Post. (Hardcover) 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
B0002 B2 Books (Fiction)
  • Laurie McDonald
No Man's Land
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by David Baldacci. #1 New York Times bestselling author. (Hardcover) 1 1 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
B0001 B1 Books (Fiction)
  • Laurie McDonald
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by Curtis Sittenfeld (hardcover). He proposed. She said no. And it changed her life forever. "Fiction as therapy."--The Washington Post 1 0 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
BNF0007 BNF7 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Joy Mermin
TimeLife Library of Art
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A 28-volume set, each hardcover book in its own sleeve. Each volume features one renown world artists or art movement from Durer to Modern American Painting). Each volume full of excellent reproductions of the artist's work, with commentary on their life and place in art history. 1 1 000220.0 220 .00045E7 45
M0011 M11 Miscellaneous
  • Joy Mermin
The Great Coursses CD Set:The History of the Supreme Court
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A 3 part CD series by the Great Courses Company on the History of the Supreme Court. 1 1 000030.0 30 .0001E7 10
M0010 M10 Miscellaneous
  • Joy Mermin
Logitech K480 Multi-Device.
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This device allows the user to switch typing between your computer, phone and tablet. Brand new, still in plastic sheathing. 1 1 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10
HG0007 HG7 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Joy Mermin
Antique Federalist Mirror
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Antique Federalist mirror, coth convex mirror surface, from my great grandparents' house in East Hampton, NY.Lists between $1000-2000 in an online google search. 1 1 001000.0 1,000 .00075E7 75
MU0006 MU6 Music: Lessons & Items
  • Joy Mermin
folk guitar, case, strap and kapo
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Gagliano Folk guitar with case strap and kapo. Well-loved, but still makes a nice sound. 1 1 000250.0 250 .00045E7 45
HG0006 HG6 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Joy Mermin
Tall Cut Glass Vase
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13 inch high cut glass vase perfect for tall flowers or floral branches. 1 1 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
BLD0014 BLD14 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Kari and Art Andrade
French Four Course Dinner
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Gourmet 4 course French dinner at Chez Andrade. You will be greeted with Canapé hors d’oeuvres and Kir royal. Then on to a seated dinner of salade verte with dijion vinaigrette (Green Salad), main course of Coq au Vin, (chicken thighs in rich red wine and mushroom sauce) and chocolate mousse for dessert. French red and white wines will be served with dinner. Location 1123 Barred Owl Way, Hillsborough 6 0 000070.0 70 .0005E7 50 11/2/24 6:00 PM
EA0011 EA11 Entertainment & Activities
  • Danny Gotham
Danny Gotham Solo Condo show #1
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Danny Gotham will perform a solo show of favorite guitar instrumentals and songs at his condo in Southern Village. Song requests for the show are welcome! Baked goodies, coffee, tea, and juice/cider will be provided at this in-person event. Maximum of eight guests. 8 -1 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 10/25/24 7:00 PM
EA0010 EA10 Entertainment & Activities
  • Danny Gotham
Danny Gotham Solo Condo Show #2
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Danny Gotham will perform a solo show of favorite guitar instrumentals and songs at his condo in Southern Village. Song requests for the show are welcome! Baked goodies, coffee, tea, and juice/cider will be provided at this in-person event. Maximum of eight guests. 8 0 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 11/29/24 7:00 PM
S0006 S6 Services
  • Cheryl Diegel
Yoga Nidra Practice Session
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Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that is called yogic sleep. The practitioner is simply asked to follow the prompts offered by your guide and relax and restore. The practice is done in a lying position with props for comfort. No yoga or meditation experience is required. This session will last a little over an hour and will include a short simple movement intro to help us ease into the practice. Sound therapy will finish the session. This practice is rejuvenating and relaxing and is designed to help one release stress or just a really good chance for self care. 1.5 Hrs. Please note, the date is open to change in order to accommodate people who sign up but may not be available on this date. 5 1 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 1/15/25 3:00 PM
EA0009 EA9 Entertainment & Activities
  • Joan M O Brien
Fairy Hair Party
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Get your Fairy Hair on for the Holidays! Fairy Hair is colorful tinsel that is tied into your hair and typically lasts 2 to 8 weeks (One of my tinsels lasted for 10 months!). If you win a seat at this party you will be entitled to 10 strands of hair tinsel. The party will be at my house (3 miles from the church) from 2 to 4 PM. I'll serve wine, tea, coffee and snacks. The Fairy Hair stylist is Chris Wilson who has done fairy hair parties for church members on a number of occasions. She's great!) 10 0 000035.0 35 .0002E7 20 11/17/24 2:00 PM
HG0005 HG5 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Genie Jansen
small dresser
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Antique wooden dresser(about five foot by four foot) with 4 drawers on the left and hanging space for clothes on the right.Pretty ceramic door knobs. White paint is slightly chipped. 1 0 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
BLD0013 BLD13 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Heather O'Connor & Larry Gottschalk
A Taste with a View al Italia
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You never forget the first time you see the stunning 1986 Merchant Ivory production of Room with a View because it's like seeing Italy for the first time. Not only are the scenes gorgeous, but on-point performances by Dames Maggie Smith and Judi Dench, Helene Bornan Carter and Daniel Day Lewis draw you into the romance, humor and intrigue of the story. Join us for an Italian feast with delightful discussion on this cinematic masterpiece. If you haven't seen it, please try and catch it in advance, but we'll also have it playing in the background during our meal. We're excited for you to join us! 8 0 000045.0 45 .0004E7 40 2/22/25 6:30 PM
M0009 M9 Miscellaneous
  • Rebecca Kelada
Gift Alert! Two Biographical Vignettes for You and Yours:)
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I'm a writer for hire, and my favorite projects have been writing memoirs/biographies for clients. I've helped people capture their courtships, military service, careers, travels, their joys and sorrows.

I would love to help you do the same, while helping our brilliant church community, so if you have a couple of memories you want written down for posterity, I'm your gal. Note that this need not be local. If you live here, but your parents live far away, we can all meet online.

I am offering:
--1 x 30-45 minute Video Chat (can be in person if necessary)
--2 x biographical vignettes of up to 1 page in Google Docs, Pages for Mac, or MS Word.

You will need to bring:
--Memories of two specific times that you'd like to capture.
--1-2 photos, if you'd like to include them, from those times.

This will be:

--Turnaround time varies, depending on my current workload and your availability.
--Once we've done the interview, turn turnaround time would be less than a week.
--Depending on the timing, I may not be able to complete these before the holidays.

If bidding on this as a gift, I will give you either an electronic or paper gift certificate to give to your recipient.

If you want to know more about me before bidding, here I am: www.economyoflanguage.com/about

1 0 000400.0 400 .001E7 100
BLD0012 BLD12 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Paul M Eskildsen
Cowboy Singalong and Chuckwagon Dinner
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Back by popular demand! Please join us on Friday, January 10, 2025 at the Eskildsen ranch for an evening of food, fun, singing, whoopin' and hollerin' on the cowboy trail!

