First UU Auction Saturday, February 25, 2017 - Superheroes Then & Now
"Saving the World One Bid at a Time!"

Thanks to everyone who made our auction a big success. Together we raised $33,069.75 this year to support our ministry, which was above our $30,000 goal. We also raised an additional $10,000 before the live auction to fund a new intern. That's awesome!

Click the Statement link to see what you got and/or who purchased your items/events.

Even with the auction 65 days behind us, you can still make corrections on your statement to your donated item descriptions or event dates. If you do, please remember to contact everyone involved.

Less stuff, more fellowship!

Auction Events and CoVid-19 – Rescheduling Recommended

With Governor DeWine’s Stay at Home order replaced by his Ohioans Protecting Ohioans recommendations, please consider the safety of your guests if you are sponsoring an upcoming auction event. First, determine if you are able to hold your event under CDC guidelines (group size 10 or less, social distancing, masks). If you feel you can provide a safe environment, next please contact your guests to determine their comfort level with attending your event. If any guests would prefer not to attend, we encourage you to err on the side of caution and reschedule your event. If you feel you cannot provide a safe environment and your event is coming up, please log in to the auction website, go to your event listing and use the “Email all” option to notify your guests that you will be rescheduling when conditions permit.

You may want to take advantage of Doodle to help pick a new date.

We encourage event hosts to update your event descriptions, especially the date, so that automatic reminder emails don't go out with incorrect info. We can help you do this - just email the auction team and we can make changes for you.

Thanks for your understanding and consider using Zoom or other online means to stay socially connected at a safe physical distance. Ohio's COVID-19 website is a good source of information about when these guidelines may be revised.

Your First UU Auction Team
Ohio's COVID-19 website suggests reasonable precautions can be very effective in reducing our risk. So, if you are an event host, we'd like to ask you to consider rescheduling missed events as soon as you feel you can safely do so. With masks and seating farther apart or even outdoors, we can't go back to normal or even nearly-normal yet, but we can carefully find a new 'not-so-nearly' normal. As we do, this will help our auction team start planning for next year.
Update your Zoom

Auction Zoom Party
Sunday, February 21, @ 7:30

Toast & Trivia

    Gather and win gift cards
  1.  Signature Cocktail Demonstration & Toast
  2.  Through the Looking Glass Trivia Game with prizes.
  3.  Auction Appreciation.

Live Auction

    Join the Live bidding on:
  1.  C13 Chalice Choir Anthem (Brandon Moss)
  2.  F11 Super Salmon Supper (Judy Kleen/Bob Mills)
  3.  C18 Yard Work from Millennial Covenant Group
  4.  C34 Condo from RCI (Alice & Ron Rathburn)
  5.  C27 Choose Sermon Topic (Rev. Marian) See full descriptions on Auction webpage.

Fun & Games

    Join Breakout rooms:
  1.  Masquerade Ball—Dress up from the neck up! Show off fun or fancy finery—prizes for most original, best of the theme, funniest.
  2.  Queen of Hearts Game Room—Trivia fun
  3.  White Rabbit Travel Agency—collaborate to find locations
  4.  The Adult “More than Tea” Party—We'll be making the cocktails listed and showing general preparation techniques. Buy the ingredients and mix along with us or grab your favorite adult beverage and join the discussions.

First UU Auction - January 21 - February 5, 2022

How do UUs weather a pandemic? They share treasures, experiences and themselves!

Big Thanks to everyone who helped make this year's all-online event a great success - Together we raised about $27,000!

View your statement and use the payment buttons to settle up. Allow a few days for your payment to appear.

Donors and Buyers should contact each other to arrange pickup of items.

Blue Boat Home - Lifting spirits, raising funds, restoring Earth

Let's go green together!

See our skit from last Sunday's service here.

This year's auction was a big hit - THANK YOU to all our terrific helpers!

The Fall Festival featured a live auction, food, games, and lots of fun!

In the 2 weeks of bidding leading up to our Festival and live auction Saturday October 22nd, we are happy to report that together we raised over $27,000 to support the mission and vision of our beloved First UU church! We truly did come Back Together for Our Future!

Scroll down for more information

Welcome! Our auction is an important fundraising event for the church and a great way to bring people together. Do you have a special talent, skill, or a unique service to offer? Can you host a dinner or offer an interesting outing? Then you've come to the right place. If you have questions about the auction, you can reach us at

Planning Events in a Pandemic - Be Flexible!

  • Most events through June 2021 may have to be virtual or outdoors, masked, and socially distanced. Please follow the recommendations on Ohio's COVID-19 website.
  • If you had to postpone a 2020 in-person event, please email us to reschedule for mid-summer or later. Likewise, Auction 2021 in-person events may be scheduled for the last six months of the year in accordance with state and federal COVID-19 guidelines.


Browse and bid on items & events (You can see past catalogs here too)

See when events are scheduled

View your events' guest lists & see your purchases

Donate items & events


We are focusing on services, dinners, excursions, vacations, and fellowship activities. Any items which are added to the website will be considered but may be gently declined so that we may focus our efforts more on donations which build fellowship and community. So please keep the food related services and all the wonderful things that we can share with each other, but save those precious objects for the rummage sale.

"Meals and More" BID SHEETS

It’s easy to bid on multi-seat dinners. If you want two places, write your paddle number NEATLY in two adjacent places. You can skip rows to bid higher if you like, or fill in behind those who have done so. Rows of seats with the HIGHEST bids win, then if a row won’t all fit, earlier bids from LEFT to RIGHT win.

The next auction will be nextAuctionDateTimeString and you can enter donations for it after nextAuctionActiveDateString.

Things to note about this year’s auction:

  • Our silent auction will again be online this year, with different items featured over each of the two weeks beginning January 21. A few live auction items will be available at the live in-person party on Saturday, 2/5/21 at 6:00-9:00 pm.

What if I want to make a financial donation?

(if you are looking for how to pay your balance due)
We are fortunate to have Paul Delphia - licensed professional auctioneer who has offered us his services again this year.