We'll have a wonderful dinner of both beef chili and vegetarian chili, trail greens, appetizers, maybe some cow pies (the edible kind!), libations, followed by a rousing singalong of old favorite cowboy songs and cowboy movie trivia. Channel your best Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Tom Mix, Gene Autry and Annie Oakley! Bring your appetites and your hootin' and hollerin' voices!

We might do something different next year for the auction, so this might be the last cattle drive. Don't miss it! See ya on the trail!

10 -1 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25 1/10/25 6:09 PM
BLD0011 BLD11 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Chris Holbein
Delicious vegan brunch and stimulating discussion!
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Are you curious about a plant-based diet? I've been involved in the plant-based movement for 25 years. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have, and to share information on the benefits for your health, animals and the environment. Whether you want to become fully vegan or simply dabble in Meatless Mondays, let's chat! We'll enjoy brunch at the awarding-winning Coco Bistro & Bar, a fabulous veg restaurant just minutes from Community Church. The winner also gets a fabulous cookbook with 100 simple, delicious recipes.
Feel free to bring along friends & family, though they would have to pay for their own meals. :)
1 0 000035.0 35 .0003E7 30
BLD0010 BLD10 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Ellie & Chris Speh
Movie Matinee
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Showing of The Greatest Showman with Hugh Jackman

Wonderful musical numbers throughout the movie!

We will serve popcorn and other snacks, beer, wine and soft drinks

6 4 000025.0 25 .00005E7 5 1/19/25 2:00 PM
BLD0009 BLD9 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Orval Osborne
La Dolce Vita (Springtime)
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Join Chef Orval Osborne and Sous Chef Rev. Carolyn Price for an intimate Italian supper party at our home. We'll linger over multiple courses (vegetarian) and libations (alcoholic and non), all infused with the spirit of connection. Limit 4 people. 4 0 000035.0 35 .0002E7 20 4/6/25 4:00 PM
PBG0002 PBG2 Plants, Birds, & Gardens
  • Peggy Dorfman & Stephen Chandler
Helleborus (Lenten Rose) - You Dig
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Come to our house and dig up 10 white and pink Helleborus plants from my garden. They are evergreen shade plants that bloom from winter through spring. 2 1 000050.0 50 .00015E7 15
F0017 F17 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Peggy Dorfman & Stephen Chandler
Key Lime Pie
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My husband loves key lime pies and he says that mine is the best he ever tasted. Let me make one for you! Please give me at least one week's notice before you need it. The two highest bidders will each get one pie. 2 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
SP0002 SP2 Sports & Outdoor Activities
  • Mary Beth Powell & Bill Rote
Carolina Men's Basketball Tickets: 3 options: Elon, American Univ. or Lasalle
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2 Tickets for Men's Carolina Basketball at the Dean Dome (Dean Smith Center), Section 220 L seats 4 & 5. (Upper section but good court view). For this bid, the ticket options are as follows:

Elon University - Mon., Nov. 4 at 9 p.m.
American University - Fri., Nov. 15 at 8 p.m.
or Lasalle - Sat., Dec. 14 at 4 p.m.

You get to pick which set of tickets works best for your schedule. Only one set of 2 tickets, obviously!

The minimum bid of $100 is for TWO tickets. Parking at the church works well as it is only 10 minutes away.

1 0 000120.0 120 .001E7 100
EA0008 EA8 Entertainment & Activities
  • Andrew & Demia Wright
Mocktails Hands On
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Want to make a fancy drink but you're cutting down on alcohol? Learn how to make a good mocktail and enjoy an alcohol free night with new friends at my home bar. We'll try different non alcoholic beverages and experiment to make your signature drink. Note that my bar is down some stairs and we have dogs in the house if you are allergic. 6 0 000040.0 40 .00015E7 15 1/25/25 7:00 PM
EA0007 EA7 Entertainment & Activities
  • Andrew & Demia Wright
Tiki Drink Party
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Tiki fever swept the nation in the 60's, and we'll revisit that era at my home bar. Talking about Tiki history and rum will go well with the crafted cocktails that made the movement. Lyft home not included. Note that my bar is down some stairs and we have dogs in the house if you are allergic. 6 0 000075.0 75 .0002E7 20 3/15/25 7:00 PM
F0016 F16 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Mary and Jim George
Cookies Galore!
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Four dozen fresh baked cookies delivered to your home! Choose from chocolate chip cookies, molasses sugar cookies or peanut butter cookies 1 0 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15
M0008 M8 Miscellaneous
  • Jessica McKenzie
Rainbow Colored Pom Pom Mobile
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Bright and colorful mobile for over a crib or to brighten up any room. 1 1 000050.0 50 .00035E7 35
M0007 M7 Miscellaneous
  • Jessica McKenzie
Art Deco Blue Mobile
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Hand made modern mobile to hang above a crib or anywhere in the house as a work of art. 1 0 000050.0 50 .00035E7 35
HMT0018 HMT18 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Cynthia Walukewicz
Produce storage
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A place to hold all of your autumn apples!

24 1/4 tall
10 1/4 deep
16 1/4 wide

Amish made
Excellent condition

1 0 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
PBG0001 PBG1 Plants, Birds, & Gardens
  • Cynthia Walukewicz
Easter Island moai planter
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Add some whimsy to your home garden with this cobalt blue planter. It has been used outdoors, but it works equally well inside. Included is the planter insert so all you need to do is add soil and a fern (or whatever plant you enjoy). Ferns always looked fun.

It is a dense and heavy planter. It weighs about 40 lbs. It stands 24 inches high and the inserted plastic pot at the top has a 14 inch diameter.

1 0 000060.0 60 .0002E7 20
A0007 A7 Art for Walls
  • Debra and Larry Ross
Chinese Wall Panels
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Four panel wall hanging featuring Chinese garden scenes reminiscent of 17th century. Wood with gold colored paint. Each panel is 36 inches tall, 12 inches wide. As shown in the attached photo the entire length is 49.5 inches. All panels sold as one unit. 1 1 000200.0 200 .001E7 100
HG0002 HG2 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Sandy Peterson
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Three faceted clear crystal prisms for hanging in a sunny window to refract beautiful rainbows. Monofilament for hanging included. 1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
HMT0017 HMT17 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Elsbeth van Tongeren
Wool socks, short cuff
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All the colors except blue! Warm, washable, size 10 women’s.
They will match anything except blue. But you probably already have that….
1 0 000035.0 35 .00035E7 35
HMT0016 HMT16 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Elsbeth van Tongeren
Wool socks for more muted events.
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When our feet should not draw attention. Still warm! Wool size 10, washable. 1 0 000035.0 35 .00035E7 35
HMT0015 HMT15 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Elsbeth van Tongeren
Go Green Socks; wool, women size 10
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“Go-Green” socks! Why shouldn’t your socks proclaim your philosophy?
1 0 000035.0 35 .00035E7 35
M0006 M6 Miscellaneous
  • Alison Hope Jesse
100 gift certificate to Merritt's Grill in Chapel Hill
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Perfect for getting a group together and enjoying Merritt's amazing BLT sandwiches or other goodies.
Carry out or enjoy shady outdoor seating.

No expiration date.

1 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
CBR0003 CBR3 Cookbooks & Recipes
  • Sandy Peterson
Be Present at Our Table
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This cookbook contains 476 pages of recipes of Centenary United Methodist Church in Winston-Salem, NC It was compiled by the United Methodist Women in 2010. The recipes include a full range of meal offerings. 1 1 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
CBR0002 CBR2 Cookbooks & Recipes
  • Sandy Peterson
Gardeners' Community Cookbook
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Smith & Hawken's Gardeners' Community Cookbook, compiled by Victoria Wise, contains 400 recipes from 300 contributors from all 50 states including famous chefs, gardeners, and writers. The recipes give a cross section of Creative American Garden Cooking. 1 0 000019.0 19 .00005E7 5
CBR0001 CBR1 Cookbooks & Recipes
  • Sandy Peterson
Atlanta Cooknotes
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This is an extensive compilation of recipes from The Junior League of Atlanta, their 80th Anniversary edition published in 1996. In addition to 400 pages of recipes from Hors d'Oeuvres to Desserts it includes pictures and footnotes of historical locations around Atlanta. 1 1 000012.0 12 .00005E7 5
HMT0014 HMT14 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Elsbeth van Tongeren
Why be colorful? Be bland!
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100% wool women’s size 10. Washable. You’ll love these! 1 0 000035.0 35 .00035E7 35
M0005 M5 Miscellaneous
  • Katie Donovan
Mirror, mirror on the Wall Hand made, very whimsical mirror perfect for kids room or bathroom or anywhere you want. The mirror is 9"x10" and the frame is 16"x32" all hand painted and decorated. 1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
F0015 F15 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Katie Donovan
Fresh Apple Cake
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I will make you a fresh apple cake
You pick a date, I'll do the work
Serves 10-12 people
Pick up at my house.
1 0 000050.0 50 .0001E7 10
HG0003 HG3 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Sandy Peterson
Trader Joe's Cotton Napkins embroidered with 8 vegetables
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Eight cotton napkins, 20" square, each embroidered with a different vegetable. 1 0 000050.0 50 .0001E7 10
HMT0013 HMT13 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Dawn Carney-Meriwether and Chuck Meriwether
Handcrafted Wood Bookmarks Set2
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Chuck uses a scroll saw to cut out these designs. Both bookmarks are made from cherry wood. One is a footprint and one is a chalice. 1 1 000012.0 12 .00006E7 6
F0014 F14 Food & Kitchen Items
  • SAM brooks
Cheesecake that serves eight!
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WOW! Back by popular demand: Sam Brook's famous cheesecake! So for your next dinner party, you dont have to worry about dessert!

Serves eight.

Sam needs 5 days notice. :)

2 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
F0013 F13 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Teri Brooks
  • Carlos Bailey
Butter Pecan Cookies - 2 dozen
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Freshly baked for you - yummy pecan cookies with browned butter and vanilla. One taster said "these are dangerous". 2 0 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15
HMT0012 HMT12 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Dawn Carney-Meriwether and Chuck Meriwether
Handcrafted Wood Bookmarks Set1
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Chuck uses a scroll saw to cut out these designs. One bookmark is made from cherry wood and shows a peace dove. The other is made from walnut wood and is a chalice. 1 0 000012.0 12 .00006E7 6
J0004 J4 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Teri Brooks
  • Carlos Bailey
New silver ball drop earrings
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Pretty earrings in a pink satin case. 1 0 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5
M0004 M4 Miscellaneous
  • Teri Brooks
  • Carlos Bailey
Flowered cloth basket (new)
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Cute basket for gift presentation, bringing your supplies to a meeting.
Red lining, with handles on each end. 6 inches tall, 8 inches wide, 6.5 inches across.
1 1 000020.0 20 .00009E7 9
HG0004 HG4 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Teri Brooks
  • Carlos Bailey
Beautiful Southwestern Design Mugs (new)
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Mug pair in cream, brown, orange. Very attractive and useful. 1 1 000012.0 12 .00008E7 8
F0012 F12 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Teri Brooks
  • Carlos Bailey
Holy Water Mug - unused
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This mug came from the UU Hysterical Society on Facebook. Reads "Now with 20% more holy water"

You can use the holy water of your choice.

1 1 000005.0 5 .00005E7 5
Z0001 Z1 Zoom Services & Events
  • Dawn Carney-Meriwether and Chuck Meriwether
Giving Attention to Important You!
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In a 45 minute Zoom 1:1 conversation, we will explore how your values light the way. Make your bid today and let’s look forward to connecting and being curious together!

“It is the light in the lantern which shows you the path, not the lantern.” - A Yogi Tea Message

To learn more about me as a professional coach, please visit my website. Thank you! Dawn www.dawncarneycoaching.com

I look forward to meeting you and seeing you via Zoom!

1 1 000150.0 150 .0004E7 40
BBW0004 BBW4 Bar, Beer, & Wine: Events & Items
  • Susan McDaniel & Pat Smith
  • Barb Chapman
A Little Nog for the Holidays.
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Do you love the homemade eggnog served at the greening? Take home a quart of homemade eggnog for your holidays! This eggnog, made by Barb Chapman and Susan McDaniel from an old McDaniel family recipe, will be available at the end of November.

**** This is an alcoholic beverage and may not be bid on or picked up by anyone under the age of 21. ****

10 0 000025.0 25 .0002E7 20
F0011 F11 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Dorothy Hammett & Brad Kosiba
Cheesecake - Gluten-Free or Not
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I will deliver to your home this classic dessert for your indulgence. This rich, creamy treat is big enough to share, or spread your enjoyment over several days, it keeps fine in the frig. This is a 9" cake, full size and full of flavor. The conversion for gluten-free is simple, that is the choice of the winner. Optional fudge or fruit topping included.
Date of delivery by mutual agreement
2 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
F0010 F10 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Dorothy Hammett & Brad Kosiba
Fig Pickin'
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A special treat - pick your fill of brown turkey figs from our yard. This is for July/August 2025 when the figs ripen. The figs are from 2 large trees - likely over 30 years old. During the peak of a good season you can pick 4-5 quarts in a quick hour (we will help). You will have enough precious fruit to make jam, chutney, fig cake, etc. or eat your fill and more. Date will be mutually agreed by Brad and Dorothy and the winners. 2 0 000050.0 50 .0002E7 20
EA0006 EA6 Entertainment & Activities
  • Dorothy Hammett & Brad Kosiba
Visit Our Bees
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Enjoy a couple of hours on a warm spring day by yourself or with another adult or older child (5th grade and up) visiting with some of our bees. Learn a bit about bees and beekeeping. Suit up (beekeeper veil/suit provided) and delve into the magical world of a working beehive. We might even catch a glimpse of her majesty laying some eggs! Take home a small jar of our honey and a beeswax product. Caution – You may get stung… with a sudden interest in beekeeping! (Chapel Hill 27517)

No one with uncontrolled bee sting allergies please.

1 0 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
F0009 F9 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Alice Recane
700W 0.7 Cubic Ft Countertop Microwave
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Barely used and like new. Black. Dimensions: 16.5" W x 9" H x 12" D. For more details click here 1 1 000050.0 50 .0001E7 10
BLD0008 BLD8 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Genie Jansen
Indonesian Dinner
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Dinner will include Banbi, gado gado (Indonesian salad with peanut sauce), spiced pineapple stew and Bali chicken. Guests are invited to bring the beverage of their choice and beer is recommended. Genie's home at 407 Clayton Rd near Estes School. 6 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10 1/11/25 6:00 PM
S0005 S5 Services
  • Taryn Bonner
Hair Care
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I am a licensed Natural Hair Care Specialist. I will meet with you where I work or in your home. I do festival braids, natural styles, knotless braids, twists, locs and tutorials. 1 0 000075.0 75 .00025E7 25
BLD0007 BLD7 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Taryn Bonner
Salmon Dinner on A Mountain View
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You may or may not see a mountain, but that is the name of the street. Come enjoy a nice salmon dinner with me and/or the Hirsch family. (Hopefully they will be okay with this.) We can work on a date together! 5 0 000050.0 50 .0004E7 40
MU0005 MU5 Music: Lessons & Items
  • Taryn Bonner
Voice Lesson
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Come sing with me for 30 minutes and we can figure out your range, learn how to properly breathe and adjust your posture, project and have confidence! We can sing pop songs or that one song from the gray hymnal you just can't seem to get right. 1 0 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20 10/26/24 5:30 PM
MU0004 MU4 Music: Lessons & Items
  • Taryn Bonner
Voice Lesson
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Come sing with me for 30 minutes and we can figure out your range, learn how to properly breathe and adjust your posture, project and have confidence! We can sing pop songs or that one song from the gray hymnal you just can't seem to get right. 1 0 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20 10/26/24 4:00 PM
MU0003 MU3 Music: Lessons & Items
  • Taryn Bonner
Voice Lesson
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Come sing with me for 30 minutes and we can figure out your range, learn how to properly breathe and adjust your posture, project and have confidence! We can sing pop songs or that one song from the gray hymnal you just can't seem to get right. 1 0 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20 10/26/24 3:15 PM
MU0002 MU2 Music: Lessons & Items
  • Taryn Bonner
Voice Lesson
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Come sing with me for 30 minutes and we can figure out your range, learn how to properly breathe and adjust your posture, project and have confidence! We can sing pop songs or that one song from the gray hymnal you just can't seem to get right. 1 0 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20 10/26/24 4:45 PM
HG0001 HG1 Household Goods & Glassware
  • Selden Holt
Ceramic Pendant Light Fixture
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This ceramic pendant light is 9.5 inches tall, 15 inches wide at the base, and comes with an opaque white bulb cover. Perfect for a screened-in porch or over a table. 1 0 000250.0 250 .00025E7 25
EA0004 EA4 Entertainment & Activities
  • Selden Holt
  • Marion Hirsch
  • Heather O'Connor
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Sign up for an evening of fun hosted by the Youth Ministry Team on Friday, March 14 featuring the hilarious party game Fishbowl.

Learn or revel anew in the delights of Fishbowl, the favorite word game of youth retreats requiring players to generate and telegraph words to partners through verbal acuity, gesture, and memory. Qualified players are readers who can distinguish nouns from other parts of speech and can write legibly for the duration of at least one word. One place = one player.

20 1 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10
HMT0011 HMT11 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Elsbeth van Tongeren
Why blend in? “Stand out”! Wool socks. Women size 10
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You will stand out in these! Warm and colorful, washable. 1 0 000035.0 35 .00035E7 35
S0004 S4 Services
  • Ivy Brezina
Experience the Relaxing Energy of Reiki
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Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation, and may also promote healing. Treatments are administered by hands on healing and the recipient is fully clothed. As a Reiki Master Practitioner, Ivy has been offering Reiki to hospice patients, family and friends since 2002. The 1 hour treatment will be offered either in Ivy's home or yours, masked inside or unmasked outdoors, at a mutually agreed upon date and time. 2 0 000060.0 60 .0003E7 30
F0008 F8 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Barbara Bibb
2024 Homemade Applesauce
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Get a quart of applesauce -- cooked up from 2024 apples. It is currently frozen to preserve it. It can be thawed and heated to recreate the smells and taste of freshly milled apples. Contains only apples. 5 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
HMT0010 HMT10 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Beverly Kawalec
Hand-carved African Folk Art
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This beautiful pair of African statues is hand carved from ebony. Each is approximately 23 inches high. The venerable old gentleman is holding a walking stick and wearing a traditional African skirt. The handsome younger woman is wearing beads, bracelets and a skirt. She is holding a wooden tool over her shoulder. Each is carved in intricate detail bringing the figures to life. You can zoom in on this picture here under Hand-Made Treasures. 1 1 000075.0 75 .00025E7 25
M0003 M3 Miscellaneous
  • Larry Diegel
Outdoor Heater 46K BTU Patio Propane Heater with wheels and Cover
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Ragland Outdoor Heater 46000 BTU Patio Propane Heater with wheels and Cover (Industrial grade) 1 0 000400.0 400 .001E7 100
A0008 A8 Art for Walls
  • Ed Steffes
Decorative Guitar
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Guitar frame decorated with over 100 pieces of "jewelry." One-of-kind creation by Julie Denney. 32" long, 12" wide, with sturdy bracket on back for hanging. 1 0 000120.0 120 .0004E7 40
J0003 J3 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Don & Susan Blanchard
Ethiopian Scarf - Colorful
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This scarf is bronze colored and features printed stain glass patterns. Half of the scarf is shown. The other half looks the same. Could be used as a table runner: 26" W x 73.5" L. This was a gift to our daughter-in-law during a trip to Ethiopia. 1 1 000025.0 25 .00005E7 5
J0002 J2 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Don & Susan Blanchard
Ethiopian Scarf - Gray
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This scarf is 29.5"W x 76" L and features the same pattern on both end. The colors are gray, white, and bronze. It could also be used as a table runner. This was a gift to our daughter-in-law when she was on a trip to Ethiopia. 1 0 000025.0 25 .00005E7 5
HMT0009 HMT9 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Don & Susan Blanchard
Ethiopian Purse
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This hand-made purse was a gift to our daughter-in-law on a trip to Ethiopia. The Aramaic symbol on the front represents "1." The purse is 9.5" W x 8.5" L and is 4" deep at the bottom. There is an adjustable strap that will extend from 47" to 52" 1 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
J0001 J1 Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
  • Don & Susan Blanchard
Ugandan Bag and Accessories
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This lovely blue cloth bag from Kampala Fair ("ethical fashion, gorgeously fair" according to their website) was gifted to our daughter-in-law on a trip to Uganda. It is 14.5" W x 15.25" L and comes with a small, beaded leather purse (5" W x 7.25" L) and beaded key chain (1.75" D X 0.75" H). 1 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
S0003 S3 Services
  • David Geneve
Convert CD to MP3
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I will convert a CD collection to MP3 to allow it to be played on mobile devices. I can help you get the music onto your device. 3 0 000050.0 50 .0001E7 10
PGT0003 PGT3 Puzzles, Games, & Toys for All Ages
  • Glenn Davis
Carved Stone Chess Set with Case
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Beautiful Carved Stone Chess set in velvet lined case. Case with chess board.

12" square

1 1 000095.0 95 .0004E7 40
M0002 M2 Miscellaneous
  • Jerel Bonner
Skull Candy Terrain Mini Bluetooth Speaker
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IPX7 Waterproof Mini Bluetooth Speaker - Take our speaker to the beach or pool without worrying about damage- whether it’s a bonfire on the beach, a post-hike camp cooldown, or the pre-game tailgate, our adventure-ready small Bluetooth speaker is built to handle whatever Mother Nature dishes out.

With Charging Cable

Portable & Durable- Skullcandy's mini wireless Bluetooth speaker comes with a nylon wrist wrap for easy carrying. The waterproof woven fabric mesh is engineered to allow maximum range of audio waves to pass through.

1 0 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15
F0007 F7 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Don & Susan Blanchard
TOMOCA Coffee Beans
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Brought home from Ethiopia by our daughter-in-law during one of her trips to Africa. The warning on the label says: "Please enjoy responsibly, having too much TOMOCA may result in ideas marching like an army into your mind." 375 gm 1 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
PGT0002 PGT2 Puzzles, Games, & Toys for All Ages
  • Glenn Davis
Beautiful carved Chess Set in inlaid mahogany and sycamore case
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Enjoy playing chess with this large and beautifully carved set!

Carrying case opens to become game board, made of inlaid sycamore and mahogany.

23" square.

1 0 000200.0 200 .00075E7 75
S0002 S2 Services
  • John Lestina
Handyman Service
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Will provide 2 hours of general handyman work. (Change sink faucets, replace toilets, replace door locks, etc.). No work on roofs or tall ladders. Bid for 2 if you need 4 hours of work and bid 3 if you need 6 hours of work done. 3 0 000225.0 225 .0005E7 50
F0006 F6 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Mary and Jim George
Fresh Apple Cake
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This is a perfect cake to enjoy on a lovely fall day as you watch the leaves fall and feel a cool breeze on your skin. You can’t go wrong with a cake that includes fresh fall apples, cinnamon, cloves, allspice, butter and brown sugar! 1 0 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20
F0005 F5 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Kari and Art Andrade
Chef in your home
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You shop and I cook. I will come to your home and be your personal chef and cook a meal or several dishes for you and your friends and/or family. Possibilities also include a diner party, prep for several meals or make ahead freezer meal etc. Menu/ dishes to be decided by mutual agreement and cooking lessons included if you’d like. Up to 3 hours. 1 0 000150.0 150 .0005E7 50
HMT0008 HMT8 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Patty Ahalt
Hand knit cotton dishcloths
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Dishcloths approx 7 inches square, cotton. Center pattern is Bee stitch, which is a mesh that dries easily. Machine wash and dry.

This set includes yellow, white, and pink. Three dishcloths.

Arrange for pickup plans after auction ends.

1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
A0006 A6 Art for Walls
  • Joan and Bill Meade
Below Looking Glass Falls by Joan Meade
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"Below Looking Glass Falls" is an 8" x 8" square painting, inspired by a trip to the mountains in October 2023 with Outdoor Connections. The reference photo was taken by Joy Hewitt. The painting was done with Joan's sculptural acrylic technique and depicts the creek as it flows away from Looking Glass Falls near Brevard, NC. You can see the painting on display in the Commons during the bidding period. 1 0 000150.0 150 .00075E7 75
S0001 S1 Services
  • Peggy Cohn
Silver polishing
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If you have silverware settinngs or silver serving pieces that you would love to use but dread to polish, then you're in luck! Three fortunate bidders will turn over their tarnished place settings or 3 larger items and they will be returned with a beautiful shine. 3 2 000030.0 30 .00025E7 25
BBW0003 BBW3 Bar, Beer, & Wine: Events & Items
  • Joan M O Brien
  • Michael Recane
Homemade Limoncello
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Homemade Limoncello, 16 ounce bottle. Lemon flavored liquor made with fresh organic lemons. Excellent after dinner dessert liquor or citrusy addition to your sangria. Mixes well with soft drinks and juices for a refreshing cocktail. Bidders must be over 21. Limoncello will be delivered on or about November 1st. 5 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
A0005 A5 Art for Walls
  • Marni Goldshlag & Trey Kennedy
Fenced In
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Mixed Media painting by Marni- collage, cold wax and oil paint. Framed. 16"x12".
Will be shown in the Commons in September and October. You can zoom in on this picture here under Art for the Walls.
1 1 000300.0 300 .00125E7 125
A0004 A4 Art for Walls
  • Marni Goldshlag & Trey Kennedy
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Mixed media painting by Marni- molding paste, collage, cold wax and oil paint. Framed. 9"x11"
Will be displayed in the Commons in September and October. You can zoom in on this picture here under Art for the Walls.
1 1 000150.0 150 .00075E7 75
EA0003 EA3 Entertainment & Activities
  • Ginger & Derek Long
Duplicate Bridge Game
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Come join fellow bridge players for an afternoon of duplicate bridge. Snacks and coffee/tea provided. Bridge experience is necessary, but you don't need to be a master player. There will likely be lots of discussion after the hands! 7 4 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15 1/19/25 3:00 PM
A0003 A3 Art for Walls
  • Barbara Miwa
Campo Madalena by Barlow
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A beautiful print of a Venice canal. Professionally framed. 29 inches by 32 inches, measured at the outside of the frame. 1 1 000450.0 450 .001E7 100
HMT0007 HMT7 Hand-Made Treasures
  • Doug Shier
Handwoven Brazilian floor mat
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Handwoven 25"x 41" rug from artists' cooperative in Diamantina, Brazil. 1 0 000060.0 60 .00015E7 15
A0002 A2 Art for Walls
  • Doug Shier
To Be or Not to Be (Serigraph)
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Framed 20" x 16" serigraph "To Be or Not to Be" by Anatole Krasnyansky. Display your support for Ukrainian artists. 1 0 000060.0 60 .00015E7 15
BLD0006 BLD6 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Orval Osborne
La Dolce Vita (Autumn)
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Join Chef Orval Osborne and Sous Chef Rev. Carolyn Price for an intimate Italian supper party at our home. We'll linger over multiple courses (vegetarian) and libations (alcoholic and non), all infused with the spirit of connection. Limit 4 people. 4 1 000035.0 35 .0002E7 20 11/16/24 4:00 PM
EA0002 EA2 Entertainment & Activities
  • Peter Hendee
  • Lynn Hendee
Modern Board Games - March 8, 2025
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Modern boardgames are becoming popular and mainstream. Enjoy an afternoon/evening of casual gaming at our home. No experience necessary and all levels of gamers are welcome. Teenagers and adults only, please. Arrive and leave on your own schedule. Heavy hors d'oeuvres will be served. 7 0 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15 3/8/25 3:00 PM
EA0001 EA1 Entertainment & Activities
  • Peter Hendee
  • Lynn Hendee
Modern Board Games - January 18, 2025
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Modern boardgames are becoming popular and mainstream. Enjoy an afternoon/evening of casual gaming at our home. No experience necessary and all levels of gamers are welcome. Teenagers and adults only, please. Arrive and leave on your own schedule. Heavy hors d'oeuvres will be served. 7 2 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15 1/18/25 3:00 PM
M0001 M1 Miscellaneous
  • Jerel Bonner
Brand new School Backpacks
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6 in 1 kids backpack. Great Xmas gifts for Spring or Summer activities or school.

Great deal, MSRP is $20.00. Bidding value is for one pack.

2 2 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15
BLD0005 BLD5 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Jennifer Dolan
Louisiana Gumbo Dinner with Cooking Demonstration
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Have you ever wanted to learn how to make the perfect roux, the base for many Louisiana dishes? Come for dinner only or to learn how to make Gumbo before dinner begins. We'll make a Chicken & Turkey Sausage Gumbo (no seafood), of course starting with the roux. Then have a 3 course meal. Salad, Gumbo, Desert. Wine included.
I grew up in Baton Rouge and love to share Cajun food with adverturous palates!
12 -1 000025.0 25 .0002E7 20 11/1/24 6:00 PM
BLD0004 BLD4 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Paige Smith
  • Jason Smith
Spanish language speaking (mostly) Tapas dinner
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We know many of you, like us, are learning Spanish! Nos divertiremos hablando en español (mostly) y comiendo tapas españoles! We will play a few interactive games we learned in our classes to stimulate easy conversation. (More on this when you sign up). To accompany our tapas we will have regular and no alcohol white wine sangria and other drinks as well. Nosotros esperamos la fiesta! 6 0 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25 2/1/25 6:00 PM
V-L0001 V-L1 Vacation & Lodging
  • Paige Smith
  • Jason Smith
Relax! Renew! Rejoice! North Myrtle Beach vacation
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Back by popular demand! Our beach front condo is the perfect place to unwind, renew and just have fun. Stroll to the beach to watch the sunrise, relax in the (seasonally heated) outdoor pools and hot tubs, indoor pool and hot tub or visit many of NMBs year round shows, shops, golf courses and restaurants. The one bedroom condo has two queen beds and a sleeper sofa in the living area; there are 2 steps with handrail between the bedrooms and the living area. All you need to bring is your food, toiletries, clothes, and beach chairs. At Beach Cove Resort in the Windy Hill Section of NBM, the condo is close to much the area has to offer—although you can park your car and never leave! Offer is for 4-nights, November though April (some exceptions apply). Feel free to reach out if you want to discuss dates ahead of bidding. (View in the photo is from the balcony). https://www.beachcove.com 1 0 000800.0 800 .0025E7 250
HMT0006 HMT6 Hand-Made Treasures
  • QUUilters
Quilted shoulder totebag
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This lovely quilted shoulder bag was made by Jamie Nunnelly as a member of the church qUUilters. The bag measures 13"h x 14"w x 2.75"w. 1 1 000075.0 75 .00025E7 25
HMT0005 HMT5 Hand-Made Treasures
  • QUUilters
Quilted shoulder totebag with matching zippered pouch
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This beautiful set of quilted shoulder bag and zippered pouch was made by Carol Rogers as a member of the church qUUilters. The shoulder bag measures 13"h x 13.5"w x 3"d. The zippered pouch measures 7"h x 9"w x 2"d. 1 1 000120.0 120 .0004E7 40
HMT0004 HMT4 Hand-Made Treasures
  • QUUilters
"Diamonds in the Rough" set of 4 quilted placemats
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This striking set of quilted placemats was made by Joy Mermin as a member of the church qUUilters. Each placemat measures 15" x 18" and is appropriate to use through all seasons of the year. 1 0 000120.0 120 .0004E7 40
HMT0003 HMT3 Hand-Made Treasures
  • QUUilters
"Peaches & Cream" set of 4 quilted placemats
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This beautiful set of quilted placemats, each measuring 14" x 18," was made by Carol Rogers as a member of the church qUUilters. The luscious and calm colors incorporated in these placemats will set a lovely table. 1 0 000120.0 120 .0004E7 40
HMT0002 HMT2 Hand-Made Treasures
  • QUUilters
"Junior Beachcomber" set of 6 quilted placemats
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This set of six colorful quilted placemats was made by Susan McDaniel as a member of the church qUUilters. The varying strips of fabric and stitching add to the fun of these table mats, each measuring about 12" x 16". 1 0 000105.0 105 .00035E7 35
HMT0001 HMT1 Hand-Made Treasures
  • QUUilters
"Beachcomber" set of 8 quilted placemats
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This wonderful set of eight quilted placemats was made by Susan McDaniel as a member of the church qUUilters. These colorful placemats hold a variety of fabric strips and quilting designs that make them fun and lively. Each mat measures about 13" x 17.5". 1 0 000180.0 180 .0006E7 60
F0004 F4 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Don & Susan Blanchard
Oatmeal Lace Cookies
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These crisp oatmeal cookies, made from butter and old-fashioned rolled oats, will melt in your mouth. The recipe and secrets for success have been passed down through my family. These cookies are always a Christmas favorite, but they are delicious any time. Each cookie is
~3" in diameter and is very thin. Four dozen (48) cookies will be delivered with one week's notice to a mutually agreed upon location.
1 0 000024.0 24 .0001E7 10
F0003 F3 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Don & Susan Blanchard
"Toad"aly Decadent Toffee Toads
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The only thing healthy about these delicious goodies is the small amount of natural peanut butter that is used to help hold things together. Ingredients include semi-sweet chocolate, peanut butter, and toffee chips as well as peanuts. 4 dozen available with two weeks' notice. Great for rounding out your Christmas party platters. Can be frozen for parceling out over several events. Delivered to you at a mutually agreed upon location. 1 0 000017.0 17 .00008E7 8
BLD0003 BLD3 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Don & Susan Blanchard
Spring-Summer Sunday Brunch Buffet at Croasdaile Village
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In 2024, Newsweek listed Croasdaile Village as the 3rd best Continuing Care Retirement Community in North Carolina (behind 1. Givens Estates in Asheville and 2. Twin Lakes in Burlington) and 23rd in the US. We moved here in April 2023 and love living here! One of the things we enjoy is the fabulous all-you-can eat Sunday brunch buffet. We'll gather at 11:15 am on a date TBD after the Spring-Summer menus have been published (probably in March 2025) so that we can pick the Sunday with the best options for the entrees and sides. Whatever the main dishes are (which include a carving station), you will also be able to get a made-to-order omelet, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, sweet rolls, grits, and, on some Sundays, biscuits with sausage gravy plus three desserts and a variety of premium ice creams. There is also a salad bar with greens and toppings and delicious fresh fruits. You won't go away hungry! If you are interested, we will include a tour of common spaces as well as our apartment. 4 1 000025.0 25 .00018E7 18
BLD0002 BLD2 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Don & Susan Blanchard
Fall-Winter Sunday Brunch Buffet at Croasdaile Village
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In 2024, Newsweek listed Croasdaile Village as the 3rd best Continuing Care Retirement Community in North Carolina (behind 1. Givens Estates in Asheville and 2. Twin Lakes in Burlington) and 23rd in the US. We moved here in April 2023 and love living here! One of the things we enjoy is the fabulous all-you-can eat Sunday brunch buffet. We'll gather at 11:15 am on a date TBD after the Fall-Winter menus have been published (probably in late October) so that we can pick the Sunday with the best options for the entrees and sides. Whatever the main dishes are (which include a carving station), you will also be able to get a made-to-order omelet, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, sweet rolls, grits, and, on some Sundays, biscuits with sausage gravy plus three desserts and a variety of premium ice creams. There is also a salad bar with greens and toppings and delicious fresh fruits. You won't go away hungry! If you are interested, we will include a tour of common spaces as well as our apartment. 4 0 000025.0 25 .00018E7 18 2/2/25 11:15 AM
F0002 F2 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Jerel Bonner
Monster Meat Spicy Chili
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Greening of the Sanctuary Chili Dinner recommended.

Nothing is more warming than a hot bowl of spicy chili on a cold winter night. Add some cheese and sour cream, and you'll have a meal for days without taking days to cook it.

By Community member requests, I'm offering to cook 3.5 quarts of my secret recipe chili. Chili contest winner as well.

After your winning bid is approved, we'll arrange a delivery date.

Very spicy so not for the faint of heart.

2 0 000035.0 35 .0002E7 20
BBW0002 BBW2 Bar, Beer, & Wine: Events & Items
  • Jerel Bonner
Pair of Beer Mugs
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Pair of heavy duty beer mugs. 5 oz

See item BBW5 for matching, slightly larger mugs.

1 1 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
BBW0001 BBW1 Bar, Beer, & Wine: Events & Items
  • Jerel Bonner
Pair of Beer Mugs
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Pair of heavy duty beer mugs. 6 oz

See item BBW6 for matching, slightly smaller mugs.

2 2 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5
MU0001 MU1 Music: Lessons & Items
  • Jerel Bonner
DOSS Bluetooth Portable Speaker
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DOSS Bluetooth Speaker, SoundBox Touch Portable Wireless Speaker with 12W HD Sound and Bass, IPX5 Water-Resistant, 20H Playtime, Touch Control, Handsfree, Speaker for Home, Outdoor, Travel-Black

Includes charging cable and 3.5mm stereo jack

Superior Sound Quality: Enjoy your music in 12W full-bodied stereo realized through dual high-performance drivers and unique enhanced bass.
Capacitive Touch Control: Easy-to-use touch controls allow you to amplify the mood and energy of the party. Change tracks, volume and pair effortlessly with just a simple touch.
Water-resistant Protection: With IPX5 Water-resistant, the DOSS Soundbox Touch speaker can work against water and other liquids' gentle splash. A good choice for summer days, poolside or beach parties, keep the music on your way.
Portable and Versatile: Enjoy high-definition stereo sound with an impressive volume whether you're lounging, partying, camping, hiking or biking.
Extended Playtime: Built-in Li-Ion rechargeable battery powers up to 20 hours of playtime at 50% volume. Recharge in 3-4 hours with the included micro USB cable.

1 0 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10
A0001 A1 Art for Walls
  • Susan Neulist
Swirl - a day at the beach
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This fiber collage is made of yarn and various fabrics of texture that are machine felted and stitched. It is 20.5 inches wide x 13.5 inches height. It represents a day at the beach.

This piece will be available for view in the Commons area with other Art for Wall pieces.

1 0 000200.0 200 .0005E7 50
BNF0005 BNF5 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Joan Garnett & Eric Henry
Deerproofing Your Yard and Gardeno
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Deer proofing Your Yard and Garden - 200 pages
2nd edition
Storey Publishing
By Rhonda Massingham Hart

The Buck Stops Here!

1 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
BNF0004 BNF4 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Joan Garnett & Eric Henry
2 books: 1. Sierra Club Guide: The Piedmont & 2. A Field Guide to Wild Flowers
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2 books: Sierra Club Naturalist’s Guide: The Piedmont & A Field Guide to Wild Flowers.

1. Sierra Club Naturalist’s Guide: The Piedmont - 498 pages
By Michael A. Godfrey
Introduction by Albert E. Redford
Sierra Club Books
Some Line drawings
Part 1 - The Piedmont defined
Part 2 - Cultivated Lands
Part 3 - Lands in Succession
Part 4 - Special Places

2. A Field Guide to Wild Flowers of Northeastern and North-central North America
A Visual Approach, arranged by Color, Form, and Detail.
By Roger Tory Peterson and Margaret McKenny
420 pages with MANY illustrations by Roger Tory Peterson
Houghton Miffin Company, Boston

1 1 000025.0 25 .00005E7 5
BNF0003 BNF3 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Joan Garnett & Eric Henry
2 books ( Seaweed at Ebb Tide) & (Seaweeds of the Connecticut Shore)
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Do you enjoy walking on the seashore? Learn how to identify the seaweeds you find.

2 books
1. Seaweed at Ebb Tide by Muriel Lewinsky Guberlet - 182 pages
All the seaweeds are illustrated with line drawings by Elizabeth L. Curtis
University of Washington Press

2. Seaweeds of the Connecticut Shore, A Wader’s Guide -36 pages
Connecticut Arboretum Bulletin No 18
Photographs and drawings

1 1 000006.0 6 .00005E7 5
BNF0002 BNF2 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Joan Garnett & Eric Henry
Simon & Schuuster’s Complete Guide to Plants and Flowers
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Simon & Schuuster’s Complete Guide to Plants and Flowers
Over 500 full color illustrations, with a unique concise key for sunlight and water and blooming season.
Edited by Francise Perry

522 plants, plus glossary and index.

1 1 000012.0 12 .00005E7 5
BNF0001 BNF1 Books (Non-fiction)
  • Joan Garnett & Eric Henry
The Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening
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The Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening - 1236 pages
By the staff of the Organic Gardening magazine.
Rodale Press

In excellent shape.

1 1 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
F0001 F1 Food & Kitchen Items
  • Bella Yaguda
12-Month Bread Subscription
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Once a month for a YEAR (hurray!), receive a delivery of fresh bread made by home-baker Bella! Bread type may vary month to month, and will be delivered to your home on the first Wednesday of the month (unless another day/location is arranged). Allergies & special events like holidays can be accommodated. Imagine… One large loaf? A batch of rolls? Mysterious third option neither of us has thought of yet? The possibilities are endless.

Note: Winning this item requires some Logistical Communication with yours truly -- keep in mind before you bid!

1 0 000070.0 70 .00015E7 15
SP0001 SP1 Sports & Outdoor Activities
  • Kathleen Farinola and Bill Vanke
Sparkle On Medal Hanger
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Celebrate your achievements in those races by displaying the medals you've won on this encouraging "Sparkle On" medal hanger. Heavyweight metal, 10 hooks, 20 inches wide by 6 inches high. Note: wall mounting screws not included. 1 1 000035.0 35 .00015E7 15
PGT0001 PGT1 Puzzles, Games, & Toys for All Ages
  • Kathleen Farinola and Bill Vanke
Adorable Puppets
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Lions and tigers and bears…even a dragon! 28 like new, well-crafted, plush hand puppets, perfect for classroom story times, birthday parties, music programs, etc. I used them pre-pandemic when Danny Gotham and I were doing music programs with preschoolers. The puppets are lonesome and need new adventures! 1 0 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
BLD0001 BLD1 Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Events
  • Kathleen Farinola and Bill Vanke
Brunch and Chautauqua Travelogue
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What do Ulysses Grant, Amelia Earhart, Franklin Roosevelt and Bob Woodward have in common? They’ve all been to the 150-year-old Chautauqua Institution in New York state. Curious about Chautauqua’s history and its multi-faceted summer programs? Want to know how to access this beautiful New York lakeside community that hosts world-class lectures, concerts, classes, outdoor activities, and more? We know some of you are, because you’ve asked us to repeat last year’s sellout brunch that included a slide show of our Chautauqua experiences. We’ll serve a delicious vegetarian frittata and a quiche, fresh fruit, freshly baked muffins and bread, and roasted vegetables. We’ll greet you with mimosas and other beverages, plus some welcoming tidbits. In addition to the updated slide show (we’re going again this summer), we'll provide information packets. Come see why Chautauqua has been called “An American Utopia.” And there’s a UU house for guests! You can find more pictures here under Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Events. 6 0 000040.0 40 .0003E7 30 1/11/25 11:00 AM
  • Community Church
Greening of the Church 4-8PM This item is NOT a biddable item.It has been added because it is on the church calendar. Please do not schedule a donated event on this date after 3 PM 1 1 001000.0 1,000 .01E7 1,000 12/7/24 4:00 PM
  • Community Church
Music Gala and Reception This item is NOT a biddable item.It has been added because it is on the church calendar. Please do not schedule a donated event on this date and time. 1 1 001000.0 1,000 .01E7 1,000 4/12/25 6:00 PM
  • Community Church
Community Church Day of Service This is NOT a biddable item. It has been added because it is on the Church calendar. Please don't schedule an event on this day before 5 PM. 1 1 001000.0 1,000 .01E7 1,000 3/1/25 7:00 AM
  • Community Church
Community Church Concert Series - The Henhouse Prowlers This is NOT a biddable item. It has been added because it is on the Church calendar. Please do not schedule a donated event on this date and time. Tickets can be purchased here. Please don't schedule an event against this one. 1 1 000037.0 37 .00037E7 37 2/8/25 7:30 PM
  • Community Church
Community Church Concert Series - The Gibson Brothers This is NOT a biddable item. It has been added because it is on the Church calendar. Please do not schedule a donated event on this date and time. Tickets can be purchased here. Please don't schedule an event against this one. 1 1 000035.0 35 .00035E7 35 1/4/25 7:30 PM
  • Community Church
Community Church Concert Series - The Kruger Brothers This is NOT a biddable item. It has been added because it is on the Church calendar. Please do not schedule a donated event on this date and time. Tickets can be purchased here. Please don't schedule an event against this one. 1 1 000040.0 40 .0004E7 40 12/6/24 7:30 PM
  • Community Church
Community Church Concert Series - County Gongbang Oct 4 This is NOT a biddable item. It has been added because it is on the Church calendar. Please do not schedule a donated event on this date and time. Tickets can be purchased here. Please don't schedule an event against this one. 1 1 000033.0 33 .00033E7 33
  • Community Church
Community Church Play - The SponseBob Musical This item is not biddable. It has been added because it is on the church calendar. Please do not schedule a donated event on this date and time. 1 1 001000.0 1,000 .01E7 1,000 11/24/24 3:00 PM
  • Community Church
Community Church Play - The SpongeBob Musical This item is NOT biddable. It has been added because it is on the church calendar. Please do not schedule a donated event on this date and time. 1 1 001000.0 1,000 .01E7 1,000 11/23/24 5:00 PM
  • Community Church
Community Church Play: The SpongeBob Musical This item is NOT biddable.It has been added because it is on the church calendar. Please do not schedule a donated event on this date and time. 1 1 001000.0 1,000 .01E7 1,000 11/22/24 5:00 PM
D0003 D3 Donations ($$ only, no goods)
  • Community Church
Bronze Donor
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Help the Fall Auction raise money for the annual operating budget by making a donation at the bronze level of $25. 75 74 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25
UU0001 UU1 Unitarian Universalist Curios
  • Community Church
Prestige Parking Space for Sunday Service
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Enjoy the luxury of having a reserved parking space at the corner nearest the church, every Sunday morning for a whole year! No need for those long treks from the far end of the parking lot and back in all kinds of weather. This designated parking spot on Sunday mornings could be yours beginning on October 22, 2023 through the Sunday before the 2024 Fall Auction. 2 0 000075.0 75 .0005E7 50
D0002 D2 Donations ($$ only, no goods)
  • Community Church
Silver Donor
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Help the Fall Auction raise money for the annual operating budget by making a donation at the silver level of $50. 50 47 000050.0 50 .0005E7 50
D0001 D1 Donations ($$ only, no goods)
  • Community Church
Gold Donor
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Increase the quantity to help even more! Help the Fall Auction raise money for the annual operating budget by making a donation at the gold level of $100. 25 10 000100.0 100 .001E7 100